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Discussion topic about the Sunday Evening Update

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 20 February 2009 - 02:44 AM

The Sunday Evening Update

Mind has constructed the framework and bulk of this show and the show has been great. He can only do so much though. Can you think of any ways to help improve the show?

Suggest or donate recording equipment upgrades?

Do you want to start your own live indefinite life extension show on the channel?

Do you have suggestions for videos to add to the loop?

When there are enough life extensionists to the point where there are a bunch in Minds area then I would suggest imminst funding a cheap studio in somebodies spare room someplace and having live in studio guests and guest speakers etc.. Thats a little ways down the road though.

What do you think of the name? I personally wish it were something more like, "The future of indefinite healthy life extension"

Last but not least, I would like to see a collective discussion on how and where to best embed the ustream channel with a flashy interesting functional type of backgrouund. I would either go with helping to build the Longevity Communities Network page that is going to have it or start one on the imminst drupal. There is a rough draft of the Longevity Communities Network with the ustream on it at longecity.com There is also an example of the ustream with a flashy background in myspace here: http://profile.myspa...riendID=7255238 That page needs a little organizational work. If anybody wants to help then let me know. I would continue working with it myself but myspace has taken a long diving headfirst slide down hill into a gutter and I have recently abandoned most of my life extension work there in favor of imminst. The page is worth getting fully spruced up as a memeing tool though.

#2 modelcadet

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Posted 02 September 2009 - 01:18 PM

There's a new drupal module we might want to consider for the interviews. It was released yesterday, and might be a good option for interviews and conferencing. I don't know about its compatibility with ustream, but it might be useful in promoting dialog and action here.

Posted Image

Edited by modelcadet, 02 September 2009 - 01:19 PM.

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 02 September 2009 - 05:05 PM

That looks useful. If it cant integrate with the broadcast it might work out as a "video chat" tab or something like that. It would be another tool for help drawing the community in to a more focused team.

This topic was about the Sunday Evening Update, but now its also about ImmInst TV too, because something that will probably help the Sunday Evening Update the most is to bolster imminst.org/tv as a whole.

ImmInst TV and the Sunday Evening Update started off needing a few things, but the list keeps growing. If anybody can think of more then list them here and Ill edit them in to the list. With such a list we can then advertise a volunteer position to look for somebody to help execute it.

Some things the broadcast needs:

1. needs to have ustreamer chat enabled - not having it enabled causes most of the crowd to leave because they cant chat. Is this remedy in moving to something like justin.tv? Lets try not to if we dont have to.
2. needs more live shows, if we could get a team of show engineers then we could send them more live shows to put in the mix
3. needs somebody to figure out a plan for successfully extracting the interview archives, storing them in other places too opens up more options and makes things easier, the team could work on this.
4. needs a fund raiser for equipment upgrades for people with live shows, we need to have a set up that ensures few to no audio or video drops, fund raiser could also help spruce up shows, order banners, etc... maybe pay pittances, maybe pay or incentivize guests etc...
5. needs better front and center promotion - newsletter, recommended tab, front page rotator
6. needs somebody to find sponsors for it, the team can do this
7. needs a hook for guests, like maybe an invite to a science invite section with free journals we are yet to create, we can brainstorm on more things in that area
8. if possible in the set up, it needs a bot, we need a list of the best things the bot could be key worded to say. It should probably link to every interview by key word of the name of the interviewee for one. It should probably periodically, every 10 minutes or so, plug imminst.org, and maybe topical things like sens4, (if a bot can be programmed with a start and end date for a message then that would be perfect, we could program in tons of topical things.)

could use:

1. Sunday Evening Update could use a new name. Maybe the ARUL update or something like that. Unless all the lives shows and looping as a whole get a cause orientated name like that.
2. could use somebody to help Mind constantly mine for the best and newest videos to loop there and work with that.
3. its own front page, like, arul.tv, if a drupal page could get a more direct url that might work excellently

#4 Vgamer1

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Posted 02 September 2009 - 05:25 PM

ImmInst TV and the Sunday Evening Update started off needing a few things, but the list keeps growing. If anybody can think of more then list them here and Ill edit them in to the list. With such a list we can then advertise a volunteer position to look for somebody to help execute it.

