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What are UFOs ?

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56 replies to this topic

Poll: UFOs (58 member(s) have cast votes)

They may be

  1. Technologically capable aliens (12 votes [17.65%])

    Percentage of vote: 17.65%

  2. Creatures biologically capable of space travel (5 votes [7.35%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.35%

  3. Some other phenomenon (38 votes [55.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 55.88%

  4. They don't exist/Hallucinations (13 votes [19.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.12%

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#1 rwac

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 06:26 AM

As an optimist, I imagine that the best outcome for humanity would be if UFOs were creatures naturally capable of space travel.

Technologically capable aliens would be the biggest threat.

Biologically space-capable aliens would imply that other, currently unknown means of space-travel exist.
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#2 forever freedom

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 04:31 PM

I think these "UFO apparitions" are actually some other phenomena.

#3 DukeNukem

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 11:28 PM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

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#4 biknut

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 11:46 PM

I would put my money on secret government craft before alien. I don't rule out aliens, but if they've been around all this time I don't think they're going to be friendly to us. I can't help but think friendly aliens would have made themselves known to us by now.
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#5 DukeNukem

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 12:03 AM

I would put my money on secret government craft before alien. I don't rule out aliens, but if they've been around all this time I don't think they're going to be friendly to us. I can't help but think friendly aliens would have made themselves known to us by now.

Any alien visiting Earth should be so far advanced that we would be zero threat should they want to overtake us. Yet, it's crazy to think they would care about us other than to study from afar, because our planet would have zero to offer any civilization so advanced. In any case, if they're visiting us they're doing so completely undetected. And, if I had to bet my life, I'd bet that we have never been visited. Frankly, I think that intelligent life like humans is so extremely rare in the universe that we may be the only example. However, I do think the universe is teaming with non-space-traveling life.

#6 niner

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 04:12 AM

What if there are a lot of spacefaring cultures, but they all follow a rule that says they should not interfere in any way with pre-singularity cultures, or maybe that they shouldn't interfere with such cultures if they are within some number of centuries of attaining a singularity. It might be that alien anthropologists are studying us without contact, or maybe alien teenagers come here to drink alien beer and smoke alien dope.

#7 biknut

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 04:46 AM

It could make sense that UFO's are here site seeing, kind of like visiting the Zoo.

Look at those smart monkeys Gecksor, they've figured out internal combustion.

#8 Esoparagon

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 11:39 AM

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object

UFO really doesn't mean alien space craft at all, it's just something people have attached to 'UFO' because that's what so many people think they might be. A UFO could be any phenomenon.
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#9 Luna

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 02:56 PM

I would put my money on secret government craft before alien. I don't rule out aliens, but if they've been around all this time I don't think they're going to be friendly to us. I can't help but think friendly aliens would have made themselves known to us by now.

Any alien visiting Earth should be so far advanced that we would be zero threat should they want to overtake us. Yet, it's crazy to think they would care about us other than to study from afar, because our planet would have zero to offer any civilization so advanced. In any case, if they're visiting us they're doing so completely undetected. And, if I had to bet my life, I'd bet that we have never been visited. Frankly, I think that intelligent life like humans is so extremely rare in the universe that we may be the only example. However, I do think the universe is teaming with non-space-traveling life.

what's there to study :D

#10 DukeNukem

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 04:25 PM

I would put my money on secret government craft before alien. I don't rule out aliens, but if they've been around all this time I don't think they're going to be friendly to us. I can't help but think friendly aliens would have made themselves known to us by now.

Any alien visiting Earth should be so far advanced that we would be zero threat should they want to overtake us. Yet, it's crazy to think they would care about us other than to study from afar, because our planet would have zero to offer any civilization so advanced. In any case, if they're visiting us they're doing so completely undetected. And, if I had to bet my life, I'd bet that we have never been visited. Frankly, I think that intelligent life like humans is so extremely rare in the universe that we may be the only example. However, I do think the universe is teaming with non-space-traveling life.

what's there to study :D

Perhaps true. It's easy to imagine that any civilization advanced enough to visit us would have the ability to computer model all possible forms of life in the universe, and could likely know what type of life exists on any planet that they find with their space-based observatories. For example, they could peer at earth, recognize the footprint of humans and 1000 other living species (including bacteria), and reverse engineer our entire evolutionary past and time line. No need to visit.

