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Here we go again: (Republican Voter Fraud)

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#1 Iam Empathy

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Posted 25 October 2008 - 06:37 PM


October 25, 2008, 11:43AM

This is chilling and needs to be headline news!
Make sure you vote!

Published in : Nation/World

President George W. Bush late Friday asked Attorney General Michael Mukasey to investigate whether hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters in the battleground state of Ohio would have to verify the information on their voter registration forms or be given provisional ballots, an issue the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on last week.

The unprecedented intervention by the White House less than two weeks before the presidential election may result in at least 200,000 voters in Ohio not being able to vote on Election Day if they are forced to provide additional identification when they head to the polls.

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, sent a letter to Bush Friday asking that he order the Department of Justice to probe the matter.

"I strongly urge you to direct Attorney General Mukasey and the Department of Justice to act." Boehner said in his letter "Unless action is taken by the Department immediately, thousands, if not tens or hundreds of thousands of names whose information has not been verified through the [Help America Vote Act] procedures mandated by Congress will remain on the voter rolls during the November 4 election; and there is a significant risk if not a certainty, that unlawful votes will be cast and counted. Given the Election Day is less than two weeks away, immediate action by the Department is not only warranted, but also crucial."

Independent studies have shown that phony registrations rarely result in illegally cast ballots because there are so many other safeguards built into the system. For instance, from October 2002 to September 2005, a total of 70 people were convicted for federal election related crimes, according to figures compiled by the New York Times last year. Only 18 of those were for ineligible voting.

In recent years, federal prosecutors reached similar conclusions despite pressure from the Bush administration to lodge "election fraud" charges against voter registration groups seen as bringing more Democratic voters into the democratic process.

Some of the Bush administration prosecutors who refused to seek these indictments were then fired in 2006 as part of a purge of nine U.S. Attorneys deemed not "loyal Bushies."

This "prosecutor-gate" scandal led to the resignations of several senior White House and Justice Department officials, including Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. President Bush then asserted broad executive privilege to block testimony by Karl Rove and other top White House officials.

In a statement on his website, Boehner said starting today, "Ohio elections officials will begin removing ballots cast during the state's early voting period from their identifying envelopes, eliminating any possibility of catching fraudulently cast ballots."

"Franklin County officials yesterday tossed out a dozen fraudulently cast absentee ballots, and the Hamilton County prosecutor has appointed an independent counsel to investigate more than 200 ballots on which the name or address does not match to state records," Boehner said. "Prosecutor Joe Deters has asked that at least the questionable ballots remain in their identifying envelopes until voter registration information can be confirmed."

President Bush contacted Mukasey late Friday and told him to investigate Boehner's complaints. A report released earlier this month by the Justice Department's inspector general said Bush "spoke with Attorney General Gonzales in October 2006 about their concerns over voter fraud."

Federal investigative guidelines strongly discourage election-related probes before ballots are cast because of the likelihood that the inquiries will become politicized and might influence the election outcomes.

"In most cases, voters should not be interviewed, or other voter-related investigation done, until after the election is over," according to the Justice Department's guidelines for election offenses as revised in May 2007 during Gonzales's tenure as Attorney General.

Even though those May 2007 guidelines watered down even stricter language in previous editions, the Gonzales-era rules still cautioned:

"Overt investigative steps may chill legitimate voting activities. They are also likely to be perceived by voters and candidates as an intrusion into the election. Indeed, the fact of a federal criminal investigation may itself become an issue in the election."

In 2004, Ohio was the state where tens of thousands of votes cast on electronic voting machines intended for Sen. John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, were handed to Bush. Additionally, tens of thousands of voters were purged from voter registration rolls. Exit polls on election night 2004 showed Kerry leading Bush in many Ohio counties. Bush carried Ohio by 119,000 votes.

The Nov. 4 presidential election may very well boil down to Ohio if Mukasey's DOJ gets involved.

At issue is a federal law that requires states to verify the eligibility of voters.

A federal appeals court recently upheld a lower court ruling and ordered Ohio election officials to help counties set up a computer system to ensure the veracity of voter registrations.

That would have required a total overhaul of the computer system just weeks before election and would have jeopardized as many as 200,000 voters, forcing them to cast provisional ballots that may go uncounted, Brunner said.

She said it was impossible to set up a new system or reprogram the existing one before the Nov. 4 election.

