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Brain just entered hyperspace..

brentx's Photo brentx 12 Sep 2008

I've been taking 1.5g of Piracetam with 300mg of Alpha GPC for about 6 or so months now, and the results have been nice.

I just decided to bump up my dosage to 5g of Piracetam with 1g of Alpha GPC, and WHAMMY! For me there is a definite difference.

Is anyone else here taking a similar dosage to this everyday? Any known dangers or negative possible sides?

Thanks so much for any replies!

Wedrifid's Photo Wedrifid 12 Sep 2008

I've been taking 1.5g of Piracetam with 300mg of Alpha GPC for about 6 or so months now, and the results have been nice.

I just decided to bump up my dosage to 5g of Piracetam with 1g of Alpha GPC, and WHAMMY! For me there is a definite difference.

Is anyone else here taking a similar dosage to this everyday? Any known dangers or negative possible sides?

Thanks so much for any replies!

Tell me more about hyperspace!

Any strange effects? Did you find your brain was coming up with things just a bit too clever for it's own good?

Mind's Photo Mind 12 Sep 2008

Not another piracetam thread!


There are hundreds of posts just like this already in the forums. Do you have anything useful to say? Anything to advance the mission?

Advanc3d's Photo Advanc3d 13 Sep 2008

i take 8 grams at once ;)

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 13 Sep 2008

I've been taking 1.5g of Piracetam with 300mg of Alpha GPC for about 6 or so months now, and the results have been nice.

I just decided to bump up my dosage to 5g of Piracetam with 1g of Alpha GPC, and WHAMMY! For me there is a definite difference.

Is anyone else here taking a similar dosage to this everyday? Any known dangers or negative possible sides?

Thanks so much for any replies!

Tell me more about hyperspace!

Any strange effects? Did you find your brain was coming up with things just a bit too clever for it's own good?

tell me about hyperspace experience too? was it good? wacky? heaven ? hell?

i can't imagine megadosing too much on anything is good, i don't even know the dosage in the grams are appropriate or not as i never tried piracetam, and the poster above says he takes 8 grams all at once? and smiley face?? wonder if that's true. . , 8 grams, 8,000 mg , that sounds high, but what are the results of megadosing on this popular nootropic?
Edited by HYP86, 13 September 2008 - 03:29 AM.

deekz's Photo deekz 13 Sep 2008

Don't see a big deal at all. I take 4 grams 3 times a day and feel great.

brentx's Photo brentx 13 Sep 2008

Not another piracetam thread!


There are hundreds of posts just like this already in the forums. Do you have anything useful to say? Anything to advance the mission?

See, I don't post in forums much because of people like you. I've been reading here for 9 months, and have posted I think twice. There is always some "Cyber Warrior" slapping people down. Yes, this thread sucks, I know. It must have been the Piracetam getting me all excited over nothing. I have nothing to report from my experience (or rather I have no passion to write about it - "the wind has been taken from my sails").

Thanks for the non-negative responses, it's good to see others getting effects from high doses. I'll go back to being a "lurk only" member now.

Ben's Photo Ben 13 Sep 2008

Not another piracetam thread!


There are hundreds of posts just like this already in the forums. Do you have anything useful to say? Anything to advance the mission?

See, I don't post in forums much because of people like you. I've been reading here for 9 months, and have posted I think twice. There is always some "Cyber Warrior" slapping people down. Yes, this thread sucks, I know. It must have been the Piracetam getting me all excited over nothing. I have nothing to report from my experience (or rather I have no passion to write about it - "the wind has been taken from my sails").

Thanks for the non-negative responses, it's good to see others getting effects from high doses. I'll go back to being a "lurk only" member now.

Bah humbug.

mystery's Photo mystery 13 Sep 2008

I've been taking 1.5g of Piracetam with 300mg of Alpha GPC for about 6 or so months now, and the results have been nice.

I just decided to bump up my dosage to 5g of Piracetam with 1g of Alpha GPC, and WHAMMY! For me there is a definite difference.

Is anyone else here taking a similar dosage to this everyday? Any known dangers or negative possible sides?

Thanks so much for any replies!

Please give more detail. On a much smaller dose I experience bad side effects. Did you just hit acetylcholine overload, or is there a true nootropic effect? I can get a super acetylcholine activity boost with huperzine, but it's not a nootropic experience. Instead I feel highly accelerated neural activity and processing, but a detremental effect on learning and receptivity.