Here's what I think about your list

1. If you don't have to log in to chat, then that would encourage spamming, which I remember was a problem before. Then they changed it so you could log in with your imminst account. I think that was fine, but now it seems to be buggy at least for me. Every time I go back to the ustream channel I have to log in again - very annoying. Don't know if other people have this problem, but I think if it were fixed it would improve attendance in the channel

2. I agree that more live shows would be great. I'd be willing to do one if I can get a good time slot and can think of good topics/themes

3. Don't know how to do this, but I'm sure we can figure it out

4. I have some general fundraiser ideas, which I can discuss with you

5. Completely agree that the page needs more promotion.

6. Not my department

7. An idea that just game to me for hooking guests: give them free imminst membership? Either 1 year or lifetime depending? Do we already do that? If I think of other possibilities I'll post them

8. Yes, yes, yes! Chat bots! There should be one somewhere if not in the ustream channel then in the shout box or both. I've worked with chat bots before, so I could look into this and possibly manage it. Chat bots can do a lot of cool things. For example, besides announcements, they could be a great source of interactive information.

The chat bot would say something like "Type .info for general information," then if someone typed ".info" there could be whole index of information that users could access. It could have meeting times, links, threads, general educational information (SENS, longevity-meme education, etc.)

could use:

1. Brainstorming on a new name could be a good idea.

2. I can help with video mining. Stumbleupon is a great tool for that. I've got other methods too.

3. Agreed

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 02 September 2009 - 06:42 PM

1. Spamming is a small problem compared to the great benefit we can get from having it open for non registerants to chat. Also, we can moderate spammers when they might appear. For example we could consider giving you and others a moderator spot for the channel.

2. Well thats great news. We've been looking far and wide for a good selection of live shows to start up. We'll have to come up with some show themes to consider.

3. If you join the team, other team members can be found to perform functions like this. I think that tigermask might know something about this.

4. The fund raiser will hopefully just be one of many at imminst.org/fundraisers as outlined in the proposal that Caliban requested here.

5. CyberBrain and Victor are working under Mind with the front page. I think Cyberbrain has access. He might be a good one to work with on this kind of promotion.

6. Derkee may join the team and work on this sponsors thing. You guys could negotiate great things there. Get the show equipment, proably pay yourselves through it, etc...

7. Memberships for guests, thats a good idea, probably wont work for a lot of them, but may work with some. Most think they dont have time for this cause yet, and many are turned off by the name Immortality, although if arul.org goes through that can help get around that in many cases.

8. Can you try out a simple ustream chat bot for now and then demonstrate it for us? We had somebody make one before, but I forgot who that is, and derkee knows a guy that can do it, but if we can do it then that will work too.


2. We need a list a place to centralize these and catagorize them by relevance. I just remembers, inw has a section for that, and you like catagories. Maybe you could fire up the videos section. You could catagorize them by relevance, or age, or whatever. ModelCadet found that history channel special on ninja something videos. Wait I found it, its here: http://www.ninjavideo.net/video/36877

3. What I meant is something like arultv.org, not arul.tv

#6 jdgauchat

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Posted 03 September 2009 - 06:24 PM

needs somebody to figure out a plan for successfully extracting the interview archives, storing them in other places too opens up more options and makes things easier, the team could work on this

I don't understand why Mind can't download his own interviews. I thought the ustreams users can download their videos from the control panel, can't them?


#7 brokenportal

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Posted 03 September 2009 - 08:03 PM

needs somebody to figure out a plan for successfully extracting the interview archives, storing them in other places too opens up more options and makes things easier, the team could work on this

I don't understand why Mind can't download his own interviews. I thought the ustreams users can download their videos from the control panel, can't them?


