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NEW Republican Ad Against Obama

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#1 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 06:17 PM

How could we elect this guy? Come on people, this is crazy!

#2 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 06:52 PM

Thanks for the good laugh.

It's not new that the McCain campaign is "against Obama". That's John McCain's entire campaign platform!

It breaks down like this...
Bush policies + More Fear + Racism + Hate Rallies x "Joe the Plumber" Marketing = McCain / Palin '08

Edited by Iam Empathy, 28 October 2008 - 06:55 PM.

#3 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 07:18 PM

Thanks for the good laugh.

If you think a guy speaking anti-American, anti-White propaganda from the pulpit is funny, then I think you are un-American and not patriotic and should move out of this country.

It's not new that the McCain campaign is "against Obama". That's John McCain's entire campaign platform!

This isn't from the McCain campaign! Listen!

It breaks down like this...
Bush policies + More Fear + Racism + Hate Rallies x "Joe the Plumber" Marketing = McCain / Palin '08

What does any of this irrelevant rhetoric have to do with Obama and Wright??? WoW! You are all over the place...

#4 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 07:49 PM

If you think a guy speaking anti-American, anti-White propaganda from the pulpit is funny, then I think you are un-American and not patriotic and should move out of this country.

Fat chance of that. This is my country too. Why don't you get out? Move to some country that will tolerate the hate, war, high taxes on the poor, and theology that you wish to impose.

Furthermore, it's a shame to watch Republicans continue to blame African-Americans for being angry. Uh, hello slavery? Racial discrimination for most blacks on nearly a daily basis? Can you even imagine, Mr. white Arizona suburbanite?

Want to see real unilateral hate? Go to any McCain / Palin rally any day. These rallies bring out the sickest people from the scummiest parts of America. I figure that (like cockroaches) must live inside closets or inside their smelly, closed-minded worlds. These are the sorts of people (filled with hate and venom) that causes a majority of the world to hate America as they are seen on T.V. McCain has helped to either create these monsters or to bring them out of their closets.

This isn't from the McCain campaign! Listen!

It's from a thinly veiled 527 that is being used as a one wing of the hate and fear machine for the McCain / Palin campaign to continue to spark racial divides. Once again showing that the John McCain only puts winning the election first, and then comes Country Second far behind.

What does any of this irrelevant rhetoric have to do with Obama and Wright??? WoW! You are all over the place...

Bush policies + More Fear + Racism + Hate Rallies x "Joe the Plumber" Marketing = McCain / Palin '08

Yep, that about sums up the McCain campaign in a nutshell.

If there is one thing that Republicans are good at (HINT: It's not balancing the budget or creating jobs) -- It's character assassination. I'm not playing along on their team. I'd much rather be on the side that stands up for what's best for America.

#5 niner

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 10:32 PM

Luv2increase, the whole problem with the Rev. Wright outtakes is that they are wildly out of context. I've listened to some of them with more context, and they aren't "anti-American" or "anti-White", they are just anti-Bullshit. Wright lived through Jim Crow. Obama didn't. They are different people with different experiences and different ideas. That said, it's kind of curious, from a strategic point of view, that we haven't seen Rev. Wright flooding the airwaves in GOP hate ads. Did they burn that weapon out too soon? Could it be that a majority of people just don't give a crap about it? I don't. There must be some more like me. Maybe a lot more. If that many people could be fooled by the Rev, then maybe McCain made a mistake. Just like selecting Palin. Maybe he has judgement issues...

#6 Iam Empathy

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 11:11 PM

Luv2increase, the whole problem with the Rev. Wright outtakes is that they are wildly out of context. I've listened to some of them with more context, and they aren't "anti-American" or "anti-White", they are just anti-Bullshit. Wright lived through Jim Crow. Obama didn't. They are different people with different experiences and different ideas. That said, it's kind of curious, from a strategic point of view, that we haven't seen Rev. Wright flooding the airwaves in GOP hate ads. Did they burn that weapon out too soon? Could it be that a majority of people just don't give a crap about it? I don't. There must be some more like me. Maybe a lot more. If that many people could be fooled by the Rev, then maybe McCain made a mistake. Just like selecting Palin. Maybe he has judgement issues...

This is what a friend told me today too. He said something like, "You know what's fucked about the Rev Wright? He's really good. I don't know if you've seen the whole "God damn America" sermon but it is really good. He talks about Gods love being consistent while Governments change. It's actually very pro-America, underlining what works about our system."

I may have to actually dig up a Re. Wright sermon myself to see what he really says.

#7 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 11:45 PM

I've listened to some of them with more context, and they aren't "anti-American" or "anti-White", they are just anti-Bullshit.

This is a joke right? That is the most ignorant thing I've heard all day.

#8 luv2increase

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 11:51 PM

Bush policies + More Fear + Racism + Hate Rallies x "Joe the Plumber" Marketing = McCain / Palin '08

Ok, let's see if you know what you're talking about once again...

Please answer the following questions so I can understand where you are coming from. Thank you.

