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What are UFOs ?

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Poll: UFOs (58 member(s) have cast votes)

They may be

  1. Technologically capable aliens (12 votes [17.65%])

    Percentage of vote: 17.65%

  2. Creatures biologically capable of space travel (5 votes [7.35%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.35%

  3. Some other phenomenon (38 votes [55.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 55.88%

  4. They don't exist/Hallucinations (13 votes [19.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.12%

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#31 TheFountain

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Posted 28 December 2009 - 04:39 PM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

What of the thousands of people who claim to have a UFO/alien encounter? Are they experiencing a mass psychosis of some sort? What of those (like Whitley Strieber, who has a huge following) who believe they were abducted by aliens so strongly that they passed numerous lie detector tests and other forms of psychological evaluation? Do you truly believe science must dictate ones belief in such phenomenon? I think this phenomenon is beyond science truthfully and that if such beings existed and were far in advance of human beings they are capable of manipulating neurons to the degree that they can make some people see them whilst blocking others from doing so. It would surely explain why some people see UFOs whilst other's in the same immediately vicinity do not.

It doesn't even make sense that these ships would allow themselves to be seen. Even we, humans, are on the verge of real cloaking, a la Klingon ships, so without question any race able to travel here would be able to remain undetectable.

Of course, the retort is: What if they want to be seen? If that's the case, they'd just land and introduce themselves. They wouldn't come this far to play games with us.

My god, if people would just think this through on their own. It's also interesting that UFOs were never seen before about the 1940s. So yes, there's definitely a mass psychology in play here.

Incorrect. UFO's have been seen the entire history of man, it is simply that prior "visitations" were believed to be "gods" "angels" "demons" etc.

Ezekiel's "wheels within wheels" for example.

However, 47 does seem to have marked a dramatic increase in reported sightings, however, whether this is due to increasing frequency, better record keeping, or a mass psychology effect is unclear.

Documented encounters in the military exist of anomalies of visual, radar, and sonar events.

I've also had my ex father in law confirm his experiences guarding items of which no known earth based technology at the time could have accounted for. I have also spoken with a couple of high clearance individuals who have confirmed encounters with non human intelligences.

Now, I can simply dismiss all of this as "having my leg pulled" if it had not been for the uniformity of the accounts given by people who had no knowledge of each other, or what previous information I had acquired.

Simply put, I do think that there exist the possibility that technologically advanced beings have been visiting Earth for a very long time. That possibility is unproven, and currently unprovable, but in no way conflicts with any of the other evidence I have researched about Atlantis, which leads me to believe there is a possibility that a highly technological civilization existed in prehistory that might have been transplanted here from somewhere else, either as a colony, or as refugees from a civilization that suffered an extinction level event.

Considering the growing evidence that the basic building blocks of life may have formed in space like conditions, it would be the height of hubris to beleive we are the SOLE intelligence that exists. Considering that any spacefaring civilization would have survived it's own period of accelerating technological advancement I also consider it unlikely that any such civilization would find anything about our system worth the effort of exterminating us, even if all it involved was dropping a single grey goo nanobot into our atmosphere to convert the planet into preprocessed elements.

Which means that ANY such visitation would have to be either due to scientific interest, or ethical concerns, much like PETA. Perhaps we're a science project for a postbiological kid's school science fair, perhaps we're being guided to prevent our own self extinction...

Regardless, while there is no CONCLUSIVE evidence, there is enough circumstantial evidence to declare the issue unresolvable at this time. Insufficient data.

Thank you for reminding me of what I read in Carl Jungs book about UFOs. That is that ancient people saw 'celestial spheres' in the sky which they mistook for deities of one variety or another. Plus there is the consideration about aliens aiding ancient egptians in the building of the pyramids, contemplated in several books as well. Most notably Chariot of the gods by von daniken. I read some of this stuff when I was like 17 I can't believe I forgot so much of it in just 8 years.

Edited by TheFountain, 28 December 2009 - 04:40 PM.