Mind is having troubles, and I have had similar troubles. It is taking like 2 hours per video tranfer and nobody we know is willing to wait that long, or have computers that wouldnt crash from that, for all 30 plus videos or however many there are. We think that there is probably somebody more video transfere savvy that we can get on the team to do it though.

#8 jdgauchat

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 01:44 AM

needs somebody to figure out a plan for successfully extracting the interview archives, storing them in other places too opens up more options and makes things easier, the team could work on this

I don't understand why Mind can't download his own interviews. I thought the ustreams users can download their videos from the control panel, can't them?


Mind is having troubles, and I have had similar troubles. It is taking like 2 hours per video tranfer and nobody we know is willing to wait that long, or have computers that wouldnt crash from that, for all 30 plus videos or however many there are. We think that there is probably somebody more video transfere savvy that we can get on the team to do it though.

OK. I can download the videos from ustream. But once in my computer I don't know what you want me to do with that. I can upload those videos again to one of my server so everyone interested in download it and submitted to their own youtube account can do it easily, but I can't upload the videos to my youtube account because I can't take care of the message the people would left there because I have not much experience talking in english about immortality and other stuff.

So, if you want me to download all the videos from ustream and upload them again to a server where you or other member can download it easily, I can do that. Just let me know.

Another important issue is in wich format you want the videos, because when I download the video from ustream I get videos in FLV format. But I can convert those videos to AVI (the problem is that AVI files are three times bigger). For example, the first interview that Mind did is 62 MBytes in FLV format, but in AVI is 176 MBytes.


Edited: well, I just realize that you can't upload this videos to youtube because they have a restriction to 10 minutes maximum, and when I tried to upload the video to Google I couldn't find the option (Google videos still exist???). So I don't know whether it's helpful for you to make this videos available on another server or not. Just let me know.

Edited by jdkasinsky, 04 September 2009 - 02:54 AM.

#9 brokenportal

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 02:52 AM

That would help a lot if you could do that. Can you do it straight from the ustream public access or would you need inside access to it? If you can get them off of there, then put them in the imminst youtube in whatever format works best. Tigermask and I are working on that now. I think Tigermask might become the go to guy for the imminst youtube but we still have to see.

#10 jdgauchat

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 02:28 PM

That would help a lot if you could do that. Can you do it straight from the ustream public access or would you need inside access to it? If you can get them off of there, then put them in the imminst youtube in whatever format works best. Tigermask and I are working on that now. I think Tigermask might become the go to guy for the imminst youtube but we still have to see.

Hi BP. I uploaded the first video to my server. Is the first interview recorder by Mind.

Link to the FLV version 62MB:

Link to the AVI version 176MB:

I need that you or somebody else download this videos to know that are working well and if this is useful I will continue with the other interviews. But I need to know for sure, because it takes more than 3 hours work for every video.

I tried to upload this video to Metacafe but the FLV version give me an error and the AVI version was submited right but the video doesn't appear in my account, don't know why... :)


Edited by jdkasinsky, 04 September 2009 - 02:29 PM.

#11 brokenportal

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 06:04 PM

Thats the same problem we were having. I cant get either of your links to work. One is loading in windows media player really slow. It might queu up eventually, but it hasnt yet after about 5 minutes.

Ill let you know if we get the imminst youtube figured out any time soon. Kasinsky is working with it, but we find that youtube.com/immortalityinstitute is already taken, so we need to figure out who has the pass word first. If anybody knows then let us know. Other wise we might try another version.

#12 jdgauchat

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 06:44 PM

Thats the same problem we were having. I cant get either of your links to work. One is loading in windows media player really slow. It might queu up eventually, but it hasnt yet after about 5 minutes.

Ill let you know if we get the imminst youtube figured out any time soon. Kasinsky is working with it, but we find that youtube.com/immortalityinstitute is already taken, so we need to figure out who has the pass word first. If anybody knows then let us know. Other wise we might try another version.

