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urine therapy

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#1 frederickson

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Posted 31 October 2008 - 06:48 AM

i hope the quality of the posters on this forum will dissuade any of the "ewww, gross!" types of responses and we can keep this to intelligent discussion.

i had reached a point of desperation recently with the moderate acne that arose out of the blue several months ago as well as my persistent facial, chest, and sacral seborrheic dermatitis. this was especially annoying as i had been eating a tremendously nutrient dense diet and had given up dairy, nuts, eggs, all refined carbs and other potential dietary problem items to no avail.

so i read about topical urine therapy and figured what the heck, why not? within two days of applying fresh urine with a cotton swab all of the acne on my forehead (about 5 whiteheads at the time) had gone down completely! one week later i have no new pimples and i had been averaging about 5 or 6 new whiteheads a week. the many red marks i had incurred are fading much more quickly too. even after only a week, my seb derm has been toned down noticeably, to a level i had never experienced with ketoconazole/steroids.

simply put, i am AMAZED.

as most here surely realize, urine is sterile and has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. many of the contents of urine - especially urea, vitamin c and the b vitamins - are actually sold in many skin products. the enzymes, hormones, and other excess products (urine is not waste, but filtered excess) also likely play a role in its amazing effects on the skin.

has anyone here ever engaged in this ages-old practice? as long as you aren't taking a lot of pharmaceutical products, i really can't think of any downsides given the analyses of the contents of urine that have been published. if you would like i can post them. unlike benzoyl peroxide, which has been shown to age the skin, there simply aren't any substances in urine that i can envision being damaging to the skin. i have read a great deal on the subject and am convinced, but what are the thoughts of the resident skin experts here?

#2 Forever21

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Posted 31 October 2008 - 11:40 PM

Floor in here is sticky.

Edited by Forever21, 31 October 2008 - 11:40 PM.

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#3 Ben

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 01:02 AM

i really can't think of any downsides

I can of one: Piss on your face.

#4 niner

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 01:35 AM

i hope the quality of the posters on this forum will dissuade any of the "ewww, gross!" types of responses and we can keep this to intelligent discussion.

ewww, gross! (just kidding) I can see it's working well so far, and I am shocked, shocked! to see such behavior on Halloween night. Seriously, you might be on to something. This weird guy that I went to school with took great pleasure in informing people that Prime Minister Desai of India drank a cup of his own whiz every day. Now listen, you knuckleheads, don't get all "ewww, gross!" on me. This is a science forum! BTW, would it work if it was someone else's pee? This could be a new MLM candidate.

#5 frederickson

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 02:53 AM

i really can't think of any downsides

I can of one: Piss on your face.

what a brilliant comment. i hope you (and your wallet) have fun at the dermatologist. when the cycle of repeated dermatologist vists and prescription refills ultimately fails, and your acne is worse than before you started, you will be well served to read the following.




#6 Ben

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 08:24 AM

read the following.


Golden fountain? Really this is too rich. You need to piss off (Or come to think of it, piss on).

#7 Centurion

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 08:31 AM

read the following.


Golden fountain? Really this is too rich. You need to piss off (Or come to think of it, piss on).

I almost wet myself when I found this thread.
But seriously...
Look, this isn't funny, quit taking the piss.

#8 caston

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 11:05 AM

Lol, I almost wish I had of tried it now back in the days when I had acne...

Anyone here every tried "watersports" with a sex partner. I think I joked about it once or twice with some of the chicks I have dated but never actually tried it.

The urea though is a poison is it not? as to if the urine is infectious or how toxic it is depends on if the person has any tract infections or what they may have in their system. I guess
some of the hardcore supplement users will be saying "ok my body can only absorb so much supplement X then my body pisses it out!, i'll show them!"

#9 Traclo

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 11:51 AM

Well just one quick question... when you were writing about splashing urine on your face did you honestly believe that the majority of posts would not be simply mocking?

As to actually doing it, well it's just too weird. Unproven, mildly disgusting (subjective I know) and weird usually turn me off something.

P.S. Anyone who does this, never mention that you do to your friends, or they just might piss themselves laughing at you.

#10 4eva

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 02:45 PM

The urea though is a poison is it not? as to if the urine is infectious or how toxic it is depends on if the person has any tract infections or what they may have in their system. I guess some of the hardcore supplement users will be saying "ok my body can only absorb so much supplement X then my body pisses it out!, i'll show them!"

Urea is in some skin lotions.

When urea is applied to the skin it penetrates the stratum corneum, where it readily absorbs and retains water. This increases the capacity of the skin to hold moisture, and the skin therefore becomes rehydrated. The moisturising base that the urea is mixed in also provides a layer of oil on the surface of the skin, which helps prevent water from evaporating from the skin surface. Both actions soothe and soften the skin, and reduce the scaling and itching of dry skin conditions such as eczema and ichthyosis.


