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Piracetam combinations causing problems?

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#1 Redmishka

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:47 AM

So it has been about a year since I have been using Piracetam. Pretty much I have been taking it off and on and noticing some serious side effects after several days of not taking it. Im in college right now (First year) and whenever I am on break I stop using it altogether. The only problem is, anxiety is a serious bother to me. For example, around a large group of people, I would sometimes have involuntary tics and muscle twitches (though I do work out a lot so its not too big of a deal on my arms).

SWIM also decided to stop taking piracetam in the summer and noticed that whenever he had smoked marijuana with his friends, he would get terrible tics in his legs. Everything was perfectly fine during the summer up until he started to get these tics. It was strange because SWIM had never really experienced piracetam withdrawal like having involuntary twitches that made others around him think he was a crack addict or something which SWIM isn't. Before, SWIM took adderall XR to help him focus in school. He would get tics in his legs sometimes when smoking and not smoking, but it would probably be about once every several days. I do not know if such tics may have something to do with SWIM's piracetam withdrawal tics...

Anyway, SWIM was prescribed xanax (0.25mg) to help with anxiety during the summer also. He mixed piracetam and xanax (bad combo?) and it made him feel at ease when socializing with people he was not too familiar with. Everything seemed fine. Then he ran out and thats where things started to really change. SWIM started to get the bad tics mostly because of the xanax he assumes whenever he blazed. This went on for months up until this winter. Another thing to note, SWIM had to take a drug test for a retail store and had to pass the drug test immediately despite smoking two days before. He mixed piracetam, a lot of aspirin, and a lot of niacin along with a great amount of water to pass the test. He passed alright, but he fears that mixing these drugs and supplements may have done some damage to his health. Time period: End of July

After the end of July, SWIM has only had problems. Could it be that because of all the supplements that he mixed to pass the drug test along with stopping xanax, he could have developed these nasty tics and perhaps exacerbated his anxiety? Oh yeah, SWIM also suffers from myoclonus or thats what he thinks because of how his entire right side (from eye down to the leg) seems to move involuntary whenever he tries to make any movement while sitting or standing. Its really embarassing around people because its just really awkward movement of his arm and leg along with the eye closing and opening also. Luckily Piracetam helps, but when he doesnt take it....the myoclonus becames really really bad as if hes almost having seizures....or could it seizures on the right side of his body instead of it being myoclonus? Note: this lasts about five seconds. This started happening back in 8th grade/Middle School. That summer he went to Cancun with his family and stepped on some spikey creature underwater that had black needles around the top of it. This was on his right leg. SWIM tried to get the several needles in his leg out, but failed to remove all of them and just forgot about them altogether after that until now. I am really worried if this may have something to do with this also.

Im sorry that this is a long wall of text, but its just ive been suffering my entire teen to adult life with this and I have never figured out what is causing these problems. If anyone could help me out, I would be indefinitely grateful.

#2 Davevanza

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 12:46 PM

So it has been about a year since I have been using Piracetam. Pretty much I have been taking it off and on and noticing some serious side effects after several days of not taking it. Im in college right now (First year) and whenever I am on break I stop using it altogether. The only problem is, anxiety is a serious bother to me. For example, around a large group of people, I would sometimes have involuntary tics and muscle twitches (though I do work out a lot so its not too big of a deal on my arms).

SWIM also decided to stop taking piracetam in the summer and noticed that whenever he had smoked marijuana with his friends, he would get terrible tics in his legs. Everything was perfectly fine during the summer up until he started to get these tics. It was strange because SWIM had never really experienced piracetam withdrawal like having involuntary twitches that made others around him think he was a crack addict or something which SWIM isn't. Before, SWIM took adderall XR to help him focus in school. He would get tics in his legs sometimes when smoking and not smoking, but it would probably be about once every several days. I do not know if such tics may have something to do with SWIM's piracetam withdrawal tics...

Anyway, SWIM was prescribed xanax (0.25mg) to help with anxiety during the summer also. He mixed piracetam and xanax (bad combo?) and it made him feel at ease when socializing with people he was not too familiar with. Everything seemed fine. Then he ran out and thats where things started to really change. SWIM started to get the bad tics mostly because of the xanax he assumes whenever he blazed. This went on for months up until this winter. Another thing to note, SWIM had to take a drug test for a retail store and had to pass the drug test immediately despite smoking two days before. He mixed piracetam, a lot of aspirin, and a lot of niacin along with a great amount of water to pass the test. He passed alright, but he fears that mixing these drugs and supplements may have done some damage to his health. Time period: End of July

After the end of July, SWIM has only had problems. Could it be that because of all the supplements that he mixed to pass the drug test along with stopping xanax, he could have developed these nasty tics and perhaps exacerbated his anxiety? Oh yeah, SWIM also suffers from myoclonus or thats what he thinks because of how his entire right side (from eye down to the leg) seems to move involuntary whenever he tries to make any movement while sitting or standing. Its really embarassing around people because its just really awkward movement of his arm and leg along with the eye closing and opening also. Luckily Piracetam helps, but when he doesnt take it....the myoclonus becames really really bad as if hes almost having seizures....or could it seizures on the right side of his body instead of it being myoclonus? Note: this lasts about five seconds. This started happening back in 8th grade/Middle School. That summer he went to Cancun with his family and stepped on some spikey creature underwater that had black needles around the top of it. This was on his right leg. SWIM tried to get the several needles in his leg out, but failed to remove all of them and just forgot about them altogether after that until now. I am really worried if this may have something to do with this also.

Im sorry that this is a long wall of text, but its just ive been suffering my entire teen to adult life with this and I have never figured out what is causing these problems. If anyone could help me out, I would be indefinitely grateful.

Maybe try Keppra ( Levetiracetam ), an analogue of Piracetam, but mainly used as an anticonvulsant. ( It's a Racetam, but rather slightly sedating than Piracetam, and it has an antianxiety effect, as well.)

Levetiracetam has an off-label used as to treat tics, Tourette Syndrome, Neuropathic pain, Chronic tension headache, and perhaps Obsessive and compulsive behaviour. But the later one is still under investigation.

I've used it for almost a year. ( the max dosage for children is around 3g, I used 1500mg/day.) I got opposite reaction to it, and developed tourette.

Well, every body's reaction to a particular drug is different.

I don't know if Levetiracetam would be a drug of choice in treating your condition. ( I used to take Xanax, too...and Mirtazapine, but later My Psychiatrist changed it to Clonazepam.)

The reason I take many pills prescribed by my doctor is because of my chronic headache and insomnia, also social phobia and panic attack.

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