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MEETING weekly


Vgamer1's Photo Vgamer1 03 Mar 2009

Closed indefinitely, until further notice.

Immortality Institute weekly Chat Room Meeting for:

20:00 - 21:00 pm gmt (4:00 - 5:00 pm est) - Internetworking Team team meeting
-complete meeting schedule here

Open to all. Discussion on internet networking, to help get the word out for the Immortality Institutes mission, Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans.

(Greenwich U.K. is gmt)

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Team Heads: Bogger Brokenportal
Team Section Moderators: Digg: bOgger, Twine: Jason (pending), Blog: (now recruiting) Video: UploadMarino (pending), Articles: (now recruiting) Stumble Upon: Vgamer, Forums: Vgamer
Team Members: CalebZ
(now recruiting)
Meeting Promoters: (now recruiting 3 max)
Meeting Secretarys: (optional, now recruiting 3 max)

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Edited by brokenportal, 05 May 2010 - 04:06 PM.

Vgamer1's Photo Vgamer1 03 Mar 2009

One thing I wanted to add was a bit more detail about the forums division of the project. What brokenportal and I have been doing is finding outside forum topics that are related to imminst ideologies. Then, we contribute to the threads and promote ideas such as life extension and singularity. We are both trying to promote imminst memes and find potential imminst members in other forums. So far, we have posted in about a dozen threads and have managed to recruit one member. This is with just the two of us working for only about a week on the project.

Again, what we're looking for are people interested in promoting imminst philosphies onto other forums. All of you have experience with forums because you are imminst members, so you are all qualified to be part of this team. If you are interested please show it by posting in this thread and/or showing up to the Saturday meeting. It would be awesome to have you on the team!

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 04 Mar 2009

Alright, nice, Ill figure out how to add this to the schedule. As we discussed, Ill add up to two more projects to this meeting to make it a bi or tri topic meeting.

To anybody interested, maybe you vgamer, we are looking for a good concise theme to create for most of the meeting topics. If you want to come up with one then Ill go through and change the ones we want to change to the new theme.

Vgamer1's Photo Vgamer1 06 Mar 2009

Bump because the meeting is tomorrow. It sounds like we'll be having some outside visitors at the meeting from this forum: www.singularityforums.com

They seem pretty enthusiastic and willing to help out. I hope we'll have a productive brainstorming and team-forming meeting.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 07 Mar 2009

We are standardizing all of the topics so Im quoting the old topic to store it here.

So, we're holding our first official Internetworking Team meeting this Saturday at 8:00 P.M. GMT in the ustream chat channel here:

For those of you who don't know about the Internetworking Team, refer to this thread: http://www.imminst.o...showtopic=27351

To summarize, we will be listing various digg, twine, blog, video, articles, and outside forum topics that are related to imminst ideologies such as life extension and singularity. Right now the team with the most momentum is the forums division. The progress of each of the divisions is on the wiki page for the team which is here: http://www.imminst.o...networking_Team

One of the main purposes of the meeting is to begin to form teams for the project. I am already leading the forums division, but only brokenportal and I have participated so far. We are looking people who are interested in becoming part of the team. This is a great way to contribute to the cause! I keep hearing people say there is too much talk and too little action around here, well now is your chance to do something productive for imminst.

If you become part of the team, you will have a say in how the project is run. You will also be able to find other resources for imminst to use, and to spread the longevity meme throughout the Internet.

So go ahead and post in this thread if you plan on coming to the meeting, or if you have useful ideas to contribute, or if you have any questions about the project. The meeting is open to everyone, so come on and stop by!


Vgamer1's Photo Vgamer1 14 Mar 2009

Meeting in progress. New team members are joining all the time. Come check out the excitement!

Vgamer1's Photo Vgamer1 28 Mar 2009

Meeting begins in about 30 minutes. Here's our agenda for 3/28

1. Meeting time change?

2. Almighty's podcast section (it's own section or a sub-section of video?)

3. Potential new member: prometheandream

4. Suggestions for hot links of the week

5. Keep posting new links!

6. Brainstorming

Vgamer1's Photo Vgamer1 31 Mar 2009

So the next meeting will be pushed forward 6 hours. That will make it Sunday, 2:00 A.M. GMT. Sadly, I won't be able to make it, but I hope the rest of you can. I will post an tentative agenda here that you guys can feel free to modify. I'll be in contact until Friday and I'll be back late Sunday. I'll see you guys around.

Vgamer1's Photo Vgamer1 03 Apr 2009

Here's the tentative agenda for the meeting. Sorry for not being able to make it.

1. Welcome prometheandream (hopefully he'll be at the meeting)

2. Almighty's podcast section updates (name, new links, etc.)

3. Suggestions for hot links of the week?

4. Brainstorming

5. Please continue to post new links in the project thread, I haven't seen any from you guys this week so far

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 06 Apr 2009

I was gone for the weekend. So how did the meeting go?

We need to appoint two or three secretaries for this meeting. That way when one is gone the other can fill in.

We can also continue the meeting here in the forums. Then each week start over with a new agenda.

1. Lets get prometheandream into the chat room this week.

2. Im not sure a podcast fits in the internetworking team. It fits in some team or as its own team for sure though of course. Its a great project. What would the podcast list in the internetworking team look like though? This is about organizing lists of a ton of internet networking we do. The pod cast would be a good thing to blog about and post in the blog list, or write a forum topic about and link to, or something like that.

5. Good work on keeping up with links, I think everybody will be able to keep it running smoothly, and by keeping track I think youll help ensure it moves forward smoothly.

b0gger's Photo b0gger 18 Apr 2009

Hello, everybody. There will be meeting in 20 min, so come in and join us here

b0gger's Photo b0gger 02 May 2009

there is a meeting for the Internetworking Team
feel free to join :-D

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 09 May 2009

Meeting in one hour and 50 minutes.

Be sure to have your two entries in.

If you have recruits all the better. If anybody wants to join the team let us know. The team has only started and it couldnt be doing better. The team is like the Hara Hanzi, (what do you call that sword from Kill Bill?) of projects.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 09 May 2009

Lets start a weekly agenda here for people to add to also.


-talk about structuring the wiki, we'll probably use the same number structure for each list, any volunteers?
-recruiting, should we set a goal for each member of the team to recruit? What are some effective ways to recruit? Any suggestions on who to contact that may join?
-general things about the team

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 30 May 2009

Meeting is on now. The best way to remember meetings and keep them in order is to go to imminst.org/meetings - It has an accurate GMT clock and the meeting chat room right on it, and then of course, a list of all the meetings and their times.

If you want a simple way to get involved with helping the cause now, if you want to help inspire more people to join in on the action, then this is a great way for anybody interested in doing so to do it. Stop on by.

b0gger's Photo b0gger 06 Jun 2009

There will be meeting in 17 min. Friendly chat, cup of tea. Feel free to join.

b0gger's Photo b0gger 13 Jun 2009

A meeting, again. To anyone who is not a deathist: It's an easy way to promote imminst meme to the people of the world. Don't think it will take a lot of time. Just as much as you can do. Please come to to talk about it.
Edited by b0gger, 13 June 2009 - 07:56 PM.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 27 Jun 2009

meeting today - in 3 and 1/2 hours