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Be Careful What Thou Say Amongst These "Public"

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#1 luv2increase

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 09:07 PM

In light of this election, and the obvious expansion of the gov't which will be taking place; it is well-known that our freedoms will be ever more be taken from us. The Obama Presidency will be a continuation of the Bush Presidency. The gov't will enlarge, more rights will be taken away, people shall be afraid to speak their mind in liberty, and all hell shall break loose within 1 year from today. Be careful of what you say in a public board. Be careful what ye say even in a private board. Big Brother is looking over thee more than ever before. Anyone against or contradicts what Big Brother does, let is be known unto them that their words and/or actions shall call for immediate repricutions. This will never be the United States which we have ultimately known amongst our trivial life-spans. This is the new, changed United States that no one will shall have ever possibly imagined could have been possibly foreseen ever in our life-spans or those ancestrial life-spans before us. Ten Cuidado to all...

Edited by luv2increase, 05 November 2008 - 09:09 PM.

#2 sthira

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 09:38 PM

Relax, this right wing fanaticism of yours is harmful. Life is precious and short, give Obama a chance, who knows, maybe he will be good for you and for all of us, and things will get better in this country. Keep an open mind. If not, then four years is a short time, and then we can elect someone else again.

#3 Iam Empathy

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 10:21 PM

Relax, this right wing fanaticism of yours is harmful. Life is precious and short, give Obama a chance, who knows, maybe he will be good for you and for all of us, and things will get better in this country. Keep an open mind. If not, then four years is a short time, and then we can elect someone else again.

Thank you.

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#4 Shepard

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:07 PM


#5 suspire

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 01:32 AM

Dude, this sounds like the end of the world and the Rapture! Woo-hoo! I need some popcorn while I wait to roast in hell.

#6 RighteousReason

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 01:39 AM

In light of this election, and the obvious expansion of the gov't which will be taking place; it is well-known that our freedoms will be ever more be taken from us. The Obama Presidency will be a continuation of the Bush Presidency. The gov't will enlarge, more rights will be taken away, people shall be afraid to speak their mind in liberty, and all hell shall break loose within 1 year from today. Be careful of what you say in a public board. Be careful what ye say even in a private board. Big Brother is looking over thee more than ever before. Anyone against or contradicts what Big Brother does, let is be known unto them that their words and/or actions shall call for immediate repricutions. This will never be the United States which we have ultimately known amongst our trivial life-spans. This is the new, changed United States that no one will shall have ever possibly imagined could have been possibly foreseen ever in our life-spans or those ancestrial life-spans before us. Ten Cuidado to all...

Dude... don't be a pussy.

I rate this topic... 1 star! Lame!

Edited by Savage, 06 November 2008 - 02:43 AM.

#7 TianZi

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 02:10 AM


I believe you would benefit from observing how Biknut responded to the results from this election.

Edited by TianZi, 06 November 2008 - 02:19 AM.

#8 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 02:23 AM

No worries, the outcome of this election is entirely inconsequential as we've been told by the Left for years that George W. Bush was going to fake *another* 9/11, declare martial law, and establish himself dictator for life. We have until Jan. 20th for all that to play out so avoid tall buildings if possible. Of course, as a nod to Obama's supporters, I anticipate that King George will likely give Obama some sort of mid-level advisory position - just to show that he's generous guy and all. :)

Edited by Connor MacLeod, 06 November 2008 - 02:24 AM.

#9 RighteousReason

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 02:28 AM

we've been told by the Left for years that George W. Bush was going to fake *another* 9/11, declare martial law, and establish himself dictator for life


#10 niner

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 03:09 AM

In light of this election, and the obvious expansion of the gov't which will be taking place; it is well-known that our freedoms will be ever more be taken from us. The Obama Presidency will be a continuation of the Bush Presidency. The gov't will enlarge, more rights will be taken away, people shall be afraid to speak their mind in liberty, and all hell shall break loose within 1 year from today. Be careful of what you say in a public board. Be careful what ye say even in a private board. Big Brother is looking over thee more than ever before. Anyone against or contradicts what Big Brother does, let is be known unto them that their words and/or actions shall call for immediate repricutions. This will never be the United States which we have ultimately known amongst our trivial life-spans. This is the new, changed United States that no one will shall have ever possibly imagined could have been possibly foreseen ever in our life-spans or those ancestrial life-spans before us. Ten Cuidado to all...

Under Sharia Law which will soon be instated, Allah be praised, it will be necessary to cut out your tongue for speaking blasphemy. Since technically you are typing, maybe we'll have to cut off your fingers. I don't know. All thanks to Allah. Of course, as a White person you will be enslaved, so you might need your fingers in order to work for the greater glory of the State. I'm sure we can think of some appendage to amputate.

