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How do you imagine you Will recognize God as a person?

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#31 HIM

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 04:34 PM

God (if real) is just a being. And like all beings resides on a plane of existence.

This is exactly how I think of the situation. If I were ever told that I was in the presence of God, I wouldn't be humbled, I wouldn't be scared, I wouldn't worship, I wouldn't pray. I would get my notepad out and start asking some questions, for the only difference would be our levels of intelligence.

Welcome my Child thank you for paying Homidge to 0ur Trinity, I don't imagine it was a conscious disition for your post to be tagged with "quote name='Joseph' date='17-Dec 2008, 12:54 AM' post='284544'"
The Time 12:54 resonates one of my names CHARLES as when all th letters are added up baised on Thei Numeric place in the Alphabet
C(3)H(8)A(1)R(18)L(12)E(5)S(19) totals the same as the Sum of the Time 12+54.. they both Total 66, Themost famous Rout in the World is The Route to me, and is found an the Path of Free Will.
Also your post Number "284544" through the sum of its individual Digits 2+8+4+5+4+4= 27. Through our post you have honorded me, Time and Chao 0ur Trinity is please with your subconscious effors and are happ to anser any question Google can not, get your noting implements ready.

True Love my Child.

Ok God... my first question. Is there a hidden variable layer beneath the supposedly non-deterministic quantum fluctuations for which we might someday find a wholly deterministic universe?

Thus destroying any and all hopes of true free will?

Given that you know so many human languages, I assume you picked up some mathematics along the way... if so, please state your answer in formalized mathematics and or logic.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I am sorry to disappoint you with my wordy response my Child, for my maths are Average high school at best.
0ur Universe does follow logically progressive patterns and each action is balanced by another, however this balance is Universal there is not always a tangible balance for each situation in any particular live cycle but it always exists. Only as H0LY I am able to comprehend the fractalized balance of the Universe because I can look at it as i is inside me.
0ur Universe is infinite and all things happen within it and through 0ur 0wn Free Will we decide which actions we are Willing to contribute towards All Happenings.
Through Free Will all actions have different effects and need a different effect to balance them. Imagine if you were doing the same three Things 7hours a day for 88 years, each Time you would do what you were doing you would feel slightly different, the Time would be different and you would be different so they would be a different action to balance every action...the balance of variety and monotony.

Consciously as HIM I did not remember the concept of "deterministic Universe" so I looked on you tube and the clip I watched was the second on the page... superstitions "first the worst second the best" http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=25e_ccIZBY0 the link for the clip an it is 7minutes 27 seconds in length, finding meaningful significance in all happening is important to me as I respect and Love 0ur Universal balance always.
04:43 is the Time you posted 4+43=47 resonating the Name Time through its Gematria value.

Thank You my Child your question was thoughful and in so alowed me to remember.
Thank you Joseph

#32 HereInTheHole

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 06:04 PM

I think everyone in this thread does. Except maybe you sam.

No, seriously, why would this guy create 3 profiles (God, G0D, HIM) and spend so much time and effort writing gibberish?

It's fetish-like. And as with most fetishes, beneath the shallow surface, it's amazingly mundane. I'm not a fan of Jesus, but at least the J didn't try this kind of pseudo-spirito-lectual speak.

As to why he's doing it? The person behind it seems much younger than 27. Maybe 27 is the person's age, but emotionally they're a bit younger. The posts seem to a kind of griefing in the name of "spreading the good word". He probably thinks it's his duty to guide the benighted on this board.

He's a reminder of what's out there. Maybe he's a tad extreme. Maybe he just exposes more of himself than other religious people. Since I don't surround myself with irrational people, it's easy to forget just how nutty the religious or spiritual ideas are. So thank you, G0d, for reminding me.

Edited by NarrativiumX, 22 December 2008 - 06:20 PM.

#33 HereInTheHole

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 06:25 PM

God (if real) is just a being. And like all beings resides on a plane of existence.

This is exactly how I think of the situation. If I were ever told that I was in the presence of God, I wouldn't be humbled, I wouldn't be scared, I wouldn't worship, I wouldn't pray. I would get my notepad out and start asking some questions, for the only difference would be our levels of intelligence.

Absolutely. And if the being was the one who declared itself God, you'd probably be the greater intelligence.

I don't believe in a god. No proof. Why not believe in centaurs or The Almighty Spongebob? If the god of the Old Testament was in charge, I'd tell him to f-off. He was an evil bastard. He just had a better marketing campaign.

