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#1 DanielSon

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 01:30 PM

I was wondering if anyone had positive experiences regarding the use of (low dose) Dilantin as a extrovert stimulating substance? I am looking at getting hold of this substance and using 25 mg per day to help me break out of my shell some. I've been reading about the man Dreyfuss's use of Dilantin back in the 60s and onwards and the success he claims to have had using it as what could perhaps be described as an all-purpose nerve tonic. Thanks for your help.


#2 desperate788

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 04:49 PM

I was wondering if anyone had positive experiences regarding the use of (low dose) Dilantin as a extrovert stimulating substance? I am looking at getting hold of this substance and using 25 mg per day to help me break out of my shell some. I've been reading about the man Dreyfuss's use of Dilantin back in the 60s and onwards and the success he claims to have had using it as what could perhaps be described as an all-purpose nerve tonic. Thanks for your help.


I'm searcing for the effects of anti epileptic drugs on healthy people. Anybody has info about this subject?

#3 tjcbs

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Posted 02 September 2008 - 08:32 AM

I consider myself very introverted, and i tried low-dose (25mg) dilantin briefly. I didn't like it at all, and it didn't make me any more extroverted.

#4 DanielSon

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 11:14 AM

I consider myself very introverted, and i tried low-dose (25mg) dilantin briefly. I didn't like it at all, and it didn't make me any more extroverted.

Did you feel any less anxious/nervy? How long did you take 25mg for? What did you have it prescribed for? And did you try different dosages?


#5 Mixter

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 12:49 PM


Dilantin = Phenytoin...

- toxic
- suspected carcinogen
- causes lupus
- causes cerebellar atrophy, neurotoxin
- accumulates in brain
- gingival enlargement

all documented on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenytoin (Side Effects)

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#6 Mixter

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 12:52 PM

PS: If you REALLY need an anti-nerd drug to loosen up, use alcohol in
moderation or get a prescription antidepressant against "social anxiety"

Edited by mixter, 07 September 2008 - 12:53 PM.

#7 cesium

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 03:17 PM

After reading Dreyfuss's book many years ago I tried a short course of Dilantin and noticed nothing. There are better drugs of that general class available today like Neurontin (Gabapentin) that have less side effects. I came across a paper awhile back outlining its neuro-protective qualities and was impressed, might consider a low dose regimen of it in the future.

#8 DanielSon

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 05:19 PM

PS: If you REALLY need an anti-nerd drug to loosen up, use alcohol in
moderation or get a prescription antidepressant against "social anxiety"

I am a recovering alcoholic of going on 7 months sobriety (well over 18 months but with 3 relapses).....

I am already on fluoxetine and I don't find that helps my social anxiety any. Any other suggestions? A non-SSRIs anti-depressant maybe? Or a benzodiazepine?



After reading Dreyfuss's book many years ago I tried a short course of Dilantin and noticed nothing. There are better drugs of that general class available today like Neurontin (Gabapentin) that have less side effects. I came across a paper awhile back outlining its neuro-protective qualities and was impressed, might consider a low dose regimen of it in the future.

Thanks for the feedback!


#9 cesium

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 06:48 PM

I am a recovering alcoholic of going on 7 months sobriety (well over 18 months but with 3 relapses).....

I am already on fluoxetine and I don't find that helps my social anxiety any. Any other suggestions? A non-SSRIs anti-depressant maybe? Or a benzodiazepine?

As you are a recovering alcoholic, good luck trying to find a doc willing to prescribe benzos. As a semi-recovered alcoholic (meaning I merely drink less nowadays, actually I'm drinking today ) with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, intermittent depression, I can sympathize with your situation. Most antidepressants sucked for me, causing me to be irritable, out of it, and providing zero mood boost. Lexapro being the most serotogenic caused the least irritability, but still came with sexual side effects. Ashwaganda, bacopa, taurine, glycine seem to help minimally, but are not sufficient in and of themselves. Oddly enough stimulants have the paradoxical effect of calming me and dissipating my anxiety, but with my addictive background I doubt I will have any luck in getting a physician to prescribe for me any drugs with addictive potential. I have heard good things about tianeptine (no sexual side effects ;) ), thinking about trying that next with neurontin of which also sounds like it might be beneficial with minimal side effects. Never much cared for psychiatrists, so I'm interested in finding an uncontrolled drug available via the internet that might be helpful, and hopefully both of those will fit the bill.

#10 Mixter

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 08:32 PM

Gabapentin is less toxic but also only studied as an anti-epileptic
and for cell-membrane stabilization in neuropathies... not to relieve
social anxiety, addiction etc. Scientifically, it's interesting that antiepileptic
membrane stabilization results in these effects, but in practice it's unwise
to take them, because antiepileptics seem to have a long list of side effects
that are contrary to life extension goals
(which this board is about:p).

Here's also a report that gabapentin abuse as social anxiety reliever is a known problem:

There are much much safer ways to get rid of habits & social anxiety,
some require effort but that's life. For really bad habits, even taking psychedelics
from lsd to ibogaine (once) seems safer than taking antiepileptics long-term,
although not that I generally recommend it.

E.g. Phosphatidylcholine, Taurine, Ginkgo, Omega3's are natural membrane stabilizers similar to anti-epileptics.

If you're, e.g., addicted to anti-anxiety meds or won't stop till you had a 'quick-fix',
then consider higher than normal doses of lemon balm, GABA, theanine and
tryptophan. Especially going somewhere above a gram with tryptophan dose
gives you heavy sedation and anxiety/stress-relief (I don't know how safe
tryptophan megadose is, I just guess a lot more than antiepileptics).

My alarm bells sounded when I heard Dilantin, cause two years ago I was
researching nootropics and ordered it along with other things recommended
on the board (since it's quite cheap). Before I take stuff, I research it a lot
closer, and that's how I found how toxic and dangerous it is (even though I
totally believe it has benefits), and how I threw it in the trash can... don't
make it sound to people like anti-epileptics are a wise choice for a nootropic.

#11 cesium

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 08:47 PM

mixter, what initially caught my interest about gabapentin was reading what some of its users said about it helping their generalized anxiety on the psych forums. If I ever decide to give it a shot, my intention is to use it at a much lower dose than those who were prescribed it. And yes I've heard the claims that it is over prescribed as an adjunct as part of a cocktail, but my suspicion is the reason for that is because of a low side effect/toxicity profile, kind of like how these idiot psychiatrists prescribe antidepressants for what I consider to be frivolous reasons because they are non-addictive. The supplements you mention I've already tried, and while they may be of some help to those with minor psych complaints of anxiety, ect, they just don't do the trick for those of us seriously affected by these disorders, or at least that has been my experience.

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