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Sensitive skin

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#1 shifter

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Posted 16 August 2008 - 11:30 PM

If I scratch my skin even a little, it stays red for ages. If I lie on grass, it leaves a horrible red rash. I sun burn very easily and a lot of the time my arms (only) feel quite dry. Now I have suddenly broken out in Hives on a lot of my body (which I have not had before) I have tried a 'non drowsy' anti-histamine, and its only been a day but the hives are only getting worse!

I remember as a kid I used to be able to play in long grass with no bad effects so this condition is not something I was 'born' with (so maybe there is hope). I hope there is some supplement or some factor in my diet I am not getting enough of or missing which will provide a solution to make my skin much more smooth and scratch resistant.

At this stage I am not so worried about the hives. I think I know its cause. I believe (perhaps you can confirm) that it was caused by phenylethylamine. From what I read it can cause allergic reactions such as rashes and as I also take 5mg selegiline a day that prevents its breakdown perhaps PEA being a 'pro'histamine? it enhances the side effects? I've had my fun with the stuff although I am going to turf the remainder. I've never got a reaction to it like this before but always a first I guess. Not looking for a next!

But basically what are some the causes of dry and sensitive skin and I'll see what I can do to correct this problem I've had for years (before I even started taking supplements).

#2 Matt

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Posted 17 August 2008 - 12:47 AM

Have you taken any antibiotics recently, theres quite a few classes that can make skin sensitive. I know after I took cipro my skin would turn red and stay red for ages only if scratched very slightly... I also had dry skin too. However it did go away after a few months. Can't really think of any solutions other than just to stay out of the sun really. It may go away on its own.

Edited by Matt, 17 August 2008 - 12:50 AM.

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#3 vyntager

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Posted 17 August 2008 - 12:54 AM

I've had permanent skin allergies, including rashes and urticaria for as long as I remember. I usually have to take some zyrtec - cetirizin every 3 days or so, else it'll be itching anywhere on my body, the more I'd scratch the more it'd propagate, and soon after I'll start coughing and feeling my throat rasping as well.

Have you had tests to determine everything you're allergic to ? It may not be enough, but it may help you single out a cause. For instance, mites, which can be pretty omnipresent in some places. It could be a constant source of allergens.

Another thing that may help with allergies is aspirin, as it can act on the pathway towards prostaglandin and leukotrienes.

Some food may worsen your condition. For instance, some people report that stopping drinking milk made them feel much better.

#4 shifter

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Posted 17 August 2008 - 05:02 AM

Haven't been on antibiotics for a long time and when I have it hasn't caused anything

The only thing I took that was different the day before the hives outbreak was a supplement I just bought that each capsule has

Zinc amino acid chelate (zinc 25mg) 125mg
Magnesium amino acid chelate (manesium 2mg) 10mg
Magnesium phosphate (Magnesium 8.3mg) 40mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) 25mg
Retinyl palmitate (Vitamine A 1250IU) 688mcg

I bought it for the Zinc and because it promotes as being good for skin disorders. I had taken 2 of the capsules.

Haven't been tested for any allergies before as I never really had been allergic to anything. I wondered if the cats in the house could have brought home anything into my room but have never had a problem with them in over 10 years and its the middle of a cold winter here so dont know if bed bugs or mites would be such a problem (and I'm the only one affected).

I'm wondering if I should stop the selegiline until this gets better but being a medication and effects in the brain I dont know if I should just go on/off at random.

If I was to stop eating dairy and gluten foods how long could it take to be rid of problems caused by them? I know that although they might not cause any significant problems, a lot of problems might be minor and not noticible and something that over the years people have 'just gotten used to' as a norm.

I'm not sure on the way hives usually work but mine gets worse or appears from nothing when anything touches the skin. I just had a haircut and now my neck and scalp are affected. Clothing inflames the skin. Even a light touch near an affected area makes it worse :(

I've had permanent skin allergies, including rashes and urticaria for as long as I remember. I usually have to take some zyrtec - cetirizin every 3 days or so, else it'll be itching anywhere on my body, the more I'd scratch the more it'd propagate, and soon after I'll start coughing and feeling my throat rasping as well.

Have you had tests to determine everything you're allergic to ? It may not be enough, but it may help you single out a cause. For instance, mites, which can be pretty omnipresent in some places. It could be a constant source of allergens.

Another thing that may help with allergies is aspirin, as it can act on the pathway towards prostaglandin and leukotrienes.

Some food may worsen your condition. For instance, some people report that stopping drinking milk made them feel much better.

#5 Eva Victoria

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Posted 17 August 2008 - 12:20 PM

Haven't been on antibiotics for a long time and when I have it hasn't caused anything

The only thing I took that was different the day before the hives outbreak was a supplement I just bought that each capsule has

Zinc amino acid chelate (zinc 25mg) 125mg
Magnesium amino acid chelate (manesium 2mg) 10mg
Magnesium phosphate (Magnesium 8.3mg) 40mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) 25mg
Retinyl palmitate (Vitamine A 1250IU) 688mcg

I bought it for the Zinc and because it promotes as being good for skin disorders. I had taken 2 of the capsules.

