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the outreach's under one roof

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 06:12 PM

We could consider putting the twitter.com/imminst page, twine, the facebook outreach, the VIP Outreach, and other outreaches like Media Outreach, under one "Outreach Team" sub form and then have sub forums for each with in.

#2 Shepard

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 09:42 PM

Thanks for the suggestion, Eric.

Could you make a list of what advantages this would have?

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 06:43 PM

Mind and I were discussing it. I guess upon thinking about it more, most or all of the teams are really for outreach. Some are more similar to each other, from what I see, things like media outreach, twitter, facebook, etc... would all need to be considered for a merge, or their own potential team sub forum individually.

It seems that say, Media Outreach takes on a different dimension than VIP Outreach really. I mean, eventually we will probably want to take media outreach down the road toward considering what we will need to do to get a publicist. We would reach out to the media for more specific things that could probably use the focus of a team scouted for and dedicated most directly to that.

Twitter and facebook could go in to internetworking, but they are so big that they are almost like satellite imminst's. Once project leaders commit to engage those sections that Im leaning toward proposing they get their own team sub forums. Internetworking is designed to go in to places that have no, or not enough earmarks of the cause in them. Twitter and facebook seem more stand alone. I mean say, if we put twitter and facebook in there, then why not maybe put also say, the chapters project and the newsletter in there as well? Maybe twitter and facebook could go in there though, what do you all think?

#4 brokenportal

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 06:53 PM

I thought this was posted some place, but I dont see it, this discussion springs in part from the possibility of installing this twitter drupal module: http://drupal.org/project/twitter

and this skype module: http://drupal.org/node/20911

Did somebody already work with this? I see yesterday that John Schloendorn had a skype icon next to his name here in imminst. I thought maybe there was a way to enable it individually, like how in your profile it says things like, "Whats your ICQ #?__________________" But I dont see that option.

Edit: wow, after posting this, I see that the skype icon even appears next to his name when you just write it someplace in imminst. I didnt put that there. It appeared automatically.

Edited by brokenportal, 20 November 2009 - 06:54 PM.

#5 Mind

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 08:44 PM

I current idea is to build more social networking capability into the INW team. Daily Twitter and Facebook updates would be nice. Once we have a couple volunteers ready to do these updates, we can give them the account logins.

#6 Shepard

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 08:31 PM

I believe we're looking into linking the Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Any Internetworking guys still keen on this?

Edited by Shepard, 29 January 2010 - 08:32 PM.

#7 brokenportal

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 09:10 PM

I have to track down the people that said they started imminst facebook pages. I think there were two different people with two different kinds of imminst facebook pages. Ill have them post here when I find them again.

And Mind you do the twitter? Then we want to look into the skype module too. I see that, it seems, that anybody who has skype, already has it partially keyed up to imminst through ipb some how automatically.

#8 bacopa

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Posted 13 February 2010 - 05:30 AM

I'm all for anykind of outreach to inform the public...I like these ideas.

#9 Mind

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Posted 02 March 2010 - 09:58 PM

Jurence has asked for volunteers to update the facebook fan page.

I linked the fan page to twitter. However, I was just wondering about this set-up. Can any fan post anything about Imminst at the fan page. If so, then linking would not be good. However, if it is just admins that can post then we are alright.

#10 Lauren

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Posted 04 March 2010 - 05:37 AM

Hi Everyone,

I'm relatively new to this Imminst program, in that I haven't been on here in a long time, but I was wondering how I might be able to get involved in the VIP Outreach Program, and what this process necessitates. I am very proficient at writing/editing, and I would be more than willing to write or edit any letters that you might be sending out. Additionally, if there is anything else that I can do to contribute to the promotional aspects of this, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time by either messaging me on here or at the following address: siderius_andromedae@yahoo.com. Thank you so much, and I am absolutely honoured to be able to participate in this with all of you. Thanks so much again!!



I'm all for anykind of outreach to inform the public...I like these ideas.

Edited by Lauren, 04 March 2010 - 05:38 AM.

#11 bacopa

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Posted 26 March 2010 - 10:01 PM

I couldn't find the appropriate thread where we talked exclusively about Twitter, but this post is about Twitter donation outreach and mobile txt messaging.

I'm volunteering for Dave Gobel at MF just recently, and what he is looking for that org, imminst could be looking for, for our purposes too.
There are some non-profits that use their Twitter accounts to donate, being a script that others click on to donate, on the Twitter page.

I'm trying to learn more about how to do this, and if any of you have discussed, and know how to donate on Twitter itself, that could really help imminst. I know you can always click on a link to the org itself, but perhaps aesthetically this would look better and would obviously be quicker and easier to interface.

The other donation idea is through mobile phone texting donations like the Red Cross did with Haiti.

Here is a link to the best summary of how this works: http://mobileactive....ile-fundraising
In that summary they talk about the way the money gets to the orgs, the contractual agreements, fees, and 7 steps to get started including the best way to go about it for your org.

I talked with an employee at Causecast, an ASP, (Application Service Provider, and it seems like they have the cheapest deal, but it's still 99 a month, while also the org itself would take out 50 cents per donation.

So, if anyone here knows a way to do this much cheaper, or if we don't have to use an ASP, that would be really important to know. In fact not having to go through an ASP would be ideal.

But, obviously Haiti raised many millions of dollars, so it's something definitely worth considering.

I know you are big into fundraising, so if you happen to know about these two things discussed that would be fantastic.

edit: Causecast is not an ASP, they're some other provider, still it's all very expensive.

Edited by dfowler, 26 March 2010 - 10:50 PM.

#12 bacopa

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Posted 26 March 2010 - 10:56 PM

Also we'd be helping out the Methuselah Foundation with any info on how to address both issues.

#13 The Immortalist

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:23 AM

We could consider putting the twitter.com/imminst page, twine, the facebook outreach, the VIP Outreach, and other outreaches like Media Outreach, under one "Outreach Team" sub form and then have sub forums for each with in.

I think this idea makes sense to implement.

Is this what your getting at Eric?: for example,
ImmInst.org Forums- Action- Projects and teams - Outreach- then the list of subforums in the outreach would be: VIP outreach, Internetworking team, all the ones you listed, etc-

Edited by The Indefinite Lifespaner, 21 April 2010 - 10:30 AM.

#14 Shepard

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 01:28 AM

Update on this idea, Eric?

#15 brokenportal

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 03:23 PM

I believe that Caliban has begun merging them upon discussions in skype. We'll try that. It seems like the merger should work and help combine forces.

#16 caliban

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 07:59 PM

Automatic message

This topic has been moved from "Action -> Suggestions & Project Ideas -> Project Ideas" to "Action -> Suggestions & Project Ideas -> IdeasDewar".

#17 Mind

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Posted 29 November 2012 - 09:08 PM

I have found that social media is nearly useless (so far) for generating interest in radical life extension. Unfortunately, a lot of these sites only reflect the worst nature of human society (gossip, political/tribal warfare, procrastination). Still, I have heard of success stories. It is my view that we should continue to have a presence in these areas for the few people who are searching. I post on behalf of Longeicty on facebook and on twitter. If you are on facebook, take a couple seconds and hit the "like" button for Longecity news/comment. If you are on twitter, use #Longecity in your tweets about life extension. Digg, Reddit, Tumblr and other news sharing sites are a fine place to spend a couple seconds promoting Longecity as well.

As was suggested earlier in the "idea", it would be nice to have a point person to handle almost ALL social media and sharing updates. Any volunteers?

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