#32 valkyrie_ice

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 01:36 PM

Thank you for reminding me of what I read in Carl Jungs book about UFOs. That is that ancient people saw 'celestial spheres' in the sky which they mistook for deities of one variety or another. Plus there is the consideration about aliens aiding ancient egptians in the building of the pyramids, contemplated in several books as well. Most notably Chariot of the gods by von daniken. I read some of this stuff when I was like 17 I can't believe I forgot so much of it in just 8 years.

One thing I have learned over the years is how unwilling people are to evaluate any information that does not conform to their personal paradigms. This applies to both positive and negative information. A strong believer in UFOs will accept the flimsiest of evidence, a strong disbeliever will deny any evidence at all.

I became interested in Atlantis at a very young age, due to the watching of a documentary version of Charles Berlitz's 'Burmuda Triangle" book. I found a used version of the book in a bookstore, along with "Atlantis: The Eighth Continent." Following reading these admittedly populist books, I chose to do a research paper on Atlantis for my sixth grade english term paper. My school for some reason had a copy of Otto Heinrich Muck's "The Secret of Atlantis."

That was my first serious look at a scientific investigation of the reality of the Atlantis legends. While Muck's book was admittedly written form the standpoint of proving Aryan superiority as Muck was a Nazi and a member of the Thule Society, the research was impeccable, though the following decades revealed many flaws in some of his theories. He very carefully constructed a web of evidence to support the hypothesis that most ancient societies showed signs of the influence of a older, but more advanced society. From the incredibly detailed knowledge of the stars of ancient Mesopotamian cultures to the universality of pyramidal construction from the Old and New World to even India and the Far East, and massive amounts of geological evidence that a cataclysm had occurred 12-13,000 years ago which cultures around the world recalled in their earliest myths and legends, he built a case that I have yet to see adequately refuted that the Atlantean legends had at least some basis in fact. Since then, I have read hundreds of other books which have added pieces to that case, removed others, and generally allowed me to build a better picture of the questions which must still be answered.

But at the same time, I have encountered counter arguments to almost every item I have collected. The problem is that these counter arguments usually come down to "that doesn't agree with accepted history, so it's meaningless."

Who built the Sphinx? It's bare rock clearly shows signs of water weathering, yet the only time it could have been exposed to sufficient rain to erode in this manner was 7 to 10,000 years ago, far earlier than any Egyptologist will allow the Sphinx to be dated to. The Sphinx Temple shows the same signs, and it is so severe that granite blocks were cut in historical times to rebuild the eroded walls to the original dimensions. In many cases this weathering is many feet back from the original dimensions at the top, a sign that THOUSANDS of years of weathering occurred prior to the repairs. Yet Egyptologists would have you believe that the rock eroded in mere decades.

I could continue to list anomalies for forty pages, and not cover them all, and from every part of the globe. And this is only evidence for a highly advanced civilization that vanished in prehistory. I haven't even begun to touch on the evidence for a much different structure to the solar system 13,000 years ago, or the ancient writings which describe the arrival of our moon, the travels of Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn, the records of vast electrical discharges between planets, or the evidence for our having once been a planet that shared a orbit with Saturn.

Suffice it to say that after nearly thirty years of research I am convinced of the strong probability that Homo Sapiens is not a native of Earth, but quite possibly the descendants of a space capable culture that arrived here about 13,000 years ago during a cataclysmic re-ordering of our solar system. My strongest current evidence possibly indicates we arrived here following either a planetary explosion of the world that Mars once orbited, or from Mars itself. Until such a time as we can conclusively prove or disprove the existence of ruins on the Moon and Mars, I cannot conclusively accept or dismiss the evidence. Whether we are pure blood descendants or a mix of the non-terrestrial and the local Neanderthal I do not as yet have sufficient evidence to make my think one way or the other.