The appeals court ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed last month against Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Bruner, a Democrat, by the Ohio Republican Party. The lawsuit claimed voter registration information for hundreds of thousands of new voters did not match up with official government data, such as social security records and driver's licenses, and was evidence of voter registration fraud. More than 600,000 people registered to vote in the state in this election cycle.

But in court filings, GOP officials did not provide documentary evidence to back up their claims.

The Ohio Republican Party argued that the 2002 Help America Vote Act (HAVA), a law that grew out of the disastrous 2000 election between Bush and Al Gore, required Brunner to share any voter registration discrepancies with county election boards so they can identify voter fraud prior to vote counts.

Republicans faulted Brunner for her "steadfast refusal to provide the HAVA "mismatch" data to the county boards of elections in a meaningful way."

The Ohio GOP wanted Brunner to provide the lists of the newly registered voters whose voter registration information on did not match government records with 88 Ohio counties in an attempt to weed out voter registration fraud.

Republicans accused Brunner of violating federal election laws and that she was "actively working to conceal fraudulent activity."

Brunner said the lawsuit was "politically motivated." She said "misstated technical information or glitches in databases" was the explanation for some mismatched information on voter registration forms.

"Many of those discrepancies bear no relationship whatsoever to a voter's eligibility to vote a regular, as opposed to a provisional, ballot,'' Brunner said last week in a court filing. The mismatches "may well be used at the county level unnecessarily to challenge fully qualified voters and severely disrupt the voting process."

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court took up the case and, in a two-page unanimous opinion, dismissed the lower court's ruling on a technicality. The justices said lawsuits "brought by a private litigant" could not be used to enforce states to abide by federal laws.
"We express no opinion on the question whether HAVA is being properly implemented," the unsigned opinion said.

In a statement, Boehner said he wants Mukasey to intervene and enforce Brunner to comply with HAVA and verify votes.

"The Court ruled that the a private entity did not have the legal standing to enforce federal laws, leading Boehner to ask Attorney General Mukasey to compel Brunner to comply, which would mean providing access to a computerized statewide database, as required under HAVA," Boehner's statement says.

Rick Davis, Sen. John McCain's campaign manager, said Brunner is seeking to ``minimize the level of fairness and transparency in this election.''

Various polling data show McCain's opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, leading in Ohio by five to seven percentage points.

But Republicans, perhaps fearing a Democratic victory, have called into question the integrity of hundreds of thousands new voter registrations.

One of the most notable targets is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), a grassroots group that has registered hundreds of thousands of new voters this year. ACORN is reportedly under federal investigation for engaging in what Republicans believe is a nationwide voter registration fraud scheme.

Trying to salvage his campaign, John McCain has jumped into the ACORN case, too, citing it at the third presidential debate. He declared ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

However, the investigations launched against ACORN - now including the reported involvement of the FBI - have raised other concerns, especially that Republicans are flogging this issue in an effort to stir up anger, to revive McCain's campaign, and to intimidate new voters.

Edited by Iam Empathy, 25 October 2008 - 06:40 PM.

#2 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 01:06 AM

Someone finally says it: ACORN "scandal" is a cover for voter suppression.


(CNN) -- Our nation's economic foundation is crumbling like sand beneath our feet. Middle-class families are losing their jobs, homes, savings accounts and college funds.

Retirement nest eggs are fried to a crisp. Nine million children in America don't have health care coverage. We're fighting wars on more fronts than we can handle.

And John McCain is talking about ACORN?

Just as a top McCain adviser admitted that his candidate wouldn't campaign on the economy because it's a losing issue, so too it seems that the GOP has made a collective decision to abandon any real discussion of the issues in favor of distortion and distraction.

Through its 850 neighborhood chapters in more than 100 cities across the United States, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now organizes the powerless to work together for social justice and stronger communities through affordable housing, quality education and better public services. They are dedicated to looking out for those with little means in our society.

In the world of some elites, low- and moderate-income families and the organizations that work to empower them are the bad guys. There is all-out class warfare going on here, folks.

Another example of it is how people in the low-income bracket are being blamed for the subprime market crash -- rather than the unscrupulous lenders who redirected them from the fixed 30-year prime rates they could have paid to the subprime and adjustable rate mortgages destined to implode. The victims are revictimized.

It is an unfortunate reality that "poor" and "racial minority" are invariably overlapping circles in a Venn diagram. But the class animosity now being bred is, as it always has been, a cover for racial antipathy. And, make no mistake, this is exactly what's going on here. How pathetic and immoral in the face of the challenges we must confront as a nation.