So, it's just folly to believe that aliens actually need to visit us, been seen, blah blah. Imagine trying to applies Roman thinking to current day technology. Roman leaders could no even imagine nuclear ballistic missile attacks. Likewise, it's impossible for us to imagine the possibilities of a civilization even 200 years ahead of us, let along 1000 or 10,000.
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#11 Mind

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 07:08 PM

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object

That's all. No reproducible evidence of aliens yet.

#12 DukeNukem

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 07:25 PM

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object

That's all. No reproducible evidence of aliens yet.

True, that's the real definition of UFO. But, we all know that when most people use this term, the implication is alien craft. That's why in my first post in this thread, I made it clear that I'm using that definition.

UFOs exists, of course. But, I would bet my life that they are not alien devices.

#13 Skötkonung

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 05:31 AM

I would put my money on secret government craft before alien. I don't rule out aliens, but if they've been around all this time I don't think they're going to be friendly to us. I can't help but think friendly aliens would have made themselves known to us by now.

Any alien visiting Earth should be so far advanced that we would be zero threat should they want to overtake us. Yet, it's crazy to think they would care about us other than to study from afar, because our planet would have zero to offer any civilization so advanced. In any case, if they're visiting us they're doing so completely undetected. And, if I had to bet my life, I'd bet that we have never been visited. Frankly, I think that intelligent life like humans is so extremely rare in the universe that we may be the only example. However, I do think the universe is teaming with non-space-traveling life.

what's there to study :D

You are analyzing these aliens from a completely human perspective. Did you ever stop to think they might be very self-protective and xenophobic. Perhaps they believe humans could become a threat to them and intend to annihilate us.

Maybe life on earth is the result of a terra-forming project, set in motion by an acient civilization on the brink of extinction due to a failing world. These aliens put themselves into hybernation / stasis and when they return (as the UFO sightings suggest they could be), the aliens will view us as a threat and remove us from the planet?

Or perhaps this planet was given life, in such a specific way that self-aware lifeforms would develop. The life giving aliens did this because they only feast on sentient beings. Perhaps using our wild-grown souls as we used whale oil in the 19th century. When our population gets large enough, they will return and feast upon us and use our souls to oil the gears of their perpetual war machine.

Just think about the horror :)

#14 niner

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 05:41 AM

When our population gets large enough, they will return and feast upon us and use our souls to oil the gears of their perpetual war machine.

I think we beat them to it.
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#15 Luna

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 06:54 AM

I would put my money on secret government craft before alien. I don't rule out aliens, but if they've been around all this time I don't think they're going to be friendly to us. I can't help but think friendly aliens would have made themselves known to us by now.

Any alien visiting Earth should be so far advanced that we would be zero threat should they want to overtake us. Yet, it's crazy to think they would care about us other than to study from afar, because our planet would have zero to offer any civilization so advanced. In any case, if they're visiting us they're doing so completely undetected. And, if I had to bet my life, I'd bet that we have never been visited. Frankly, I think that intelligent life like humans is so extremely rare in the universe that we may be the only example. However, I do think the universe is teaming with non-space-traveling life.

what's there to study :D

You are analyzing these aliens from a completely human perspective. Did you ever stop to think they might be very self-protective and xenophobic. Perhaps they believe humans could become a threat to them and intend to annihilate us.

Maybe life on earth is the result of a terra-forming project, set in motion by an acient civilization on the brink of extinction due to a failing world. These aliens put themselves into hybernation / stasis and when they return (as the UFO sightings suggest they could be), the aliens will view us as a threat and remove us from the planet?