In much the same way, I have assembled evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena. As someone who has personally experienced an event in which reality was altered via an act of will, I cannot simply dismiss all the evidence as trickery. While much is of dubious veracity, there remain enough cases of sufficiently verified, if non-reproducible, events to believe that much more research should be done. In the case where I was personally involved, as the creator of the phenomena I have to assume either I suffered a delusional episode, which evidence exists to indicate is not probable, or I somehow managed to perform an act of actual reality alteration which I have not successfully reproduced. The event in question involved the gap in the teeth of a former girlfriend. Somehow, I removed that gap between one second and the next. She had the gap prior to the event, and does not have it now. Her earlier photos showed the gap, which I watched vanish in front of my eyes. Yet her mouth now is as if she never had a gap at all. Her teeth are perfectly aligned, with no spaces. Somehow, I shifted all of her teeth to remove the space, without her feeling anything at all. How do I explain this? I watched it happen. But I cannot PROVE I saw it occur. I cannot REPEAT the event, and I cannot DISMISS it's occurrence either.

The same goes for evidence of UFO's. While I can dismiss many of the various stories as mistaken, dubious, or outright hoaxes, enough remain to make a case that aliens may exist, and that there may be multiple species of them, including a species which is possibly as human as us. Could they be other survivors of the cataclysms 13,000 years ago, ones who did not regress back to barbarism?

All of these thing may in the end prove to be fantasies, fragments of hope and dreams, yet too much evidence which is not as easily dismissed as those who seek to do so would like to believe exists. They are mysteries which NEED to be solved, and yet they are ignored because many people don't want to even admit that they exist, let alone investigate them more throughly, and that makes many who might otherwise try to find the truth shy away from them in fear.
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#33 Matt

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 07:25 PM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

what are the chances that highly advanced aliens are going to travel extreme distances through their amazing technology and then 'crash'. It's so stupid. I believe there are aliens, but UFO's are just probably test aircraft, and a lot just made up stories.

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#34 shawn

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 04:14 AM

I saw a picture of a saucer flying and it had RCAF markings on it, it hangs in the Diefenbaker museum, taken 1967.

Lots of reported sightings of weird flying craft and angels all through history.

Lots of things going on in this century shrouded in secrecy, which equates to lots of military projects which we do not need to know about (according to those in control).

#35 valkyrie_ice

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 06:02 AM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

what are the chances that highly advanced aliens are going to travel extreme distances through their amazing technology and then 'crash'. It's so stupid. I believe there are aliens, but UFO's are just probably test aircraft, and a lot just made up stories.

I do believe SOME of the sightings are indeed secret test aircraft. It's possible that some of them use the principles of Electrogravitics that were demonstrated to the military in the late forties, was heavily researched by numerous "skunkworks" type aircraft manufacturers, and then rather suddenly vanished from public view in the mid fifties. Some of them may be hypersonic prototypes, some of them may be captured "secret projects from other nations.

But NOT all such sightings can be explained as such.

For example, a recent video http://uk.news.yahoo...ow-870a197.html does show something which is must likely a hoax, as it is captured on only TWO sources out of potential thousands of Moscovites with Smartphones and video cameras.

But what about this one? http://io9.com/54140...into-a-blackout
7500 witnesses. While no footage exists, such a huge number of witnesses indicates they saw SOMETHING. What they saw is open to debate, but it is not as simply dismissed as the pyramid.

Then there is this: http://www.youtube.c...feature=related

Nasa explains the objects floating around as small ice chunks. But why do some of these ice chunks go BEHIND the tether? which is over ninety miles away at the time. The explanation given for oversaturation might work if there was atmosphere to scatter light, but would not apply in vacuum. Oversaturation requires scattering, which requires atmosphere.

Does it show UFO's? no idea. But the explanations do not seem to be plausible if you are familiar with how light diffusion works.

90% may indeed be bogus or "secret tests" but their remain that final 10% which are not so easy to define.

As for aliens "crashing" I can only think of 2 possible causes.

1. Deliberate Shooting down. Method unknown. Speculation, possible emp weapon.
2. Deliberate Crashing. Reason unknown. Speculation, encouraging "reverse engineering" to promote certain technological developments.

But you are quite correct, I cannot believe in ACCIDENT for a ET ship crash.

#36 Cappa

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 06:52 PM

Since the poll says "They may be," I checked all of them.

