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Which supplements increase oxygen flow to...

navyblue's Photo navyblue 12 Sep 2009

I've been trying to find a supplement that will increase oxygen supply in the brain. So far I've tried:

1) Ginkgo - GOOD: Noticeable effect, more energy, focus, etc - BAD: thins my blood too much.

2) Piracetam - GOOD: Amazing supplement. Tons of energy and focus. - BAD: start spacing out really bad after 2 or 3 days of being on it, even while taking choline/alpha gpc. This thing chews up my choline fast and I already have a choline deficiency (I think).

Is there anything else that I may be able to try that does not have the negative effects above?

Animal's Photo Animal 12 Sep 2009

You may want to try Vinpocetine, it's supposed to be far more potent then Gingko in terms of increasing blood flow to the brain. My personal experience was not very pleasant however as it had a deleterious effect on my mood, to the point that I felt I had no personality. This could potentially be attributed to reduced dopamine in the pre-synaptic space. I already have a dopamine deficiency and suffer from dysthymia and I have not even heard anecdotal evidence of any other individuals having this reaction so you should probably try it.

On the plus side I definitely noticed increased focus and intellectual energy. I can't say whether it improved my memory though since I rarely have problems in this area anyway.
Edited by Animal, 12 September 2009 - 09:01 PM.

navyblue's Photo navyblue 13 Sep 2009

You may want to try Vinpocetine, it's supposed to be far more potent then Gingko in terms of increasing blood flow to the brain. My personal experience was not very pleasant however as it had a deleterious effect on my mood, to the point that I felt I had no personality. This could potentially be attributed to reduced dopamine in the pre-synaptic space. I already have a dopamine deficiency and suffer from dysthymia and I have not even heard anecdotal evidence of any other individuals having this reaction so you should probably try it.

On the plus side I definitely noticed increased focus and intellectual energy. I can't say whether it improved my memory though since I rarely have problems in this area anyway.

Thanks for the reply. I did try vinpocetine 5 years ago, but didn't notice too much of an affect unless I took like 40mg at once, which was something recommended to illicit a quick response. Maybe my chemistry has changed since then so what the heck I'll give it a shot and keep my fingers crossed while hoping for a clear mind.
Edited by navyblue, 13 September 2009 - 03:02 AM.

castrensis's Photo castrensis 13 Sep 2009

You may want to try Vinpocetine, it's supposed to be far more potent then Gingko in terms of increasing blood flow to the brain.

A thread on Vinpocetine so you can make up your own mind regarding its use.

Not certain what your consumption of other chemicals looks like, but caffeine intake has been demonstrated to decrease cerebral blood flow by up to 30% [1] [2] so abstinence may result in the effects you're looking for without having to supplement with another chemical.

navyblue's Photo navyblue 13 Sep 2009

castrensis, thank you for the linke. Currently my stack is pretty weak due to funds. But I am currently taking:

1) Multivitamin
2) Selenium 200mg
3) Ashwagandha 29 drops 3x/day on M,W,F
4) Inositol 6g 2x/day - will discontinue due to extreme rise in body heat.
5) B6 100mg/day
6) Acetyl-L-Carnitine (sometimes 500mg 3x/day)
7) Huperzine-a 50mg/day
8) 5-HTP (about to start taking this)
9) Pycnogenol (about to start taking)
10) Low dose DL-Phenylaline (might start taking)
11) Probiotic (sometimes)
12) B12 5000mcg/day

Caffeine is a big no no for me as I have pretty bad anxiety along with some circumstantial depression possible due to my ADD. After looking at that thread, I am probably not going to be going with the vinpocetine then and will try to see what else I can take to increase the oxygen levels. I've heard about hydergine which I think it is that can do this, not sure. I will have to look into that some more though.

drmz's Photo drmz 13 Sep 2009

EPO increases oxygen carrying capacity.

I think there is a difference between additional oxygen supply because of oxygen carring capacity increase and additional oxygen increase just because you stimulate the brain one way or the other (noops,stimulants etc) The latter doesn't have to be positive perse.

Mortuorum's Photo Mortuorum 13 Sep 2009

Idebenone is proven to do this with considerable efficacious potency.