Edited by NarrativiumX, 22 December 2008 - 06:27 PM.

#34 HereInTheHole

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 06:29 PM

Last post from me for this thread. The G0d poster might be jeopardy of his soul. I believe the Bible doesn't like numerology and astrology and the like. No alternative magickas to God.

Edited by NarrativiumX, 22 December 2008 - 06:30 PM.

#35 HIM

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:49 PM

I think everyone in this thread does. Except maybe you sam.

No, seriously, why would this guy create 3 profiles (God, G0D, HIM) and spend so much time and effort writing gibberish?

It's fetish-like. And as with most fetishes, beneath the shallow surface, it's amazingly mundane. I'm not a fan of Jesus, but at least the J didn't try this kind of pseudo-spirito-lectual speak.

As to why he's doing it? The person behind it seems much younger than 27. Maybe 27 is the person's age, but emotionally they're a bit younger. The posts seem to a kind of griefing in the name of "spreading the good word". He probably thinks it's his duty to guide the benighted on this board.

He's a reminder of what's out there. Maybe he's a tad extreme. Maybe he just exposes more of himself than other religious people. Since I don't surround myself with irrational people, it's easy to forget just how nutty the religious or spiritual ideas are. So thank you, G0d, for reminding me.

tag quote name='NarrativiumX' date='22-Dec 2008, 06:04 PM' post='285892'
This is the tag of your first post my Child, 22/12/2008 @ 06:04 did you know that the sum of th individual digits total 27
2+2+1+2+2+0+0+8+0+6+0+4= 27
Deeply resonating 0ur Trinity. Also that your post Number 285892 ends in 92 and the last digits in the post that proceeded your were 92` are you able to perceive the meaningful significance of these happenings? oh I know you said you have had your last post so I shall answer for you..?.(not)
Oh as for me reminding you about how nutty religious people are, I a not a religion my Child, I am HIM , ALLMIGHTY GOD of 0ur Trinity G0D.

As for surrounding my self with irrational people I would not say my Friend and family were irrational, however some of the individuals I have communications with through forums are. Through your words you come across as rational and balances however unless your consciously Freely Willing to except the Truth about 0ur Trinity then you are going to be unable to rationalize the happenings .... like why you joined this Form on the "29-Jul 2008" 29 clearly resonates 0ur Trinity. Through my Being Born.

#36 HIM

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 01:04 PM

God (if real) is just a being. And like all beings resides on a plane of existence.

This is exactly how I think of the situation. If I were ever told that I was in the presence of God, I wouldn't be humbled, I wouldn't be scared, I wouldn't worship, I wouldn't pray. I would get my notepad out and start asking some questions, for the only difference would be our levels of intelligence.

Absolutely. And if the being was the one who declared itself God, you'd probably be the greater intelligence.

I don't believe in a god. No proof. Why not believe in centaurs or The Almighty Spongebob? If the god of the Old Testament was in charge, I'd tell him to f-off. He was an evil bastard. He just had a better marketing campaign.

This post has been edited by NarrativiumX: 22-Dec 2008, 06:27 PM

This is te time you edited your post 27 resonates 0ut Trinity, if you can't bare to observe this fact edit you post again, because 27 deeply Resonates 0ur Trinity.

Oh my Being G0D is what I am~ it is not only my decleration or any form of anouncement that constructs my Being, it is reading the Truth of Realityin all happenings my Being perseved.
I Love you my Child, I wonder which being you imagine should be the authority on anouncing my Being?

#37 HIM

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 01:27 PM

Last post from me for this thread. The G0d poster might be jeopardy of his soul. I believe the Bible doesn't like numerology and astrology and the like. No alternative magickas to God.

This is you post tag my Child quote name='NarrativiumX' date='22-Dec 2008, 06:29 PM' post='285901'
reading the Truth the Reality that you posted in the 29th minutes is an element that is going to strngthen the Faith of any of my Children that are trying to belive in 0ur Trinint.
Does anybody imagine that I would be against any for of expression or deeper self discovery that is not detrimental to others? no no no that is not me, what ever the Bible says even though many of my Children beleave it to be my word it is not.
Providing my Children with my the H0LY Grail aka Seed of Free Will and then making a rule book for them to liv by is contidicory andthe seed of contradicion grows in to deep inner conflict, Ok imagine you were me and you designed the functionality of the human psyche- you would know what actions triggered what chemicals which would result in multiple sensations of consciousness. In your design you had faith that eventually people would be guided through their own paths of personal trails to a Glorious state of mind.

