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My CX516 log

stargazer's Photo stargazer 19 Aug 2008

Hello all, I decided to finally start taking my CX516 and thought I might as well make a log of it as I presume there are many here on these boards who are interested in the new ampakines. I will try to update it as often as possible and report on its potential positive and negative effects. This log will be purely about the subjective effects and things like bloodwork will not be posted.

Disclaimer: This log may not accurately portray the chemical's true effect and is subject to both potentially a placebo-effect and other external factors. It serves merely as entertainment and nothing in it shall be taken as any sort of medical advice. CX516 is potentially hazardous to your health, do not take it without deep consideration first.

The log starts tomorrow, I'll leave today open for suggestions on what you people want from this log and I'll try to accomodate you as best I can. I apologize for all present and future mispellings and hope you all can disregard them as english is not my native tongue.
Edited by stargazer, 19 August 2008 - 01:55 PM.

skinniest200's Photo skinniest200 19 Aug 2008

My first question would have to be, how did you get some? It's ok if you don't want to answer, I just thought the stuff was close to impossible to get right now?

dr_chaos's Photo dr_chaos 19 Aug 2008

i second the skinniest200's question. pm me please stargazer. for informational purposes only of course.

The log starts tomorrow, I'll leave today open for suggestions on what you people want from this log and I'll try to accomodate you as best I can. I apologize for all present and future mispellings and hope you all can disregard them as english is not my native tongue.

bloodwork and most important cognitivefun.net statistics. but train those tasks first, please. otherwise your results will be skewed. i hope you stay healthy and taking the risk pays off for you :)

stargazer's Photo stargazer 21 Aug 2008

Day 1

Woke up at 4 a.m and was unable to sleep. Thought it was a good idea to test cx516's supposed fatigue-reducing effects. Dosing is unknown as I don't have a scale, if anyone knows of a good and inexpensive scale please feel free to recommend one. Amount of cx516 estimated to be at 1000mg+.

Effects: Tiredness from lack of sleep (slept 5 hours) went completely away much like it does on modafinil. My mood also improved significantly. The effects lasted almost 3 hours and shortly after I was able to sleep again. No side-effects noted.

skinniest200 & dr Chaos: I won't give out my supplier's contact information but something tells me you might be contacted if you show interest here on the forums :)

I have already training extensively with working memory exercises, spent much of last year practicing a couple of hours every day. My starting level on the cognitive fun site is 4-back, I'll practice it for 2 weeks every day before I test it with cx516 so the results doesn't get skewed.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 21 Aug 2008

I don't have a scale, if anyone knows of a good and inexpensive scale please feel free to recommend one

I can't believe you expect to give your subjective experience without a scale!!! I have a hard time believing this log is true.

Anyways, you can get a milligram scale on eBay .001g accuracy for $25. I got mine there, and it works well.

alpha2A's Photo alpha2A 21 Aug 2008

There are many affordable scales with +/- a few milligrams precision. Check eBay.

Furthermore, there is a good review site at: http://www.digitalscale.com/

Good luck.

stargazer's Photo stargazer 21 Aug 2008

I don't have a scale, if anyone knows of a good and inexpensive scale please feel free to recommend one

I can't believe you expect to give your subjective experience without a scale!!! I have a hard time believing this log is true.

Anyways, you can get a milligram scale on eBay .001g accuracy for $25. I got mine there, and it works well.

Haha, I laughed out loud when I read this. Indeed, I've been taking a new relatively untested chemical without a scale. The reasoning why I don't worry that much is because cortex pharmaceuticals themselves claim that it first becomes effective at 900 * 3 times a day or 1-2 grams+. Why does my lack of measurements have any bearing on this log? You either get an effect or you don't. If it's ineffective I won't experience any effects ever. I want to supply information on what dosage does what, that's the reason why I'm getting a scale, however, the main reason why I take cx516 is NOT because of this log but of personal reasons. This thread is just something I created to spread some light over this hyped chemical. I hope you keep reading and commenting my log and thank you for the tip regarding the scale.

dr_chaos's Photo dr_chaos 22 Aug 2008

I can't believe you expect to give your subjective experience without a scale!!! I have a hard time believing this log is true.

Measurements won't help us much, anyway. Even if he gives them to us we do no nothing about his weight, constitution and metabolism. I guess its enough to know that he is taking about 1 gram now. The best thing a scale can do is keep the dose constant.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 22 Aug 2008

I can't believe you expect to give your subjective experience without a scale!!! I have a hard time believing this log is true.