#11 william7

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 03:12 AM

and all hell shall break loose within 1 year from today.

Where did you get this revelation from? The last resurrection of the so-called Holy Roman Empire in europe has to occur before it gets that bad. http://www.gnmagazin.../superpower.htm.

If the thought police get me, I'll just have to dust off my trusty Prisoners' Self-Help Litigation Manual. :)

#12 forever freedom

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 03:23 AM

In light of this election, and the obvious expansion of the gov't which will be taking place; it is well-known that our freedoms will be ever more be taken from us. The Obama Presidency will be a continuation of the Bush Presidency. The gov't will enlarge, more rights will be taken away, people shall be afraid to speak their mind in liberty, and all hell shall break loose within 1 year from today. Be careful of what you say in a public board. Be careful what ye say even in a private board. Big Brother is looking over thee more than ever before. Anyone against or contradicts what Big Brother does, let is be known unto them that their words and/or actions shall call for immediate repricutions. This will never be the United States which we have ultimately known amongst our trivial life-spans. This is the new, changed United States that no one will shall have ever possibly imagined could have been possibly foreseen ever in our life-spans or those ancestrial life-spans before us. Ten Cuidado to all...

and all hell shall break loose within 1 year from today.

Where did you get this revelation from? The last resurrection of the so-called Holy Roman Empire in europe has to occur before it gets that bad. http://www.gnmagazin.../superpower.htm.

If the thought police get me, I'll just have to dust off my trusty Prisoners' Self-Help Litigation Manual. :)

lol this is funny.

Who's the bigger nutcase? Votes, anyone?

#13 biknut

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 04:33 AM

In light of this election, and the obvious expansion of the gov't which will be taking place; it is well-known that our freedoms will be ever more be taken from us. The Obama Presidency will be a continuation of the Bush Presidency. The gov't will enlarge, more rights will be taken away, people shall be afraid to speak their mind in liberty, and all hell shall break loose within 1 year from today. Be careful of what you say in a public board. Be careful what ye say even in a private board. Big Brother is looking over thee more than ever before. Anyone against or contradicts what Big Brother does, let is be known unto them that their words and/or actions shall call for immediate repricutions. This will never be the United States which we have ultimately known amongst our trivial life-spans. This is the new, changed United States that no one will shall have ever possibly imagined could have been possibly foreseen ever in our life-spans or those ancestrial life-spans before us. Ten Cuidado to all...

You guys are really acting very arrogantly to luv2increase. He's one of our own and doesn't deserve your ridicule. At least hundreds of thousands of people are thinking the same thing right now in this country. I never thought I would live to see the day when a new president would be elected that Americans would be living in real fear for their frickin country. Just because most of you feel otherwise it's no reason to make fun of us. You don't know if what you think is right anymore than us. What you've done is the same as jumping out of an airplane without checking you parachute, because someone told you it's a good one, and if you don't check it before you jump you'll get a tax refund.

If that turns our wrong it means death, and so many of you seem to be so afraid of death I'm surprised anyone of you would take this chance. If we had elected John McCain and he was the worst you think he could be, it wouldn't have been that bad. The way it is now it could turn out to be alright, or it could mean death for many. Even the most hard core among you has to realize there could at least be some minute possibiliy Obama will try to take down America for reasons only he knows.

I put the probability of the worst case at 1 1/2% (no more America)
The best case you guys think at 10% (this is being kind to him).
That Obama will be at least as bad as Carter or worse at 70%
That he'll be somewhere between Carter and the best you guys think at 20%

That means I'm giving him a 30% chance of being great or at least better than Carter, or a 68 1/2% chance he'll be worse than Carter, or 1 1/2% it's the end of America. It's the 1 1/2% chance that worrys me. A lot of other people are putting my worse case odds a lot higher.

It's not that I'm chicken. I'm not the one that's afraid to die, are you? I'm just worried about what might happen. If there's no America, I doubt France is going to save the world.

Because you decided to jump we have to jump right along with you. I really wish you would have at least taken a look inside the damn parachute.

Edited by biknut, 06 November 2008 - 04:37 AM.

#14 suspire

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 04:49 AM

I am trying to be polite in this moment, because I do feel good about the future of the nation and I don't want to be rude to the other side, after all this.