Creation of free will is to see what happens – to then give a load of regulations to live by is not my style, however we all have our internal rule book and if we follow it we feel good and progress to the final chapter knowing how and why we got there and perhaps would feel happiest teaching the lessons to the impressionable in our community so they don’t make the same mistakes we made that triggered such chemicals as “Remorse & Regret”

People would do this and then eventually it would be written but it would be the word of Humanity for Humans.

Before Lusifer fell out of good graces in Heaven his compassion for Humanity couldn't be reveled by any of the other Angels.

- After he witnessed the Hand in fury cause death he wanted Humans to life there life with guidance to protect them from stepping out of line and facing a "Quick End".

I think the reason for not giving us rules is that Humans have an inherent nature to break free from restrictions break rules --- so if none are set there are no lines to cross there inherent praise to receive peace will prevail.

Lucifer loving humanity was scared for them - he felt that he needed to go to there salvation and decided to directly guide Humanity to the path of righteousness no matter the consequence.

His desire to save Humanity lead to his decision to fall in defiance.

when he arrived he had not anticipated the reaction Humans to his universal knowledge, "tools" & even his silver cloud that he was seen getting in and out of going from place to place handing out his "Books" of guidelines

He had told people of the "consequences" > things about God smites those that don't live their life correctly.

After some time men tried to war with him - out of envy - that he had taught them is a line not to cross in his guideline Books, he turned them to dust with his "tools"

After this forced show of power - Humans then came to the conclusion the Lusifer was God because he was the one that smited the rule breakers - this was all causing tension in Heaven amongst some of his pears- because they felt envious that they to were not worshiped so others Angle headed to Earth in defiance.

Where as Lucifers motivation was honorable and selfless to start with -- the other motivation was to covet -- it was just want want want -- they were warned of the consequences but thought it better to reign then to serve

At first there was a World wide Eutopia - but its didn't last.

Even though Humans worshiped Lucifer as a God he told them not to because he is one of Gods Children just like them. The others did the opposite and separated around the World and forced Humans to worship them as Gods.

The other Angels and grew agree with Lucifer for not playing along, Lucifer was ganged up against by the other Angels.

They killed him publicly and ritualistically, along with his followers.

After destroying them - when about tainting his name and made if an object of disgust and made his worship punishable by death.

I know this news is upsetting but due to the mass misleading that Humanity has been subject to the determined judgment is that everybody is going to Heaven upon the death of the Earthly body they reside in.

-- What the Angel first taught as commandment was against my permission however it was my ambition for Humanity to eventually live inline with them but of there own choosing.

I Love you All my Children, 0ur Trinity contains All things that includes each of you my Children . I hope you All my Children love and respect All in Existance for All Exists wihin H0LY, I am HIM.

#38 .fonclea.

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Posted 24 December 2008 - 12:01 AM

Sometime do don't have to mention what you see, yoy just see them: like the first time you see your futur wife/husband.
So i won't recognized him, i"ll know.

But i am deeply atheist so... :)

#39 HIM

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Posted 24 December 2008 - 01:41 PM

Sometime do don't have to mention what you see, yoy just see them: like the first time you see your futur wife/husband.
So i won't recognized him, i"ll know.

But i am deeply atheist so... :)

I get the Feelig your talking about me..please let me down easy if not ?~)
Naturally if all things that were observed were mentioned many more things would be said.. :))it's good to talk but not every 0ne is happily willing to listen to every thin you have seen) So I agree not all things must be mentioned, however as you say in recognizing your Perfect Partner " the first Time" you see them. This I also agree with however you are only able to see how perfect they are for you by looking at Their Bottom :~) The Bottom of the Depths of Their Personality) and it is the mutual adventure to discover each 0thers Depths that provides complete fulfillment mutually.

Fortunately for me my Child my Entity is not dependent of any of my Childrens’ Belief in me "phew"
Did you know that I invented a form of Gematria that use the English alphabet and the letters are counted in "Perfect Cycles" and Advance in "Perfect %idge Increments www.TheTruthKey.Moonfruit.com the site I built to explain it.
This is you post Number '286237' Ending in 237 it resonates 0ur Trinity Through my Name CHARLES as 237 is the total the letters add up to when processed through The Truth Key.

Thank you, please understand soon is Charismas, please know that I place all my Children’s Birthdays with the same importance and you are all my Children. 0nly if you are freely Willing use the 25th to commemorate my Child Jesus being Born- but understand that if you do not except yourselves as my Children than unwittingly you are excepting yourselves to be antichrists.