1. What proposed policies of McCain match that of Bush?

2. What has McCain spoken about which relates to fear

3. How is McCain racist or have a pro-racist agenda? I am assuming that is what you are saying.

4. Name the instances in McCain's rallies which relate to "hate".

5. What do you mean by "Joe the Plumber" marketing? Are you saying that because Obama stated that he wants to "redistribute the wealth" that it is wrong to use that against Obama? Please tell me why it would be wrong to use that against Obama?

I want to see how your "equated arguments" really add up to amount to anything other than bullsh*t and lies... :)

#9 sUper GeNius

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 04:54 AM

Bush policies + More Fear + Racism + Hate Rallies x "Joe the Plumber" Marketing = McCain / Palin '08

Ok, let's see if you know what you're talking about once again...

Please answer the following questions so I can understand where you are coming from. Thank you.

1. What proposed policies of McCain match that of Bush?

2. What has McCain spoken about which relates to fear

3. How is McCain racist or have a pro-racist agenda? I am assuming that is what you are saying.

4. Name the instances in McCain's rallies which relate to "hate".

5. What do you mean by "Joe the Plumber" marketing? Are you saying that because Obama stated that he wants to "redistribute the wealth" that it is wrong to use that against Obama? Please tell me why it would be wrong to use that against Obama?

I want to see how your "equated arguments" really add up to amount to anything other than bullsh*t and lies... :)

1. Tax cuts. First McCain was against, now he's for them. I like McCain, but he sold out many of his beliefs to solidify the base. Selecting Palin was the biggest gimmick in memory, and extremely irresponsible. There's no way that woman is qualified to be President.

2. Fear? Almost every ad these days.

3. He's not rascist. In fact, he declined to use Rev. Wright against Obama. However, there has been a stirring up of racial sentiment at his rallies. He didn't exactly go out of his way to discourage it, until just recently.

4. See 3.

5. "redistribute the wealth." A red herring. Our tax policy has been redistributing wealth for generations. If McCain got his tax cut, the rich would STILL be paying a larger percentage of their income in taxes, which essentially gets redistributed through government services. That's what we call a "progressive" tax. The Federal Estate tax redistributes wealth. School taxes redistribute wealth. Nothing new about redistributing wealth.

p.s. I am a Republican. Here's the problem: Republicans have run out of ideas. They're like the Democrats in the late 70's.

Edited by FuLL meMbeR, 01 November 2008 - 04:56 AM.

#10 TianZi

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 06:53 AM

Well, if Dick Morris said it, it must be true!

#11 Iam Empathy

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 07:59 AM

There's nothing "new" about a Republican campaign against Obama.

'Hate and racism' is the entire McCain campaign platform. It has been like that since this run up to the election began.

Edited by Iam Empathy, 01 November 2008 - 07:59 AM.

#12 luv2increase

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 12:23 PM

'Hate and racism' is the entire McCain campaign platform. It has been like that since this run up to the election began.

Prove it. I have not seen a hint of it, although I have seen sexism from the Obama camp.

Full Member, how do you get fear out of the McCain camp. Obama tells us everyday that our country sucks royally, and that it won't get better without him in office. In fact, he plays on people's emotions by saying that under McCain it would be only worse. He is using psychological manipulation to stride himself up to power. Sad.

#13 biknut

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 12:27 PM

Joe the plumber already defeated Nobama. Everyone will find out on Tuesday.

#14 sUper GeNius

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 02:09 PM

Joe the plumber already defeated Nobama. Everyone will find out on Tuesday.

Actually, I read an article today about Obama's illegal resident alien auntie from Kenya. She refused to abide by a judge'[s order two years ago, and has even donated mony to his campaign, illegally too! I wonder whether this is going to be played up in the next few days. Ay little bit would help McCain immensely

Edited by FuLL meMbeR, 01 November 2008 - 02:28 PM.

#15 sUper GeNius

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 02:27 PM

'Hate and racism' is the entire McCain campaign platform. It has been like that since this run up to the election began.

Prove it. I have not seen a hint of it, although I have seen sexism from the Obama camp.

Full Member, how do you get fear out of the McCain camp. Obama tells us everyday that our country sucks royally, and that it won't get better without him in office. In fact, he plays on people's emotions by saying that under McCain it would be only worse. He is using psychological manipulation to stride himself up to power. Sad.

You seem not to notice that McCain is running the same types of ads. "The country is/will be in trouble, and Obama can't handle it." Like the ads Hillary ran against Obama. You really think Obama's the only one using psychological manipulation? Here's the bottom line. The country IS really in disarray. If it wasn't so damn obvious now, McCain would still be saying the economy was sound. You've had a Republican in office for 8 tears, one with the lowest satisfaction rating in many decades. You have another Republican running that can't distinguish himself enough from the incumbant. He talks the same on taxes, on diplomacy/war, on the economy. He then nominates someone who will impress the FAR right of the party, someone who thinks the earth is 5,000 years old. In as much as people are leery of a newbie like Obama, they just can't stand to sit on their hands and vote for Bush 2. They've seen their home values decline by %40, their 401k's by 40%, they were scared shitless when gas was approaching 5 bucks a gallon. They do in fact want to gamble on "change." Can you blame them?

