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Music on HedWeb

AdamDavis's Photo AdamDavis 03 Jan 2009

Abolitionist philosopher David Pearce has kindly given me my very own section on his HedWeb site for some of my more dronesome, bliss-inspired music:


Enjoy, and happy new orbital cycle!

AdamDavis's Photo AdamDavis 09 Feb 2009

Hey :)

Recently uploaded is a new track of mine entitled "Harmonics Research"; with thanks to James the web designer for putting it up. Time now to learn how to do it myself! ;)

Best wishes,

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 09 Feb 2009

Nice! ;)

If you are not familiar with them already, check out Robbert Fripp's soundscapes for inspiration. Especially the latest are sufficiently optimistic to fit your style; the older ones are a bit sad.
He uses a memory / delay machine to create several layers of chords played on top of each other and his guitar as controller. Very impressive, especially if you realise he is doing it in realtime and for the most part (based on) improvisation.

Btw., how did you create the bell sounds in "harmonics Research"? Some filter arrangement or with an additive synth?

AdamDavis's Photo AdamDavis 10 Feb 2009

Nice! :)

If you are not familiar with them already, check out Robbert Fripp's soundscapes for inspiration. Especially the latest are sufficiently optimistic to fit your style; the older ones are a bit sad.
He uses a memory / delay machine to create several layers of chords played on top of each other and his guitar as controller. Very impressive, especially if you realise he is doing it in realtime and for the most part (based on) improvisation.

Btw., how did you create the bell sounds in "harmonics Research"? Some filter arrangement or with an additive synth?

Thanks alot, Brainbox!

I've heard about alot of his work as well as his collaborations with Brian Eno, who I actually do listen to quite alot. I've been meaning to get into Fripp too, but I'll definitely check him out now. Thanks for the recommendation. His techniques are very innovative.

I manually played harpsichord samples, set to high frequency resonances, on a sampler then which was then routed through heavy reverb' and delay effects processing (in that order ;) ). I like to play all my music by hand, including the drones and extended chords.
Edited by Biopunk, 10 February 2009 - 09:56 PM.

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 10 Feb 2009

Ah, samples. Must be my Freudian forgetfulness... ;)

I did use a Nordlead (old model) and K5000 up until some time ago, on which I liked to create sounds from scratch. But sampling is more productive, especially comparing it with trying to program sounds on a K5000.

AdamDavis's Photo AdamDavis 15 Feb 2009

Ah, samples. Must be my Freudian forgetfulness... ;)

I did use a Nordlead (old model) and K5000 up until some time ago, on which I liked to create sounds from scratch. But sampling is more productive, especially comparing it with trying to program sounds on a K5000.

Yeah, I do actually prefer to synthesize my own sounds also from scratch. Nord synths are very, very nice. Do you have any links to your music, Brainbox? I'd love to have a listen.
Edited by Biopunk, 15 February 2009 - 04:29 PM.

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 21 Feb 2009

No, unfortunately not. But to be honest, apart from some covers (TD & klaus Schulze immitations) I made the quality was not sufficient to make it public. :-D
Hence I switched to photography. See PM. I still use my monitors regularly to listen to music when I'm working at the PC.
Edited by Brainbox, 21 February 2009 - 02:00 PM.

AdamDavis's Photo AdamDavis 12 Mar 2009

Ahhh, I'd still love to hear some though, being a fan of Tangerine Dream and all that. Besides, I believe transhumanists should strive for an infinite capacity to see infinite beauty in all creativity. It's not just the end product that should be of note, but the cascading neurons and thought processes leading up to it's creation and afterwards, and the events in your life that lead you to making such an artwork.

AdamDavis's Photo AdamDavis 28 Jul 2009

The section has been updated with a few more tracks as well as a new noise track entitled "Hedonoise" with accompanying literature in it's own special sub-section!