Or perhaps this planet was given life, in such a specific way that self-aware lifeforms would develop. The life giving aliens did this because they only feast on sentient beings. Perhaps using our wild-grown souls as we used whale oil in the 19th century. When our population gets large enough, they will return and feast upon us and use our souls to oil the gears of their perpetual war machine.

Just think about the horror :)

Ok, no, I am not thinking of it from a human perspective. You are thinking from a fantasy perspective :)
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#16 gregandbeaker

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 04:04 PM

Yeah, you got it. UFO's are TIME MACHINES!

#17 TheFountain

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 06:03 PM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

What of the thousands of people who claim to have a UFO/alien encounter? Are they experiencing a mass psychosis of some sort? What of those (like Whitley Strieber, who has a huge following) who believe they were abducted by aliens so strongly that they passed numerous lie detector tests and other forms of psychological evaluation? Do you truly believe science must dictate ones belief in such phenomenon? I think this phenomenon is beyond science truthfully and that if such beings existed and were far in advance of human beings they are capable of manipulating neurons to the degree that they can make some people see them whilst blocking others from doing so. It would surely explain why some people see UFOs whilst other's in the same immediately vicinity do not.

Edited by TheFountain, 23 December 2009 - 06:04 PM.

#18 TheFountain

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 06:06 PM

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object

That's all. No reproducible evidence of aliens yet.

The problem here is what would constitute evidence? And what if evidence has not been reproduced simply because these beings are not allowing it to? You would think that highly advanced beings would surely possess the ability to counter any human forensics methods of evidence gathering. These beings could be composed of a substance that does not allow any traces of alien finger prints to be picked up.

#19 DukeNukem

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 07:46 PM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

What of the thousands of people who claim to have a UFO/alien encounter? Are they experiencing a mass psychosis of some sort? What of those (like Whitley Strieber, who has a huge following) who believe they were abducted by aliens so strongly that they passed numerous lie detector tests and other forms of psychological evaluation? Do you truly believe science must dictate ones belief in such phenomenon? I think this phenomenon is beyond science truthfully and that if such beings existed and were far in advance of human beings they are capable of manipulating neurons to the degree that they can make some people see them whilst blocking others from doing so. It would surely explain why some people see UFOs whilst other's in the same immediately vicinity do not.

It doesn't even make sense that these ships would allow themselves to be seen. Even we, humans, are on the verge of real cloaking, a la Klingon ships, so without question any race able to travel here would be able to remain undetectable.

Of course, the retort is: What if they want to be seen? If that's the case, they'd just land and introduce themselves. They wouldn't come this far to play games with us.

My god, if people would just think this through on their own. It's also interesting that UFOs were never seen before about the 1940s. So yes, there's definitely a mass psychology in play here.

#20 Luna

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 08:00 PM

My god, if people would just think this through on their own. It's also interesting that UFOs were never seen before about the 1940s. So yes, there's definitely a mass psychology in play here.

It takes time to travel to earth, duh! :-D

#21 DukeNukem

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 09:09 PM

My god, if people would just think this through on their own. It's also interesting that UFOs were never seen before about the 1940s. So yes, there's definitely a mass psychology in play here.

It takes time to travel to earth, duh! :-D

Oh right -- *wack my head* -- I should have thought of that. Very lucky of us to be born in the right century when they decide to crash in Roswell (damn steering system failure!!) and then start capturing humans by the dozens to probe them.

But seriously, there are people who believe this has happened. Clearly, humans need more time to better evolve the gray matter. We are not quite ready for prime-time yet.
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#22 TheFountain

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 09:15 PM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

What of the thousands of people who claim to have a UFO/alien encounter? Are they experiencing a mass psychosis of some sort? What of those (like Whitley Strieber, who has a huge following) who believe they were abducted by aliens so strongly that they passed numerous lie detector tests and other forms of psychological evaluation? Do you truly believe science must dictate ones belief in such phenomenon? I think this phenomenon is beyond science truthfully and that if such beings existed and were far in advance of human beings they are capable of manipulating neurons to the degree that they can make some people see them whilst blocking others from doing so. It would surely explain why some people see UFOs whilst other's in the same immediately vicinity do not.

