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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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#1 shawn

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 04:56 PM

I got this in my email this morning.
Basically it is an info service and they want me to buy their product which advises hot stock to buy.
I haven't bought it and have nothing to do with their company so this isn't a spam post.
But they talk rather vaguely about various little companies which have "breakthrough" technology in health and life extension so I will highlight the basics:

Scientists could someday very soon build the shot that repairs and rebuilds hearts by taking a small blood sample. Or by taking a few pieces of hair from a person's head.

The sample can then give doctors the cellular tools to repair and rebuild any number of organs…

One day, this process could be as easy as visiting a "bank" stocked with ready-made treatments and cures customizable to EVERY SINGLE person on earth.

What I'm describing is the science that will rebuild…

The liver. Kidneys. Lungs. Heart. Cartilage. Tendons. Brain… you name it.

I'm talking about the potential for radically increased lifespan — making 75 the new 40.

I'm talking about practical immortality.

Imagine the market… imagine the profits. Now imagine being in on the ground floor…

Exclusive Look at the Research Set to Change the World

"When [researchers] transplanted… cells into mice that had experienced a heart attack, the new cells engrafted after two weeks. After four weeks they were improving the structure and function of the heart."

The Mayo Clinic, September 2009

That's the potential you have today… because of what's set for Fri., Feb. 5…

Keep in mind, the deeper benefit of what I'll show you isn't just to help repair and rebuild organs damaged by disease — it's to make the old person's body young again.

This isn't far-fetched. It's the market story of the century. And it's already happening…


The same chairman giving the presentation on Feb. 5 will also reveal independent test results on a product of his that's just about ready to hit the market.

Right now, his company has a spray in a bottle that destroys wrinkles. It's not makeup and it's not simply a cosmetic fix.

All you do is spray it regularly on and you'll eventually look years younger — without ever leaving your home, without any surgery, without any injections. It's fast and simple…
The Power to Repair the Body… Power to Change the World

"[These] cells can be used to repair damage or rejuvenate tissues and organs. For example, [these cells] could be used to reconstitute and rejuvenate the human immune system."

Reason Magazine
November, 2009

How Aging As We Know It Could END

Yes, you read that right — someday very soon a person might be able to actually RECEIVE what I'm telling you about today.

I'm not talking about the wrinkle-destroying spray — I'm talking about the injection that rebuilds hearts and other organs.

Imagine it — a simple, fast procedure that gives you a rebuilt heart functionally the same as the clean beating heart of a 29-year-old person.

That's the full promise here. How big do you think this market will be?

Another company I'll tell you all about today is close to figuring out how to repair spinal cords. Their work could someday mean precisely this…

If someone suffers a spinal cord injury and the paralysis that comes with it…
This company's technology could repair the spinal cord. As in, fix it good as new.

This work is underway right now.
This revolutionary little firm finally gained media and analyst awareness in 2009 due to their ongoing tests. And this company isn't just interested in spinal repair — they have groundbreaking cancer treatments and life-extension research and tests currently underway as well.

Their blueprint is simple — save the life of the cell — and you live longer. Indefinitely, in fact. One whiff of this work in the press could ignite a profit-run of historic proportions…

#5: The Tiny Company
on the Verge of Destroying Nearly
Every Virus Known to Man

The way doctors treat viruses now is simple.

If there's a vaccine available — the doctor gives it to you ahead of time so you don't get sick. See, getting the "cure" ahead of time is the only way to treat a virus.

With the flu, for example, this model works. Sometimes.

New flu strains come out all the time. The flu changes, it gets stronger. It morphs.
So imagine the profit potential from a way to kill the flu — or nearly any other virus — AFTER you get it.

Now imagine this virus cure coming in the form of a simple skin patch.

Say you get the flu. Then put on a patch the size of a band-aid. The flu goes away.

It's that simple. As of today, very few people have heard of a tiny company on the verge of destroying every virus known to man.

Then the ad goes on to the pitch which is basically, buy my newsletter and you will get the names of these companies.

But I tell you all about it in 6 Companies Ready to Change the World and Deliver Your Unending Wealth in 2010.

Before 2010 is out, I'm convinced this company could be the talk of Wall Street. I predict shocking advances in their research in the coming year, and widespread awareness of their work.

