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Eating his way to a six-pack with 16 eggs a day

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#1 Forever21

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 06:01 PM


-Man who wants six-pack revamps diet to consume 1 ¼ pound of meat and 16 eggs

-Lean protein-heavy diet useful to getting a six-pack, nutritionist says

Every day, Jason Dinant chows down 16 hard-boiled egg whites, one and a quarter pound of meat and four cups of vegetables, sprinkled with an occasional carbohydrate.

The lean protein and carbohydrates, he hopes, will help him get six-pack abs.

Two months ago, the 27-year-old began crunching initially 500 times a day and exercising to try to turn his flat stomach into a rippling six-pack.

His New Year's resolution is to get a six-pack by June, in time for his 10-year high school reunion, and to have a toned upper body for his video blog. Dinant, an iReport contributor, often peels off his shirt and gives what he calls "the naked truth about today's news" in Web videos he posts on his blog called "Naked Boy News." Watch Dinant's video

The Las Vegas, Nevada, resident submitted his story after CNNhealth.com asked viewers to upload photos and videos about their journey to change for the new year on iReport.com.

Last month, the svelte salesman by day and club emcee by night shared his exercise routine, which consists of ab crunches, cycling on a stationary bike and using weights for his upper body. Dinant, who had hardly ever exercised, also had to modify his diet.

The former junk-food aficionado had to give up his chocolates and hard candies for grilled chicken breasts, red potatoes, brown rice and steamed carrots and zucchini.

"Everything is natural," Dinant said. "There is no processed food, no junk stuff. People think that's crazy. They say, 'You're on a crazy diet. Why are you starving yourself?' People think eating healthy is starving yourself, which I don't get."

He's far from starving himself. He eats nearly six meals a day to increase his metabolism.

Jim White, a registered dietitian and American Dietetic Association spokesman, reviewed Dinant's menu.

"This reminds me of what I was doing trying to get ripped for bodybuilding competition," White said. "It's tough to follow, but you can definitely get a six-pack with this diet."

Despite the diet's repetitiveness, "this is what it takes" for men to get a six-pack, White said.

But White had some tips for an even better diet -- add more fat. Yes, fat.

Fats compose 8 percent of Dinant's current diet.

"Even diets put together for weight loss or fat shedding, I don't recommend under 12 to 15 percent fat," White said. "Some studies say omega-3 fats can minimize body fat. ...You can get a six-pack while incorporating fats in the diet."

Skip the saturated and trans fat and go for good fats found in flaxseed oils, olive oil, natural peanut butter, nuts and avocados, which are beneficial. And add fruits to the diet, White suggested.

"Fruits are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and I think you should definitely have two fruits in the diet," he said.

Brown rice, oatmeal and sweet potatoes are great carbohydrates for the diet, he said. There were some glaring similarities between White's diet and Dinant's.

"This is pretty much my diet every day," White said. "I eat around eight to 10 eggs a day. I always get asked if I'm baking a cake or egging houses when I'm at the grocery."

Dinant said he's not sick of his diet, which relies heavily on the same ingredients.

"I'm so used to eating the same things," he said. "I usually eat chicken all the time. This is nothing new for me. You can season as much as you want, as long as it's a no-sodium seasoning like garlic powder or barbecue powder or barbecue rubs. It's tasty and good. It's a little different."

Dinant can keep his diet interesting by adding healthy ingredients to staples to make the foods taste better. For example, White suggests adding fruits such as blueberries to a half-cup of oatmeal and veggies and low-fat cheese to an all-white egg omelet.

In addition to revamping his diet, Dinant works out five times a week. He has cut back his abdominal crunches to 150 a day using 25 pounds of weight.

"My core abs are good. They're solid," he said. "When I do side abdominals, I feel sore the next day. It's a good burn. I've been so happy, I went tanning for the last two weeks. I look in the mirror and I'm like, 'Wow.' "

He lost fat on the top of his midsection and said he definitely sees his abs protruding in the lower midsection of his stomach. And his quest has brought him some attention.

"I cannot go anywhere in Vegas without people asking me how my abs are doing," he said.

Edited by Forever21, 11 February 2009 - 06:04 PM.

#2 Forever21

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 06:03 PM

Dinant's six-pack diet

Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 servings of cream of rice

Meal 2: 5 ounces lean meat or fish, 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup veggies

Meal 3: 5 ounces lean meat, 1 cup rice, 1 cup veggies

Meal 4: 5 ounces lean meat or fish, 6-ounce potato or sweet potato, 1 cup veggies

Meal 5: 5 ounces lean meat, 1 cup veggies, 6-ounce potato

Meal 6: 8 egg whites, 1 serving of cream of rice

Total calories: 2,054

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#3 Erok

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 06:27 PM

Dinant is killing himself.

#4 Forever21

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 06:32 PM

and yet its low cal.

#5 ajnast4r

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 06:57 PM

horrible diet is horrible. also skinny frail body is skinny and frail...

that guy needs to double those calories and put on some muscle... he's a twig.

Edited by ajnast4r, 11 February 2009 - 06:59 PM.

#6 CobaltThoriumG

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 07:02 PM

and yet its low cal.

I think it's too high in carbs and too low in fat, probably also too high in protein. I've gotten sufficiently ripped for my purposes on a diet of about 15% carbs/37% protein (which also is a tad too high, I think) and 48% fat, nearly half of which is saturated. And you don't need to do that many crunches. I work out twice per week. Five times weekly is overkill and likely hinders development.

#7 Forever21

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 07:23 PM

no argument there, also loading up on the king of all met.

#8 immortali457

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 12:22 AM

My 12 year old niece has more muscle mass. What a pus. Try squatting and eating idiot.

#9 Luna

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 05:06 PM

2000 calories is low calories? O_o

#10 Ben

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 05:21 PM

My 12 year old niece has more muscle mass. What a pus. Try squatting and eating idiot.

lol, exactly what I was thinking.

#11 Forever21

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 08:24 PM

2000 calories is low calories? O_o

compared to the national average which can reach up to 3,700

Edited by Forever21, 15 February 2009 - 08:25 PM.

#12 Skötkonung

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 09:02 PM

I've been trying to avoid thinking about this news story since I first saw it on CNN. However, since its now made it to ImmInst I figure I may as well give me two cents:

The fact that this guy is so skinny and still has a high enough body fat to obscure his abs indicates that he has low lean body mass due to inactivity and poor diet. While improving his diet is part of the solution, he should really go all the way and start lifting weights and doing some moderate cardiovascular exercise. Unfortunately people are lazy and lack the willpower to do things the right way.

A note about his diet: While it is far from optimal regarding the goal of longevity, for his stated intended purpose of losing body fat, it is sufficient. That diet is similar to what many bodybuilders eat during their "cutting" phase. It would be even better if he substituted that potato for a sweet potato and if he substituted the cream of rice for steamed brown rice. That said, I doubt this kind of eating regimen is maintainable -- when he gets his abs he'll probably go back to eating junk food and gain the fat back. He would be better off picking a lifestyle like paleo, low-met, vegan, etc and sticking to it for the rest of his life. He may not achieve abs as quickly, but I bet he would lean out eventually, especially if he was exercising regularly.

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