#37 SeanDickinsin

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Posted 11 January 2010 - 01:02 PM

I personally would love UFO's to be what we all collectively suspect they are, aliens from other worlds - dimensions, or time travelers but i've always had two problems with these ideas.

1) If a race that could master interstellar - dimensional travel could visit us they would surely be able to do so, so that we would have no idea of there presence unless they wanted us to, why keep it ambiguous (to warm us up to there presence, i have a hard time with that).

2) most UFO's can be more easily explained by an occams razor approach. Thats not to say all can. "I there be the rub", what is this fraction of a precent we can explain away so easily. My guess is as yet unknown phenomena perhaps emergent, no doubt fascinating but unlikely to be aliens from somewhere or when else. But nothing would make me happier then to know i was totally wrong in these estimations!



#38 babcock

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Posted 11 January 2010 - 09:06 PM

I would put my money on secret government craft before alien. I don't rule out aliens, but if they've been around all this time I don't think they're going to be friendly to us. I can't help but think friendly aliens would have made themselves known to us by now.

Any alien visiting Earth should be so far advanced that we would be zero threat should they want to overtake us. Yet, it's crazy to think they would care about us other than to study from afar, because our planet would have zero to offer any civilization so advanced. In any case, if they're visiting us they're doing so completely undetected. And, if I had to bet my life, I'd bet that we have never been visited. Frankly, I think that intelligent life like humans is so extremely rare in the universe that we may be the only example. However, I do think the universe is teaming with non-space-traveling life.

what's there to study :D

You are analyzing these aliens from a completely human perspective. Did you ever stop to think they might be very self-protective and xenophobic. Perhaps they believe humans could become a threat to them and intend to annihilate us.

Maybe life on earth is the result of a terra-forming project, set in motion by an acient civilization on the brink of extinction due to a failing world. These aliens put themselves into hybernation / stasis and when they return (as the UFO sightings suggest they could be), the aliens will view us as a threat and remove us from the planet?

Or perhaps this planet was given life, in such a specific way that self-aware lifeforms would develop. The life giving aliens did this because they only feast on sentient beings. Perhaps using our wild-grown souls as we used whale oil in the 19th century. When our population gets large enough, they will return and feast upon us and use our souls to oil the gears of their perpetual war machine.

Just think about the horror :)

I like to think along lines similar to what I bolded from Skotkonung's post. I think it's really cool and scary that we are on the brink of creating life similar to what we attribute life starting out as on this planet. I mean that's one of the biggest questions in science today isn't it? Theorizing about how simple proteins and chemicals transformed to be something living? I find it kind of hard to believe some of the theories I've heard about lightning zapping two chemicals and them becoming a single celled organism. Call me crazy but I find it a lot easier to believe in life being introduced to this planet from some other source be it alien or asteroid chunk etc. I read stories on sciencedaily weekly about the latest biotech startup that is "programming" cells to perform certain functions. How far are we away from learning how to combine DNA to "create" some new single cell organism? Then how close will we be to creating a single cell organism that will kill us all? :-P Actually the next step in my question would be, how close are we to say creating organisms capable of living on mars and producing "waste" which will give the planet a substantial atmosphere and terraform it? I think when that day comes we will have come full circle from our possible "alien" beginnings?


#39 Brain_Ischemia

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Posted 30 January 2010 - 05:48 AM

Duke, I agree 100% with virtually everything you've said in this thread.

Flying saucers with blinking lights as craft for aliens of "sufficiently advanced technology" sure as heck doesn't qualify as "magic"...more like a manifestation of the lack of technological imagination of the average Joe. For YEARS, we've had stealth bombers virtually invisible to radar, that fly too high and too fast to be spotted by military optics, and they don't flash carnival lights that can be spotted by uncle Goober in the middle of the night. Heck, invisible camo is a decade or two away (already done in the lab to an extent).

And anyway, even if UFOs are 100% real......why exactly is the first probable explanation ALIENS from another planet? How/why exactly is THAT the FIRST reasonable explanation as opposed to say, plain ol' human technology that's just a few hairs better than what the public knows about? I truly don't understand the chain of thought that results in the automatic conclusion that UFOs = advanced aliens from a distant planet.
Occam's Razor, folks.