If you wait until after Feb. 5, 2010 — you may very well miss your shot at the largest, most life-changing profits.

Grab the biggest profits now, and not only will you have generations of unending wealth to pass forward into your family's future — you'll be in position to benefit from the earliest offering of these cures…

#2 shawn

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 05:01 PM

Personally, I am not going to buy the newsletter, As I found one of the other things he discussed vaguely, further on in the newsletter, was actually Thorium being poised as a new nuclear fuel, just by doing a bit of research on my own.

The purpose of this thread is to see who these companies are using just the vague clues given.

The technologies are all about what this forum is focused on, so I figured that the job would be easier with more people on it (particularly knowledgeable people) and then all of us could potentially benefit from that knowledge.

Edited by shawn, 03 January 2010 - 05:01 PM.

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#3 VidX

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 07:17 PM

Well... AFAIK there was a succesful treatment of a heart stroke damage with stem cell injections, and the technology should be even more advanced at the moment after few years.. I'd say - a "boom" of a similar technologies like these descrid may come in a decade.. 2 years, 5, 7..? Who knows.Bet it will hit hard. I'd personally invest in some of these companie if I'd know - what are the most potential at the moment. I actually was about to make some research recently as it's one of the greatest fields to invest at the moment imho.
And just a few examples of success in near future should attract a major attention from major investors, and that may speed up everything even more. At least I hope this is how it will be.

#4 shawn

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 05:03 AM

Well... AFAIK there was a succesful treatment of a heart stroke damage with stem cell injections, and the technology should be even more advanced at the moment after few years.. I'd say - a "boom" of a similar technologies like these descrid may come in a decade.. 2 years, 5, 7..? Who knows.Bet it will hit hard. I'd personally invest in some of these companie if I'd know - what are the most potential at the moment. I actually was about to make some research recently as it's one of the greatest fields to invest at the moment imho.
And just a few examples of success in near future should attract a major attention from major investors, and that may speed up everything even more. At least I hope this is how it will be.

The company selling the newsletter says that the companies will all be going public in February 2010, At least that is his hook as he is working the angle of getting his subscribers on the inside track for investment.
If I had extra cash I might subscribe, just out of curiousity, but these past few months have been very tight, so I thought that maybe there would be some luck figuring who is who as far as these companies go on this forum.
I saw a video posted on another thread which probably has to do with this with a 60 minutes segment on a couple of companies who are growing body parts.
Oh well, I don't have cash to invest in anything right now anyway.
But it may be of interest to others here.

#5 niner

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 05:25 AM

Look at it this way: If the guy really new what the hot companies are, he could just invest heavily in the companies, instead of trying to sell a newsletter. It might be a "pump and dump" sort of scam, where he takes a position in a company when it's cheap, uses his newsletter to promote the stock, and sells on the action. Plus he picks up a few bucks from selling the newsletter. This kind of thing usually doesn't work out very well.

#6 shawn

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 05:32 AM

Look at it this way: If the guy really new what the hot companies are, he could just invest heavily in the companies, instead of trying to sell a newsletter. It might be a "pump and dump" sort of scam, where he takes a position in a company when it's cheap, uses his newsletter to promote the stock, and sells on the action. Plus he picks up a few bucks from selling the newsletter. This kind of thing usually doesn't work out very well.

I was thinking along the same lines, but I figured it would do no harm to do some research into it and some here are fairly knowledgeable about such things.

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#7 VidX

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:43 AM

Well not so much time to wait to find out if there's at least a fracrtion of truth in that anyway..

#8 sdmy123

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 02:55 AM

Well not so much time to wait to find out if there's at least a fracrtion of truth in that anyway..

I agree. Any luck on what the companies the newsletter is talking about?

#9 shawn

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 05:09 PM

Well not so much time to wait to find out if there's at least a fracrtion of truth in that anyway..

I agree. Any luck on what the companies the newsletter is talking about?

That was the aim of the thread.....perhaps we can determine which companies are doing these things.
Aside from an investment scheme, the technologies are of interest.
A spray on wrinkle remover is certainly going to be very popular, not to mention the fact that the women can now chuck every single one of those damn anti-wrinkle creams (which don't seem very effective anyways).
So just that one is going to affect the business of many cosmetic companies.

