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30 Minutes of real UFO Footage!!!

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#1 ImmortalityFreedom

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 02:06 PM

I was doing some research all over google, youtube, wikipedia, and I found out that the best UFO sightings that are actually real are not as popular! I think that people need to look at this amazing rich footage because this was not plain, not a star, it was moving bright object in the dark night. The best parts of the footage are part 3 & 4 where some really wierd stuff happens. I recommend you subscribe to this guy because I think this footage should get exposed to more people. Please be open minded and look at the hard evidence, there are a lot of other evidence that I have looked for but this has to be one of the best! Subscribe to him and expose this to others!

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

#2 Brainbox

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 04:11 PM

It's crop circle season, so why not?

#3 ImmortalityFreedom

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 04:23 PM

It's crop circle season, so why not?

This footage is like nothing I've ever seen before... And it just hapened a couple of days ago.

#4 cribbon

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 05:28 PM

Is this the ship Nostradamus spoke about?

Otherwise it's fake ;)

Seriously though, all of this is always fake, if it was good enough to prove something it would be in newspapers and stuff, not some unrelated forum.

#5 forever freedom

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 05:38 PM

It's true that there are weird things going on in the skies, and they've been happening for a long time. But i'm not confident that it's alien ships, it could be many other things.

But maybe Earth is inside a supercivilization's amusement park (which would explain the Fermi paradox) and these sightings are just the constant tours that alients that paid their tickets are taking around our ancient civilization on Earth.

#6 ImmortalityFreedom

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 06:49 PM

You guys need to keep an open mind, first, the government tries so hard to suppress this information and tell people their not real, don't believe what the government tells you. Will you choose the blue pill (ignorance) over the red pill? Or will you make an excuse to say that its a plane which is flying very low, at very slow speeds and rotating in circles. Oh! Come on, you guys need to do some research instead of being blind to whats really going on. Neil Armstrong knows the truth, the government will do whatever it takes to brainwash you from whatever is happening. There was a UFO crash in Mexico in the 60's and the people who were in the area were killed from RPG shots, coincidence? No, I'm telling you guys, WAKE UP, or you'll just be in the HISTORY books!

#7 Lufega

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 07:44 PM

It's true that there are weird things going on in the skies, and they've been happening for a long time. But i'm not confident that it's alien ships, it could be many other things.

But maybe Earth is inside a supercivilization's amusement park (which would explain the Fermi paradox) and these sightings are just the constant tours that alients that paid their tickets are taking around our ancient civilization on Earth.

Then we're not being visited often enough and this park is going to close. Uh-oh!

#8 Brainbox

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 08:24 PM

Then we're not being visited often enough and this park is going to close. Uh-oh!


#9 forever freedom

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 09:37 PM

It's true that there are weird things going on in the skies, and they've been happening for a long time. But i'm not confident that it's alien ships, it could be many other things.

But maybe Earth is inside a supercivilization's amusement park (which would explain the Fermi paradox) and these sightings are just the constant tours that alients that paid their tickets are taking around our ancient civilization on Earth.

Then we're not being visited often enough and this park is going to close. Uh-oh!

Only if you think that every time they visit us, we see them, which would be absurd to consider. The occasional sightings would be just they being a bit careless.

#10 ImmortalityFreedom

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 10:42 PM

Funny, a serious forum with comedians. I like that, but you guys do it on too many posts making this a circus. Come on, are you really that blind, do some research. If you want to be like the rest of the brainwashed people, do so, but I'm trying to enlighten people.

#11 valkyrie_ice

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:20 AM

Funny, a serious forum with comedians. I like that, but you guys do it on too many posts making this a circus. Come on, are you really that blind, do some research. If you want to be like the rest of the brainwashed people, do so, but I'm trying to enlighten people.

You have to understand ImmF, that UFO footage is so easy to fake that little else but having a ufo crash in times square will actually convince people to take it seriously.

I personally do think that UFOs may be intersteller spacecraft. What I am not so convinced of is if these sightings are of real ETs or if they are the wonderful black ops section of our oooh so trustworthy military testing electrogravitic craft.

But then I'm also the crackpot who thinks she's a demoness, and that humanity is not native to this planet. :p :-D :-D :-D


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:57 AM

It's true that there are weird things going on in the skies, and they've been happening for a long time. But i'm not confident that it's alien ships, it could be many other things.

But maybe Earth is inside a supercivilization's amusement park (which would explain the Fermi paradox) and these sightings are just the constant tours that alients that paid their tickets are taking around our ancient civilization on Earth.

Then we're not being visited often enough and this park is going to close. Uh-oh!

Perhaps we are very exclusive and expensive to visit.....


#13 Traclo

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 04:43 AM

Ah, another camera that is EXCEEDINGLY hard to focus. They need to stop selling them to UFO spotters, poor people.

#14 shifter

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 04:44 AM

I thought that UFO's come from the advanced civilisations from deep inside our hollow Earth....

#15 Esoparagon

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 10:37 AM

Whether or not we know what these things are. The people who are taking the footage are morons. The words they use only serve to hype up their own delusions.

"Energy orb"
"Rich creatures from out of space"
"What are you doing here flying so low?"

Please... it's hard to listen to.

Looks like two bright lights. Could be anything. He doesn't focus or anything. It looks like a dot.