Experts who have examined the allegations against ACORN have concluded that there is no significant threat of voter fraud. For the fraudulent registration forms to turn into fraudulent votes, they would have had to get through the election officials' vetting systems and make it onto the voter rolls.

Next, someone would need to arrive at the assigned polling location with valid identification that lists the same name and address as the fraudulent registration. (This is fairly difficult to do if you're dead or named Mickey Mouse.)

Then, having passed all these hurdles, that someone would cast a vote that will cost him or her 10 years in jail. Just find me someone willing to spend 10 years in jail just for a chance to vote for Obama or McCain?

Let's look at the facts. ACORN labeled as "suspicious" the fraudulent registration forms a few of its paid volunteers submitted. Moreover, ACORN delivered them to election authorities under that heading. ACORN offered to help election officials pursue prosecutions against those who filled out the fraudulent forms.

The so-called ACORN scandal is no more than a few canvassers trying to meet their quota and make easy money by cheating the system.

Ask yourself how likely is it that someone would go through the effort and risk of submitting multiple false registration forms, find an accomplished forger capable of producing IDs of sufficient quality to trick election officials, and then spend Election Day racking up a couple extra votes at the potential cost of spending a decade in jail?

A simple cost-benefit analysis tells us this is not a reasonable or significant threat. The real threat here is the Republican Party using attacks on ACORN as a calculated strategy to justify massive challenges to the votes cast in Democratic-leaning voting precincts on Election Day. And this is what is truly outrageous, but where is John McCain's concern when it comes to people being harassed at the voting booth?

The same Republican Party shouting "Voter fraud!" is also furiously trying to prevent Ohio from registering voters at early voting sites and suing to shut down some early voting sites in Indiana.

Just as the GOP will use the so-called "Bradley effect" to explain away voting irregularities it created through voter suppression, it will use allegations of voter fraud to cover its efforts of voter suppression.

McCain and Republican candidates up and down the GOP ticket don't want increased voter turnout.

Let them sputter and fret. A swelling of the voter rolls strengthens our democracy. The more eligible voters we have participating in the process, the stronger we are as a nation -- and the more accurately the results on November 4 will reflect our nation's choice for president.

We must be vigilant in protecting people's right to vote, not vigilant in suppressing it. We must be vigilant that new voters aren't threatened, harassed or turned away. And we must be vigilant that resources like voting machines and poll workers are distributed appropriately to accommodate the projected influx of new voters.

Finally, we must be vigilant that this election, unlike 2000 or 2004, doesn't return conspicuous voting irregularities, and that those irregularities aren't left unchallenged.

We must be vigilant in the protection of our democracy because the way things are going in the United States right now, democracy may be the only valuable left in our national treasury.

#3 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 01:07 AM

GOP using foreclosure list to purge voters

#4 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 01:09 AM

GOP handing out flyers with wrong day for election


October 27, 2008; 2:20 PM ET

Virginia Democratic officials say someone is handing out fliers in Hampton Roads that mislead Democrats and Independents into thinking the election is Wednesday, Nov. 5.

The election is actually on Tuesday, Nov. 4.

The flier, which includes numerous misspelled words, appears as if it is written on official State Board of Elections stationary.

"For Immediate Release," it states. "Due to the larger than expected voter turnout in this year's electorial process (the word electoral is misspelled), an emergency session of the General Assembly has adopted the following emergency regulations to ease the load on local electorial precincts and ensure the a fair electorial process."

It continues, "All Republican party supporters and independent voters supporting Republican candidates shall vote on November 4th as pecribed by law. All Democratic party supporters and independent voters supporting Democratic candidates shall vote on November 5th as adopted by emergency regulation of the Virginia General Assembly."

Virginia Democrats say they had to battle similar misinformation campaign from GOP supporters in 2005 and 2006, but some Republicans suspect Democrats are actually behind the efforts in order to generate stories about potential voter suppression.

Either way, expect a lot of this over the next week.

#5 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 01:15 AM

This is a great thing. It is protecting the integrity of the system. Why would any American be against that?

Why do you think empathy that this is fraud against "only" Democratic voters? What calls out in your brain "Democratic voter suppression" from

investigate whether hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters in the battleground state of Ohio would have to verify the information on their voter registration forms or be given provisional ballots


Explain it. ---> if you can :)

#6 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 01:30 AM

This is a great thing. It is protecting the integrity of the system. Why would any American be against that?

