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Obscenely expensive inauguration! (cont)

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#61 Ben Simon

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 02:20 AM

I agree with OP, the inauguration (treated like a coronation) was obscenely expensive. This man is only a government official. He doesn't deserve to be treated like a King.

If this inauguration were any different, or any more expensive than any other inauguration in recent memory, you might have a point. As it stands, you appear to be misinformed.

Non sequitur.

How do you figure? Obama's inauguration cost about the same as Bush's, perhaps less. See my post above if you missed the debunking. AgeDefier's suggestion that he's being treated like a king is presumably linked to the misconception that this inauguration was significantly different than any other recent inauguration of an American President. If his point is that all American presidents are treated like kings, then, well, I wouldn't agree with that either. I am working under the assumption that AgeDefier considers this inauguration to be special, which it was not, other than people really cared about it.

The observation was made about this inauguration, but without reference to inaugurations past. If agedefier believes their remarks to be true in this case, it would follow that he/she would believe them true of previous inaugurations also. I certainly didn't consider the point being made to be about making comparisons. Nor should it be, really. We're gonna get ourselves in trouble if every time somebody criticizes the current administration somebody else pipes up and says 'Yeah but what about George Bush?' George Bush is not the barometer by which we assess that which is acceptable from our elected officials.

Edited by ben, 23 January 2009 - 02:21 AM.

#62 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 02:24 AM

Now that this charge has been shown to be bullshit, there should be an apology from the Right. Who is going to step up?

I have nothing to do with this thread and think you're all a bit silly, but I'll make the apology if you can get Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton to witness it.

#63 Ben Simon

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 02:27 AM

The title of this thread shows the hypocrisy of the Right. If Obama's inauguration was "obscenely" expensive, why were they not saying the same thing about Bush's last inauguration, which cost about the same amount? This thread started with claims that the left were hypocrites, based on cost calculations which counted the cost of security for Obama, but not for Bush. Now that this charge has been shown to be bullshit, there should be an apology from the Right. Who is going to step up? I won't hold my breath.

I don't know that anyone has identified themselves as being 'on the right' in this thread, but maybe you know people here better than I do. Regardless, I don't see how it would be up to someone on the right to apologize for that error. If an apology is necessary (which it isn't because we're just thrashing ideas around, nobody's getting hurt :)) then wouldn't it be expected from whoever is responsible for the fallacious presentation of that data in the first place, be it the thread starter or some other source?

I tire very quickly of the right left thing. This ain't football so why the hell are there teams?

Edited by ben, 23 January 2009 - 02:28 AM.

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#64 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 02:46 AM

I tire very quickly of the right left thing. This ain't football so why the hell are there teams?

It's kinda like prison here in the Politics & Law subforum of imminst: you've gotta choose a gang otherwise you're liable to wind up someone's bitch. Do you want to be someone's bitch?

Edited by Connor MacLeod, 23 January 2009 - 02:47 AM.

#65 Ben Simon

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 02:55 AM

I tire very quickly of the right left thing. This ain't football so why the hell are there teams?

It's kinda like prison here in the Politics & Law subforum of imminst: you've gotta choose a gang otherwise you're liable to wind up someone's bitch. Do you want to be someone's bitch?

No sir! I wanna be the guy who shivs someone at random in the cafeteria on his first day. Stay away from Benito. He loco.

#66 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 02:59 AM

I tire very quickly of the right left thing. This ain't football so why the hell are there teams?

It's kinda like prison here in the Politics & Law subforum of imminst: you've gotta choose a gang otherwise you're liable to wind up someone's bitch. Do you want to be someone's bitch?

No sir! I wanna be the guy who shivs someone at random in the cafeteria on his first day. Stay away from Benito. He loco.

Heh! :)

Edited by Connor MacLeod, 23 January 2009 - 02:59 AM.

#67 niner

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 04:00 AM

Obama criticizes waste in Washington and says everybody makes sacrifices....then spends a massive amount of PUBLIC (our) money SELFISHLY (on himself) on something that could have been done for FREE (and was the next day) while we are on the edge of a Depression and the Federal Govt. is in record debt. With over a dozen parties (many open only to elites).

That seems hypocritical.

Or do you think profligate spending on an oath-taking ceremony for a public official is a wise way to spend public money?

The majority of the money, as I understand it, came from private donors. The inauguration is not just about saying the oath, it's a public ceremony marking a peaceful transfer of power, which in the broad sweep of history, is a pretty impressive achievement. In this particular case, because of the historic nature of the Obama presidency, millions wanted to be there, and over a million were. Significant numbers of others watched on giant screens in cities across the nation and the world, and of course tens of millions watched on television. This was not just a random event designed to waste money; it served a real purpose for America and for the world. It gave many people a new sense of unity and hope for a brighter future. That sort of psychological boost is important in a deep recession. This was not Obama spending money on himself, it was America spending money for herself and the world. The fact that we're on the edge of a depression is exactly the time we should be spending money. That's what the economy needs now, and lots of it. That money didn't just evaporate, a great deal of it went into the economy of the DC region and beyond. Finally, those parties open only to "elites" are one of the ways they raise money for this kind of thing.

If this were just an oath-taking ceremony for the local dog catcher, then yeah, it would be excessive. As a transition of power ceremony for the most powerful position in the world, and considering the significance to America and the world that Obama is of African descent, I think it was about right.

#68 Zenob

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 04:31 AM

The righties still haven't shut up about the cooked inauguration numbers? How pathetic. It doesn't matter how much it cost or how big of a ceremony they had. If they spend the same as Bush, Fox news calls it a huge waste of money. If they had skimped and made it a small cheaper affair Fox news would have been talking about how unpresidential it seemed and how disrespectful it was to America. Hell, if Obama personally cured cancer Fox news would be on the air the next day saying he should have done it sooner and blaming him for all the cancer deaths up till now. It doesn't matter WHAT they say or do, for the next 8 years Fox and the righties are going to be poo pooing EVERYTHING Obama and the democrats do. The only option the insane right has is to try and make Obama's administration fail. That's all they have left.

#69 Ben Simon

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 06:08 AM

The righties still haven't shut up about the cooked inauguration numbers? How pathetic. It doesn't matter how much it cost or how big of a ceremony they had. If they spend the same as Bush, Fox news calls it a huge waste of money.

Aaaaaand I rest my case.

#70 Zenob

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 10:32 PM

The righties still haven't shut up about the cooked inauguration numbers? How pathetic. It doesn't matter how much it cost or how big of a ceremony they had. If they spend the same as Bush, Fox news calls it a huge waste of money.

Aaaaaand I rest my case.

Shouldn't you be off somewhere sharpening your tooth brush to a sharp point? :)

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