If mid-stream urine is used the chance of gathering bacteria IF there is some infection in the urethea or any place else is small if at all.

I've read that fresh urine has some uses and oxidized has other uses. I can't remember the different uses though.

Funny how some people think its gross to use urine therapuetically but may not think that its gross if used during a sexual experience.

I think it is disgusting that some big pharma company sold (untreated) horses urine to women for hormone replacement (Premarin).

Edited by 4eva, 03 November 2008 - 02:51 PM.

#11 frederickson

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 05:42 PM

The urea though is a poison is it not? as to if the urine is infectious or how toxic it is depends on if the person has any tract infections or what they may have in their system. I guess some of the hardcore supplement users will be saying "ok my body can only absorb so much supplement X then my body pisses it out!, i'll show them!"

Urea is in some skin lotions.

When urea is applied to the skin it penetrates the stratum corneum, where it readily absorbs and retains water. This increases the capacity of the skin to hold moisture, and the skin therefore becomes rehydrated. The moisturising base that the urea is mixed in also provides a layer of oil on the surface of the skin, which helps prevent water from evaporating from the skin surface. Both actions soothe and soften the skin, and reduce the scaling and itching of dry skin conditions such as eczema and ichthyosis.


If mid-stream urine is used the chance of gathering bacteria IF there is some infection in the urethea or any place else is small if at all.

I've read that fresh urine has some uses and oxidized has other uses. I can't remember the different uses though.

Funny how some people think its gross to use urine therapuetically but may not think that its gross if used during a sexual experience.

I think it is disgusting that some big pharma company sold (untreated) horses urine to women for hormone replacement (Premarin).

at least there are a few intelligent posters in this subforum. urea, the primary constituent (about 2.5%) of urine aside from water (95%), is indeed used in many expensive topical products. urine is not a waste product but ultra-purified blood, with enzymes, vitamins, and hormones that the body did not use. consequently, those who eat well and consume supplements intelligibly would have particularly beneficial urine as the body may not have been able to use the nutrients they contain. as for the smell, there is none at all after a few seconds when fresh urine is applied.

those looking for current scientific "proof" are naive to the way research works, there is absolutely zero potential for profit here and thus zero likelihood of this type of research getting funded in the current scientific environment. i may do a literature search of older studies, as i believe there was a good deal of research on the subject through the 1960's. but the simple fact that urine therapy has been, and continues to be, used in india for thousands of years is all the proof that i need. well that and the fact that it completey wiped out my acne in one week's time and greatly reduced seborrheic dermatitis. the same conditions that benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, ketoconazole, and steroids could not fix.

you want unnatural? continue to slather these chemicals on your face, that MAY be supported by a few small studies over a short period of time. further, the long-term effects of the combination of chemicals in any particular topical product are unknown.

while the rest of the imminst forums are great, the fact that most here can't see beyond pharmaceutical/cosmetic industry topicals (9 out of 10 threads seem to be on this subject) is disappointing. i have honestly found much more intelligent discussion on lifestyle measures on the acne.org, curezone, and seb derm support forums. i have provided some of the literature, and will not defend this practice further, but will answer specific questions if anyone has them.

the comedians on this thread can continue to waste their time and money on dermatologists and their products. i'll be the last one laughing as my skin is finally clear and i'll go out and spend my time and money on more important things.

Edited by frederickson, 03 November 2008 - 05:47 PM.

#12 JLL

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 06:06 PM

Truthfully, this doesn't sound that strange to me; I've seen "urea" as an ingredient in some shampoos/conditioners, and some primitive societies apparently use urine to wash their hair (eskimos and some African tribes come to mind). Sure, we have more sophisticated methods these days, but they probably wouldn't use urine just for the hell of it.

#13 Steve_86

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 08:49 AM

I was just reading an interview with Lyoto Machida who is the current UFC light-heavyweight champion (MMA fighting). I found this interesting:

Is it true that you drink urine in the morning? Why?
I do it because is a tradition from my father, from our family, my grandfather did it too and my father explained to us that in the times of the war always miss support medicines and a Japanese general, when the country were bad in war, had nothing and the only thing that he prescribe was urine and a lot of people that had ills as gonorrhea and skin ills, got better with time, after two, three months doing it, they started to heal of all that. I saw people with diabetes that got better on sugar levels on blood, so I believe that and I do it everyday, specially when I'll fight, it's not that I won't get sick, but I think it's harder, because I believe that urine have much hormones as GH and hormones are released during the sleep, and I take advantage of that.