Measurements won't help us much, anyway. Even if he gives them to us we do no nothing about his weight, constitution and metabolism. I guess its enough to know that he is taking about 1 gram now. The best thing a scale can do is keep the dose constant.


Do you think in any scientific experiment that they would not use precise measurements? I can see that you know not much about chemistry/biology.

It's ok though. You will learn (hopefully) over time. :)

skinniest200's Photo skinniest200 23 Aug 2008

This is a good scale for the price

skinniest200 & dr Chaos: I won't give out my supplier's contact information but something tells me you might be contacted if you show interest here on the forums smile.gif

stargazer - are you the one were supposed to whore ourselves out to for some good white powder or is it somebody else? :)

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 23 Aug 2008

This is a good scale for the price

skinniest200 & dr Chaos: I won't give out my supplier's contact information but something tells me you might be contacted if you show interest here on the forums smile.gif

stargazer - are you the one were supposed to whore ourselves out to for some good white powder or is it somebody else? :)

I sure hope you're not talking about CX516. It is very weak. From what I've read so far, it is best for sleep deprivation. So, if you are one to not get enough sleep, this would be good. I'm sure that doesn't apply to anyone here though since inadequate sleep is simply not good if you are trying to be in your best shape cognitively.
Edited by luv2increase, 23 August 2008 - 06:07 AM.

Mixter's Photo Mixter 23 Aug 2008

Dosing is unknown as I don't have a scale

Posted Image

...well. So do you have one now, and do you take it daily?

Both for you and us, it'd probably be smart to start with a small
dose, as well as taking it on a regular base, then slightly going
higher and noting differences in effects. Without doing that, it
may be you overdose, or get no effects, or cannot correlate effects
with the CX516 intake...

dr_chaos's Photo dr_chaos 23 Aug 2008

Do you think in any scientific experiment that they would not use precise measurements? I can see that you know not much about chemistry/biology.

It's ok though. You will learn (hopefully) over time. :)

1st Its no scientific experiment.
2nd as long as he is able to keep the dose constant an exact measurement of the amount he is taking wont help much more since everybody has different metabolism and bodyweight. Everybody reacts different to drugs. Therefore you try to find the right dose of a drug by increasing from the lowest dose. I think you will already have noticed while going out with your friends to have a nice time in town, that most of them feel different from you after drinking the first 350ml of beer and that this differenc in drug tolerance has profound effects throughout all of the evening. :~
3rd A scale will only do good. So he should buy one.

stargazer - are you the one were supposed to whore ourselves out to for some good white powder or is it somebody else?

I dunno. Maybe he means interested in the drug. Othrwise stop posting now!!! Its your last chance to keep your innocence!!! :p

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 23 Aug 2008

This is a good scale for the price

skinniest200 & dr Chaos: I won't give out my supplier's contact information but something tells me you might be contacted if you show interest here on the forums smile.gif

stargazer - are you the one were supposed to whore ourselves out to for some good white powder or is it somebody else? :)

To weight dosage around 1000 mg, a scale precise to every 10mg would be good enough. You can get one at about 15$, shipping included:




This is what I got and I'm happy with it:

ajnast4r's Photo ajnast4r 23 Aug 2008

so youre taking some chemical whos effects on humans is unknown.. and youre taking it in unmeasured doses...


this type of behavior is irresponsible and immature and is bad for the institute... this thread should be closed.
Edited by ajnast4r, 23 August 2008 - 03:03 PM.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 23 Aug 2008

Do you think in any scientific experiment that they would not use precise measurements? I can see that you know not much about chemistry/biology.

It's ok though. You will learn (hopefully) over time. :)

1st Its no scientific experiment.
2nd as long as he is able to keep the dose constant an exact measurement of the amount he is taking wont help much more since everybody has different metabolism and bodyweight. Everybody reacts different to drugs. Therefore you try to find the right dose of a drug by increasing from the lowest dose. I think you will already have noticed while going out with your friends to have a nice time in town, that most of them feel different from you after drinking the first 350ml of beer and that this differenc in drug tolerance has profound effects throughout all of the evening. :~
3rd A scale will only do good. So he should buy one.

stargazer - are you the one were supposed to whore ourselves out to for some good white powder or is it somebody else?

I dunno. Maybe he means interested in the drug. Othrwise stop posting now!!! Its your last chance to keep your innocence!!! :p

You must not realize that when dealing with research chemicals or any pharmaceutical in general, the effects could differ in the slightest of dosage increases or decreases. For a hypothetical substance, 200mg may have a profound affect yet 150mg does not and neither does 250mg. I hope you understand this.