I can use other seemingly more potent racetams like oxiracetam and get a decent effect on a small dose. I'm just waiting to try pramiracetam, maybe that is my ticket?

bgwithadd's Photo bgwithadd 13 Sep 2008

I've been taking 1.5g of Piracetam with 300mg of Alpha GPC for about 6 or so months now, and the results have been nice.

I just decided to bump up my dosage to 5g of Piracetam with 1g of Alpha GPC, and WHAMMY! For me there is a definite difference.

Is anyone else here taking a similar dosage to this everyday? Any known dangers or negative possible sides?

Thanks so much for any replies!

Please give more detail. On a much smaller dose I experience bad side effects. Did you just hit acetylcholine overload, or is there a true nootropic effect? I can get a super acetylcholine activity boost with huperzine, but it's not a nootropic experience. Instead I feel highly accelerated neural activity and processing, but a detremental effect on learning and receptivity.

I can use other seemingly more potent racetams like oxiracetam and get a decent effect on a small dose. I'm just waiting to try pramiracetam, maybe that is my ticket?

Maybe you just need more choline.

mystery's Photo mystery 13 Sep 2008

Please give more detail. On a much smaller dose I experience bad side effects.

Maybe you just need more choline.

I've tried supplementing, but I don't like the effect of taking any acetylcholine boosters (usually less focus & more anxiety). It is possible that my CNS & PNS is very sensitive to acetylcohline, and ACH boosters just make things worse.
EDIT: Alpha-GPC may not be as bad with a very low dose of racetams.

However, I'm now learning much more about my reaction to the racetams. I tend to be hypersensitive to their effects. If I can control this, then they will be very useful to augment certain aspects of cognition.
Edited by mystery, 13 September 2008 - 09:07 PM.

nancy_axel's Photo nancy_axel 13 Sep 2008

when you were talking about hyperspace, were you meaning to say hypomanic? all kidding aside, are yoou able to sit down and retain information well ?
Edited by nancy_axel, 13 September 2008 - 10:02 PM.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 13 Sep 2008

Not another piracetam thread!


There are hundreds of posts just like this already in the forums. Do you have anything useful to say? Anything to advance the mission?

See, I don't post in forums much because of people like you. I've been reading here for 9 months, and have posted I think twice. There is always some "Cyber Warrior" slapping people down. Yes, this thread sucks, I know. It must have been the Piracetam getting me all excited over nothing. I have nothing to report from my experience (or rather I have no passion to write about it - "the wind has been taken from my sails").

Thanks for the non-negative responses, it's good to see others getting effects from high doses. I'll go back to being a "lurk only" member now.

Mind's post is one of frustration due to the endless stream of piracetam threads that litter this forum. I'm glad it's working out for you, but in the future please continue on in an older thread about piracetam. Don't take it personally. There are probably more threads on piracetam than anything else on this forum and that's not right.

Yearningforyears's Photo Yearningforyears 15 Sep 2008

when you were talking about hyperspace, were you meaning to say hypomanic? all kidding aside, are yoou able to sit down and retain information well ?

I do get a similiar experience which I believe is a kind of hypomanic state. Lots of things get done in the workplace but often its not a very satisfactory experience. It brings me more clarity of thought (but hey it´s highly subjective) and an overcharged feeling. Combine this with caffeine and we´re talking hypomania space.
But it is nice a times it really is,that "Hell I can be the boss"-feeling.

Was recently cast into severe delusional mania after trying zoloft, and the oh so hot doctor (which I could not talk to but rather rapped insights, delusions and animal sounds before) said I was bipolar. Oh she´s full of crap obviously.
First time I was the end of the road-manic ever. (Except that Gotu kola-dmae experience but... that was no way near it).

Fast onset on piracetam = hypomania. could it be that easy really? (or lessened add-symptoms?)
Edited by Nicholas, 15 September 2008 - 09:27 PM.

Wedrifid's Photo Wedrifid 16 Sep 2008

Dude, being a victim blows. The opposite of what works in life. Sure, whoever made the lame reply is an assclown. But why does that mean you must limit yourself? Let go of the pleasure you get from sulking and come tell me about piracetam goodness! I just got my piracetam so I want to hear anecdotes to prime my placebo effect!

Not another piracetam thread!


There are hundreds of posts just like this already in the forums. Do you have anything useful to say? Anything to advance the mission?

