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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Is 95 the new 75?

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#1 Forever21

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 04:46 PM


#2 DukeNukem

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Posted 22 February 2009 - 12:28 AM


This video is kinda interesting, because the experts acknowledge that getting to 90 is the birth right for practically all of us (a fact that most people in the medical establishment think is pure fantasy, because they believe genetics plays too big a role in our life expectancy). I think that in today's age, with the advanced supplements we now have available (many, like resveratrol, positively express key longevity genes), practically all of us can get to 100. A lot of longevity scientists believe this, too, but it's not a widely accepted position. Yet.

If you watch the second half of the video, they have a quiz that helps determine what age you should expect to live to. They do not give near enough weight to food, which can be significantly more influential on your expected lifespan than they give credit to. Diet alone can be the difference between dying at 40, or living to 95.

Ranking the importance of various life extension tactics if done alone:

o Diet -- a 55 year swing of difference
o Exercise -- 15 years
o Supplements -- 10 years
o Hormone supplementation -- 5 years

Now then, these are not additive figures--it doesn't work that way. When all these tactics are done simultaneously, the longevity side of the equation sees diminished returns. BUT, you will live a far more active, non-feeble, healthy, happier life. And, if you do all of these, hitting 100+ years is very much possible, and should be expected. Hormone supplementation, especially, is not necessarily a life extension tactic, but it greatly improves life post-40-years-old.

#3 Luna

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Posted 22 February 2009 - 06:55 AM

100+ us not enough! :)
A number is not enough!
Anything with an end is not enough :p

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