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Singularity University funded by NASA and Google

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#1 abc4980d

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 06:50 AM

I signed up just to post this. I'll be honest, I have generally thought of you guys as a little bit crazy. But, this is pretty notable and I thought you should see it:


Edited by abc4980d, 03 February 2009 - 06:50 AM.

#2 forever freedom

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 07:19 AM

I signed up just to post this. I'll be honest, I have generally thought of you guys as a little bit crazy. But, this is pretty notable and I thought you should see it:


Wow amazing. At first i thought that this link was just a fake web page to hack us since it asks us to register to keep reading this unbelievable, too-good-to-be-true article. Anyways, here's a link with the complete article for those who don't want to register (and haven't expired their 30-day 3 article limit!). Same Financial Times website:

http://www.ft.com/cm...?nclick_check=1 (edit: hm never mind, apparently my link ended up exactly like abc4980's... wicked thing)

Google and Nasa are throwing their weight behind a new school for futurists in Silicon Valley to prepare scientists for an era when machines become cleverer than people.

The new institution, known as “Singularity University”, is to be headed by Ray Kurzweil, whose predictions about the exponential pace of technological change have made him a controversial figure in technology circles.

Tech Blog: Tales from Topographic Oceans - Oct-17In depth: Browser battles - Sep-03Google and Nasa’s backing demonstrates the growing mainstream acceptance of Mr Kurzweil’s views, which include a claim that before the middle of this century artificial intelligence will outstrip human beings, ushering in a new era of civilisation.

To be housed at Nasa’s Ames Research Center, a stone’s-throw from the Googleplex, the Singularity University will offer courses on biotechnology, nano-technology and artificial intelligence.

The so-called “singularity” is a theorised period of rapid technological progress in the near future. Mr Kurzweil, an American inventor, popularised the term in his 2005 book “The Singularity is Near”.

Proponents say that during the singularity, machines will be able to improve themselves using artificial intelligence and that smarter-than-human computers will solve problems including energy scarcity, climate change and hunger.

Yet many critics call the singularity dangerous. Some worry that a malicious artificial intelligence might annihilate the human race.

Mr Kurzweil said the university was launching now because many technologies were approaching a moment of radical advancement. “We’re getting to the steep part of the curve,” said Mr Kurzweil. “It’s not just electronics and computers. It’s any technology where we can measure the information content, like genetics.”

The school is backed by Larry Page, Google co-founder, and Peter Diamandis, chief executive of X-Prize, an organisation which provides grants to support technological change.

“We are anchoring the university in what is in the lab today, with an understanding of what’s in the realm of possibility in the future,” said Mr Diamandis, who will be vice-chancellor. “The day before something is truly a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea.”

Despite its title, the school will not be an accredited university. Instead, it will be modelled on the International Space University in Strasbourg, France, the interdisciplinary, multi-cultural school that Mr Diamandis helped establish in 1987.

Again, this is totally amazing. I did another search on google and it's for real. Now if NASA and Google acknowledge that machines will be smarter than humans one day, they should do more! Google's owners are stinkin' rich and young, in their 30's, they should fund massive researches into AI. But one step at a time, this Singularity University is a great deal to start with!

Edited by sam988, 03 February 2009 - 07:28 AM.

#3 modelcadet

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 01:59 PM

Ok, where do we sign up? I'm graduating from UVa soon, and am going to need a place to crash until the Singularity.
@abc4980d You're definitely right that people here are a little bit crazy. Thank you so much for sharing this news, despite that belief. It is much appreciated by me, at least, as I and a couple other crazies attempt to start up an undergraduate research initiative for the same set of sciences. This project, while aiming to be an independent entity, is a child of this slightly crazy community. I beg of you to refresh your perspective on this community; after all, Singularitarianism is still more than slightly crazy to the overwhelming majority. That being said, I really do thank you for posting this information - enrolling in this Singularity University is probably going to become my life's goal.

