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Experiences with picamilon

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#31 anomalous3

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Posted 26 January 2012 - 06:25 PM

50mg during the day and 50mg right before bed resulted in intense, vivid dreams and restless sleep. Yet somehow I feel relatively rested this morning. We'll see if I keep feeling that way or not.

#32 longevitynow

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 06:34 PM

These days anything that affects the brain is called a "nootropic". Picamilon and especially Phenibut may not really be nootropics if we use a definition of "brain enhancing" but might be nootropic for some who are very anxious but with these substances they are calmer and can think more clearly on them.

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#33 BlueJayRobin

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:15 AM

Many substances, both drugs and supplements, often come with the caution that their effects may take weeks to come fully into effect.

I usually find (I can't say how much of this is a subjective placebo-type effect) that with some things I get immediate effects. For instance with some antidepressants (Paxil and Elavil) I've had a positive lift in mood within 2 hours but nothing special with long term use. Maca has given me added energy since Day 1 and since I started using Noopept last week I've been mentally more acute. Piracetam worked immediately and gave me hours of wakefulness and acuity but after long use made me ambivalent as to it's effects. Whereas Theanine leaves me wondering even after many months.

Picamilon seems to work right off too, making the noopept even a little sharper.

With my taking such a variety of things though, one should take my testimony with a grain of sea salt. I still retain much wackiness.

Edited by BlueJayRobin, 29 February 2012 - 10:17 AM.

#34 Static

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Posted 14 April 2012 - 03:33 AM

I wasn't really getting anything from picamilon in gel caps and i was a bit stressed so i took 400mg picamilon powder sublingual about 45 minutes ago... i feel pretty damn chill right now..

yeah, it's probably a bit of an overdose but at least now i know it does something.

#35 renfr

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Posted 14 April 2012 - 03:40 PM

Picamilon seems to be innefective for me, it indeed brings some kind of calmness but doesn't work on GABA as I expected, at least it can't be compared to GHB for example or even alcohol. I thought it could have been great in order to increase sociability but not really.
Also I experienced some slight side effects starting as low as 100mg, it's not really numbness but you feel that there is something moving in your blood vessels and that occurs everytime I take it, it's not annoying but I wonder what is it. It disappears after hopefully.
I took as much as 700mg and it's no more different than taking 100 or 200mg.

#36 Thorsten3

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 07:30 PM

It's more of a study aid type thing. It won't make you anymore intelligent or give you special powers it'll just calm you and perhaps might increase attention and focus. It's pretty weak stuff really unless you take at least 200/300mg.

What that RussianBear guy says about the effects lasting up to a couple of hours is bullshit. Every substance I have ever taken will still have effects many hours later regardless of its half life. I used to take 1g of Piracetam at 6am and I would still be noticing the benefits at 21.00 later that day. Admittedly, the effects at this time are perhaps somewhat different than the acute effects but the majority of supplements/nootropics still have effects way beyond their half life (in my case). I actually don't enjoy the acute effects of piracetam. It's far too speedy and puts me on edge. It's the effects that linger that I like (increased appreciation of image/sound and a hazy relaxation). Modifinil, I can take at 6am and despite its half life falling way before bed time, I can never sleep on the shit (I don't take it for this very reason). So if he thinks picamilon is going to do nothing after a couple of hours, he is simply wrong. Of course we all have different body chemistry and maybe I am the only one who reacts to substances like this. I don't want to be rude but I think some people just don't have the ability to be intuiative to how something is affecting them. Maybe I am in the minority as the majority of people dose these things two or three times a day.

I had exactly the same 'lingering effects past it's half life concept' with picamilon, but it was reversed. I noticed nothing in terms of acute effects but as the day went on i'd notice how seriously chilled I was. Very alert but also very calm.

All in all though, people are right. Picamilon is very hit and miss.

And to the above poster, GHB and picamilon are multi universes apart. GHB is purely recreational whereas picamilon is something you can use more often for useful purposes (providing it works for you that is). Picamilon does ease social tension though and make you feel more at ease. GHB will just make you feel scrambled if you take too much (a very slippery steep slope).

Edited by Thorsten2, 28 April 2012 - 07:56 PM.