Why do you think empathy that this is fraud against "only" Democratic voters? What calls out in your brain "Democratic voter suppression" from

investigate whether hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters in the battleground state of Ohio would have to verify the information on their voter registration forms or be given provisional ballots


Explain it. ---> if you can :)

Republicans right now have all of these types of election fraud going on simultaneously. It's clear that the controversy started by the McCain campaign at the debate (regarding ACORN) was really just a cover in order for the Republican fraud to take place. So that after all is said and done that the Republicans can look back and point fingers. When in fact, I feel that them themselves are perpetrating the fraud behind the scenes.

The same as when Republicans used voter suppression in Florida to win in 2000. They used the same illegal and dirty tactics to win in Ohio in 2004 and 2006 for the Senate. It's not surprising that they are doing it again in 2008.

As Americans, we really need to put an end to all this election manipulation and corruption.

Show me one link or article that shows Democrats are doing the same tactics --> if you can.

#7 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 01:43 AM

This is a great thing. It is protecting the integrity of the system. Why would any American be against that?

Why do you think empathy that this is fraud against "only" Democratic voters? What calls out in your brain "Democratic voter suppression" from

investigate whether hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters in the battleground state of Ohio would have to verify the information on their voter registration forms or be given provisional ballots


Explain it. ---> if you can :)

Republicans right now have all of these types of election fraud going on simultaneously. It's clear that the controversy started by the McCain campaign at the debate (regarding ACORN) was really just a cover in order for the Republican fraud to take place. So that after all is said and done that the Republicans can look back and point fingers. When in fact, I feel that them themselves are perpetrating the fraud behind the scenes.

The same as when Republicans used voter suppression in Florida to win in 2000. They used the same illegal and dirty tactics to win in Ohio in 2004 and 2006 for the Senate. It's not surprising that they are doing it again in 2008.

As Americans, we really need to put an end to all this election manipulation and corruption.

Show me one link or article that shows Democrats are doing the same tactics --> if you can.

What in the world? You come here, post a thread saying Republican voter fraud, yet you can't even explain why it is Republican voter fraud? O M G!

#8 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 06:52 AM

Vote-Flipping Caught On Video:

#9 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 12:49 PM

Vote-Flipping Caught On Video:

LOL :) The voter calibration gods must be on McCain's side FOR THAT MACHINE. Don't you realize that it is statistically insignificant that that ONE machine went to McCain's name when you hit Obama's??? Do you not realize that another machine doing the same thing would be hard to conceive? If it were programmed into the machine to do what you saw, which it wasn't, then you'd have yourself a lollipop. It is the SCREEN which is not calibrated. That means when you put your finger on one area, the cursor jumps to another because the sensors need adjusting. Also, he didn't show what happened if he hit McCain's name either. Hey, it might have jumped to Obama's :) This is the weakest argument ever. I can't believe you posted this irrelevant piece of garbage. It shows that you are going around here posting stuff in which you know not what you are talking about. That is pitiful.

Hey Empathy, let's try to stay on your own topic next time, shall we? I don't know how you get voter machine calibration issues in the STATE OF W.V. correlated to "President George W. Bush late Friday asked Attorney General Michael Mukasey to investigate whether hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters in the battleground state of Ohio would have to verify the information on their voter registration forms or be given provisional ballots"???

#10 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 07:32 PM

Did I get'cha empathy? :)

It's ok. Next time just make sure you know what you're posting. That will do us all a favor. This subforum is filled with too much flawed logic where the average Joe may not be able to decipher what is what.

Edited by luv2increase, 28 October 2008 - 07:33 PM.


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Posted 28 October 2008 - 08:44 PM

Vote-Flipping Caught On Video:

LOL :) The voter calibration gods must be on McCain's side FOR THAT MACHINE. Don't you realize that it is statistically insignificant that that ONE machine went to McCain's name when you hit Obama's??? Do you not realize that another machine doing the same thing would be hard to conceive? If it were programmed into the machine to do what you saw, which it wasn't, then you'd have yourself a lollipop. It is the SCREEN which is not calibrated. That means when you put your finger on one area, the cursor jumps to another because the sensors need adjusting. Also, he didn't show what happened if he hit McCain's name either. Hey, it might have jumped to Obama's :) This is the weakest argument ever. I can't believe you posted this irrelevant piece of garbage. It shows that you are going around here posting stuff in which you know not what you are talking about. That is pitiful.

