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To Whom the Pills Roll

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#1 Michael

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Posted 02 January 2010 - 03:43 PM

I think the market would best be, not your average joe, and not your hardcore supplement-taker, but the people in between. This would encompass bodybuilders, nature-loving people who have some understanding of nutrition and buy everything organic, people who shop at health stores, people who go through different nutrition fads, people who read sites like Consumer Reports Health (sites that go into the basics without much detail), and so on.

What would make that the best market? Bear in mind, this isn't intended primarily as a fundraiser, but as a service to Imminst members and the life extension community.

If we try to make it for the average joe, it would have to be in one pill, cheap, and available at your local supermarket, defeating the whole purpose of this project.

Yes, and this extends much further down into the supplement-using ecosystem. The needs and priorities Imminst members -- the kind of people who currently use multis from LEF and A0R -- are very different at all levels from those using multis from Garden of Life or New Chapter.

Of course, the ideal pill would be widely distributed, but expecting to successfully appeal to the diverse niche markets within the supplement-consuming marketplace seems quixotic, even on sheer branding, let alone formulation or practical details like pill count. ISTM that we should make the best formula we can for dedicated life-extensionists; in doing so, we will to some extent have to push up against even the biases in that community, which is still largely stuck in "more is better," "newer and more obscure (= "cutting edge") is better," wild extrapolation of putative "benefits" from cell culture and unphysiological models, etc. Ie, there should be an element of "sell 'em what they need, not what they want." That's a hard enough push for our own community; it's a lost cause for organic-raw-quinoa-and-cacao-nub-granola-munching hypernaturalists, fad-chasers, and bodybuilders, who don't share our backgrounds or priorities.

If you make it for the hardcore types like us, there will be virtually no market.

But that's fine. All it has to meet is that market's needs. We aren't out to take over the market, raise a zillion dollars, or transform the supplement-consuming world, but to fill a sadly-neglected hole and provide a service for our members. (And, IAC, LEF clearly isn't hurting, and even A0R does well for its small size).

I say, we focus on making the best formula, educate our members and constituencies to buy and make the best use of it, and let the chips fall as they may: if its benefits become recognized by others on our fringes, that's low-glycotoxin gravy.

#2 Mind

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Posted 14 January 2010 - 09:54 PM

I agree with Michael and I think the current formulation is close to what the "hard-core" market would desire.

One of the allures of this supplement is the openness that created it and the open discussions that will alter it in the future. Having people see the rationale and be exposed to the wider aspects of life extension, such as: CR, exercise, cryonics, support for research, etc... is worth as much as making a million dollars selling capsules.

#3 niner

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 03:32 AM

I agree with Michael and I think the current formulation is close to what the "hard-core" market would desire.

One of the allures of this supplement is the openness that created it and the open discussions that will alter it in the future. Having people see the rationale and be exposed to the wider aspects of life extension, such as: CR, exercise, cryonics, support for research, etc... is worth as much as making a million dollars selling capsules.

I somehow missed this thread the first time around, but let me take this opportunity to agree with Michael and Mind. I think we should create the best multi for healthy people with reasonable diets, and not try to appeal to people who have no idea what they really need. I believe such a multi would actually be the best thing for a great many people, even if those people do not recognize that and are attracted to multis with "more" of certain components, or shinier labels. I would on the other hand have to consider how many people we were educating for that putative million dollar profit... :)

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