Theobromine in cacao and cocoa vastly improves circulatory, endothelial functioning and blood flow throughout the system, not only cerebral oxygenation. Raw unprocessed cacao products are best though, stimulating, long lasting energy, multiple neurotransmitter system stimulation with an anxiety response more remote than your likely to encounter with DL-Phenylalanine, a vasodilator, no caffeine "'crash" (caffeine is the opposite, a vasoconstrictor).

msied's Photo msied 13 Sep 2009

Look up the thread on Methylene Blue. Unbelievable cheap, very accessible. By comparing it to other (very) mild uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, a study suggested that it invokes the use of an alternate respiration pathway in mitochondria. At low doses, it's especially active in the brain, meaning brain metabolism gets a boost--more energy per unit time for thought. This is very much related to it's ability to transport oxygen more rapidly through the blood and put it where it needs to go in energy production. It's used as an antedote for cyanide poisoning (which inhibits mitochondrial respiration).

But yeah, look up the thread for it on this forum. Otherwise google will just turn up stuff on serotonin toxicity (way beyond the dose we're talking), it's general fish tank uses as anti-fungal, and a few press releases on it's potential to treat Alzheimer's.

navyblue's Photo navyblue 13 Sep 2009

Thanks everyone, I'm currently looking into all this stuff one by one hoping to find the most effective solution with the least side effects.

Does anyone know a legitimate place where I could find the Idebenone? I just read this article http://www.smart-dru...h-idebenone.htm and I'm sold. I'm not sure if that is a legitimate place or not to purchase from. Not even sure if the article is legitimate. Will still be looking into Theobromine, Methylene Blue, and EPO to see if these are any better.

So far I've tried bulk nutrition, but to no avail for most of this stuff. They did have the EPO though (http://www.bulknutri...roducts_id=7877). Is this the right stuff?

tunt01's Photo tunt01 13 Sep 2009

epo is made by amgen and a few other companies (known also as the tradename procrit). it is used to deal with anemia most typically triggered as a side effect from chemotherapy. it has been more famously tied to scandals like tour de france doping incidents. it is a hormone.

be careful going down this path and know the risks, particularly from LT usage.

castrensis's Photo castrensis 14 Sep 2009

So far I've tried bulk nutrition, but to no avail for most of this stuff. They did have the EPO though (http://www.bulknutri...roducts_id=7877). Is this the right stuff?

EPO is Erythyropoeitin, a hormone primarily excreted from the kidneys that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow. Increased RBCs=Increased oxygen carrying capacity. Not used so often in folks with cancers any more because sometime last year or the year before the FDA came out with a warning that the use of EPO may be proangiogenic & antiapoptic & had been demonstrated to decrease survival & time to tumor progression. Used quite often in folks whose kidneys are dead. It is only available as an injection & should not be used unless under the recommendation & supervision of a physician for an indicated disorder. The primary risk is that the blood becomes too "thick" with RBCs resulting in sudden death due to a thrombotic event.

navyblue's Photo navyblue 14 Sep 2009

Whoa! Ok, looks like EPO is out of the question. For now, I'm going to go ahead and give Idebenone a shot.


I checked out the above link and the dosage recommendation seems to be 45mg 2x/day. Is that a good dosage, or just playing it safe?

Mortuorum's Photo Mortuorum 14 Sep 2009

Whoa! Ok, looks like EPO is out of the question. For now, I'm going to go ahead and give Idebenone a shot.


I checked out the above link and the dosage recommendation seems to be 45mg 2x/day. Is that a good dosage, or just playing it safe?

Best source, cheapest, most trustworthy at best price.....Play with dosages, start low, 50mg twice a day, play with higher, some take as much as 400-500mg per day of Idebenone in divided doses.


tunt01's Photo tunt01 14 Sep 2009

mix a half to full tablespoon of cacao powder in cold water 3x a day and drink it.

eat grapes, and other foods that are healthy for your vascular system. that is what is going to deliver oxygen to your brain -- arteries, not pills.

navyblue's Photo navyblue 14 Sep 2009

Thanks to you guys I now got a lot of information and stuff to try in hopes of improving oxygen supply and circulation. Will post to let you all know how it goes. Thanks again.

hamishm00's Photo hamishm00 14 Sep 2009

I found Nicergoline to be especially effective, and the best of the bunch. Nicergoline is more effective than Vinpocentine in my experience. Ginko is insignificant IMO. I don't think Idebenone is particularly good for this, but that's just my opinion (where are the studies you refer to, Mortuorum, that show that Idebenone does this with "considerable efficacious potency").

Mortuorum's Photo Mortuorum 14 Sep 2009

I found Nicergoline to be especially effective, and the best of the bunch. Nicergoline is more effective than Vinpocentine in my experience. Ginko is insignificant IMO. I don't think Idebenone is particularly good for this, but that's just my opinion (where are the studies you refer to, Mortuorum, that show that Idebenone does this with "considerable efficacious potency").