In your logic, there is no inverse u-curve yet many chemicals' affects are precisely this way. You are thinking in a linear fashion which is just unacceptable and unrealistic.

stargazer's Photo stargazer 24 Aug 2008

This log has now been restored and shall now be resumed but with some changes. There will be no further updates before I recieve my scale (which will hopefully be this week) and to please some of you more scientifically stringent people I will slowly titrate up the dosing. I can't promise updates every day but I will keep a journal with me so I can later post my experiences. I will supply changes in working memory, reaction time, stroop-task and more with baseline statistics to measure against. There will also be updates concering the possible synergestic effects of methylphenidate + cx516 and modafinil + cx516.

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 24 Aug 2008

This log has now been restored and shall now be resumed but with some changes. There will be no further updates before I recieve my scale (which will hopefully be this week) and to please some of you more scientifically stringent people I will slowly titrate up the dosing. I can't promise updates every day but I will keep a journal with me so I can later post my experiences. I will supply changes in working memory, reaction time, stroop-task and more with baseline statistics to measure against. There will also be updates concering the possible synergestic effects of methylphenidate + cx516 and modafinil + cx516.

Be careful in mixing modafinil with anything else. Is there any kind of software or online test you could use to compare the results? That would be great.

stargazer's Photo stargazer 24 Aug 2008

This log has now been restored and shall now be resumed but with some changes. There will be no further updates before I recieve my scale (which will hopefully be this week) and to please some of you more scientifically stringent people I will slowly titrate up the dosing. I can't promise updates every day but I will keep a journal with me so I can later post my experiences. I will supply changes in working memory, reaction time, stroop-task and more with baseline statistics to measure against. There will also be updates concering the possible synergestic effects of methylphenidate + cx516 and modafinil + cx516.

Be careful in mixing modafinil with anything else. Is there any kind of software or online test you could use to compare the results? That would be great.

Thanks for the heads up! I'll be using www.mybraintrainer.com and the BrainTwister dual n-back.

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 25 Aug 2008

This log has now been restored and shall now be resumed but with some changes. There will be no further updates before I recieve my scale (which will hopefully be this week) and to please some of you more scientifically stringent people I will slowly titrate up the dosing. I can't promise updates every day but I will keep a journal with me so I can later post my experiences. I will supply changes in working memory, reaction time, stroop-task and more with baseline statistics to measure against. There will also be updates concering the possible synergestic effects of methylphenidate + cx516 and modafinil + cx516.

Be careful in mixing modafinil with anything else. Is there any kind of software or online test you could use to compare the results? That would be great.

Thanks for the heads up! I'll be using www.mybraintrainer.com and the BrainTwister dual n-back.

Is that free?

skinniest200's Photo skinniest200 25 Aug 2008

Be careful in mixing modafinil with anything else.

Could you elaborate on that? I almost exclusively use modafinil in combinations with other stuff, except have never mixed with strong stimulants or high dose or potency nootropics.

I'm glad to see this log restored. I was fine with how stargazer was originally doing it, since he didn't think the risks were that high, however, accurately measured doses are of course preferred. Any sort of feedback about a substance is better than none at all, and these sort of experiments shouldn't be so heavily discouraged without having some backup for what the specific risks are.

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 25 Aug 2008

Be careful in mixing modafinil with anything else.

Could you elaborate on that? I almost exclusively use modafinil in combinations with other stuff, except have never mixed with strong stimulants or high dose or potency nootropics.

I'm glad to see this log restored. I was fine with how stargazer was originally doing it, since he didn't think the risks were that high, however, accurately measured doses are of course preferred. Any sort of feedback about a substance is better than none at all, and these sort of experiments shouldn't be so heavily discouraged without having some backup for what the specific risks are.

"Modafinil induces the cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP1A2, CYP2B6 and CYP3A4, as well as inhibiting CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 in vitro. It may also induce P-glycoprotein, which may affect drugs transported by Pgp, such as digoxin."

"Many drugs may increase or decrease the activity of various CYP isozymes in a phenomenon known as enzyme induction and inhibition. This is a major source of adverse drug interactions, since changes in CYP enzyme activity may affect the metabolism and clearance of various drugs. For example, if one drug inhibits the CYP-mediated metabolism of another drug, the second drug may accumulate within the body to toxic levels, possibly causing an overdose. Hence, these drug interactions may necessitate dosage adjustments or choosing drugs which do not interact with the CYP system. Such drug interactions are extra important to take into account when using drugs of vital importance to the patient, drugs with important side effects and drugs with small therapeutic windows, but any drug may be subject to an altered plasma concentration due to altered drug metabolism.