As time passes and the "oohs" and "ahhs" fade, and we continue improving publicly available satellites that can zoom in on your backyard (not to mention the satellites Google DOESN'T have access to), UAV drones that can monitor and kill terrorists, and stealth bombers that could NEVER be spotted by a middle-aged civilian in the middle of a highway at night, the whole "UFO" thing will start look sillier and sillier and more of a relic of the fears and concerns of the past, just like faeries and demons were the major fear and concern of silly medieval peasants.

Valkyrie, let's be fair now. You're saying the sphinx was built by aliens, you imply that a youtube video constitutes adequate evidence for UFOs, and you said in a completely unrelated thread that the infamous "metaresearch" website was "worthwhile reading", a site which was created and maintained by a single guy who thought Einstein and the entire modern physics establishment of the whole world are wrong. I'm seeing a pretty clear pattern here...

Edited by Xanthus, 30 January 2010 - 06:01 AM.

#40 FatalDesire

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 08:08 AM

What we determine " UFO " are actually or most probably other living organisms, just as how we consider them " UFO ", they consider us " UFO " as well, since the Universe is said to be ever expanding, there should be older regions and newer regions, the " UFO " could possibly be just another living organism in older regions who probably achieved inter-galactic travel or even possibly immortality if we are under the assumption that they are the older regions. Who knows that probably one day, our immortalist would probably have to fight inter-galactic battles between these regions. I'm sure looking forward to the epic battle where Immortalist vs Immortalist.

Edited by FatalDesire, 21 March 2010 - 08:23 AM.

#41 Tohm Owen

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 05:49 AM

If UFO = alien craft, I do not think they exist (at least, no one has ever seen one, and they have not crashed here).

What of the thousands of people who claim to have a UFO/alien encounter? Are they experiencing a mass psychosis of some sort? What of those (like Whitley Strieber, who has a huge following) who believe they were abducted by aliens so strongly that they passed numerous lie detector tests and other forms of psychological evaluation? Do you truly believe science must dictate ones belief in such phenomenon? I think this phenomenon is beyond science truthfully and that if such beings existed and were far in advance of human beings they are capable of manipulating neurons to the degree that they can make some people see them whilst blocking others from doing so. It would surely explain why some people see UFOs whilst other's in the same immediately vicinity do not.

It doesn't even make sense that these ships would allow themselves to be seen. Even we, humans, are on the verge of real cloaking, a la Klingon ships, so without question any race able to travel here would be able to remain undetectable.

Of course, the retort is: What if they want to be seen? If that's the case, they'd just land and introduce themselves. They wouldn't come this far to play games with us.

My god, if people would just think this through on their own. It's also interesting that UFOs were never seen before about the 1940s. So yes, there's definitely a mass psychology in play here.

There have been a great many sightings before 1940. I can't post any links yet, but if you google, "list of sightings by astronomers AND "scribd" you will get a list of sightings going back four hundred years. It is by no means exhaustive either. This is just a list of ASTRONOMERS that have seen these things.

This is a subject of utmost importance and should not be carelessly glossed over. Please, if we are going to discuss this, then we need to do our research. I hold myself to this precept as much as possible.

#42 Luminosity

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:09 AM

One crashed in the rural southwest well before the forties. Texas? Oklahoma? They buried him in their cemetery. It's a well known case that was covered in the newspapers at the time. You can find it. Many things have upped after the mid-twentieth century for various reasons. I don't think they are all "mass psychology."

Edited by Luminosity, 03 May 2013 - 06:09 AM.

#43 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:11 PM

One observation is that whatever place we humans have not thoroughly investigated, we tend to fill with fanciful creatures - kids imagine monsters in closets, in the basement and under the bed...

This mechanism held true with forests (trolls and other mythical creatures), seas and oceans (dragons, Loch Ness monsters etc.) and the sky (heaven, angels) after we got a hang of what most of Earth is actually like and started to see what was actually above our heads, we started with 'Martians', and then when that was debunked, 'aliens' from further away remained... and on it goes.