It doesn't even make sense that these ships would allow themselves to be seen. Even we, humans, are on the verge of real cloaking, a la Klingon ships, so without question any race able to travel here would be able to remain undetectable.

Of course, the retort is: What if they want to be seen? If that's the case, they'd just land and introduce themselves. They wouldn't come this far to play games with us.

My god, if people would just think this through on their own. It's also interesting that UFOs were never seen before about the 1940s. So yes, there's definitely a mass psychology in play here.

I'm honestly not certain. Because if it were mere psychology there wouldn't be so many people ridiculing those who believe they have been contacted, or similarly, in the 2012 end-of-world phenomenon. I read somewhere once that the reason UFOs appeared after the 1940s is related to atomic radiation emissions caused by the nuclear tests that were being conducted then. It is theorized that these emissions acted as a sort of tranciever to alien cultures, which then honed in on 'the signal' and followed it to our little blue planet. But as you hinted earlier, what if they didn't physically travel at all? What if contact has been 'telepathic' mainly and this is whhy there is no physical evidence thitherto? Lots and lots of questions. But on the 'it is a mental thing' speel. Carl Jungs book on UFOs is an amazing read that explores this very possibility in greater detail than any other. I do not doubt that possibility that some of these sightings may be psychological in origin, just not all of them or even the majority.

#23 niner

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 04:40 AM

Because if it were mere psychology there wouldn't be so many people ridiculing those who believe they have been contacted, or similarly, in the 2012 end-of-world phenomenon.

I think you have it backward. People who believe this stuff are ridiculed because these things are just mass psychological phenomenon. Ever notice how everyone describes the aliens the same way, with skinny bodies, huge dark eyes, big heads?.. You know, the standard "alien" image. Yet before a picture like that appeared in a comic book or wherever it was, no one described aliens that way. The image is now disseminated in mass culture, and it's what everyone who thinks they've had an ET experience will tell you they "saw".
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#24 Luna

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 07:44 AM

Like 2012? you believe in that?
The world ended at 2000, remember? and at 2003 as well, if I remember right, there were people suiciding before 2000 and 2003 so they won't suffer at the end of the world.
I think there was another one but I can't remember when.

But now that 2000 (not going to bother with 2003, it was much less known) is behind us you probably barely remember how great the panic was.
End of the world movies, people scared, psychologists having frightened patients. Yet nothing happened.

So just because many people believe in it it has to be true?

Many people believe in religion (many different ones too).
Many people believe in carb is good fat is bad.
Many people believe they should eat bread.
Many people believe in afterlife.
Many people believe that dreams can predict the future.
Many people believe in homeopathic.
Many people believe that THAT placebo pill helped their headache.
Many people believe that dying is natural.
Many people believe that we came from monkeys, other believe that we came from birds.
Many people believe in other dimensions, time travel, parallel worlds.
Many people believe Mars is really red.
Many people believe in ghosts.
Many people believe in angels, devils, boogie monster.
And many people believe I don't have a life and could go on with this list forever and ever. :-D

#25 TheFountain

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:28 PM

Because if it were mere psychology there wouldn't be so many people ridiculing those who believe they have been contacted, or similarly, in the 2012 end-of-world phenomenon.

I think you have it backward. People who believe this stuff are ridiculed because these things are just mass psychological phenomenon. Ever notice how everyone describes the aliens the same way, with skinny bodies, huge dark eyes, big heads?.. You know, the standard "alien" image. Yet before a picture like that appeared in a comic book or wherever it was, no one described aliens that way. The image is now disseminated in mass culture, and it's what everyone who thinks they've had an ET experience will tell you they "saw".

How do you know the person who drew the first image did not first see one? Mass psychosis sounds a little psychic don't you think? And if we are dealing with a mass psychic attunement of some sort that is equally paranormal as the possibility of UFOs. So either way we are dealing with the possibility of paranormal phenomenon. But I still think the universe is far too vast to exclude the possibility of some sort of aliens being the driving force behind this.