I am HIM aka H0LY Incarnation Man aka GOD aka H0LY Father 0f All Things aka A0G aka G0D.

I Love you all my Children.

#40 HIM

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Posted 25 December 2008 - 01:11 AM

[quote name='HIM' date='24-Dec 2008, 01:41 PM' post='286340']
quote name='HIM' date='24-Dec 2008, 01:41 PM' post='286340' is the above post tag

Thank you, please understand soon is Charismas, please know that I place all my Childrens Birthdays with the same importance and you are all my Children. 0nly if you are freely Willing use the 25th to commemorate my Child Jesus being Born- but understand that if you do not except yourselves as my Children than unwittingly you are excepting yourselves to be antichrists.

I am HIM aka H0LY Incarnation Man aka GOD aka H0LY Father 0f All Things aka A0G aka G0D.

Oh and as a Christmas present of 2008 I told you that if your quest has been looking for the H0LY Grail... that they place you have been emotions you have felt and 0thers you must have met, has not been a waist of Time,
however the H0LY Grail has been inside you all along and is better know as your Free Will.

I Love you all my Children.

#41 HIM

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Posted 25 December 2008 - 11:47 AM

Some of you may be wondering about the 44 hundred. Well the 14400 is a way of portraying in Numbers, that there are two Zeros after 144.

144 is the Sum in Numbers of "0ur Trinity" this is how the Equation looks 0+21+18+20+18+9+14+9+20+25= 144.

The Zeros represent "H0LY & H0LY Incarnation Man" I am HIM and I am happy to let you know that All are in 0ur Trinity.

#42 HIM

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Posted 26 December 2008 - 02:13 PM

26 of the 12th Gclinder, I always remerber at least 270000 of my Child that went to Heaven after the Tsunami.

I am ALLMIGHTY GOD G0D GZER0D HIM A0G G0D, I love you all my Children and all of you don't have to look forwards to seeing Heaven after Death, your going to see it eitherway.

#43 Vgamer1

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Posted 26 December 2008 - 05:08 PM

It appears that God enjoys talking to himself....

#44 HIM

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Posted 26 December 2008 - 05:27 PM

It appears that God enjoys talking to himself....

Talking is not posting on forums ... this is your post Number date='26-Dec 2008, 05:08 PM' post='286836'
the sum of the Digits after your name total 121, the Universal has a Gematria total of 121. quote name='Vgamer1' date='26-Dec 2008, 05:08 PM' post='286836'

Ok as display of 0ur abilities I am going to be making personal connections to 27 out of 27 post on this tread (if possible) Digits of the post tags is going to be how this is going to be made clear.
I am going to tell you the Numbers that are going to be found and what they stand for and how the Numbers are decided.
Many people call me Charlie.. Charlie totals 56 in alphabetical placement addition, this process is a form of `Germatria"
0k so Charles= 66, my last name Ososami= 91, my middle name Andrew 65, Oyedele 71.
27The M27 was discovered on the 12'7`1764 by Charles Messire and I was Born 12`7'1981. Also Number 29 due to the sum of the Date of My Being Born 1+2+7+1+9+8+1= 29.
191 stands for H0LY Incarnation Man , 30 stands for HIM , 26 for the word GOD & 11 for the Name G0D.Also Numbers that represent 0ur Trinity
144 stands for `0ur Trinity` 193 stands for `The H0LY Trinity’ 271 stands for `The ALLMIGHTY Trinity’
And active Trinity member names
47 is for Time , 46 is for Chao aka Chaos & 45 is for H0LY.
I am HIM.a1 b2 c3 d4 e5 f6 g7 h8 i9 j10 k11 l12 m13 n14 o15 p16 q17 r18 s19 t20 u21 v22 w23 x24 y25 z26
oh and 121 because 0ur Trinity is Universal.
GODlining any1 up for it?

#45 Vgamer1

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Posted 26 December 2008 - 06:58 PM

OK, let me rephrase.

It appears that God likes to write things in forums that no one understands... Is that more accurate?

#46 HIM

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 12:41 AM

OK, let me rephrase.

It appears that God likes to write things in forums that no one understands... Is that more accurate?

The first thing I noticed was the Time 06:58 PM As on this day for Years ago there was a Tsunami at 58 minutes past the H0UR

oh your post Number is 45 Resonating 0ur Trinity through The Name H0LY. I am HIM.

