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An idea to recruit new folders for the FAH prize

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#1 naapi

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 10:16 AM


I would like to propose an idea to inform other teams about the FAH Prize.

Some members of the TLM team could fold for some other teams under the username "Team_32461_pays_money_for_folding" or similar. The TLM member would fold for less than a week to get to Top 20 in a given team, so that it is visible to all team members in EOC stats. Members of the other team might then get interested and switch to our team.

Likely, it would have to be myself and TMichael that would switch our rigs. We have substantial processing power and would be able to get to top 20 within a day or two in many teams. We do not participate in the FAH prize, so no money loss for us (only points for out team). All other folders in our team would likely still fold for the TLM, so that they do not lose points that count for the prize.

I would target the teams with highest number of active folders/ high number of PPD. This could be done over the next 2-3 weeks, before the start of new quarter.

To get to top 20 in respective teams we need the following PPD:

Team rank.......PPD needed

I welcome your comments.


#2 sentinel

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 10:31 AM


I would like to propose an idea to inform other teams about the FAH Prize.

Some members of the TLM team could fold for some other teams under the username "Team_32461_pays_money_for_folding" or similar. The TLM member would fold for less than a week to get to Top 20 in a given team, so that it is visible to all team members in EOC stats. Members of the other team might then get interested and switch to our team.

Likely, it would have to be myself and TMichael that would switch our rigs. We have substantial processing power and would be able to get to top 20 within a day or two in many teams. We do not participate in the FAH prize, so no money loss for us (only points for out team). All other folders in our team would likely still fold for the TLM, so that they do not lose points that count for the prize.

I would target the teams with highest number of active folders/ high number of PPD. This could be done over the next 2-3 weeks, before the start of new quarter.

To get to top 20 in respective teams we need the following PPD:

Team rank.......PPD needed

I welcome your comments.


Ha! that sounds like a quick way to becoming unpopular. I'm split TBH, on the one hand, despite my reltively low contribution, I have become a bit of a folding geek and would like to see us right up there. However, getting people to whore their rigs may not give the best impression of the type of organisation we are.

I've said this before but I think we need to make more effort to get our OWN members to get on-board. I repeat I have NEVER recieved an email or PM about what Folding is from Leadership and only stumbled upon it because I found the "Folding@Home" title annoying, and wanted to see why it kept popping up in active topics.
Since reading about it c 1.5 months ago for the first time I have got 9 processors on board and today should receive the new PC to house my huge graphics card and power supply I've bought to dedicate to folding. There are Thousands of closet geeks here like me who have no idea what its about or that it's going on. Email/PM campaign needed, including the money aspect.

Sorry, soap box, thread-napping. Good idea (edgy, innovative), would work but need to think about Imminst Image and how the competition would react.


#3 Mind

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 11:18 PM

I agree with Sentinel. While the idea would work, we might not get dedicated folders on the team and it wouldn't be good for the image of Imminst.

The idea we are working on now is to approach teams who have stopped folding for whatever reason (lost interest, moved and forgot about it, got a new computer and were too lazy to re-install the client, etc...). Many of the team names are names of websites which can serve as a contact point. We guess maybe 10% of defunct teams would begin folding again with TLM in order to compete for the prize and get on board with the anti-aging perspective.

BrokenPortal has agreed to look for low or zero output teams on EOC folding stats from pages 25 through 30 and contact them. I am going to work on teams on pages 20 to 24, but I could use some help, as my time is limited.

#4 naapi

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 12:12 AM

I agree with Sentinel. While the idea would work, we might not get dedicated folders on the team and it wouldn't be good for the image of Imminst.

Ok, I understand. I knew this was on the edge, but nevertheless I thought it was worth to present it.

Case closed.


#5 kismet

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 12:30 AM

On another note, when are we going to discuss updates to prizes/prize money for next quarter's competition? I just wanted to remind you to implement some of the ideas we discussed (e.g. different kinds of prizes, not just money), if possible ofc.

#6 Mind

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 01:11 AM

I was planning on rolling out most of the promotion for the 3rd quarter of competition around the 20th of September.

#7 Mind

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 11:57 PM

Hey Naapi, I just wanted to say thanks for keeping the ideas flowing. It is always good to put the ideas out in the open. I also wanted to remind everyone who is working to get the team shooting up the ranks, we have a meeting every Wednesday at 4pm (21:00 GMT) in order to discuss F@H prize promotion and other issues related to folding.

I mentioned that we are starting to look toward defunct or non-folding teams to recruit new folders. One that I found today was Honors@RIT. It is the honors program at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Here is the email I sent them in case you need something to build off of. Use it. Modify it. Find some teams that stopped folding and invite them to participate in the prize.

Dear Mr. Kerby:

I was looking at the Folding@Home statistics and saw a team for Honors@RIT. I also noticed that the team hasn't been folding in a while. Please allow me to extend an invitation to RIT to start folding once again - for the Longevity Meme Team (team# 32461).

Imminst.org and the Longevity Meme have teamed up to offer a quarterly cash prize for people who fold for the Longevity Meme Team. You can read all about the prize competition here: http://imminst.org/a...ticles/fh-prize

The idea behind the prize is to spur more competition within the Folding@Home teams in order to in turn speed up the rate of scientific discovery, eventually helping to cure many diseases related to misfolded proteins.

We would greatly appreciate any contributions the RIT Honors program could make toward the Longevity Meme team (team# 32461). If you join the team as member Honors@RIT, and all of the students fold under the same name (Honors@RIT), you could win a little spending cash for your program. Also, we intend to increase the prize money in coming quarters.