Haven't been tested for any allergies before as I never really had been allergic to anything. I wondered if the cats in the house could have brought home anything into my room but have never had a problem with them in over 10 years and its the middle of a cold winter here so dont know if bed bugs or mites would be such a problem (and I'm the only one affected).

I'm wondering if I should stop the selegiline until this gets better but being a medication and effects in the brain I dont know if I should just go on/off at random.

If I was to stop eating dairy and gluten foods how long could it take to be rid of problems caused by them? I know that although they might not cause any significant problems, a lot of problems might be minor and not noticible and something that over the years people have 'just gotten used to' as a norm.

I'm not sure on the way hives usually work but mine gets worse or appears from nothing when anything touches the skin. I just had a haircut and now my neck and scalp are affected. Clothing inflames the skin. Even a light touch near an affected area makes it worse :(

I've had permanent skin allergies, including rashes and urticaria for as long as I remember. I usually have to take some zyrtec - cetirizin every 3 days or so, else it'll be itching anywhere on my body, the more I'd scratch the more it'd propagate, and soon after I'll start coughing and feeling my throat rasping as well.

Have you had tests to determine everything you're allergic to ? It may not be enough, but it may help you single out a cause. For instance, mites, which can be pretty omnipresent in some places. It could be a constant source of allergens.

Another thing that may help with allergies is aspirin, as it can act on the pathway towards prostaglandin and leukotrienes.

Some food may worsen your condition. For instance, some people report that stopping drinking milk made them feel much better.

Please see a doctor asap. A forum like this cannot help you with something like this. Even though these hives are most likely caused by allergy, they can be a result of some serious illnesses. Hence the best is that a qualified medical practitioner has a look at them.

#6 shifter

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Posted 18 August 2008 - 11:07 PM

Went to a hospital yesterday to see what they thought. I had a blood test which showed no sign of infection. He also couldn't tell me exactly whats wrong. They said it maybe urticaria but definately an allergic reaction to something. They did not think it looked like hives. (They actually aren't moving from place to place, just calming down a bit). Also some of the rashes look like 'measles' some like pimples, some just as if the skin was painted a light red and some if I scratched the itch, a raised looking welt. I cant even rub my eyes without them turning red and looking 'infected' :(

The doctor gave me 3 different kinds of antihistamines. This seemed to calm it down a little and clear up, but as soon as I came back home, it became worse again. Something in there must be a trigger, although nothing is new. Good excuse for a major spring clean, wash everything and I've bought some of those 'ultrasonic' pest control things just incase.

As a test, I gave my forearm the lightest of scratches, just once. And in a few minutes it became a very red and inflamed looking rash for hours. Skin is definately hyper sensitive right now.

As I am now taking 4 types of antihistamines.

Haven't been on antibiotics for a long time and when I have it hasn't caused anything

The only thing I took that was different the day before the hives outbreak was a supplement I just bought that each capsule has

Zinc amino acid chelate (zinc 25mg) 125mg
Magnesium amino acid chelate (manesium 2mg) 10mg
Magnesium phosphate (Magnesium 8.3mg) 40mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) 25mg
Retinyl palmitate (Vitamine A 1250IU) 688mcg

I bought it for the Zinc and because it promotes as being good for skin disorders. I had taken 2 of the capsules.

Haven't been tested for any allergies before as I never really had been allergic to anything. I wondered if the cats in the house could have brought home anything into my room but have never had a problem with them in over 10 years and its the middle of a cold winter here so dont know if bed bugs or mites would be such a problem (and I'm the only one affected).

I'm wondering if I should stop the selegiline until this gets better but being a medication and effects in the brain I dont know if I should just go on/off at random.

If I was to stop eating dairy and gluten foods how long could it take to be rid of problems caused by them? I know that although they might not cause any significant problems, a lot of problems might be minor and not noticible and something that over the years people have 'just gotten used to' as a norm.

I'm not sure on the way hives usually work but mine gets worse or appears from nothing when anything touches the skin. I just had a haircut and now my neck and scalp are affected. Clothing inflames the skin. Even a light touch near an affected area makes it worse :(

I've had permanent skin allergies, including rashes and urticaria for as long as I remember. I usually have to take some zyrtec - cetirizin every 3 days or so, else it'll be itching anywhere on my body, the more I'd scratch the more it'd propagate, and soon after I'll start coughing and feeling my throat rasping as well.

Have you had tests to determine everything you're allergic to ? It may not be enough, but it may help you single out a cause. For instance, mites, which can be pretty omnipresent in some places. It could be a constant source of allergens.

Another thing that may help with allergies is aspirin, as it can act on the pathway towards prostaglandin and leukotrienes.

Some food may worsen your condition. For instance, some people report that stopping drinking milk made them feel much better.

Please see a doctor asap. A forum like this cannot help you with something like this. Even though these hives are most likely caused by allergy, they can be a result of some serious illnesses. Hence the best is that a qualified medical practitioner has a look at them.

#7 Eva Victoria

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Posted 19 August 2008 - 07:13 AM

Poor you! :(
But I am glad you went to a doctor!
Hope you'll get better very soon!

Edited by Eva Victoria, 19 August 2008 - 07:14 AM.

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