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#1 corycountree

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 07:25 PM

Imagine your motor cortex fully activated while you have full muscle tone but both what your cortex says you are experiencing and what you are actually experiencing are not what you body is actually doing. You were trained to do this on a brain computer interface. Highly Skilled lucid dreamers in intense sessions and brain tomography on the level of seismic tomography make this all possible. Accessing the brain thru non-invasive means is vital in Berlin where Brain Computer Interfacers and the Locked-in are moving things with only their minds; however, one might say that all this research is treading water awaiting advances in Neuro-surgery. I'm pitching the thoroughly developed non-invasive technique as a necessary prelude to the invasive interface. I'm just looking for sympathetic places to post the story I'm telling in the form of a fictitious photo journal.


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