See, I don't post in forums much because of people like you. I've been reading here for 9 months, and have posted I think twice. There is always some "Cyber Warrior" slapping people down. Yes, this thread sucks, I know. It must have been the Piracetam getting me all excited over nothing. I have nothing to report from my experience (or rather I have no passion to write about it - "the wind has been taken from my sails").

Thanks for the non-negative responses, it's good to see others getting effects from high doses. I'll go back to being a "lurk only" member now.


REGIMEN's Photo REGIMEN 16 Sep 2008

Dude, being a victim blows. The opposite of what works in life. Sure, whoever made the lame reply is an assclown. But why does that mean you must limit yourself? Let go of the pleasure you get from sulking and come tell me about piracetam goodness! I just got my piracetam so I want to hear anecdotes to prime my placebo effect!

Not another piracetam thread!


There are hundreds of posts just like this already in the forums. Do you have anything useful to say? Anything to advance the mission?

See, I don't post in forums much because of people like you. I've been reading here for 9 months, and have posted I think twice. There is always some "Cyber Warrior" slapping people down. Yes, this thread sucks, I know. It must have been the Piracetam getting me all excited over nothing. I have nothing to report from my experience (or rather I have no passion to write about it - "the wind has been taken from my sails").

Thanks for the non-negative responses, it's good to see others getting effects from high doses. I'll go back to being a "lurk only" member now.

Yes another "ass clown" here. And one that has been here, like Mind and mitkat, for years more than you have, Wedrifid. JSTFU and read all of the other threads. They are much richer in detail, experience, and grammar than anything many of these noobs in the past 1-2 year have been able to proffer.

THERE ARE NO VICTIMS HERE... except for those that self-medicate ergo being too giddy and hypomanic to realize they offer nothing new to a very well-chewed conversation. You got owned...by yourself.

Ben's Photo Ben 17 Sep 2008

THERE ARE NO VICTIMS HERE... except for those that self-medicate ergo being too giddy and hypomanic to realize they offer nothing new to a very well-chewed conversation. You got owned...by yourself.

ok ok ok, enough already. Let's get back to the topic.

stephen_b's Photo stephen_b 17 Sep 2008

I tried 4800 g of piracetam today after a good night's sleep last night, and I have to say it made me a bit more scattered and less motivated. I also had a very slight stuffy head feeling like I would get when I take ephedrine. Maybe I could do with a little less communication between my hemispheres? ;)


Wedrifid's Photo Wedrifid 19 Sep 2008

Just did a search around the forums looking for the 'ignore' function. Most forums have them somewhere but I couldn't find one. Just me or are we lacking that feature here? I'd like to be able to remove the temptation for flame warring. Sooo much bait!

Regimen. I have no idea who the poster was who was slagging off brentx and don't care to look. I filtered out the negativity and it's irrelevant except in as much as it's worth giving Brent a tip on how to get the most out of online forums. It's also irrelevant to my request to hear more about his personal experience with his recent Pira experiment. Humans learn effectively by interacting personally. Talking about their experience in an interactive manner. It's useful for guys like Brent to chat about their experiences with people who know what they are doing and share their interest. I, likewise, benefit from chatting about anecdotes, even when I've read more authoritative material extensively. It facilitates memory consolidation and influences motivation. Plus it is just enjoyable.

For the guys who are interested in Piracetam megadosing, I've played around with Pira a little over the last few days. I took well over 5g (more like 30g, spread over two days) however didn't hit hypomania. The main observable impact was actually the day after. I was having spontaneous flashbacks/memory recalls that I otherwise would have forgotten. I'm not sure whether that is a good thing or not. Many human activities such as drinking and therapy are actually about forgetting things best forgotten! But that isn't my way. I'm finding the extra flash backs useful for reprocessing, consolidating and learning more from my past experiences through the lens of my current level of maturity and perspective. It's amazing how much difference a year or two can make on outlook! The memory effect is something I did not experience with Aniracetam, while Piracetam seems to provide less of a creativity boost to me than the Aniracetam did. I believe I'll add some Ani back in when I make a new bulk order.

Regarding hypomania, I suspect I am unlikely to hit hypomania from Piracetam particularly easily. Venlafaxine withdrawal sets that off far more reliably in me and so I'm somewhat adept at preventing it. Lamotrigine helps, and so do large doses of inositol. :)

PS: Reg. I've actually read through the forums, to as far back as page 35 before it got too repetitive to be worthwhile. Am I worthy of speaking in your presence yet? Or must I prove my willingness to proffer the word ergo within a starkly contrasting context?