#8 Mind

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 08:03 PM

I sent a message to UIUC Aerospace Department today. If anyone else sends out a few emails, please list them here and let us know if you get any responses so we can judge the effectiveness of this recruitment.

#9 chungenhung

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Posted 16 September 2008 - 05:09 AM

I can help with the OP's idea.

#10 Mind

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Posted 17 September 2008 - 09:21 PM

Here are 7 things we have discussed to promote the 3rd quarter of the F@H prize competition.

1. A new front page article promoting the 3rd quarter competition and announcing the new prizes.
2. Forum discussions promoting the same.
3. Contact non-producing teams (used to fold but stopped) and invite them to join TLM and compete for the prize.
4. Putting up to $100 into a google ad targetting folders (and tech/geeks)
5. Contact friendly life extension websites and orgs and invite them to fold for TLM.
6. Send out a mass PM.
7. Write an "idiots guide" to folding.

We want to start the promo blitz around the 20th but might hold off until the 25th for the mass PM to give Sentinel, kismet, and dnamechanic time to write the "idiots guide".

#11 Mind

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 03:04 AM

I sent a invitation to Purdue University Libraries.

#12 kismet

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 02:07 PM

I sent an invitation to "Bioinf-Bastards Berlin" through their university homepage, but I don't have a clue how to invite team "University of Virginia". Should I just go the university homepage and contact someone who might be in touch with the folding team? (Sounds like it wouldn't work anyway)

#13 Mind

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 02:13 PM

I agree that "University of Virginia" is not specific enough to establish an invitation contact point so I would advise to just pass them up.

Also, if anyone gets a reply from any of these teams, let us know in this forum.

#14 Mind

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 03:29 PM

Sent out invitations to

folding for a cure
freshwater senior campus

Dnamechanic mentioned this helpful tip awhile back. Some of the teams provide a link to their homepage on the Stanford stats site. So you can look up the team, go to their webpage, and then find out how to contact them. Sadly, the Stanford site is currently down (for 45 minutes) for data updates.

#15 kismet

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 08:44 PM

I went through the obvious teams (e.g. team name = homepage) on page 24/25 of the stats, will try your tip later on, but are there any other pages I could try? Don't want to ask any team twice.

#16 Mind

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 10:56 AM

If you could look through page 23 that would be great.

#17 Mind

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 08:33 PM

If anyone wants to tackle page 24 at EOC folding please do. Remember that at the Stanford stats site the teams often provide a link to their website.

I got a formal reply from Purdue University Libraries saying that the appropriate personnel would review the proposal, but that is it so far. Brokenportal, if you don't have time to cover all the non-folding teams from pages 25 to 30, please let us know and someone else can look into it. We really need to contact these teams this week because the 3rd quarter competition begins next week.

#18 Mind

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Posted 24 September 2008 - 07:51 PM

1. A new front page article promoting the 3rd quarter competition and announcing the new prizes.
2. Forum discussions promoting the same. (one so far)
3. Contact non-producing teams (used to fold but stopped) and invite them to join TLM and compete for the prize. (in progress)
4. Putting up to $100 into a google ad targetting folders (and tech/geeks)
5. Contact friendly life extension websites and orgs and invite them to fold for TLM.
6. Send out a mass PM.
7. Write an "idiots guide" to folding.

#19 Mind

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 07:02 PM

1. A new front page article promoting the 3rd quarter competition and announcing the new prizes.
2. Forum discussions promoting the same. (one so far)
3. Contact non-producing teams (used to fold but stopped) and invite them to join TLM and compete for the prize. (in progress)
4. Putting up to $100 into a google ad targetting folders (and tech/geeks)
5. Contact friendly life extension websites and orgs and invite them to fold for TLM.
6. Send out a mass PM.
7. Write an "idiots guide" to folding.

With regards to #4. I have been running the google ad for the past 6 days but I am not getting any clicks. Here are the keywords/phrases I am using (ones that worked decent last quarter):

protein folding
EOC folding team
Extreme Overclocking
Extreme Overclocking Forums
Hard Folding Stats Page
kakao stats

At one point during the summer, I also tried tech/geek/computer phrases involving chip names, GPU names, distributed computing terms.

Please suggest any new theme we could try that you think might hit our target audience - a group of similar words or phrases.

#20 sentinel

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 08:11 AM

1. A new front page article promoting the 3rd quarter competition and announcing the new prizes.
2. Forum discussions promoting the same. (one so far)
3. Contact non-producing teams (used to fold but stopped) and invite them to join TLM and compete for the prize. (in progress)
4. Putting up to $100 into a google ad targetting folders (and tech/geeks)
5. Contact friendly life extension websites and orgs and invite them to fold for TLM.
6. Send out a mass PM.
7. Write an "idiots guide" to folding.

With regards to #4. I have been running the google ad for the past 6 days but I am not getting any clicks. Here are the keywords/phrases I am using (ones that worked decent last quarter):

protein folding
EOC folding team
Extreme Overclocking
Extreme Overclocking Forums
Hard Folding Stats Page
kakao stats

At one point during the summer, I also tried tech/geek/computer phrases involving chip names, GPU names, distributed computing terms.

Please suggest any new theme we could try that you think might hit our target audience - a group of similar words or phrases.

Are you allowed to use "fah" or f@h" or even "Stanford"?

#21 Mind

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 06:47 PM

I could use fah but not f@h because of the "at" symbol. I am not sure if "Stanford" would help because there are no google ads on the Stanford page. However, it might help the overall effectiveness.

Anyone else with ideas?

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