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Summer Storage of Nootropics

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#1 ejdavis1

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Posted 03 May 2004 - 04:26 AM

The little office where I store my nootropics is upstairs in the house - on the side (south) that gets the most sun. It gets hot up here in the summer and this one looks like it will be a scorcher. This will be my first summer with nootropics and I want to take good care of them.

Which of the following should go into an insulated container? Which ones might or should I refrigerate? Which ones can I leave out in the heat?

1. Bulk Piracetam plus caps of same
2. Bulk Aniracetam (small 25gram bottles) and capped aniracetam.
3. Idebenone in caps
4. bottles of Get Smart ™ (Smart Nutrition -vinpocetine, Huperzine A, pyritinol, DMAE, CDP Choline, picamilon, Rhodiola rosea)
5. CDP Choline caps

6. R-ALA caps
7. ALCAR caps
8. liquid gel caps of B-complex
9. Magnesium Citrate

For now, I'm putting items 1-5 into an insulated cooler. Any ideas or advice will be greatly appreciated.


Edward J. Davis
San Diego, CA


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Posted 03 May 2004 - 04:55 AM

Generally you'd want to store all that in a very dry and cool environment. Somewhere they wouldn't be exposed to light. You can't go wrong with that. Don't make the environment too cold though, a temperature of 5-15C will most likely do.

A Cooler actually sounds like a good idea.

#3 shpongled

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Posted 06 May 2004 - 09:19 AM

Piracetam is really stable, but I would still think it best if you stored them all in a cool place.


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Posted 12 May 2004 - 06:02 AM

I like the idea of keeping everything in a cooler. I don't know how to store each and every specific nootropic but a cooler would be a safe bet for everything, store the cooler in a cool, dark, and dry place and they'll be fine for the summer. My personal belief is that those nootropics that have a cumulative effect over months and possibly years should be taken everyday regardless of season. I think this includes:

- B vitamins (ok not a nootropic I know)
- Idebenone

and possibly a few others I can't recall.


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Posted 12 May 2004 - 03:47 PM

A cooler that isn't cooled, a normal cooler. But put in a dry and cool place so that humitidy won't leech in over time.

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