If the pace of evolution of life on Earth and human development of tech are to be used as a comparison, then it would be more likely that extraterrestrial intelligence fit to cross the galaxy has already left behind their physical form before making it here, like we will most likely be able to do within the coming 100 years. Virtual Reality, Skype calls, wireless networking, Brain Computer Interfaces - we are already well on our way.

The 'alien' as popularized in modern science fiction and New Age cults is no more real than trolls and goblins, if you ask me.

As for UFOs, I've seen one (there were three of us there and we hadn't taken drugs) - a ball of light travelling over a field and then disappearing. There were similar sightings close to my home town as well, noticed by several people independent of each other. But there is absolutely nothing to suggest that they had anything to do with extraterrestrials.
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#44 anagram

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Posted 26 June 2013 - 11:08 PM

Perhaps UFO's are simply manufactured because of giant miscalculations in global Human/plant consciences, sort of like momentary glitches which work themselves out. Perhaps they are linked to the massive amounts of radiation in our society. Relativistic physics is fairly interesting and useful to science however the visual phenomenon that are UFO"s distracts humanity from legitimate and "real world" discoveries. :mellow: For the perspective of a person thinking about future technology, It is possible for Protons to teleport which means that one day Humans will have teleportation technology that is legitimate and solid. UFO phenomenon are so unnatural to reality that I believe that merely conscienceously recalling the memory of seeing an orb can generate radiation in the brain/body and I personally blame the slow movement of humanity to these things, -people think there is technology inside of these randomly shaped figures in the sky, but I believe that they are simply illusions that are very slowly disintegrating out of existence. Here are definitions of examples of tunneling from wiki
Radioactive decay

Main article: Radioactive decay
Radioactive decay is the process of emission of particles and energy from the unstable nucleus of an atom to form a stable product. This is done via the tunnelling of a particle out of the nucleus (an electron tunnelling into the nucleus is electron capture). This was the first application of quantum tunnelling and led to the first approximations.
Spontaneous DNA Mutation

Spontaneous mutation of DNA occurs when normal DNA replication takes place after a particularly significant proton has defied the odds in quantum tunneling in what is called “proton tunneling.”[13] (quantum bio) A hydrogen bond joins normal base pairs of DNA. There exists a double well potential along a hydrogen bond separated by a potential energy barrier. It is believed that the double well potential is asymmetric with one well deeper than the other so the proton normally rests in the deeper well. For a mutation to occur, the proton must have tunneled into the shallower of the two potential wells. The movement of the proton from its regular position is called a tautomeric transition. If DNA replication takes place in this state, the base pairing rule for DNA may be jeopardized causing a mutation.[14] Per-Olov Lowdin was the first to develop this theory of spontaneous mutation within the double helix (quantum bio). Other instances of quantum tunneling-induced mutations in biology are believed to be the cause of aging and cancer. Gives more reason to use C60! :)

Edited by anagram, 26 June 2013 - 11:25 PM.

#45 anagram

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 12:43 AM

Another theory I conjured up is that they are electrical beings which have existed for a very long time, and some how contain a digital copy of life.

Edited by anagram, 27 June 2013 - 12:44 AM.

#46 Ekaterinya Vladinakova

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 04:34 AM

About 95ish% of UFOs have been identified as being things like weather balloons, Planet Venus, etc. But there is still 5% not acounted for which have been documented beyond simple speculators, such as military personnel, electro-magneticfields where it's not suppose to be and such.

I would think some of that 5% might be aliens visiting humans like the way we humans go into the forest or safari to look at animals. As for whether they are strong AI or biological, or perhaps both, we don't know yet.

Edited by Alasuya Lushanova, 02 December 2013 - 04:36 AM.

#47 Ark

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 06:49 AM

All of the above; angels aliens and cosmic phenomenon etc.

Actually if you consider all the sightings most likely there is some truth to it all, trans-dimensional beings, like the real SasquatchAttached File  I_want_to_believe_wallpaper_by_Pencilshade.png   535.53KB   3 downloads.