Hi BP. I don't understand. Those links are there to download the files, not to watch the videos. So you can download those files and then upload them to some account on internet, like Metacafe or others. I did this because you told me that you can't take out the videos from ustream. I found the way to do it and I can then upload them to my server so anyone can take the videos from there and upload them again to their own accounts.

So, what I need to know is if this is useful (to take the videos from ustream and upload them to my server) so I will continue.

The other point is that the videos are more than 50 minutes long. So doesn't matter if you can't have the imminst youtube account because as far as I know you can't upload videos more than 10 minutes long to youtube.

What I think we have to do is find other websites like Metacafe to upload the videos. But to do that the volunteers will need to download the videos first from some source, and thats why Im trying to take the videos from ustream and upload them to my server. I need to know if this is helpful so I will continue with all the interviews.

I think you should try to download this video first and check if everything is allright (I already did that and works fine for me). Select the option to SAVE the file, NOT to play it.


(this link is for download the video NOT for watch it)

Then, when you get this video in your computer you can play it, test it, and then submitted to any account on internet (except youtube because they take only videos 10 minutes long)


Edited by jdkasinsky, 04 September 2009 - 08:00 PM.

#13 thestuffjunky

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 08:51 PM

okay, to make it easier, I have been on ustream for a few weeks now and a few members here know who i am. I have decided to lend my channel to be used as a 'video forum'. This means, ANYONE who i give permission to(password) broadcast on my channel and record their ideas and put that on loop, in short time, we all become imminst celebs. with that, IMMINST, myself and everyone else who helps will all grow in popularity. the channel is at i try to be on from 12-12 eastern

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 11:15 PM


I guess Im not sure what the difference between a downloaded video file and a watchable video file is. Ive got it on my c: drive now. I clicked it and it now plays the audio for it in windows media player, but not the video. From what you say maybe its not supposed to.

Before you move on, lets see if we can get the first one you have down loaded there on to another medium. Can you start a google video account for imminst? If you do then make the url be immortalityinstitute - If you dont get to it first then Ill see if TigerMask wants to do it, because hes helping with that part of the imminst.org/tv team. Another option might be to break the videos down in to ten minute segments in youtube. Ive seen instances of that in there. We can try google for now though.

#15 jdgauchat

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Posted 05 September 2009 - 12:38 AM


I guess Im not sure what the difference between a downloaded video file and a watchable video file is. Ive got it on my c: drive now. I clicked it and it now plays the audio for it in windows media player, but not the video. From what you say maybe its not supposed to.

Before you move on, lets see if we can get the first one you have down loaded there on to another medium. Can you start a google video account for imminst? If you do then make the url be immortalityinstitute - If you dont get to it first then Ill see if TigerMask wants to do it, because hes helping with that part of the imminst.org/tv team. Another option might be to break the videos down in to ten minute segments in youtube. Ive seen instances of that in there. We can try google for now though.

OK, now we are working together haha. The difference between both is the purpose I submitted the video for. I was trying to let the videos available for everyone that want to try to create their own account on differents mediums. And normally the videos to download are bigger than the videos ready to be played.

About Google, this option doesn't exist anymore. Google shut down this service early 2009.

I'm working on an account on YouTube, submiting this video split in 10 minutes long sections. But I think this option is really awful, because you have all the videos spread and the users must be very interested to watch them.

But I'm trying this option anyway and I'll let you know how it goes in a few hours.

And about imminst.org/tv, did you see my sample page?
In this page the videos from ustream are loaded automaticaly, and of course I can make it better, showing the videos in a kind of slideshow and make a new page for every video so the people don't have to go to the ustream website to watch the videos. Let me know if this could be helpfull.


Edited by jdkasinsky, 05 September 2009 - 01:15 AM.

#16 jdgauchat

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Posted 05 September 2009 - 03:26 AM

Well, new youtube channel finished. Please tell me if you like how it works or not. I think that is not a good thing to have to split the interviews this way but if we want to be on youtube those are its rules.