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#37 robcypher

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Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:36 PM

Does picamilon adversely react to certain medications, in particular SSRIs, benzos, or meds for BP and diabetes? A couple folks asked me
about this online and I wasn't sure if I should recommend it to them (I know they're on those medications, obviously not all of them at once).
One of them also takes baclofen; I'm thinking that mixing that with picamilon is a no-go due to GABA interaction. Dunno for sure though.

PS One also take neurontin. Would that also be an issue due to GABA interaction?

#38 MizTen

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 01:51 AM

I'm in aggreement with Thorsten on the following comments:

Every substance I have ever taken will still have effects many hours later regardless of its half life. I used to take 1g of Piracetam at 6am and I would still be noticing the benefits at 21.00 later that day. Admittedly, the effects at this time are perhaps somewhat different than the acute effects but the majority of supplements/nootropics still have effects way beyond their half life (in my case).

Maybe I am in the minority as the majority of people dose these things two or three times a day.

I generally only dose once per day due to the same response. The noots stay with me for quite some time after their supposed half-life is done.

whereas picamilon is something you can use more often for useful purposes (providing it works for you that is). Picamilon does ease social tension though and make you feel more at ease.

Picamilon is another noot that I use on an "as needed" basis rather than regularly.

#39 Joe Cohen

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 04:53 AM

I'm in agreement with Russianbear. I dosed at 50mg and it was WAYYY too much stimulation for me. And this was in isolation. 20mg is a sweet spot for me. I find I do best with usually 1/3 of the dosage that works for other people, give or take. I'm starting to think mine is spiked with something else or some of you guys have placebos. I got mine from cognitive nutrition. Which company are people here using?
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#40 Ultravioletbllc

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 01:09 PM

Well as someone who has been abusing a variety of gabaergics at what would be considered fatalistic daily dosages I don't even get into my dosage when concerning allosteric mods anymore because when i have some sort of insecure cowboy always try's too compete with my tolerance level and end up in various states or all the way up too a lack of any state if you will (permanently) so that's why I don't discuss dosages , what's good for me may be the antithesis for you , I say all that too say this in combination with high high dose Theanine phenibut and just average high dose GABA simultaneously I was able too sucessfulky Lower my alprazolam tolerance

#41 robcypher

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 02:43 AM

A friend and I tried it, and found it to cause increased anxiety (and in my case, depression). My friend had minor cognitive improvements, but we both decided it was not worth the side effects. :sad:

#42 Synaesthesiac

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 12:35 AM

Seems to me that at LOWER DOSES it acts much more upon GABA and at HIGHER DOSES it acts as a stimulant due to the niacin. This dose-dependent mechanism of action is actually more common than you think. This is my assessment from reading all your testimonials... This logic makes sense of your alcohol encephalopathy dose: to treat THAT CONDITION, you would want a much lower dose, as anything above 200mg would begin to act more like a stimulant. It seems that your "guide" that comes with your medication is advising doses based upon a calming, GABAergic effect. Had the same medication you hold been marketed for ENERGY or FOCUS, I'm sure that same company would advise you to take a much higher dose in order to reap the stimulating benefits of that dose. I have not had experience with this nootropic to be clear, but my reading of this thread seems to allude to these possible conclusions, and now the big discrepancy in reported doses seems to make more sense. Hell, the SAME MEDICATIONS are given different brand names and doses based on the symptom they are prescribed for.

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#43 xks201

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 01:54 AM

One of those supplements that has too many interactions psychologically I think to define a select purpose for. It is somewhat unpredictable...if that makes any sense to anyone. That and I found it had a rather short duration of effect (3 hours maybe). Higher doses for me seemed more sedating. Perhaps it could be beneficial, I'm not exactly sure. If I remember correctly the comedown was rather brutal as the niacin and gaba seemed to create a calm that abruptly ended and was turned on its head when the drug wore off - which was rather quick. Overall it's hard for me to recommend a drug that has no cumulative beneficial effect IMO.

One of those supplements that has too many interactions psychologically I think to define a select purpose for. It is somewhat unpredictable...if that makes any sense to anyone. That and I found it had a rather short duration of effect (3 hours maybe). Higher doses for me seemed more sedating. Perhaps it could be beneficial, I'm not exactly sure. If I remember correctly the comedown was rather brutal as the niacin and gaba seemed to create a calm that abruptly ended and was turned on its head when the drug wore off - which was rather quick. Overall it's hard for me to recommend a drug that has no cumulative beneficial effect IMO.

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