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Herbal Reverse-Tolerance Build-Up

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#1 mrpopeil

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Posted 17 March 2009 - 10:12 AM

I'm not exactly sure how the reverse-tolerance of herbs builds and fade, regarding cycling as well, and had a few questions.. If anyone can help, it's greatly appreciated 8)

1. Do herbal supplements have to be taken daily consecutively for a period of time (3,4 days before a break), or will they still build up at a frequency of let's say every other day, or 3 days apart a week, or say Monday and Thursday 1 week, and Saturday and Wednesday the next?

2. Do the effects build quicker or more effectively the higher the repeated dosage?

3. After the supplement has built to a desirable/maximum effect, will it repeat the effects at the same degree after not being taken for a week/month/year? Will the reverse-tolerance have to be rebuilt all over again?

#2 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 17 March 2009 - 03:52 PM

I'm not sure what you mean by reverse tolerance building to herbs (I'm not aware of that commonly happening), but I think you might receive more input if you specified exactly which herbs you were interested in. You've asked a very vague question similar to "how long does it take to build tolerance to drugs?" To which we would ask, "which drug?"

#3 mrpopeil

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Posted 17 March 2009 - 06:28 PM

I'm not sure what you mean by reverse tolerance building to herbs (I'm not aware of that commonly happening), but I think you might receive more input if you specified exactly which herbs you were interested in. You've asked a very vague question similar to "how long does it take to build tolerance to drugs?" To which we would ask, "which drug?"

Sorry, I'm not familiar with a more proper term than "reverse-tolerance" regarding herbs..However I have seen the term "priming" used.
...What I'm referring to is how I read in studies and dosages that most herbs only begin to work or work best after they have been taken over time. Eg rhodiola taken 3-6 weeks, ashwagandha 3weeks-6months.

I was specifically looking into taking ashwaghanda, rhodiola, and bacopa. They'll all work together, no? I was thinking of cycling them, but that lead to all my questions in my post.

Edited by mrpopeil, 17 March 2009 - 06:32 PM.

#4 bgwithadd

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Posted 17 March 2009 - 07:07 PM

No one knows exactly how they work so I don't think there is any possible answer to that. I know st john's has reverse tolerance, but it's new to me to hear of it in those herbs.

#5 TheLorax

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Posted 18 March 2009 - 04:57 AM


#6 mrpopeil

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Posted 18 March 2009 - 07:03 AM


Ah, okay.
...So does anyone have experience of having to rebuild the sensitization after taking a week or two break from these adaptogens... ?_?

Oh, whatever, I give up...I guess it's all person specific

Edited by mrpopeil, 18 March 2009 - 07:11 AM.

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