Also, he keeps saying 'I seen' which kind of gets to me. I'm sorry... but it's 'I saw' or 'I've seen'. It's not just him... it seems to becoming common place.
The guy must be a moron. On a Portuguese comment he wrote:
"i dont comprend spanish well but thanks for the comment my friend"

It's Portuguese... :-D
Oh and I'm sorry but 'comprend' isn't an English word. It's just not. lol

Edited by Esoparagon, 24 August 2009 - 10:40 AM.

#16 castrensis

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 11:26 AM

Of course, they spotted them on the way to taco bell. Should've taken it easy on the herb before a munchy cruise.

#17 ImmortalityFreedom

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 01:32 AM

If you guys don't already see, it only has a hard time focusing on that Unidentified Flying Object rather than other objects around...

And if you don't know what orbs are, they are flares from spaceships. I don't think this is an orb, this is a Spacecraft I believe.

#18 ImmortalityFreedom

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 01:34 AM

If you guys don't already see, it only has a hard time focusing on that Unidentified Flying Object rather than other objects around...

And if you don't know what orbs are, they are flares from spaceships. I don't think this is an orb, this is a Spacecraft I believe.

#19 Ghostrider

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Posted 27 August 2009 - 07:58 AM

Not sure about the origins of UFO's myself, but the most convincing cases are witnessed by military officials such as this:


or thousands of people, such as this:


#20 TheFountain

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Posted 28 August 2009 - 08:56 PM

One name.

Whitley Strieber.

Look him up, read his books on this.

#21 Cyberbrain

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Posted 28 August 2009 - 11:51 PM

I saw the first video and I don't get it. It's just a very tiny light orb from an object very far in the distance that can not be focused, it can be almost anything

#22 ImmortalityFreedom

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Posted 31 August 2009 - 06:11 PM

I saw the first video and I don't get it. It's just a very tiny light orb from an object very far in the distance that can not be focused, it can be almost anything

In part 3, this object mutates or something, it just forms another one. In 2010, a global UFO event is expected to happen and it will change everything. The government has recovered this technology, and I can understand why they want to keep this a secret. But soon, everthing is about to change.

#23 Cyberbrain

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Posted 31 August 2009 - 07:17 PM

I saw the first video and I don't get it. It's just a very tiny light orb from an object very far in the distance that can not be focused, it can be almost anything

In part 3, this object mutates or something, it just forms another one. In 2010, a global UFO event is expected to happen and it will change everything. The government has recovered this technology, and I can understand why they want to keep this a secret. But soon, everthing is about to change.

Okay just saw part 3. Hate to break it to you but would a UFO have a flashing red light in front of it? At times you can a red or yellow flashing light. Given the place this was filmed, the time and the way the objects move I would pretty much conclude this was a nighttime helicopter drill. As for the global event that will happen in 2010 I'd like to see a reference first otherwise I'm sticking with 2012 ;)

Also a common mistake among UFO believers is that light orbs are not energy balls or spaceships, they're just sources of light that a digital camera can't focus on: see here

Edited by Cyberbrain, 31 August 2009 - 07:27 PM.

#24 Cyberbrain

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Posted 31 August 2009 - 07:24 PM

I thought that UFO's come from the advanced civilisations from deep inside our hollow Earth....

The elohim and reptilians will rise!

#25 eternaltraveler

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Posted 31 August 2009 - 09:04 PM

In part 3, this object mutates or something, it just forms another one. In 2010, a global UFO event is expected to happen and it will change everything. The government has recovered this technology, and I can understand why they want to keep this a secret. But soon, everthing is about to change.

thats nothing compared to the shit that is going to go down in 2012. I'm talking fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling; Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...

or was that in 1984...

Edited by eternaltraveler, 31 August 2009 - 09:04 PM.

#26 wydell

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 02:59 AM

Aliens probably know a lot about life extension. Maybe someone can get them to participate here.

#27 biknut

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 04:07 AM

I think a little perspective is called for.

If a vote was taken about which is the nuttiest idea.

1. We will achieve immortality.


2. Aliens will visit us.

Number 2 would win hands down.

#28 valkyrie_ice

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 08:12 AM

Immortality is indeed a nutty idea, that is nonetheless true.

I will again state that I believe there has been enough circumstancial evidence for me to admit to the very real possibility that we have been visited by aliens. Just as equally there is evidence for a sophisticated civilization in our remote past with technology exceeding our own. I also believe that there is sufficient evidence for the sun to be a primary factor in global warming and that the singularity is inevitable.

Every single one of those statements are equally nutty. And yet here we are, all believers in at least one or two of those ideas.

I dismiss nothing until absolute proof exists against it. While such footage as this is unconvincing, it doesn't prove or disprove anything.

Time will tell though, which of those various things I listed above will be found to be true... my belief is that all of them will, but I'm keeping my mind open about them.

#29 TigerMask

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 08:36 AM

Whether or not we know what these things are. The people who are taking the footage are morons. The words they use only serve to hype up their own delusions.

"Energy orb"
"Rich creatures from out of space"
"What are you doing here flying so low?"

Please... it's hard to listen to.

Looks like two bright lights. Could be anything. He doesn't focus or anything. It looks like a dot.

Also, he keeps saying 'I seen' which kind of gets to me. I'm sorry... but it's 'I saw' or 'I've seen'. It's not just him... it seems to becoming common place.
The guy must be a moron. On a Portuguese comment he wrote:
"i dont comprend spanish well but thanks for the comment my friend"

It's Portuguese... ;)
Oh and I'm sorry but 'comprend' isn't an English word. It's just not. lol

I don't think they're morons, just having fun.

Anyway, interesting.

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