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Bulk Aniracetam Powder at smi2le.biz

rizzer's Photo rizzer 22 Apr 2004


Available for immediate shipment:

Aniracetam 30 grams $13.35
Aniracetam 120 grams $45.00
Aniracetam 70 500mg capsules $17.99

We also have available on our site:
Centrophenoxine -- 75 grams $39.99 250 grams $109.99 (only available overseas as lucidril for ~$30+ for 15 grams)
Idebenone--50 grams idebenone $109.99 (BAC sells 10 grams w/40 grams tocotrienols for $39.75; everyone else sells capsules $30 for 2.5grams)
l-theanine 60 grams $38.99 220grams $109.99
r-ala 160grams $109.99
Lowest prices on the net for aniracetam,r-ala,idebenone,l-theanine,etc.

These all will be shipped out in 7-10 days;
we also have extremely low priced specials combining large amounts of all these;

If you have any nootropic you'd like to request post it here; we are in the process of getting:
alpha gpc,pyritinol,oxiracetam,picamilon,pramiracetam(maybe; haven't gotten a sample from the supplier yet),acetyl-l-carnitine,phenibut,creatine monohydrate,many others

All products will be priced much lower then you've seen anywhere else.....many will be 70% less then the competition; some will only be a bit lower then bulknutrition.com/beyond-a-century; depends on what we have to pay for it....

I like those 2 (and pretty much only those 2) and some of there prices are darn good (not as good as ours though), but just because we have a better price is not a reason to switch to smi2le.biz. (Since they have more capital they could possibly undercut us.....) the big reason is..

We specialize in nootropics/smart drugs and plan to carry em all at ultra low prices; We will eventually offer all essential things that you would need to combine in any such program; including vitamins,aminos,creatine,homozon,etc.......No one else offers aniracetam,centrophenoxine,pyritinol etc. in cheap bulk form. And.....

When we have enough for the equipment we've picked out; we will be allowing anyone to make a custom combination of all the products we carry; and to put that combination into capsules...We believe this will be the biggest reason for our success; but we need some sales+investors to pay for the equipment.

We are looking for investors; We can offer you free nootropics among other benefits. Minimum investment $500.00 Check our website for details; or e-mail me.

Also looking for experts/helpers who would be willing to work to get free nootropics and eventually some pay;
to write articles; and help out in the forums; and help out the community in general...

LifeMirage? Anyone else? Let me know if you're interested.....Positions available in 1-2 months;

Let me know of any questions/comments you have.

If you want something in bulk form; email me; Can get you almost anything in 2-4 weeks.

Any suggestions/comments/questions? go ahead and post em here...

Edited by rizzer, 28 May 2004 - 06:51 AM.

22 Apr 2004

I saw your post on the newsgroups, I'm very interested in buying from your site because of the very reasonable prices but I'd like a few user opinions from people who've bought from you before I will order myself. Impressive list, especially the possibility of getting Pramiracetam which peaks my interest as well.

jpars82's Photo jpars82 22 Apr 2004

Your list and prices are impressive. I hope you get more of your products into capsule form. I'll probably be placing some future orders with you guys.

23 Apr 2004

Try making yourself known at the Avantlabs boards and at some of the yahoo groups (search nootropics). You could certainly become a big supplier to nootropic users if enough word gets around.

D Sade's Photo D Sade 25 Apr 2004

By all means go ahead and post at the Avant board - just please don't make the post "spammy", and try to toss in some advice as well.

rizzer's Photo rizzer 27 Apr 2004

Thanks; Gave it a shot; the avantlabs board is great; I love the topics etc in "chemically correct-main"

very hardcore...definetly people who I think would like smi2le.biz

wasn't sure how to post basically an announcement/advertisement without being spammy; but we'll see how it goes.....

I'll have to get heavy into promotions and get my name out there; as soon as I stock enough items...

anyway thanks for the tips/advice...I guess I'll post here when all the other items (pyritinol,phenibut,idebenone,etc) are in stock and ready to ship out right away..


28 Apr 2004

I would suggest that you advertise at bodybuilding.com supplements forum but they also run a business concurrently with that board so it might not be in their interests to let you advertise for your business.

Here's a Yahoo group you may not have come across which deals with nootropics among other cognition enhancing topics.


D Sade's Photo D Sade 29 Apr 2004

Mike...sorry about the confusion again.