#26 TheFountain

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:32 PM

Like 2012? you believe in that?
The world ended at 2000, remember? and at 2003 as well, if I remember right, there were people suiciding before 2000 and 2003 so they won't suffer at the end of the world.
I think there was another one but I can't remember when.

But now that 2000 (not going to bother with 2003, it was much less known) is behind us you probably barely remember how great the panic was.
End of the world movies, people scared, psychologists having frightened patients. Yet nothing happened.

So just because many people believe in it it has to be true?

Many people believe in religion (many different ones too).
Many people believe in carb is good fat is bad.
Many people believe they should eat bread.
Many people believe in afterlife.
Many people believe that dreams can predict the future.
Many people believe in homeopathic.
Many people believe that THAT placebo pill helped their headache.
Many people believe that dying is natural.
Many people believe that we came from monkeys, other believe that we came from birds.
Many people believe in other dimensions, time travel, parallel worlds.
Many people believe Mars is really red.
Many people believe in ghosts.
Many people believe in angels, devils, boogie monster.
And many people believe I don't have a life and could go on with this list forever and ever. :-D

No one believes in synchronicity, yet it is still a major part of humanity. How many people dream about events before they happen? It is not a belief that constitutes these connections, but an underlying causation that eludes our senses. Perhaps a 6th sense or maybe alien mind games, but whatever it is it has been documented. The most gripping document of alien abduction I ever read is from Whitley Striebers book Communion.

Edited by TheFountain, 24 December 2009 - 01:33 PM.

#27 solbanger

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 03:07 PM

Because if it were mere psychology there wouldn't be so many people ridiculing those who believe they have been contacted, or similarly, in the 2012 end-of-world phenomenon.

I think you have it backward. People who believe this stuff are ridiculed because these things are just mass psychological phenomenon. Ever notice how everyone describes the aliens the same way, with skinny bodies, huge dark eyes, big heads?.. You know, the standard "alien" image. Yet before a picture like that appeared in a comic book or wherever it was, no one described aliens that way. The image is now disseminated in mass culture, and it's what everyone who thinks they've had an ET experience will tell you they "saw".

You're actually kind of right. However mass pop phenomenas only explain why people would use certain archetypes to carry on a hoax, in order to draw upon imagery that others would already readily identify with, not establish a bizarre explaination for their fears such as what happened with the novel Communion. Back in the 40's many of the creatures that were encountered looked like Nordic supermen, and only a smattering of the reports described spindly grey people. In other words the grey aliens were there, it's just that they didn't reflect the common consciousness at the time - and at the time everyone was in a tizzy over eugenics and creating perfect blonde haired blue eyed humans. The Nordics themselves are often described as having an otherworldly blue tint to their eyes, as if they're the evolved culmination of the human presumption of what we would look like in the future based on our eugenic preferences.

Fast forward a few years where scientists start to make predictions as to what a space faring creature should look like, rather than what we'd like them to look like, combined with the feeling of losing control to an impersonal, heartless government, and suddenly many of the reports started featuring space faring appearing creatures with terrible intent - the greys!

Of course the real question is not if this is a mass psychosis. It is as much a mass psychosis as the Jonas Brothers. If we can ignore it, like we can ignore the Jonas Bros. then it is not a mass psychosis. Mass psychoses work as part of a fabric, not as something that becomes a T-shirt cartoon. Like a musician who writes a catchy tune, the source of this alien presence comes from certain individuals who were given an intense experience distinctly foriegn to their basic thought process. This is why the writings in Communion are so breathtaking, it is as if Whitley were given a window into a telepathic alien culture. The differences between Communion and his previous books Wolfen, and the Hunger are continental. His older books are uninspired fictional tropes, while Communion was as if Whitley was describing a car accident. Although lately it seems as if he's been reevaluating his experiences thin, as if to keep book sales high. Other people have experienced this breakthrough as well, almost as if this external force is attempting to plant seeds of its existence in particular people. This external presence was given the name "Ultraterrestrial" by John Keel a long time ago, as the UFO researchers realized that the creatures fit themselves to a weird approximation of our fears. Almost as if they are wearing costumes that change over time. Yesterday it was the Nordics, today it is the greys, tomorrow who knows? (Although the Men In Black phenom is hitting a high stride.) But the distinct feeling comes that these guises are manufactured.

