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Activism for Healthy Life Extension

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#1 Bruce Klein

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Posted 25 November 2003 - 06:46 PM

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Despite widespread apathy, disinterest and ignorance of science in our society, there has been a real growth in size and sophistication of healthy life extension communities in the past few years. As a group united in our vision for a better future, we have come to the point of being able to say: "We want to live healthily for longer. We want real, meaningful healthy life extension therapies. What shall we do to make it all happen?" This is the key question!

150,000 people died today, from age-related conditions that we should be working harder to cure. I'm sick of the way in which society ignores this horrid toll. Each life is precious: an individual, complex human being; wishes, desires, knowledge, experience...all gone, destroyed, 150,000 times over every day. The apathy with which we greet this ongoing holocaust is shocking. Think about that for a moment; spend a little time thinking about you, your family and your friends suffering and dying because we cannot rouse ourselves to spend the necessary funds on anti-aging medical research. Don't push it out of your mind - get angry instead! A longer life and lasting, excellent health are rights worth fighting for, and this essay is a little meditation on what you should be doing in order to obtain both of these things.

In the course of my life to date, I have met a good number of the unfocused and apathetic people in the world. They drift with the currents, follow the distractions of the moment, and are afraid or unable to take a real stand on issues. Lives are affected and changed, often for the worse, because people didn't stand up to make a difference when they had the chance. They certainly don't want to think about the falling of the ax, 150,000 times each day. They hide from this unpleasant, ugly reality. It's easy to take life too lightly - after all, the ability to kick back, joke and procrastinate in the face of adversity is a form of defense against stress - but people let real, serious issues pass by without challenge: issues such as working to fight the ravages of aging and increase healthy life span. This problem can also be seen as a form of collective apathy and lack of focus in the media and society at large. Too many chances to make a difference, to fund serious research into aging and extending the healthy human lifespan, are let slip by, year after year.

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#2 Da55id

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Posted 25 November 2003 - 07:14 PM

Devon and Reason - Fabulous article! Thanks from all of us.

#3 kevin

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Posted 25 November 2003 - 07:55 PM

Brought a tear to my eye... seriously..

Thanks for an inspiring call to arms..

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#4 reason

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Posted 27 November 2003 - 12:25 PM

From cryonet:

To Reason and Devon Fowler,

What a wonderfully compelling article.

I will indeed forward this to friends and clients. We need this motivation
and intensity. We are fighting for our very lives here, and the lives of
fellow humans we care about.

I agree that those of us in the "progressive" life extensionist community
need to speak up with a louder voice. The "AIDS" analogy is compelling and
accurate. A difficult, multi-faceted elusive death sentence is largely overcome
through research and public awareness and funding. It ain't gonna be easy, and
it ain't gonna be cheap. But it IS a worthwhile and vital goal. And a
national initiative similar to dollars thrown at Cancer, AIDS, or "Homeland
Security" could win the fight against ageing. (Let's start with "Licking Bush in

How many billions are we spending in Iraq on a dubious venture to reduce the
risk of terrorism? Perhaps a hundred billion or more.

In the US, we have had perhaps about 3000 people killed in a "terrorist"
attack. As Reason points out, we lose about 50 times that many EVERY DAY to
aging. And no one is dramatically and forcefully pointing out what a RIDICULOUS
disconnect this is.

It is goddam outrageous.

Terrorists probably won't kill you. But aging and death certainly will
unless we AGGRESSIVELY take action. I am searching for a slogan, related to this

How about "You are 18,250 times more likely to die because of Leon Kass than
Osama Bin Laden?"

Too long, I know. We need sound bites that work. I know the readership on
this list is too intellectual for sloganeering work. We are as a whole
intellectuals who disdain the sound bite and slogan, preferring reasoned, nuanced
dialogue and full disclosure. But we need a rallying cry that "sings, compels,
annoys, and replicates"

We need a "HELL NO, WE WON'T GO" chant against the real terrorists...aging
and death.

I am inspired. I will find a way to make a difference toward a positive and
healthy future with longer and healthier life for us all. Thank you, Reason
and Devon.

Rudi Hoffman

Founder, Longevity Meme

#5 Bruce Klein

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Posted 27 November 2003 - 07:57 PM

Nice reply from Rudi... by the way, he will be joining ImmInst for a chat in late Dec. (28?). Should be fun.

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