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Stifness in neck and back

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#1 chefmate

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Posted 04 September 2008 - 09:29 PM

I took 1.5 g Piracetam, 750 aniracetam , 200 mg Huperizine A and 900 Mg Alpha GPC this morning.. I felt good for like an hour and then i just lost all my focus and got really tired and sleepy. I also have neck and muscle stifness. I dont know wot i did wrong??...Please comment on my dosage...

#2 Ben

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Posted 04 September 2008 - 11:25 PM

High doses of choline have caused reports by certain members that it will induce neck stiffness.

halve your alpha-gpc dose and take a repeat dose of ani. two hours after the first and pira. four hours after the first, also take like 200mg alpha-gpc with your second dose of ani.

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#3 Zoroaster

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Posted 05 September 2008 - 10:46 AM

I took 1.5 g Piracetam, 750 aniracetam , 200 mg Huperizine A and 900 Mg Alpha GPC this morning.. I felt good for like an hour and then i just lost all my focus and got really tired and sleepy. I also have neck and muscle stifness. I dont know wot i did wrong??...Please comment on my dosage...

You really shouldn't be taking both 200mg Huperzine A and 900mg Alpha GPC. Those are both large doses individually let alone combined. You've way overblown yourself on acetylcholine. If you're not already aware, huperzine A is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Meaning it inihibits the enzyme that normally removes acetylcholine. And alpha GPC can increase your acetylcholine levels. So the two combined have a compounding effect. Huperzine is not safe for daily usage in those dosages. You should probably only use it occasionally. And when you do, you should use very small amounts of choline with it, if any at all.

#4 mystery

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Posted 05 September 2008 - 05:38 PM

I took 1.5 g Piracetam, 750 aniracetam , 200 mg Huperizine A and 900 Mg Alpha GPC this morning.. I felt good for like an hour and then i just lost all my focus and got really tired and sleepy. I also have neck and muscle stifness. I dont know wot i did wrong??...Please comment on my dosage...

How did you forumlate this stack? I would suggest cutting down everything to one supplement, and evaluating the effect in detail while keeping a log of each. Start with a small dose, and gruadually raise it. Give yourself at least a few days for each supplement, if not a week or longer. You may try each racetam with alpha GPC or hup-A especially if you only respond to a large dose, but first I would evaluate their effect independent of an acetylcholine booster. Once you have a very good idea of each supplement's effect and sides and what dose is best, then you can begin to combine to see how the effects work together, and how to adjust the individual doses to get a desired overall effect. I would start by combing only 2 at first, and slowly build your stack by adding one at a time only after you've gotten a handle on the current stack. This is how I'm building mine slowly, and right now it is very simple and extremely effective.

Here are the sides I experienced on each of those supplements (ya, this stack would really mess me up too, but each person reacts differently):
-muscle tension in neck/back, severe at 1.5g, and tolerable at about 200 mg
-initially, probably slightly better brain processing speed
-later induces very mild brain fog in me, and slows processing speed. brain fog was not as bad with an ach booster.
-Pain in eyes, and eyes would be bloodshot at that dose (kind of a weird reaction. I seem to expereince this with most supps that improve blood flow)

Aniracetam (500 mg dose)
-initially probably slightly better processing
-After ~1hr drowsiness, with possibly anxolytic effect
-Mild muscle tension in neck/back

Huperzine (200 mg)
-Initially, I would have much better focus, and my confidence level would go way up, enough to drastically impact judgement
-Processing speed, and memory retrieval would be very high
-After a few hrs, my focus would plummit and I would be very overstimulated
-Would probably not be able to sleep at all during the night, and as a result ability to focus, learning, and memory would be crap
-If I could get to sleep, my sleep would be messed up, which would impact focus, learning, and memory

#5 sdxl

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Posted 05 September 2008 - 11:43 PM

So much for these nootropics to give an eye for detail. 200mg huperzine A is 1000 tabs of the 200mcg supplement I have. Or are the tabs I have severely under dosed?

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#6 mystery

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Posted 06 September 2008 - 03:27 AM

So much for these nootropics to give an eye for detail. 200mg huperzine A is 1000 tabs of the 200mcg supplement I have. Or are the tabs I have severely under dosed?

Sorry I missed that as well. I'm not sure if that would induce SLUD or death? I meant 200 mcg.

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