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Help on deprenyl liquid.

celica's Photo celica 28 Feb 2004

I have some liquid deprenyl. i am a 30 yrs old male 5'10 190. My wife is 28 5'4 120. We are interested in using this for the prosexual properties. What woud be my dosage and her dosage? Some tell me use 1mg for me 1 hour before sex, and 1mg 1hr before sex for her. Or 1mg on monday morning and 1mg thursday morning. Anyone else please shed some light on this topic.......... [thumb] Also does it interfere with birth control (yasmin)?

pSimonKey's Photo pSimonKey 10 Mar 2004

Are you taking any other suppliments? What is your medical history? Have you tried anything else?

celica's Photo celica 18 Mar 2004

just a basic multi
100mg coq10
5gms of vit C
200mg of r-alpha lipoic acid
1000mg Acetyl L-carnitine
40mg zinc
100mcg selenium
400 magnesium
100mg B6

no medical probs , except a mild case of mitral valve prolapse.

chomsky's Photo chomsky 19 Mar 2004

I personally haven't found Selegiline to be particularly sexually stimulating. It sometimes works for males who have erectile dysfunction, but it doesn’t make you "horny." The only time it has the latter effect is usually in elderly men who have experienced a drop in their libido due to old age, which Selegiline can bring back to relatively more youthful levels.

As I understand mitral valve prolapse, it is a mild form of heart murmur which is little understood but is thought to be somewhat benign. Taking Selegiline with a mild heart condition could be a bad idea, considering users often report the incidence of heart palpitations while on it. This is most likely due to the catecholminergic activity enhancing effect of Selegiline and the simultaneous increase in the neuroamine phenethyamine, which is a structural relative of the amphetamine class substances. This stimulation of the nervous system can cause your amgydala to react with the "flight or fight" response, which increases heart rate and alertness to surroundings. So, while Selegiline does not pose a direct contraindication of use to those who have a mild heart condition, it poses some reason for concern in considering Selegiline's affect on increasing heart rate (via stimulation of the nervous system). I know this is what everyone says, but it is usually a good idea to talk to a physician or some kind of health care specialist before taking any type of prescription drug, including Selegiline.

As for the sexual stimulation, are you and your girlfriend just trying to rev things up a bit or do you both feel a decrease in sexual drive? If the former (just trying to rev things up), perhaps try some non-drug induced states to increase sexual attraction and drive (Cosmopolitan always has good ideas!). If the latter (actual mutual decrease in sexual drive), maybe some relationship counseling or just a simple change up in the usual routine in bed.

I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, so here's a dosage recommendation if you do decide to go the Selegiline route:

1-2 mg each in the morning and again in the afternoon (avoid taking it at night, might cause insomnia). Since Selegiline is an irreversible MAO-B inhibitor, the increase in "pro-sexual" neurotransmitters such as dopamine and phenethylamine are long lasting and cumulative (after just one dosage, it takes about 1-2 weeks for neurotransmitter levels to go back to baseline). I would also suggest supplementing with the amino acid DL-Phenylalanine if you want to increase Selegiline's effects, considering it is both a pre-cursor to the amino acid tyrosine (which converts into the various catecholamines such as dopamine) and to the endogenous neuroamine phenethylamine.