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bring these drug out the country?

middpanther88's Photo middpanther88 01 Jul 2009

I live in the US. I will be going out to England in September. Will I have trouble putting these drugs in my cargo item?:

-Alpha GPC

shifter's Photo shifter 01 Jul 2009

I'm curious how they know whats what. Unless any of them could read positive on drug testing, why cant you put them into other supplement bottles that have 'multi vitamin' or something. I took supplements (colostrom, epicor etc to boost immunity) overseas to many countries into the main luggage bag and never questioned. It was only my hand luggage they occasionally went though and scanned for narcotics at airports. (The london city airport just let me walk straight into the country without looking at a thing)

I live in the US. I will be going out to England in September. Will I have trouble putting these drugs in my cargo item?:

-Alpha GPC


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NootropicEU's Photo NootropicEU 02 Jul 2009

I live in the US. I will be going out to England in September. Will I have trouble putting these drugs in my cargo item?:

-Alpha GPC

Leave them in the original packaging and don't put them into your hand baggage. You should be fine as long as you don't have any controlled substances with you. If you want to take controlled substances (valium, xanax, ritalin etc.) you must have a prescription with you.