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Project and Donor tab/banner for the home page

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#1 Cyberbrain

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Posted 30 April 2009 - 06:49 PM

I was thinking we could have a projects tab on the home page. And on the top of that page could be something like this from lifeboat:

Posted Image

This banner at the top could hold different statistics like type of projects, members involved so forth, money donated, etc. It could also contain basic info like number of directors, advisers, lifetime members, etc.

The projects tab (it could equally go under the resources tab) could also have sort descriptions (and pics) of all the projects going on in imminst (LEEEP, 2nd book, etc) plus a link to join them (this link will save that persons info, member name and email into a database for that project, which will also update the number of volunteers on the main banner). Other projects of course could also have a "await approval" type thing.

Also, I think it would be a good idea to either add a link to the imminst gift shop under announcements (or some other square there on the home page) or in main rotating banner.

Overall ...

We need to present to the world in a clear way that we are actually getting work done here at Imminst and that we're not just another generic forum. We need to convince people that we are truly dedicated and that we actually get stuff done like a real Institute. And I think this projects tab on the home page could really show what is getting done rather then having threads or a messy wiki page.

#2 Shepard

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Posted 01 May 2009 - 02:33 AM

Thanks for the suggestion. The Recorders deadline for this is May 15.

#3 Mind

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Posted 03 May 2009 - 04:13 PM

This has been discussed previously as a "Donation/Grant page" (and perhaps complimentary forum). We also have an "Action" page under discussion but this is more for things people can do immediately with a couple clicks of a mouse, however, the two could be linked in some way to create some synergy.

Last year I took a stab a creating a research page. www.imminst.org/research. This page will need to be updated first and foremost because of the re-structuring of MFURI and MF, but also because I think we could work it into the idea presented by cyberbrain. The "projects page", "Scholarship/Grant page", or whatever we might want to call it, could have a section dedicated to our scholarship efforts and have a donation widget specifically for a scholarship fund as well as a research grant fund.

#4 Mind

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 08:56 PM

This discussion is also relevant to the creation of a new page to display current levels of funding, ask for donations, etc...

#5 Cyberbrain

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 09:19 PM

This discussion is also relevant to the creation of a new page to display current levels of funding, ask for donations, etc...


I think it's vital to display both the funding and statistics of Imminst. Some registered users believe that all of the money gained by membership dues is squandered in administrative costs and nothings gets to be used for projects or research. I'd like to see that view of imminst changed by presenting in an open way exactly how our money is used, and this 'statistics page' would definitely be the best solution. I'd also like to point out again the Lifeboat's statistics tab, and that I think we should create one just like it for imminst.

Aside from financial statistics I think we should also put on that banner the following

-Number of Lifetime Members
-Number of Full Members
-Number of Registered Users
-Number of Directors, Navigators, and Advisers
-Number of Members in the Facebook, Myspace, etc groups
-Number of members each project group (like the art team) has
-F@H Statistics

Users should also be able to click on any project name and be able to sign up for it. We could also have different funds set up where people could also donate to (such as a cryonics trust fund that was proposed a little while back or funds for the different projects such as the second book or movie).

Financial statistics should of course be updated on a daily basis in which the treasurer should be in charge of doing.

The basic idea is to also incorporate all of the following in one page as well:

-Research Page
-Scholarship Page
-Grant Page
-Donation Page
-Imminst Prize (like the MPrize maybe?)

Edited by Cyberbrain, 05 May 2009 - 09:21 PM.

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 10:59 PM

Good idea. Although, the funds are already made public regularily around here. Im not sure it needs to be done on a daily basis, but monthly or quarterly or whatever it is could fit into this too.

There are a lot of things that are coming together that could plug into this, but that need further development, such as there is apparently a groups function around here that allows projects to have their own spots where they can invite people and organize the groups in more detailed ways than we currently can in the forums. Ill link that here if I remember to find that today.

In order to make this project move we would all have to go over it and give all the options consideration and that would take quite a while. Im not sure that we have that much time right now. I recommend helping us with a few other projects first, continue to develop this outline a bit if you want, but keep it on the back burner until a month or two from now.

Thats just my suggestion though. I think the idea is great but a little too lengthy to take on with the other things we have going on right now.

#7 Cyberbrain

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 11:11 PM

This would actually expediate the other projects by presenting a clear outline of what is going on. It would contain summaries of the projects, important updates, links, members involved and so on. Containing everything in wiki pages, forum threads, and PMs can become a bit messy and cumbersome and that slows things down. I just thought by having a main page where everything is connected too in a clean and clear fashion might help out with the work flow of the various projects :)

#8 brokenportal

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 11:29 PM

It probably would, but it seems to me we should wait for other things that are developing first to get a better picture of where we and these things are all at. Another example is the action page that Caliban suggested in the project ideas section, its either here or in the projects section now. That project might most of the things this one would, or they might be able to work together.

The action page is waiting on more organization and discussion to be put to it, and its waiting to see how the added forums options for projects might work once those are installed or fixed. Im not quite sure on what their status is right now, but Ill check into that for this discussion.

#9 Cyberbrain

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 11:32 PM

The action page sounds good too, but overall, do we have any programmers that could implant either idea? Just curious. :)

#10 brokenportal

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 10:07 PM

Well, Im not sure how much of this can be scripted, the engineers are swamped right now. Unless a few more engineers come on board soon to help with these tasks then I think this would likely have to be all hand entered by somebody periodically. Would you be willing to hand enter such information on say, a monthly basis? Do you think you could do this in addition to the navigator topic pinning project or would you rather do just this or that? I would hope we could keep you on with the pinned topics project, but let us know. If you do want to do only this, or both, then list for us here a suggestion of all the practical things you think such a graph for imminst like that should include and we can discuss it from there.

Also if you know of somebody else that might be good for either position or anybody reading this is interested then let us know. The world needs you, all of existence needs you! Signing up for jobs like these, in my opinion, is the single most important thing that can happen to further expedite this time sensative urgent cause of such epic proportions. The mighty boulders of aging shudder a little bit every single time another volunteer commits to even one small minute a year for this cause. They will be cracked open, and we NEED you in that wedge.

#11 Cyberbrain

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 10:49 PM

Would you be willing to hand enter such information on say, a monthly basis? Do you think you could do this in addition to the navigator topic pinning project or would you rather do just this or that? I would hope we could keep you on with the pinned topics project, but let us know.

I definitely want to do the navigator pinning project, I'm not exactly too familiar with web page design and maintenance, though I have some experience. I guess for the time being I'll just handle the first project.

#12 caliban

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 07:09 PM

Recorders minute:
it would be easy to incorporate this type of information manually, but what info would we wnat displayed?

@All: please post suggestions below

#13 caliban

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 09:22 PM

Recorders minute: inactive idea, moved to ideas dewar

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