I picked that user name because it was the only available. I think you will never get access to the the other accounts, with similar names, because might be somebody with bad intentions who created them.

I uploaded the first interview. I think the quality is good.

So I can do some of this things:

1 - download the videos from ustream. I will have the videos in my computer.

2 - upload those videos to my server so the videos will be available for everybody

3 - or... split the videos and upload them to this youtube account

I can't do both things because takes a lot of time to upload just one video.

If you think that one of this are usefull let me know so I will start working. But I need to be sure that this will help someway because will take SEVERAL weeks to finish the job. You will have to consider that if I upload those videos to my server other members could download them and upload into another services. But if I upload those videos to youtube it will be the same problem we have right now, that anybody can download the videos from ustream and share it because its hard to do.

I will give the information of this youtube account so you or other member could update the account in the future and working on it (as I told you I can't work in the content or maintenance cause I'm not good in english and I don't have time for that kind of work)


Edited by jdkasinsky, 05 September 2009 - 04:59 AM.

#17 brokenportal

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Posted 05 September 2009 - 10:58 PM

I just remembered, sorry I didnt mention this before, Caliban has started this page: imminst.org/videoarchive I forgot about that. Im not sure what jwplayer is. Do you know about it?

We can use that for archiving for now. If you know about that and want to help transfer them to there then let me know and Ill chat with Caliban about it, unless he catches up with us here. We can look in to transfering them to a more mainstream place like youtube, or msn and facebook if they have video services, later. I didnt realize that google video had closed their doors.

I checked out your songsplace page. We would be doing that kind of thing, except we would want to do it in imminst.org/tv and imminst.org/videoarchive. We want to merge or integrate them some how if possible. If you want to edit the imminst.org/tv and imminst.org/videoarchive pages then I can look in to it and see if we can get you considered for access.

#18 brokenportal

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 12:12 AM

I was just looking through your youtube.com/immortalityorg work. That looks great. I know it isnt desirable to cut them up into ten minute peices, but the fact that they would be in youtube should more than make up for that. When you search for say, todd huffman, then all 6 segments show up, and you, or youtube has put in "1 of 6, 2 of 6" etc...

Ill try to find the pass word to the youtube.com/immortalityinstitute channel first. Ill pm mind right now.

So now Im not sure about jwplayer or youtube first. Both have their benefits. We will probably want both done in the end. I know you want to focus on one though since your not sure how much time beyond a week or two you can put in to it.

#19 jdgauchat

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 08:40 AM

I was just looking through your youtube.com/immortalityorg work. That looks great. I know it isnt desirable to cut them up into ten minute peices, but the fact that they would be in youtube should more than make up for that. When you search for say, todd huffman, then all 6 segments show up, and you, or youtube has put in "1 of 6, 2 of 6" etc...

Ill try to find the pass word to the youtube.com/immortalityinstitute channel first. Ill pm mind right now.

So now Im not sure about jwplayer or youtube first. Both have their benefits. We will probably want both done in the end. I know you want to focus on one though since your not sure how much time beyond a week or two you can put in to it.

We are talking about a lot of issues here. I will try to be more specific:

1 - I already have all the interviews in my PC, so if you decide to use the youtube account that I just created then I will be starting to upload this interviews to that account asap. But I want to do it if you decide that that will be the official youtube channel of the Immortality Institute (is worthless to do it if its not official, I think). So let me know if you want to wait till have the passwords that you are looking for or if you want to create another account or something else.

2 - As far as I know, jwplayer is just a video player for websites. So you will have to upload the videos to your own server and then provide this player to your users. There is not viral marketing there or a social network to take advantage of. Its just an application. Has nothing to do with youtube. I think that to work with youtube and take the videos from another sources (not to have to upload to your own server) will be better.

3 - I improve the first example of the imminst.org/tv page. As I told you the last time, in this page there is a list of videos from ustream. In this sample I'm using the ustream server, so I don't have to upload the videos to my server or yours. This is better than use jwplayer

4 - Here is another improvement. I think this is the best, but this means that the whole imminst website will have to be improved. If you like it, I will be delighted to be a volunteer to do this work (it will take a few weeks but I think is worth it).