Check out LAM, the entity that supposedly contacted Alister Crowley in the 20's. LAM looked like a grey long before the reports became commonplace.

Edited by solbanger, 24 December 2009 - 03:13 PM.

#28 Reno

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Posted 27 December 2009 - 08:01 AM

Yeah, you got it. UFO's are TIME MACHINES!

What movie is that?

#29 valkyrie_ice

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Posted 28 December 2009 - 05:53 AM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

What of the thousands of people who claim to have a UFO/alien encounter? Are they experiencing a mass psychosis of some sort? What of those (like Whitley Strieber, who has a huge following) who believe they were abducted by aliens so strongly that they passed numerous lie detector tests and other forms of psychological evaluation? Do you truly believe science must dictate ones belief in such phenomenon? I think this phenomenon is beyond science truthfully and that if such beings existed and were far in advance of human beings they are capable of manipulating neurons to the degree that they can make some people see them whilst blocking others from doing so. It would surely explain why some people see UFOs whilst other's in the same immediately vicinity do not.

It doesn't even make sense that these ships would allow themselves to be seen. Even we, humans, are on the verge of real cloaking, a la Klingon ships, so without question any race able to travel here would be able to remain undetectable.

Of course, the retort is: What if they want to be seen? If that's the case, they'd just land and introduce themselves. They wouldn't come this far to play games with us.

My god, if people would just think this through on their own. It's also interesting that UFOs were never seen before about the 1940s. So yes, there's definitely a mass psychology in play here.

Incorrect. UFO's have been seen the entire history of man, it is simply that prior "visitations" were believed to be "gods" "angels" "demons" etc.

Ezekiel's "wheels within wheels" for example.

However, 47 does seem to have marked a dramatic increase in reported sightings, however, whether this is due to increasing frequency, better record keeping, or a mass psychology effect is unclear.

Documented encounters in the military exist of anomalies of visual, radar, and sonar events.

I've also had my ex father in law confirm his experiences guarding items of which no known earth based technology at the time could have accounted for. I have also spoken with a couple of high clearance individuals who have confirmed encounters with non human intelligences.

Now, I can simply dismiss all of this as "having my leg pulled" if it had not been for the uniformity of the accounts given by people who had no knowledge of each other, or what previous information I had acquired.

Simply put, I do think that there exist the possibility that technologically advanced beings have been visiting Earth for a very long time. That possibility is unproven, and currently unprovable, but in no way conflicts with any of the other evidence I have researched about Atlantis, which leads me to believe there is a possibility that a highly technological civilization existed in prehistory that might have been transplanted here from somewhere else, either as a colony, or as refugees from a civilization that suffered an extinction level event.

Considering the growing evidence that the basic building blocks of life may have formed in space like conditions, it would be the height of hubris to beleive we are the SOLE intelligence that exists. Considering that any spacefaring civilization would have survived it's own period of accelerating technological advancement I also consider it unlikely that any such civilization would find anything about our system worth the effort of exterminating us, even if all it involved was dropping a single grey goo nanobot into our atmosphere to convert the planet into preprocessed elements.

Which means that ANY such visitation would have to be either due to scientific interest, or ethical concerns, much like PETA. Perhaps we're a science project for a postbiological kid's school science fair, perhaps we're being guided to prevent our own self extinction...

Regardless, while there is no CONCLUSIVE evidence, there is enough circumstantial evidence to declare the issue unresolvable at this time. Insufficient data.

#30 gregandbeaker

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Posted 28 December 2009 - 03:17 PM

What movie is that?

Its called "Repo Man." A great movie from the '80's.
Repo Man on Wikipedia

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