We're looking at the 80's all over again. Reagan just barely squeaked by for a win, as Americans were no longer proud of their country after the Iran hostage thing, the economy was in tatters, mortgage rates were through the roof. People took a chance on Reagan. A whole bunch of Democrats took a chance on him too, the "Reagan Democrats." Conde Rice was one that came over then. But now it's decades later, the Republican have no new ideas, each trying to argue that they are more like Reagan than their opponent. A third of the electorate have no idea who or what Reagan ever did. History does in fact repeat itself, and it appears she will be switching the hands at the tiller for while. SOme good may in fact come from that.

Edited by FuLL meMbeR, 01 November 2008 - 02:29 PM.

#16 biknut

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:40 PM

#17 sUper GeNius

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:40 AM

Well, I can't say that I know Obama has sponsored any important legislation. That just goes to show you how much people want change from the current situation. Things are just so bad on so many fronts that a majority of the electorate will probably take a chance on the guy.

As far as his other achievements, he was a state legislator for seven years, and he taught constitutional law. He makes George Bush look like a grave digger intellectually. Intellect is not everything, (witness Sarah Palen) but it's nice to have, and it compliments Obaba's substantial political and communication skills.

Edited by FuLL meMbeR, 02 November 2008 - 12:41 AM.

#18 biknut

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:04 AM

Well, I can't say that I know Obama has sponsored any important legislation. That just goes to show you how much people want change from the current situation. Things are just so bad on so many fronts that a majority of the electorate will probably take a chance on the guy.

If this were true then you'd have a lot of Republicans supporting Nobama. There aren't any except for a hand full of weasels looking for favor. I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobama has no chance to win this election. Republicans won't be voting for him in any great numbers, and on top of that millions of Democrats are voting for McCain.

The early voter lead Noboma was expecting failed to materialize. At best it ended up about 50/50. The problem with this for Nobama is that all the Republicans voted for McCain, and great numbers of Democrats voted for McCain too. You'll find out about it Tuesday.

Don't feel to bad about it. After Nobama loses the election the MSM is going to turn on him like a pack of wild dogs. Two weeks after that you'll be glad McCain won. Let not your heart be troubled.

#19 sUper GeNius

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:13 AM

Well, I can't say that I know Obama has sponsored any important legislation. That just goes to show you how much people want change from the current situation. Things are just so bad on so many fronts that a majority of the electorate will probably take a chance on the guy.

If this were true then you'd have a lot of Republicans supporting Nobama. There aren't any except for a hand full of weasels looking for favor. I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobama has no chance to win this election. Republicans won't be voting for him in any great numbers, and on top of that millions of Democrats are voting for McCain.

The early voter lead Noboma was expecting failed to materialize. At best it ended up about 50/50. The problem with this for Nobama is that all the Republicans voted for McCain, and great numbers of Democrats voted for McCain too. You'll find out about it Tuesday.

Don't feel to bad about it. After Nobama loses the election the MSM is going to turn on him like a pack of wild dogs. Two weeks after that you'll be glad McCain won. Let not your heart be troubled.

No, you will have enough Republicans and independents to eek out a majority for Obama. Millions of Democrats voting for McCain? Are there that many redneck rascists in the entire US of A? Barring some very unusual event, Obama will be the next president. McCain might not even take his home state if things keep going this way...

#20 biknut

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 03:00 AM

No, you will have enough Republicans and independents to eek out a majority for Obama. Millions of Democrats voting for McCain? Are there that many redneck rascists in the entire US of A? Barring some very unusual event, Obama will be the next president. McCain might not even take his home state if things keep going this way...

We'll see how you fell about it Wednsday. Just remember this. If you live in America, then if I win, you win. If I lose, you lose.

#21 Zenob

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 04:24 AM

We'll see how you fell about it Wednsday. Just remember this. If you live in America, then if I win, you win. If I lose, you lose.

I can't wait to see how you wingnuts deal with being crushed. It should be entertaining watching you guys try and find something to blame. I'm willing to bet that if the dems don't get a 60 seat majority in the senate(which has been a long shot all along) then the wingnuts will try and say it's a "resounding vicotory for them" or a "defeat for democrats". The BS will be flying fast and furious on Wed.

#22 sUper GeNius

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 06:54 PM

No, you will have enough Republicans and independents to eek out a majority for Obama. Millions of Democrats voting for McCain? Are there that many redneck rascists in the entire US of A? Barring some very unusual event, Obama will be the next president. McCain might not even take his home state if things keep going this way...

We'll see how you fell about it Wednsday. Just remember this. If you live in America, then if I win, you win. If I lose, you lose.


Are you inclined to put your money where your mouth is? If not, then your posts are.. cough..cough.. b-shit.

Paypal would be great.

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