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Combining Nootropics with Holothink?

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#1 jjj

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 01:33 AM


Has anyone tried nootropics in combination with Holothink to enhance the listening experience or is holothink total B.S. They make all these claims that listening to these sounds will enhance creativity and cognnitive abilities.

Thoughts or experiences appreciated


#2 msied

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 02:24 AM

I've tried nootropics with another semi-scam known as Photoreading. It certainly FELT like it was working better, but the rest, I can't tell for sure. Anything that enhances the placebo effect, though... that's not a fake effect on its own.

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#3 Ben

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 03:19 AM

Sounds like nonsense

Edited by Ben - Aus, 13 November 2009 - 03:20 AM.

#4 rasnjo

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 04:43 AM

I hadn't really heard of Holothink before, but looking it up it seems to be the same as all other relaxation/subconscious-learning audio tapes. I have tried a somewhat similar product called Paraliminals (both on and off nootropics) and it could be somewhat relaxing and fun for the first tries, but I really don't think it did anything more than some white noise or ocean recordings could have achieved. It was definitely not "the deepest and most satisfying state of relaxation currently available on the Planet Earth!" as Holothink claim theirs is (paraliminals also advertise with buzzwords like binaural beats) . Nootropics may help you appreciate the sensations of relaxing sounds, but I doubt it would dramatically change your experience. There are lots of bullshit indicators on their site (what is triple harmonic chord technology? Probably just fancy marketing for something simple like combining three sounds). It may be a decent product to help enter a meditative state, but don't expect it to live up to their own bullshit. Some products like these are decent, but are then completely hyped by marketing and of course they can't live up to that. I wouldn't expect dramatic improvements to creative/cognition from the audio tapes whether you take nootropics or not.

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#5 jjj

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 10:27 AM

Thanks for the feedback. I tried to goggle products similiar to this like Holosync and the reviews seem like affiliates geting a kick back once you go from their website review to Holosync, etc. The marketing doe make it look questionable so I wanted to get real independent feedback.

Thanks again!

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