This last sample is using the standard design at this moment, that way I could embed the Media Stream application of ustream and have the chat in a convinience size (but I still recommend to use Facebook chat box).

Well, let me know if some of this ideas are helpfull or tell me if you need something else. I could give a hand with the store, I have a lot of experience with the Amazon API.


Edited by jdkasinsky, 06 September 2009 - 08:42 AM.

#20 brokenportal

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 07:42 PM

1. Lets wait a few days to see if we can find a password to one of those other channels. Ive sent out some pm's looking for it.

2. Lets make jwplayer the secondary thing for now then. We may hear a case for why it will be beneficial to have the archive there too. But like you say, at this point youtube seems to be the best option, and may be the only one needed.

3. I see an addition of 6 videos in a list there. That would be a good addition. I only see 6 though. Can you make it so maybe there is like a "page: 1,2,3>" page changer under that list of 6 videos? By using the ustream server, you mean embeding it, much in the same way we have it embeded at imminst.org/tv right? I think thats the best way to do it too yes. In that case we would still want a back up, and viral network potential in a place like youtube, I think thats what you mean too though.

4. What do you mean by the whole imminst web site would need to be improved? You mean like we would have to upgrade a drupal or ipb function or something like that? The wider page in this copytv2 page does look better. If we can get you voted in to have access to work with the imminst.org/tv page then you can do all this stuff in there right? You could then also do what you think looks best for all those links we have there at the bottom, like the "General Life Extension Documentaries" list and the others.

5. If you want to try a version with facebook chat in it then that is worth a try. We can check it out if you think its best.

6. Ill keep you in mind for the store. We currently have 1 person working with the amazon section, and we're in discussions with another. Maybe you could aid in that discussion though. Ill link you up to it if we create one. One thing we need to know is what kinds of applications, groups, ways there may be to promote an amazon page.

#21 jdgauchat

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 08:54 PM

1 - Of course, no problem. I have all the interviews ready in my PC, lets take a few days to decide wich option is the best. There is no hurry.

2 - Both options are good, but jwplayer is just a video player for the videos you already have on your server, so the users will access the videos just from the imminst website, and the videos will consume resources of the server. Everything can work combined, but there is a lot of factors you have to take care of with jwplayer.

3 - Yes, there are only 6 videos because is just a one night work. The idea is to put arrows on the sides and when the user click on those arrows the videos slide to the left replaced by the new videos coming from the right. What I was thinking to do here was similar to the video bar below the channel in the copytv2 sample. About using ustream, yes, I was talking about embeding the videos, creating our own web pages with those videos, one different page per video (but all in imminst website).

4 - if we change the graphic design of this page we will have to do it to all the imminst website, because would be awful to have some pages made in 770 pixels wide and others made in 960 pixels wide. The wide of this example is the same of ipb so we don't have to modify the forum, just the website. I'm able to make the changes, is about changing some images and some parameters in the styles file of the website (could take one or two weeks to have it tested and ready).

5 - I think this must be tested like justin.tv, and according to the experience we could decide to make it permanent or not.

6 - In the store I can help with the automatization, for example. It will be good to have some products automaticaly selected to have more offers, even if those offers are not totally related with the institute, just to make some more money. For example, I can make a list of product searching the word immorality or something like that and of course integrate this products to the website design (not just using a preprogrammed script provided by Amazon). But this is just a suggestion, we can talk about differents ideas, and I will be glad to make it real.

I'm just trying to help with some ideas and get involved in different projects, don't be afraid to reject this or suggest new ones.


Edited by jdkasinsky, 06 September 2009 - 08:59 PM.

#22 brokenportal

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 09:36 PM

1,2,3, sounds good.