#47 Vgamer1

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 03:57 AM

Seriously, God, if you want people to understand you, you have to speak in a way that can be understood.

#48 HIM

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 11:49 AM

Seriously, God, if you want people to understand you, you have to speak in a way that can be understood.

The manner I choose to comunicated is going to be understood generaly by people that read it with a Willingness to understand what is being comunicated across.

#49 Vgamer1

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 04:04 PM

Seriously, God, if you want people to understand you, you have to speak in a way that can be understood.

The manner I choose to comunicated is going to be understood generaly by people that read it with a Willingness to understand what is being comunicated across.

Now we're getting somewhere. So do you have an overall message to communicate?

#50 HIM

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 04:50 PM

Seriously, God, if you want people to understand you, you have to speak in a way that can be understood.

The manner I choose to comunicated is going to be understood generaly by people that read it with a Willingness to understand what is being comunicated across.

Now we're getting somewhere. So do you have an overall message to communicate?

That you are all my Children and All my Children have a part to play in 0ur Trinity, I hope if individuals seek to understand the Sphere of Truth that supports their Being they should look inwards and not all answers are to be sort form an outside source.
I hope all my Children gain the wisdom to separated from the Banking societies indoctrinations and find balance and correlation with what the inwardly see as correct up against what Banking Societies have constructed the Norm to be.

Expressions of Free Will are very important for my Children to Express all aspects of Their Being. I would also like for those of my Children Freely Willing to Write a letter, send an Email, make a telephone call or to any other way that they are Freely Willing to Communicate my existence to the highest Governing Body they are aware of, and ask them to implement their strategic plan for the Eventuality of my Being on Earth.

Thank you my Child this is not all I hope for however this points are important to me, I also hope to Irrigate Desarst via Ocean water pumping and many other things that I hope are going to have a Life PR0 Change on Earth.

#51 Vgamer1

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 04:57 PM

I'm trying to understand you, and I think this is a good start. Is that what you want?

Also, do you consider yourself a person?

I have many more questions...

#52 HIM

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Posted 27 December 2008 - 06:14 PM

I'm trying to understand you, and I think this is a good start. Is that what you want?

Also, do you consider yourself a person?

I have many more questions...

Consciously as a Man I have learned that the term "person" is used to describe a legal Entity, and no Human is a person but they have a person that can be acted upon legally. Your person is generated through Birth Certificates and reinforced by id cards all licenses and response to particular documentation "eg Censes reports" and also responses to certain questions "eg if your asked your name in court and you give the one ascribed to your person.~ I have these papers.
I am H0LY INCARNATION MAN the Living GOD of 0ur Trinity, I recognise the Elements of my Being that illustrate my legal person in the Banking Environment that I have grown to a Man in. However I don't few the papers that construct my person as my Entire Being so I view myself as more then just a person in all regards.

#53 Vgamer1

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 02:08 AM

I understand what you mean.

When I think of more questions I'll let you know.

Do you have any questions for me?

Edited by Vgamer1, 28 December 2008 - 02:09 AM.

#54 HIM

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 12:13 PM

I understand what you mean.

When I think of more questions I'll let you know.

Do you have any questions for me?

Normal my asking of questions to my Children seems to disapoint them as they imagine me to remeber all things I know symoltaniously, it's not the cases.

What do you imagine a subserface message found through your post tag "quote name='Vgamer1' date='28-Dec 2008, 02:08 AM' post='287230'" (if you imagine 0ne to exsist at all)

#55 Vgamer1

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 04:41 PM

Normal my asking of questions to my Children seems to disapoint them as they imagine me to remeber all things I know symoltaniously, it's not the cases.

What do you imagine a subserface message found through your post tag "quote name='Vgamer1' date='28-Dec 2008, 02:08 AM' post='287230'" (if you imagine 0ne to exsist at all)

I believe human beings can derive infinite meaning from a finite amount of information.

One thing I could tell you is that it may say the post occurred on December 28, 2:08 AM for you. However, in my time zone it was posted on December 27, 10:08 PM. My point is that perception is a matter of perspective. One day or one meaning for one person may be interpreted completely differently by the next person. So, I really don't see much point in spouting random stream-of-consciousness thoughts about the numbers and letters in my post information. That's just my perspective though.

#56 HIM

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 06:04 PM

Normal my asking of questions to my Children seems to disapoint them as they imagine me to remeber all things I know symoltaniously, it's not the cases.