Yes another "ass clown" here. And one that has been here, like Mind and mitkat, for years more than you have, Wedrifid. JSTFU and read all of the other threads. They are much richer in detail, experience, and grammar than anything many of these noobs in the past 1-2 year have been able to proffer.

THERE ARE NO VICTIMS HERE... except for those that self-medicate ergo being too giddy and hypomanic to realize they offer nothing new to a very well-chewed conversation. You got owned...by yourself.


Wedrifid's Photo Wedrifid 19 Sep 2008

I tried 4800 g of piracetam today after a good night's sleep last night, and I have to say it made me a bit more scattered and less motivated. I also had a very slight stuffy head feeling like I would get when I take ephedrine. Maybe I could do with a little less communication between my hemispheres? :)


Possibly didn't have enough choline? Or, as you say, maybe you're better off just sticking to the sweet spot on the U! But you've got to try once. :D

nancy_axel's Photo nancy_axel 20 Sep 2008

Has anyone noticed depression when taking large doses of piracetam? esp when combined with w/ alcar? I have a feeling that by taking big doses, I have to take caffeine to make it through the day. However, verbal ability is enhanced dramatically.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 20 Sep 2008

Has anyone noticed depression when taking large doses of piracetam? esp when combined with w/ alcar? I have a feeling that by taking big doses, I have to take caffeine to make it through the day. However, verbal ability is enhanced dramatically.

I actually have the opposite effect. Piracetam makes me feel dandy :-D

Ben's Photo Ben 20 Sep 2008

Has anyone noticed depression when taking large doses of piracetam? esp when combined with w/ alcar? I have a feeling that by taking big doses, I have to take caffeine to make it through the day. However, verbal ability is enhanced dramatically.

I actually have the opposite effect. Piracetam makes me feel dandy :-D

Seconded, I take it in like 4.6mg and then 1.6 mg bursts daily for a few weeks straight every now and then. Makes me feel really spiffy.

brotherx's Photo brotherx 20 Sep 2008

Same for me - I usually do not go over 1800mg - 2600mg a day.

How much choline do you guys supply while mega dosing? And which form of choline?



I tried 4800 g of piracetam today after a good night's sleep last night, and I have to say it made me a bit more scattered and less motivated. I also had a very slight stuffy head feeling like I would get when I take ephedrine. Maybe I could do with a little less communication between my hemispheres? :-D



brotherx's Photo brotherx 20 Sep 2008

If one is an already (mildly-)depressed state - I can imagine that Piracetam can potentiate sad thoughts.



Has anyone noticed depression when taking large doses of piracetam? esp when combined with w/ alcar? I have a feeling that by taking big doses, I have to take caffeine to make it through the day. However, verbal ability is enhanced dramatically.


Wedrifid's Photo Wedrifid 22 Sep 2008

Same for me - I usually do not go over 1800mg - 2600mg a day.

How much choline do you guys supply while mega dosing? And which form of choline?

Another mega dose. Measuring it precisely seems to go against the whole spirit of megadosing.

brotherx's Photo brotherx 22 Sep 2008

Oh really? So how do you find your sweet spot then if you don't know how much you take?



Same for me - I usually do not go over 1800mg - 2600mg a day.

How much choline do you guys supply while mega dosing? And which form of choline?

Another mega dose. Measuring it precisely seems to go against the whole spirit of megadosing.


Wedrifid's Photo Wedrifid 23 Sep 2008

After I'm finish playing with mega attack doses and my body is used to the stuff I get my cap'm'quick out and start keeping count. ;)

No point calibrating too much till the sensitization processes has settled down.

Oh really? So how do you find your sweet spot then if you don't know how much you take?



Same for me - I usually do not go over 1800mg - 2600mg a day.

How much choline do you guys supply while mega dosing? And which form of choline?

Another mega dose. Measuring it precisely seems to go against the whole spirit of megadosing.


brotherx's Photo brotherx 23 Sep 2008

Yeah ...well this also an approach ;-)



After I'm finish playing with mega attack doses and my body is used to the stuff I get my cap'm'quick out and start keeping count. ;)

No point calibrating too much till the sensitization processes has settled down.

Oh really? So how do you find your sweet spot then if you don't know how much you take?



Same for me - I usually do not go over 1800mg - 2600mg a day.

How much choline do you guys supply while mega dosing? And which form of choline?

Another mega dose. Measuring it precisely seems to go against the whole spirit of megadosing.