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#4 forever freedom

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 02:40 PM

Here's their website: http://singularityu.org/

They have a 9-week undergrad program, and a 10-day and 3-day intensive programs for executives and CEOs.

This is a great initiative. The same way that the environmentalist freaks have gotten all the world influenced and working, so the same must be done with the idea of the Singularity.

#5 modelcadet

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 03:27 PM

I just emailed them on there /interested page.
Networks & Computing Systems/Finance & Entrepreneurship.
I put this as my website.

I work the graveyard shift at a convenience store in Charlottesville to finance tuition while gorging on Google Tech Talks, TED talks, ITConversations, Fora.tv, Thoughtware.tv talks, and other videotronic delicacies. Because UVa doesn’t give me credit for this, I created Brainery, to increase the liquidity of human capital by providing an open educational accreditation database. Brainery has yet to become my golden ticket to see the Valley’s Oompa Loompas, so I began working to patent social-“____” and make bubbl.icio.us $billions. Three months in, I saw Twine, cursed loudly, then compared Spivack’s patent to my own: they’re almost identical save lexicon, as I thought topologically rather than categorically. I still dream to patent it so I can fund my very own MIT Media Laboratory. Until I scrape together this semester’s tuition, consulting the UVa Patent Foundation’s out, so I’m working on Friendliness. Applying the evolutionary algorithm to economics (the heredity part rollickingly Bob Thurman-esque), I’ve constructed a Law, although the paper needs polishing before publishing. To find advisors as custodians for such potentially dangerous knowledge, I am currently helping found Teme, for memes, a research initiative to leverage undergraduates in advancing Singularitarian science. Your University’s mission approaches Teme’s: We must birth more such organizations into the noosphere if we’re to achieve a positive technological singularity. I desperately wish to be more connected to the handful of minds glimpsing the precipice of human destiny, so I may have the support network to further my research. This because, after applying existential philosophy Bostrom’s simulation work, I conclude I am the center of this simulation, and have a hunch that bringing about the PTS is my destiny.

#6 gattaca

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 04:19 PM

It does not matter how useful the actual classes at this university are. The fact of its existence and the identity of its sponsors will do more for the advancement of the human species than its 9 week or 10 day programs.

Anyone looking to attend this place should bear in mind that the true value is not in what they teach you, but who you will meet there, and the networks of like-minded scientists you will form by attending.

This is a fascinating development, and I will be watching it with great interest.

Edited by gattaca, 03 February 2009 - 04:20 PM.

#7 Liquidus

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 06:47 PM

I'm with gattaca on this one.

This is a very large increase in the public awareness of the imminent singularity. The sooner that more people are educated on the subjects, the more prepared we can all be moving forward in a very uncertain future, I don't mean in terms of people getting educated AT the school, but rather everyday people seeing that there's actually an education insititute dedicated to this topic, it helps to legitimize what most of us here already understand to be legitimate.

We need to keep in mind that for a lot of people, the concept of the singularity ALONE, let alone the implications, is a very very strong concept to process. I tried to explain the concept to my mother and she didn't believe it was even possible, let alone that we're well on our way to getting there (google: 20 petaflop supercomputer).

It's also great to see that Ray Kurzweil is getting the recognition that he deserves. We can only hope that time is generous enough to let pioneers like Kurzweil and de Grey see the fruits of their labor.

#8 Mind

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 08:00 PM

The founder of Imminst, Bruce Klein, was one of the main developers of the Singularity University. He has promised an interview about Sing U. for the Sunday Evening Update.

#9 advancedatheist

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 08:46 PM

Wow. The Singularitarians have their own Hogwarts now.

#10 Cyberbrain

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 10:51 PM

This is incredible! I had no idea Bruce was involved with this. Too bad they don't have an online or undergraduate program. But I'll definitely consider going after I graduate.