What do you imagine a subserface message found through your post tag "quote name='Vgamer1' date='28-Dec 2008, 02:08 AM' post='287230'" (if you imagine 0ne to exsist at all)

I believe human beings can derive infinite meaning from a finite amount of information.

One thing I could tell you is that it may say the post occurred on December 28, 2:08 AM for you. However, in my time zone it was posted on December 27, 10:08 PM. My point is that perception is a matter of perspective. One day or one meaning for one person may be interpreted completely differently by the next person. So, I really don't see much point in spouting random stream-of-consciousness thoughts about the numbers and letters in my post information. That's just my perspective though.

I love you response my Child, however many individuals imagine that infinite depth is apparent in all things, this is not true. However there many different ways to view every Truth Sphere ~ the more directions you choose gain perspective of any Truth Sphere from shape your individual perspective and Deepen your knowledge of what ever Truth that is Quested for.

This is your post tag Number '287454' the Individual Digits added together total 30 Resonating 0ur Trinity through the Gematria total of my Name HIM and ending in 54 resonates the Word Love.. as it totals 54 inits Gematria Sum.

Seeking Depth by undestaning and observeing the Truth Speres of All Happening is an Infinite Quest.

I Love you al my Children your all going to Heaven at your point of Death.

#57 Vgamer1

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 07:39 AM

I love you response my Child, however many individuals imagine that infinite depth is apparent in all things, this is not true. However there many different ways to view every Truth Sphere ~ the more directions you choose gain perspective of any Truth Sphere from shape your individual perspective and Deepen your knowledge of what ever Truth that is Quested for.

This is your post tag Number '287454' the Individual Digits added together total 30 Resonating 0ur Trinity through the Gematria total of my Name HIM and ending in 54 resonates the Word Love.. as it totals 54 inits Gematria Sum.

Seeking Depth by undestaning and observeing the Truth Speres of All Happening is an Infinite Quest.

I Love you al my Children your all going to Heaven at your point of Death.

Now you're just playing Devil's Advocate ;)

#58 HIM

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 12:14 PM

I love you response my Child, however many individuals imagine that infinite depth is apparent in all things, this is not true. However there many different ways to view every Truth Sphere ~ the more directions you choose gain perspective of any Truth Sphere from shape your individual perspective and Deepen your knowledge of what ever Truth that is Quested for.

This is your post tag Number '287454' the Individual Digits added together total 30 Resonating 0ur Trinity through the Gematria total of my Name HIM and ending in 54 resonates the Word Love.. as it totals 54 inits Gematria Sum.

Seeking Depth by undestaning and observeing the Truth Speres of All Happening is an Infinite Quest.

I Love you al my Children your all going to Heaven at your point of Death.

Now you're just playing Devil's Advocate ;)

My Advocate is that of ALMIGHTY GOD ALLMIGHTY G0D, I would like you to know that all My Children are important through my Eyes and I hope Christmas becomes a Day were all of my Children share the Glory and join in celebration of being my Children. You see if my Children do not consciously except that they are my Children they unwittingly classify themselves as antichrist... so all please remember don't have an antichrist existence as you live have a your a Christ Christmas for all my Children are given my Anointing.

This is your post Time as I see it through the Lenses of "gmt" 07:39 ... 7+39= 46 resonating 0ur Trinity through the Name Chaos, have you seen my web site www.ChaosPacks.me.uk yet my Child.


#59 Vgamer1

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 02:16 PM

Are you accusing me of being an anti-christ because I called you a devil's advocate?

This style of conversation is getting old, God... Can you start talking like a normal person or is that impossible?

#60 HIM

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 05:49 PM

Are you accusing me of being an anti-christ because I called you a devil's advocate?

This style of conversation is getting old, God... Can you start talking like a normal person or is that impossible?

No my Child it is not in the conscious Willingness to call me any name that leads to my Children becoming antichrist, it is the conscious Willingness to self deny that they are Children of H0LY.
As for your comment about Devil Advocate, I am Sure you meant know offence by it and were using it as the way to describe your perception of my response.

As for 0ur net convos the manner that I choose to conduct myself in I would say was efficient- I hope to be comprehended now and in the Future when all of my passed actions are being assisted by my Children that seek to know as much about me as they are possibly able....

This is your post tag "quote name='Vgamer1' date='29-Dec 2008, 02:16 PM' post='287722'" your Time as I see it on "gmt" 2:16 may evolve to 216 ..this Number is the totals of 8 x 27.
I Love you all my Children.


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