A classical example includes anti-epileptic drugs. Phenytoin, for example, induces CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP3A4. Substrates for the latter may be drugs with critical dosage, like amiodarone or carbamazepine, whose blood plasma concentration may decrease because of enzyme induction."


In other words, modafinil can have an impact on the rate you metabolise other drugs.

skinniest200's Photo skinniest200 25 Aug 2008

Oh, ok, kinda forgot about the P450 enzyme stuff with modafinil since I've never heard of any major contraindications, will keep it in mind though. Also, I'm pretty sure inducing the enzymes rather than inhibiting them would usually lower the effects of the other drug by breaking it down faster, unless it's actually a pro-drug that you take that is meant to be converted to an active form. Might as well throw in to be careful in mixing grapefruit juice with anything else as it's commonly used to inhibit some of these enzymes for potentiation effects on the cheap.

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 25 Aug 2008

Oh, ok, kinda forgot about the P450 enzyme stuff with modafinil since I've never heard of any major contraindications, will keep it in mind though. Also, I'm pretty sure inducing the enzymes rather than inhibiting them would usually lower the effects of the other drug by breaking it down faster, unless it's actually a pro-drug that you take that is meant to be converted to an active form. Might as well throw in to be careful in mixing grapefruit juice with anything else as it's commonly used to inhibit some of these enzymes for potentiation effects on the cheap.

But it inhibits P450 enzymes CYP2C9 and CYP2C19.

nancy_axel's Photo nancy_axel 26 Aug 2008

Hello all, I decided to finally start taking my CX516 and thought I might as well make a log of it as I presume there are many here on these boards who are interested in the new ampakines. I will try to update it as often as possible and report on its potential positive and negative effects. This log will be purely about the subjective effects and things like bloodwork will not be posted.

Disclaimer: This log may not accurately portray the chemical's true effect and is subject to both potentially a placebo-effect and other external factors. It serves merely as entertainment and nothing in it shall be taken as any sort of medical advice. CX516 is potentially hazardous to your health, do not take it without deep consideration first.

The log starts tomorrow, I'll leave today open for suggestions on what you people want from this log and I'll try to accomodate you as best I can. I apologize for all present and future mispellings and hope you all can disregard them as english is not my native tongue.

Hey, so what's the overall feeling on CXC516? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it might work on me. Finding a source for this stuff this early in the game is impossible .. kudos on getting a supplier ..

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 26 Aug 2008

The few test I did with CX516 weren't too positive. I felt dizzy and tired. It also upset my stomach, probably because it's acidic. I might try it again but I have a rule to not experiment anything that give me side effects.

stargazer's Photo stargazer 26 Aug 2008

Hello all, I decided to finally start taking my CX516 and thought I might as well make a log of it as I presume there are many here on these boards who are interested in the new ampakines. I will try to update it as often as possible and report on its potential positive and negative effects. This log will be purely about the subjective effects and things like bloodwork will not be posted.

Disclaimer: This log may not accurately portray the chemical's true effect and is subject to both potentially a placebo-effect and other external factors. It serves merely as entertainment and nothing in it shall be taken as any sort of medical advice. CX516 is potentially hazardous to your health, do not take it without deep consideration first.

The log starts tomorrow, I'll leave today open for suggestions on what you people want from this log and I'll try to accomodate you as best I can. I apologize for all present and future mispellings and hope you all can disregard them as english is not my native tongue.

Hey, so what's the overall feeling on CXC516? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it might work on me. Finding a source for this stuff this early in the game is impossible .. kudos on getting a supplier ..

It's too early for me to dwelve on it's overall effects but I will later on. I will post some updates this week when I get a scale but I can say one thing though, the effects are not that pronounced and even cortex pharm themselves labeled it as "low impact". Maybe sometime I will be able to log cx717 or newer ampakine if I find a way to get some.

stargazer's Photo stargazer 26 Aug 2008

The few test I did with CX516 weren't too positive. I felt dizzy and tired. It also upset my stomach, probably because it's acidic. I might try it again but I have a rule to not experiment anything that give me side effects.

If you do decide to try again feel free to use my thread to log it if you want. ;) Better to amass all info in one place.

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 20 Sep 2008

Did you get your scale? Do you plan to resume your test anytime soon?