#11 Cyberbrain

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 11:00 PM

It does not matter how useful the actual classes at this university are. The fact of its existence and the identity of its sponsors will do more for the advancement of the human species than its 9 week or 10 day programs.

Anyone looking to attend this place should bear in mind that the true value is not in what they teach you, but who you will meet there, and the networks of like-minded scientists you will form by attending.

This is a fascinating development, and I will be watching it with great interest.

Exactly. The people you'd meet there will definitely be a great help. It would be the best place to find business partners and to great networks. I'm very eager to join them!

#12 gattaca

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 11:56 PM

This is incredible! I had no idea Bruce was involved with this. Too bad they don't have an online or undergraduate program. But I'll definitely consider going after I graduate.

It matches my assessment point for point. Apparently, the organizers of this University and I think in precisely the same way. Imagine that.

#13 Live Forever

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 12:19 AM

Interesting! Looking forward to the interview with Bruce about this, Mind.

#14 RighteousReason

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 12:37 AM

The founder of Imminst, Bruce Klein, was one of the main developers of the Singularity University. He has promised an interview about Sing U. for the Sunday Evening Update.

Hey, how about a link to the Sunday Evening Update thread?

#15 modelcadet

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 04:49 AM

Hey, how about a link to the Sunday Evening Update thread?

There is no thread yet for this upcoming interview, but it's listed in the planning stages at this thread.
Ben Goertzel's talk's thread

#16 MichaelAnissimov

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 11:13 PM

My stance on this is that it looks interesting, but I'm disappointed that the word "Singularitarian" has become associated with the Kurzweilian rather than Yudkowskian view of the Singularity. Remember that there are THREE SINGULARITIES -- I will post the URL three times so that people actually read it:


I strongly believe that the Singularity should be about the "intelligence explosion" school, and am somewhat less concerned about the accelerating change view. I am interested in the event horizon view but no one talks about it very interestingly.

The problem with the accelerating change view is that it is too inclusive. Look at my light bulb for instance. It is an energy-saving bulb. Therefore it has to do with accelerating technological change. I could talk about my light bulb for five hours and that would qualify as saying something valuable, according to the Kurzweilian school.

Still, it looks interesting as an extensive technology program.

#17 Live Forever

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 01:26 AM

My stance on this is that it looks interesting, but I'm disappointed that the word "Singularitarian" has become associated with the Kurzweilian rather than Yudkowskian view of the Singularity. Remember that there are THREE SINGULARITIES -- I will post the URL three times so that people actually read it:


I strongly believe that the Singularity should be about the "intelligence explosion" school, and am somewhat less concerned about the accelerating change view. I am interested in the event horizon view but no one talks about it very interestingly.

The problem with the accelerating change view is that it is too inclusive. Look at my light bulb for instance. It is an energy-saving bulb. Therefore it has to do with accelerating technological change. I could talk about my light bulb for five hours and that would qualify as saying something valuable, according to the Kurzweilian school.

Still, it looks interesting as an extensive technology program.

Maybe there should be a meme push to give all 3 slightly different (but similar) titles related to "Singularity" so that people are clear on which version is being discussed at any one time?

#18 MichaelAnissimov

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 07:06 PM

Maybe there should be a meme push to give all 3 slightly different (but similar) titles related to "Singularity" so that people are clear on which version is being discussed at any one time?

Yes, there should be, and I've been trying to push it for a while now. The three titles are "Accelerating Change", "Event Horizon", and "Intelligence Explosion". Eliezer Yudkowsky gave a talk on these Three Schools at the original Singularity Summit in 2006.

#19 Lazarus Long

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 07:19 PM

There is a fourth meme for a singularity that should not be intentionally overlooked, and that is the definition from physics. It is a Black Hole and if you do not off the bat create the distinction with physics for this concept it will forever be made in a possibly disparaging manner.