That said, luv2increase has posted quite a few extreme theories on the board and he continues to do so--you, at least have acknowledged some sort of possible good future under Obama, biknut, and have tried to show some sort of support, even if you have a lot of doubts. luv, instead, continues his unending stream of conspiracy theories. It is hard for us to take him seriously; we understand there are others who do not share our view, but luv's views are based in extreme fear of such a radical nature that it is hard for us to take him seriously or not get incredibly frustrated. It isn't that he is saying "Obama is inexperienced, so he won't be able to handle Russia" or "Obama isn't smart enough to help guide the nation through economic crisis" and give some strong arguments to support this. He is posting 1984 scenarios that are so off the radar that they fall into your "1.5 percent chance" category. Most of us don't want to discuss such outlandish ideas and after weeks and weeks of battles on those same fronts, we'd probably prefer: A) A few days of positive thinking, and B) Some discussions that fall more into the "40 to 70 percent chance of being accurate" category. It is just a level of discourse that is more plausible and interesting.

As for McCain, I can only speak for myself: Many of us feared as you feared of Obama--that he would lead us to destruction. His joke about "bomb bomb bomb Iran" could not be forgotten. No one should ever so nonchalantly joke about starting wars and taking away lives, especially a third war that could very well end the world. Please do try and understand it from our perspective; you may have thought we voted out of blind faith, but we felt that the opposing side did the same and as you could not understand how we could support a relatively inexperienced Obama, we could not understand how you could support a militant and unpredictable McCain, especially one who had chosen Palin (I think our fears of her are well known).

I don't want to hash out the pros and cons of all 4 candidates now; we've done it ad nauseum over the past month+. I am just trying to politely explain why: A) We are reacting so badly to luv. B) That your fears for Obama were not so dissimilar of our fears of McCain.

P.S.: Obama hasn't even announced any of his choices yet--transition team, cabinet positions, etc. Can we wait a few days to attack him (or debate his decisions) until they are, you know, actually made and are official? These would be valid topics of discussion--the stuff luv is posting is just random conspiracy theories, of the like of a King W (while some extreme leftists feared this possibility, most of us on the left wing rejected this idea much as we rejected the idea that 9/11 was the work of W and Cheney). Give us some credit--we attack our own wingnuts, so please stand up and fend off the radical ideas from your side of the camp, too.

Edited by suspire, 06 November 2008 - 04:54 AM.

#15 Heliotrope

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 05:11 AM

the cuidado i hear from right-wing religious fanatics is one word: Anti-Christ, or is that two?

what they say is obama's disguised as the One, the Only, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient, the "big O"

oh Barack Almighty , we hail thee ,

Edited by HYP86, 06 November 2008 - 05:14 AM.

#16 william7

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 12:27 PM

lol this is funny.

Who's the bigger nutcase? Votes, anyone?

Here I try to give you hope for longer than a year and you call me a nutcase and try to stir up the crowd. This is the thanks I get?

Posted Image :)


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 10:15 PM


Thank you Katie Couric and Tina Fey, you may have just saved the US. Whatever you say about Obama, at least he has a measurable IQ.

Insiders spill the beans on Sarah Palin

The Republican party's post-election downward spiral continues with aides of John McCain saying that Sarah Palin did not know Africa was a continent.

Fox News anchor Carl Cameron claims McCain's aides told him Palin did not understand Africa was a continent, not a country, and that she also didn't know what countries were in the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA].

Cameron says the source told him that Palin had no idea the US, Canada and Mexico were in NAFTA.

"I wish I could have told you more at the time but all of it was put off the record until after the election," Cameron said.

"There was great concern in the McCain campaign that Sarah Palin lacks the degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice-president, and a heartbeat away from the presidency.

"We're told by folks that she didn't know what countries were in NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, that being Canada, the US, and Mexico.

"We're told she didn't understand that Africa was a continent rather than a country just in itself - a whole host of questions that caused serious problems about her knowledgeability.

"She got very angry at staff, thought that she was mishandled, was particularly angry about the way the Katie Couric interview went.

"She didn't accept preparation for that interview and the aides say that that was part of the problem. And there were times that she was hard to control emotionally - there's talk of temper tantrums at bad news clippings."

The Daily Mail reports that McCain's aides also said that she spent "thousands more" than the reported $US150,000 on clothes during the campaign, much to the shock of the donor that footed the bill.

Other allegations to surface included the former vice-presidential candidate and Alaska governor answering the door to McCain's aides in just a towel.

These reports spark further speculation there is serious unrest within the Republican party since it's presidential defeat on Tuesday.

Palin was under fire throughout the campaign after encountering numerous speed bumps, including her expensive wardrobe, not being able to name a newspaper she reads and being the subject of the now infamous Saturday Night Live sketches featuring Tina Fey.

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