I wonder if drinking urine noticably helps with bodybuilding, it would be interesting to find some more anecdotal reports...

#14 Lufega

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 01:05 PM

Urea at varying concentration is used to treat seborrhea and other conditions so I'm not surprised this worked. I would probably suggest you go this route, but hey, urine is free!

#15 rollo

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 02:46 AM

i hope the quality of the posters on this forum will dissuade any of the "ewww, gross!" types of responses and we can keep this to intelligent discussion.

i had reached a point of desperation recently with the moderate acne that arose out of the blue several months ago as well as my persistent facial, chest, and sacral seborrheic dermatitis. this was especially annoying as i had been eating a tremendously nutrient dense diet and had given up dairy, nuts, eggs, all refined carbs and other potential dietary problem items to no avail.

so i read about topical urine therapy and figured what the heck, why not? within two days of applying fresh urine with a cotton swab all of the acne on my forehead (about 5 whiteheads at the time) had gone down completely! one week later i have no new pimples and i had been averaging about 5 or 6 new whiteheads a week. the many red marks i had incurred are fading much more quickly too. even after only a week, my seb derm has been toned down noticeably, to a level i had never experienced with ketoconazole/steroids.

simply put, i am AMAZED.

as most here surely realize, urine is sterile and has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. many of the contents of urine - especially urea, vitamin c and the b vitamins - are actually sold in many skin products. the enzymes, hormones, and other excess products (urine is not waste, but filtered excess) also likely play a role in its amazing effects on the skin.

has anyone here ever engaged in this ages-old practice? as long as you aren't taking a lot of pharmaceutical products, i really can't think of any downsides given the analyses of the contents of urine that have been published. if you would like i can post them. unlike benzoyl peroxide, which has been shown to age the skin, there simply aren't any substances in urine that i can envision being damaging to the skin. i have read a great deal on the subject and am convinced, but what are the thoughts of the resident skin experts here?

well if it's working for you then continue...

i may try it myself... drinking urine may also be worth trying...

i'll read more into it....

#16 niner

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 03:36 AM

I think it is disgusting that some big pharma company sold (untreated) horses urine to women for hormone replacement (Premarin).

That sounds like an Internet Rumor. Which is to say I don't think it is correct. My understanding is that a great deal of extraction and concentration has to occur before the Premarin is done.

#17 mustardseed41

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 09:47 PM

This thread pisses me off.....lol

#18 kurdishfella

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Posted 05 January 2022 - 06:10 AM

I knew a guy he took vitamin tablet then peed and injected it IM or subq said it worked

#19 kurdishfella

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Posted 01 June 2022 - 11:48 AM

Has anyone injected pee? I am thinking about doing it. The gut has already made the nutrients usable so it would be ready to use. My worry is an infection, painor something. Not sure how to clean it properly. Your pee contains a lot of proteins hence why I want it as I have gut absorption issues but my gut can break it down fine into usable form I think. Your DNA needs proteins and other nutrients from the gut to make everything otherwise nothing can be made and you die. You cant survive on the nutrients from the air via the lungs alone. but dont do it if you take drugs as the drugs waste products will be in the pee and u could overdose. how do u clean it without removing the beneficial nutrients?

Has anyone injected pee? I am thinking about doing it. The gut has already made the nutrients usable so it would be ready to use. My worry is an infection, painor something. Not sure how to clean it properly. Your pee contains a lot of proteins hence why I want it as I have gut absorption issues but my gut can break it down fine into usable form I think. Your DNA needs proteins and other nutrients from the gut to make everything otherwise nothing can be made and you die. You cant survive on the nutrients from the air via the lungs alone. but dont do it if you take drugs as the drugs waste products will be in the pee and u could overdose. how do u clean it without removing the beneficial nutrients? is it better to inject a healthy persons/animal pee?

Edited by kurdishfella, 01 June 2022 - 11:58 AM.

#20 kurdishfella

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Posted 02 June 2022 - 12:39 PM

OK ive done it I injected tiny bit of my pee like 1ml and I think it works. I feel my nerves stronger and stronger grip and strength probably from the BCAA in my pee.

But I have to take it with 1000mg of vitamin C to prevent infection from arising. I used the last bit of my pee when I already had emptied most of the nutrients. Im gonna see tomorrow if the effect I got from it goes away, if it does then it means it works. this is awesome. Im gonna have a big meal and use inject 10ml of urine next time.

Edited by kurdishfella, 02 June 2022 - 12:44 PM.

#21 kurdishfella

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Posted 02 June 2022 - 03:04 PM

your own pee is more compatible to you. just like organs from family member or race mind.

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