#20 brokenportal

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 09:33 PM

Maybe there should be a meme push to give all 3 slightly different (but similar) titles related to "Singularity" so that people are clear on which version is being discussed at any one time?

Yes, there should be, and I've been trying to push it for a while now. The three titles are "Accelerating Change", "Event Horizon", and "Intelligence Explosion". Eliezer Yudkowsky gave a talk on these Three Schools at the original Singularity Summit in 2006.

Ive kept this in mind since I read about what you wrote about it on LifeBoat I think it was, and then heard you talk about it on the Sunday Evening Update. Your meme seems to be working. Your doing a great job with everything you do.

I was just reading through the three distinctions in that link you gave and Im not sure I understand exactly. Isnt it inherent that accelerating change will probably lead to an event horizon or an intelligence explosion?

It seems to me that the intelligence explosion is more realistic than an event horizon too. If I get this right, the event horizon is about computers over taking our intelligence and leaving us in the dust, whereas the intelligence explosion is about us continuing to be the controlling factor driving the thoughts of super intelligent computers through interface.

So if the evidence all points toward an intelligence explosion becoming the outcome, then why do we have to worry so much about programming computers with ethics in mind so they dont over take us and impose their ill intent? Wouldnt our main concern be to continue to work on human ethics? I think human ethics needs to be focused on hard core too. I think this can best be done by a comprehensive teaching in high schools and colleges of what fallacy is so people can spot it in their thinking and eliminate it. I think its one of the top 8 goals that humanity should pursue.

Edited by brokenportal, 06 February 2009 - 09:56 PM.

#21 Kalepha

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 10:58 PM

There is a fourth meme for a singularity that should not be intentionally overlooked, and that is the definition from physics. It is a Black Hole and if you do not off the bat create the distinction with physics for this concept it will forever be made in a possibly disparaging manner.

There's another distinction it would be nice to see awareness of more often. It's the apparent distinction between (a) appeals to superintelligence as a good outlook (typically Kurzweilian) and (b) appeals to an "intelligence explosion" as a gauge for misanthropic insults (typically non-Kurzweilian). The (b) sort isn't needed. Although I warmly invite it, I still haven't seen or apprehended any satisfactory account that might quell obvious concerns arising from these two similar analogies:

1.1. infra-humans have not proved the existence of unsolvable problems : humans ::
1.2. humans have proved the existence of unsolvable problems : supra-humans

2.1. infra-humans have not conceived of reality in the philosophical or mathematical abstract : humans ::
2.2. humans have conceived of reality in the philosophical or mathematical abstract : supra-humans.

Also, Selmer Bringsjord in Superminds is misanthropically non-insulting.

#22 dnamechanic

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 02:32 AM

There is a fourth meme for a singularity that should not be intentionally overlooked, ...

There is the mathematical singularity that has been a crucial concept for mathematicians, engineers, and scientists for scores (possibly hundreds) of years.

The simplest form is probably this:

f (x) = 1/x , as x approaches 0

The mathematical singularity is related to the Dirac Delta function introduced by Electrical Engineer/Mathmatician/Physicist Paul Dirac.

Dirac Delta function -

an infinitely sharp peak bounding unit area: a function δ(x) that has the value zero everywhere except at x = 0 where its value is infinitely large in such a way that its total integral is 1.

The Dirac Delta function is intimately involved in modern signal and communication theory.

(Read that as important for telephone, television, sonar, radar, essentially all communications, including computer-based).

Maybe 'pluralities' is now applicable. :p

#23 Live Forever

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 12:17 AM

The talk about it with Bruce and Susan was pretty enlightening, especially with the dual video going on, haha:
(encourage everyone to take a look at it)

I was especially surprised to hear about the over 900 applicants so far for only 30 spots for the first session. That is impressive.

#24 Prometheus

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 03:12 AM

These extrapolations are always troubling.. Kurzweil's appears relatively the most conservative, particularly when using history as a priming set of data from which to extrapolate from.

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