#10 Anthony

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 07:18 PM

Well not so much time to wait to find out if there's at least a fracrtion of truth in that anyway..

I agree. Any luck on what the companies the newsletter is talking about?

That was the aim of the thread.....perhaps we can determine which companies are doing these things.
Aside from an investment scheme, the technologies are of interest.
A spray on wrinkle remover is certainly going to be very popular, not to mention the fact that the women can now chuck every single one of those damn anti-wrinkle creams (which don't seem very effective anyways).
So just that one is going to affect the business of many cosmetic companies.

I'm not sure how far along in development any of these technologies might be; however, you might want to check out Ovid-Medline, PubMed, and the FDA's clinical trials database. You can access the third item free of charge and some of the PubMed papers might be open access. You will need to utilize a library (probably a college library) in order to obtain Ovid-Medline stuff (and most of the PubMed papers). If I had the time, I would take a look through Ovid and PubMed (since I have access to those databases through my grad school); however, I don't have much free time at the moment.


#11 shawn

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 07:17 AM

Switch on Your Immortality" Gene

There's a hidden switch in every cell of your body. It controls how long you live… and when you die.

It has the power to extend life—maybe indefinitely.

Most doctors have never heard of it.

A group of scientists stumbled upon it just ten years ago. They watched in awe as generation after generation of cells multiplied . . . without aging.

As one top researcher put it in a Harvard report, "with this switch turned on, these cells become 'immortalized'."

Until very recently, we didn't know how to activate it. Today we do.

We've uncovered the natural mechanism in your body that sets aging in motion. And we've found a simple compound that flips the switch, bringing it to a halt.

For the first time ever, you can slow down and even reverse aging.

<h3 align="center">Unleash TA-65's Life-Giving Power</h3> TA-65's immortalizing power lies in a genetic structure called the telomere. It's the mechanism that controls aging. It's also the key to total health.

What are your telomeres? They're protective tips that cap the ends of your DNA:

Posted Image

Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops and your life ends.

For the first time in history, we can halt and even reverse this process.

The secret lies in an enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase makes your telomeres longer. That means your cells actually get younger as time goes by!

Simply put, telomerase turns back the hands of time. It's in every cell of your body —but the gene that makes it turns off as you age. TA-65 switches it on back on.

It's not just your lifespan we're talking about here. Telomeres are dramatic indicators of your overall health.

So has anybody heard of what it is that actually accomplishes this?

#12 shawn

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 01:19 AM

The compound for cell rejuvenation is TA-65 and is extracted from astragalus.
Seems to be an expensive process at present as it takes a lot of astragalus (and not just any kind will do as some contain none of the molecule) to extract useful doses of it.

On a similar note here is a talk which is of interest:

#13 niner

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 04:08 AM

Switch on Your Immortality" Gene

So has anybody heard of what it is that actually accomplishes this?

Yes. It's been discussed here at length. See Here and Here. So far, the evidence that it works is rather lacking.

#14 Athanasios

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 05:39 AM

Any newsletter wanting you to pay for a stock tip...check here first:

I would rather buy a newsletter based off of their performance than some teaser. Of course, there is a reason they are selling newsletters for a living.

#15 shawn

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 05:57 AM

Switch on Your Immortality" Gene

So has anybody heard of what it is that actually accomplishes this?

Yes. It's been discussed here at length. See Here and Here. So far, the evidence that it works is rather lacking.


post Apr 12 2007, 04:23 AM

If by hucksterism you mean they are out to milk this thing for all it's worth, then that sounds about right. But I don't smell fraud here. The early human trial results that lucid mentions above are pretty impressive. At first blush, $20-25K for a few pills seems like a ripoff, but if you consider all the diagnostic work that will need to be done in the year-long 'trial', it is probably not that far out of line. I would consider this today if I were 70 years old. As it stands, if it looks good in 10 years, I'm in.

Thanks for the links niner.
So it has been 3 years...another 7 to go?

Edited by shawn, 08 January 2010 - 06:09 AM.

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#16 VidX

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Posted 05 February 2010 - 11:31 PM

Hmm... http://www.dailymail...nake-venom.html ? Not a spray though..

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