Hey Empathy, let's try to stay on your own topic next time, shall we? I don't know how you get voter machine calibration issues in the STATE OF W.V. correlated to "President George W. Bush late Friday asked Attorney General Michael Mukasey to investigate whether hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters in the battleground state of Ohio would have to verify the information on their voter registration forms or be given provisional ballots"???

Did I get'cha empathy? smile.gif

It's ok. Next time just make sure you know what you're posting. That will do us all a favor. This subforum is filled with too much flawed logic where the average Joe may not be able to decipher what is what.

Pure dickheaded vacuity.

#12 niner

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 10:18 PM

This is a great thing. It is protecting the integrity of the system. Why would any American be against that?

Why do you think empathy that this is fraud against "only" Democratic voters? What calls out in your brain "Democratic voter suppression" from

investigate whether hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters in the battleground state of Ohio would have to verify the information on their voter registration forms or be given provisional ballots


Explain it. ---> if you can :)

It's suppression when it's directed at likely Democratic voters. It would also be suppression if it were directed at likely Republican voters. Since the bulk of new voters are probably Obama voters, this particular example is directed largely against Democrats. Verifying the information on their registration form means producing an ID like a Drivers License or a Birth Certificate that low income voters may not have. Low income voters are more likely to be Democratic voters. Republicans don't like democracy. They don't want it to be convenient to vote. They pretend that their actions are aimed at preventing "fraud", but they couldn't care less about that. Their real aim is to suppress turnout by the low income voters that their policies hurt the most.

#13 luv2increase

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Posted 29 October 2008 - 12:13 AM

Pure dickheaded vacuity.

Somebody has to call her out when she don't know what in the world she is even saying. She just goes to every "supposed" negative add she can find on McCain or Republicans that she find and posts it here. I bet she doesn't even take the time to read them and understand them! No, she just lets the biased writers of the articles do the thinking for her because she can't think for herself, obviously.

#14 Iam Empathy

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:57 AM

More Republican Dirty Tricks - Bogus Robocall Tells Floridians They Can Vote By Phone - Flyers in Virginia say people can vote on Wed. Nov. 5th


By Sarah Lai Stirland Email
October 31, 2008 | 6:37:34 PM

The residents of Broward County, Florida have recently received misleading robocalls telling them that they can vote by phone on Election Day, according to a report in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on Friday.

The report didn't provide many details, other than the fact that the voice fallaciously identified itself as Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes.

When asked whether she had heard about the calls, the supervisor's public service director said that she hadn't, and that of course voting by phone is not an option.

The call is just one of a number of dirty tricks being pulled off around the country just before record numbers of voters are expected to turn up at the polls on Election Day.

Another unknown group is distributing flyers (see the flyer after the jump) with official-looking letterhead around the area of Hampton Roads, Virgina that erroneously inform recipients that because of the crowds at the polls, the Virginia State Board of Elections is scheduling Republicans to vote on November 4th, and Democrats on the 5th.

Democratic congressmen Jerry Nadler of New York, John Conyers of Michigan and Bobby Scott of Virginia on Thursday asked the Justice Department to launch an investigation into the matter and to bring criminal charges against the originators of the flyers.

Meanwhile, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that people in the area have been receiving robocalls with the same message. This particular trick is an old one: In 2004, the New York Times reported the same message going out in the Pittsburgh area via flyers.


#15 luv2increase

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 12:13 PM

Before you start posting new material, why do you not answer the reason your first post represents voter fraud which would hurt the Democratic nominee. I asked you this; you still can't figure it out? I'd say it is time to change your thread title since you are clueless as to what it means, unfortunately. :)


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 10:37 PM

Pure dickheaded vacuity.

Somebody has to call her out when she don't know what in the world she is even saying. She just goes to every "supposed" negative add she can find on McCain or Republicans that she find and posts it here. I bet she doesn't even take the time to read them and understand them! No, she just lets the biased writers of the articles do the thinking for her because she can't think for herself, obviously.

That's you talking about me, right?

Constantly degrading the nature of each poster by equating their holding of an opposing opinion to "not having a brain"(your favorite, luv) is an ad hominem attack.

Edited by REGIMEN, 02 November 2008 - 10:39 PM.

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