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new to nootropics, my experiences with Piracetam and Choline-bitartrat

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#1 nonentity

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 04:59 AM

First off a small introduction. I am 33 year old software engineer approximately 175 pounds. I became interested in transhumanism about 1 year ago. About the same time I became interested in nootropics as well.

I have always been hyper, somewhat forgetful about anything not related to work or mathematics (my two main interests until I started my family.) 2 years ago I began seeing a psychologist about
potential add/adhd. I was tested and it was determined that I had adhd. I never went to see a psychiatrist to get any prescriptions so I have never been medicated for treatment. I did begin a thorough program entailing exercise, meditation, better diet and journaling.

I had some choline bitartrate and l-tyrosine that I had not used yet and I ordered piracetam which arrived last thursday.

I had done my research on piracetam and choose to give it a few days without the choline to see what the results were. Friday was an attack dose day with 2400 mg 2/x a day. I didn't have any noticeable positive effects initially. I took the first dose at 7 am and at 1pm felt very tired and fell asleep on the couch (which I seldom do). I continued over the next 3 days I took 1000mg 2/x a day and noticed very lucid and memorable dreams but no noticeable cognitive benefits.

Today I took 500 mg choline with my 1000mg dose. I can say that I have noticed significant cognitive benefits. The biggest one, and one that I can say I was skeptical of after hearing other experiences was words just coming to me. within 30 minutes of the dose thoughts came without warning on something I have only been thinking about in the back corners of my mind. That was I have been contemplating on writing a novel. Now I have no special talent for writing nor any training and I only expect this to be something for myself. All of a sudden I had a major plot outline, some interesting ideas about the technology that might be involved. I have a much higher energy level and clearer thoughts and emotions with this combination.

I have been debating on when I want to add l-tyrosine to my regimen but I have to say that the piracetam and choline combo so far show great promise... I will keep this updated

#2 X_Danny_X

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 06:07 PM

i didnt get much from Piracetam with the Choline, you kind of lucky then since Piracetam is dirt cheap.

maybe you can some Pyritinol or Centrophenoxine to see what happens if it does improve but since syou thinking to add l-tyrosine, then just wait awhile to see how long Piracetam improves you, then add l-tyrosine.

#3 Imagination

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 06:17 PM

If the piracetam is working well for you then just stick to that, no need to add anything else. Peoples stacks are too over the top.

I find tyrosine good for motivation though which I take occasionally when i need the drive to do a big task.

#4 Metacognition

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 07:25 PM

Piracetam and choline is a winning combination for sure, price wise, risk wise and effect wise. Especially if you've had language difficulties in the past.

As for l-tyrosine, I've tried it. Its effects weren't noticeable for me, I'd say it's probably a waste of money if you have a relatively healthy diet already.

#5 nonentity

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Posted 05 November 2009 - 02:50 AM

First off I want to say thanks for everyone's opinion on the board, I am still a newbie to all of this and trying to figure out the best way to enhance my cognitive abilities.

Now for today's update. I took my dose of 1g piracetam and 500 mg choline at 7 am and really noticed it around 8 (which is nice since it was right after I got to work). I have to say one of the best things about the piracetam/choline is that there isn't the crash I was used to from caffeine. I still drink some caffeine but don't feel like I have needed it the last few days. I did start to notice a slight decline in motivation, energy and general thought process around noon or 1, that is when I took my same second dose.

Overall a similar feeling to yesterday, increased energy clearer thoughts, etc... Also I feel like I am sleeping better, this is not as clear cut, the dreams are still more vivid. The big difference with sleep (and I think I can attribute this to not using caffeine as much) but I notice I start to get tired around the same time as I used to (around 11 at night) but now I feel like I should really go to sleep whereas before I would stay up for another hour or more. This is difficult to explain but I just feel like on piracetam my daily cycle feels more regular.

I have taken the advice from the members of the board so far and have not taken any l-tyrosine. I think I will take it as needed when I feel like I need the energy but for now the combo of piracetam and choline is giving me plenty.

I hope people don't mind but I plan on giving some daily updates of my experiences for any other newbies or people who are considering it.

#6 X_Danny_X

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Posted 05 November 2009 - 02:24 PM

pretty good to here, just make sure you cycle your nootropics so your body doesnt build up tolerance to it.

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