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Vanilla Sky

DJS's Photo DJS 13 Jan 2004

Has anyone else here happen to watch the movie Vanilla Sky? A friend of mine has kept telling me that Vanilla Sky would be right up my alley so I finally got around to TiVoing it (don't get between me and my TiVo [lol] ). I was impressed. Probably one of the best "block buster" movies I have seen in a long time. I must admit that I have not watched as many movies over the past few years as I used to. I have a hard time sitting through two hours of a movie when I have already figured the plot line out and instead find myself breaking down an actors dramatic ability (this really irks my girlfriend [sfty] ).

But Vanilla Sky was actually very good. I was "held in" by the movie until the very end. I'm not going to ruin the ending but I will say that aspects of the plot line would definitely fit in here at Imminst.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 13 Jan 2004

I enjoyed the movie.. yet there is likely no dreaming through a cryonics suspension.

DJS's Photo DJS 13 Jan 2004

Of course. I enjoyed the movie for what it was, a work of fiction. But who knows, maybe in the future having lucid dreams will be an option while in stasis. Oh no BJ, I think we're ruining the ending [:o] ...hehe.

Oh yeah and another reason to watch the movie - Penelope Cruz - gggrrrr.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 13 Jan 2004

hmm... well, with liquid nitrogen.. everything just about comes to a stand still.

but having Penelope or perhaps Cameron to think about could change all that.. :)

pSimonKey's Photo pSimonKey 27 Feb 2004

I really enjoyed the movie, bought the C.D. too. Maybe we will be able to develop a method of neural programing whilst in a cryogenic state rather that frozen maybe hybernation plus regendetox, anyway good movie.