4. Why cant some pages, like imminst.org/store and imminst.org/meetings have narrow pages like they do now, and then imminst.org/tv have a wide page? It seems it would be best to make them all wide, but wouldnt then then skew every page, possibly cause bugs and broken links, and make it so we had to re order every page?

5. Good idea, if we want to switch back to ustream chat we can always do that.

6. Thanks for your book store ideas. Ive responded to that here: http://www.imminst.o...mp;#entry345470

#23 jdgauchat

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 10:46 PM

4. Why cant some pages, like imminst.org/store and imminst.org/meetings have narrow pages like they do now, and then imminst.org/tv have a wide page? It seems it would be best to make them all wide, but wouldnt then then skew every page, possibly cause bugs and broken links, and make it so we had to re order every page?

This is a good point to talk about. The reason is human psychology :)

This is the reason why a magazine preserve the same design through all of its pages or details are so important in the graphic design on internet and can create a new company like Youtube or break up others like Google Videos (the reason why Google Videos was not succesful was the little space for comments below the video, most people couldn't see it).

If we can integrate the webpage graphic design (the store, live tv, etc) with the forum graphic design as well, the imminst website will look more professional, trustable and not only for the institution, it will be better for the spreading of the ideas and information, and even could be helpful to sell more products in the store :) .

I recommend not only to preserve the same design on imminst.org/tv, I would recommend to do it in the whole website. Of course I will need time to do it and need more information, but it's not a hard word and could be over in a few weeks.

In my experience, the graphic design make an important impression and can change the way the people think about you.

This design is not bad, is really good, I love it, but you have the forum already wider than the website, and to integrate the live stream it will be better to change this design in order to fit the videos and chat room. And if you change one you have to change all to preserve integrity and work with that small bastard called psychology :) .


Edited by jdkasinsky, 06 September 2009 - 10:49 PM.

#24 brokenportal

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 07:41 PM

Mind, will this show continue in 2010? I recommend changing the name from specifying sunday, and give it a neutral cause related name like the ARUL update show, to help the meme, and your day job. This way the scheduling for the show will also be more flexible.

Thank you for helping with this JDKasinsky. Please do update us with your progress here. Once those videos are safe in back up archives, it should open the door to more collaboration for this as a syndicating broadcast channel for other cause related shows. There are a few members working on test trials for other shows right now.

#25 Mind

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 07:58 PM

I apologize for not responding to this sooner. It developed while I was gone to Europe.

Thanks for creating the youtube channel JD. This could definitely end up being the official youtube channel for imminst. I wonder if we should look at some other video hosting sites as well in order to show the videos in their entirety.

The Sunday Evening Update will continue at least through the end of March 2010.

#26 jdgauchat

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 08:31 PM

I apologize for not responding to this sooner. It developed while I was gone to Europe.

Thanks for creating the youtube channel JD. This could definitely end up being the official youtube channel for imminst. I wonder if we should look at some other video hosting sites as well in order to show the videos in their entirety.

The Sunday Evening Update will continue at least through the end of March 2010.

It's a pleasure. I'm uploading the rest of the interviews right now, I think the work will be over next week. I will keep you informed :|w .

Edited by jdkasinsky, 08 October 2009 - 10:41 PM.

#27 brokenportal

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 12:55 AM

Does anybody else want to see more shows and or want to do a show yourself?

Im embeding thise pictures here for use at imminst.org/tv

#28 s123

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Posted 11 January 2010 - 09:29 AM

Does anybody else want to see more shows and or want to do a show yourself?

Yes, I miss the shows. I always looked forward to them even though the timing wasn't so easy for me (it frequently became over 1am local time and often I had to stand up at 6am the next morning). Every week was maybe a bit too much time for Mind to devote to this but once a month would be possible, right?

#29 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 08:14 PM

Does anybody else want to see more shows and or want to do a show yourself?

I would like to see more shows and I miss them too.

#30 Mind

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 10:00 PM

I hear you. I enjoy producing and hosting the show. I think it is a valuable media asset for Imminst. I will try to get a good schedule going soon.

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