...lol....I guess I meant it more as an adjunct, Idebenone helps protect the brain in situations of hypoxia, low oxygen, preventing damage from occurring, as the Ergoloids are supposed to, during normal as well as situations wherein brain and heart tissues may be quickly damaged during low ATP production scenarios of occurence due to poor tissue oxygenation. It was recommended synergistically, symbiotic to the request at hand. I was making the assumption that the poster was seeking to improve hypoxia, even of the normal, sedentary variety we all are subject to every moment of the day. I would try this in conjunction with Theobromine before messing around with Ergoloids, personally. Of course, one could combine them all as well. Despite potential controversy and possible pro-oxidative effects, I think these can be offset with Idebenone, I have less faith personally in long term safety of the Ergoloids and additionally, I just don't feel as though they are practical to utilize on a daily basis.

There is a plethora of research data available for decades now attesting to Idebenone's multiple mitochondrial-protective, brain electron transport-enhancing, excitotoxin-protecting, hypoxia protective, stroke and surgical recovery/damage minimization inducing, organ protecting, etc. etc. benefits, do you really need or desire links to all of this research?

I must say that I should add here that I strongly agree with "Prophet's" posting, I would urge "NavyBlue" to invest in some raw cacao products, recipes, etc. before investing in "pills", too........
Edited by Mortuorum, 14 September 2009 - 10:47 AM.

drmz's Photo drmz 14 Sep 2009

The EPO thing was just to make my point clear. Not a serious recommendation for taking EPO.

mdma's Photo mdma 14 Sep 2009

The question is, what are effects of such potentional increased oxygen flow to the brain as marketed and advertised by all nootropic provider?

It seems that many vendors push this option as a selling factor but what are the indirect effect of this? Why would i want extra oxygen flow is a complicate and complexe question that probably goes beyond the simple more oxygen means better focus and aptitude.

SYNTAX's Photo SYNTAX 08 Oct 2009

The question is, what are effects of such potentional increased oxygen flow to the brain as marketed and advertised by all nootropic provider?

It seems that many vendors push this option as a selling factor but what are the indirect effect of this? Why would i want extra oxygen flow is a complicate and complex question that probably goes beyond the simple more oxygen means better focus and aptitude.

If you were to take a drug that increases the brain's metabolism (likely hydergine), and add to it nicergoline, which may counteract hydergine's platelet aggregation while also increasing oxygen uptake, you may have a useful combination. Deep breathing exercises increase oxygen uptake and cause a deep focus in some people.

That's just speculation. But I have ordered both Hydergine (yes there are some bad potential consequences) and Nicergoline, so i'll let you know if it is useful.

FunkOdyssey's Photo FunkOdyssey 08 Oct 2009

Look up the thread on Methylene Blue. Unbelievable cheap, very accessible. By comparing it to other (very) mild uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, a study suggested that it invokes the use of an alternate respiration pathway in mitochondria. At low doses, it's especially active in the brain, meaning brain metabolism gets a boost--more energy per unit time for thought. This is very much related to it's ability to transport oxygen more rapidly through the blood and put it where it needs to go in energy production. It's used as an antedote for cyanide poisoning (which inhibits mitochondrial respiration).

But yeah, look up the thread for it on this forum. Otherwise google will just turn up stuff on serotonin toxicity (way beyond the dose we're talking), it's general fish tank uses as anti-fungal, and a few press releases on it's potential to treat Alzheimer's.

Are people actually taking this stuff?

rwac's Photo rwac 09 Oct 2009

Are people actually taking this stuff?

A bunch of people are taking it, including me.

medievil's Photo medievil 09 Oct 2009

Look up the thread on Methylene Blue. Unbelievable cheap, very accessible. By comparing it to other (very) mild uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, a study suggested that it invokes the use of an alternate respiration pathway in mitochondria. At low doses, it's especially active in the brain, meaning brain metabolism gets a boost--more energy per unit time for thought. This is very much related to it's ability to transport oxygen more rapidly through the blood and put it where it needs to go in energy production. It's used as an antedote for cyanide poisoning (which inhibits mitochondrial respiration).

But yeah, look up the thread for it on this forum. Otherwise google will just turn up stuff on serotonin toxicity (way beyond the dose we're talking), it's general fish tank uses as anti-fungal, and a few press releases on it's potential to treat Alzheimer's.

Are people actually taking this stuff?

Yes, apperantly with much succes.