Edited by Ark, 02 December 2013 - 06:47 AM.

#48 platypus

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 10:37 AM

Even if aliens are technologically advanced it does not make them perfect. Where are the alien artifacts they left behind, crashed UFOs etc.? After tens of thousands of years of interacting with the human race (purportedly), there's no hand evidence of them ever having been here. Sounds like fairytales to me..

#49 BrandonFlorida

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Posted 08 December 2013 - 04:37 PM

Somewhere between most and all of the sightings are baloney, akin to someone in ancient Rome thinking he saw a statue of Jupiter move. My guess would be that intelligent life with a technology capable of crossing interstellar distances (immensely greater than interplanetary distances) are not very dense and that you don't get visited very often, for example, once every hundred million years.

Edited by BrandonFlorida, 08 December 2013 - 04:37 PM.

#50 scatha

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Posted 13 February 2014 - 09:51 AM

Entities on the "Astral Plane" (=dream world, which is real and much larger than the physical world)

#51 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 13 February 2014 - 11:29 AM

All this talk about the Astral Plane... Even if there is such a thing as a separate plane (or planes) accessible through our minds, it seems quite obvious from the very different accounts people give of religions, gods and the like, that it is never directly visible or comprehensible to anyone, but heavily obscured by/filtered through the cultural/environmentally coloured debris in our unconscious minds so as to be mostly useless.

In most Buddhist traditions (perhaps excepting the Tibetan), paying too much attention to mental images that arise is seen as a side track. Many of the forest tradition monks downplay these images and say that they are fleeting and unstable like the rest of conditioned experience.
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#52 Tesla

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 07:33 PM

Even if aliens are technologically advanced it does not make them perfect. Where are the alien artifacts they left behind, crashed UFOs etc.? After tens of thousands of years of interacting with the human race (purportedly), there's no hand evidence of them ever having been here. Sounds like fairytales to me..


Got to agree with you on that one. I've definitely seen some strange stuff... ball lightning, odd angles of planes and missiles taking off. Would be easy to misinterpret them as UFO's, especially if you're viewing them from afar. if an intelligent alien civilization is truly out there, do you think they'd FLY here in physical form? That's not to say they're all swamp gas, haha!--everything has a reasonable explanation with all the details.


Cool to think about, though. Imagine them being space probes or drones mapping out the universe. A sentient asteroid. Conscious plasma or energy. Manifestations of collective human consciousness.

#53 redFishBlueFish

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 04:26 AM

I believe all UFOs(Unidentified flying object) are government experimental flying aircraft. 

#54 Clacksberg

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 11:27 PM

Hogwash or natural phenomena, except the craft manned by Blonde one's from Venus!!

#55 Rocket

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Posted 26 November 2014 - 12:33 AM

There are 2 types of ufos: the government secret aircraft (can't comment on that type with any knowledge) and extraterrestrial craft. I can relay first hand accounts but simply why bother? Its a keep own fact that people are liars, and the entire subject has been contaminated against serious discussion. But needless to say, the most interesting accounts of technological wizardry are not the aircraft of any nation.

#56 Rocket

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Posted 26 November 2014 - 12:36 AM

Edit: my mobile device really messes up words and sentences, hence the piss poor nonsense grammar. above

#57 TheFountain

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 10:31 PM


Because if it were mere psychology there wouldn't be so many people ridiculing those who believe they have been contacted, or similarly, in the 2012 end-of-world phenomenon.

I think you have it backward. People who believe this stuff are ridiculed because these things are just mass psychological phenomenon. Ever notice how everyone describes the aliens the same way, with skinny bodies, huge dark eyes, big heads?.. You know, the standard "alien" image. Yet before a picture like that appeared in a comic book or wherever it was, no one described aliens that way. The image is now disseminated in mass culture, and it's what everyone who thinks they've had an ET experience will tell you they "saw".



I thought this image became standardized after "sightings" started in the 1940s.  Then the comic book images started being drawn?

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