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#1 bobdrake12

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Posted 17 November 2002 - 06:27 AM


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Saturday, 16 November, 2002, 00:00 GMT

Flaxseed 'blocks prostate cancer' (excerpts)

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Flax could be a valuable addition to the diet

A diet rich in flaxseed appears to reduce the size and severity of prostate tumours in mice, say scientists.

However, the amount given to the mice was far too high to be a realistic prospect in a human diet.

It also contains large amounts of dietary fibre and a chemical called lignan which controls the metabolism of both oestrogen and testosterone.

This is not the first study to suggest that flaxseed could be beneficial against prostate cancer.

Research published last year found that lignans taken from flaxseed were able to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells in the laboratory.

Another found that a low-fat diet, supplemented with flaxseed, was linked to slower tumour growth.

#2 bobdrake12

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Posted 17 November 2002 - 06:31 AM


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Thursday, 7 November, 2002, 13:04 GMT

Garlic may repel prostate cancer (excerpts)

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Garlic is known for its pungent odour

Garlic and onions could help prevent men developing prostate cancer, researchers have said.

Men who ate the most vegetables had a 50% lower risk of having prostate cancer than those who ate the least, it was found.

The benefits could be due to allium, a sulphur-based compound, which is responsible for the characteristic smell.

Diet benefits

Men's diets were examined by researchers from the US National Cancer Institute.

Two hundred and thirty-eight men with prostate cancer and 471 men without were asked about what they ate.

It was found men who ate more than a third of an ounce (10 grammes) a day of onions, garlic, chives or scallions were much less likely to be in the group with cancer.

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#3 bobdrake12

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Posted 17 November 2002 - 06:48 AM

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Sirlion Steak Broiled to your liking topped with mushrooms


Health - HealthScoutNews

Red Meat Increases Risk of Colorectal Cancer (excerpts)

Fri Nov 15,11:53 PM ET

FRIDAY, Nov. 15 (HealthScoutNews) -- An increase in colorectal cancer among Chinese people living in Singapore can be linked to a diet high in red meat and low in vegetables.

That's the claim of a study in the Dec. 1 issue of Cancer, which is available online today.

The study also suggests colorectal cancer risk is slightly reduced when a high red meat diet also includes a diet high in vegetables. A diet low in vegetables by itself raises the risk of colorectal cancer.

The risk of colorectal cancer was not significantly affected by other meats like pork or chicken or by seafood, the study says.

#4 bobdrake12

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Posted 03 December 2002 - 02:55 AM


Nutrients Are Key to Preventing Cancer (excerpts)

Mon Dec 2, 5:30 PM ET


WASHINGTON (AP) - Can a diet rich in a particular nutrient really prevent cancer? The government is recruiting 32,000 middle-aged men to see if selenium or vitamin E can prevent prostate cancer (news - web sites), the biggest clinical trial yet to address such dietary questions.

It's just a first step toward what could become a major change in nutrition: Preliminary but intriguing genetic research suggests certain nutrients may prove more cancer-protective for one person than the next — suggesting that one day doctors might write prescriptions for diets to prevent tumors in certain people.

"The future is tailored recommendations," John Milner of the National Cancer Institute (news - web sites) says about this fledgling new science, "nutrigenomics." "That's the excitement."

Cancer doesn't just arise overnight. A few tiny cells gone wrong slowly grow over decades. Whether the result is a life-threatening tumor depends on genes and environment — including food.

Up to 35 percent of cancers are related to dietary habits, says Milner, chief of NCI's research into nutrition and cancer prevention.

That doesn't mean an occasional cheeseburger or doughnut is dooming. But study after study links lifelong diets high in plant foods to lower cancer rates.

Also, people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables generally are skinnier. Obesity increases risks of cancers of the uterus, gallbladder and possibly colon and prostate, while a large weight gain after reaching adulthood is linked to breast cancer (news - web sites

#5 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 12:17 AM


Preventing Cancer

Fri Dec 20, 2:53 PM ET

(HealthScoutNews) -- Although there is no sure way to prevent cancer, there are certain ways to reduce your risk.

The first way is to stick to a fiber-rich diet, says the Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Here are some tips for increasing your fiber intake:

o Eat whole-grain breads, pastas and cereals.
o Eat high-fiber breakfast cereals, such as wheat bran and oat bran.
o Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and leave the skin on whenever possible.
o Reduce the amount of meat you eat, and build meals around beans, lentils, peas, grains, and other legumes.
o Eat brown rice, whole wheat couscous, bulgur, barley, and other grains on a regular basis.

#6 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 12:36 AM


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Radiation Therapy (excerpts)

What Is It?

Radiation therapy is a form of cancer treatment that uses ionizing radiation (an intense form of energy) to damage or destroy cancer cells. Ionizing radiation attacks cancer cells by harming their genetic material, and this interferes with their ability to grow and multiply. During radiation therapy, normal cells located near the cancer cells can be damaged as well, but these usually are able to recover and survive.

Radiation therapy can be given externally in the form of X-ray beams, gamma rays or beams of subatomic particles. Treatment with external radiation is usually painless and takes five to 15 minutes per session. The number of treatments varies for each person, and completion of therapy can take several weeks of closely scheduled sessions.

Radiation also can be delivered internally. Radioactive substances either are placed inside a body cavity or implanted inside the tumor itself.


Radiation therapy has many possible side effects, which vary depending on the specific body area being treated. These include fatigue, skin irritation, temporary or permanent hair loss, temporary change in skin color in the treatment area, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, sluggish bowels, cramps and diarrhea, infertility or sterility, vaginal dryness or narrowing, and impotence. Radiation therapy also can increase your risk of developing a second cancer.

#7 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 12:53 AM,00.html

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Seven Steps to Health

Research continues to show that up to 70% of cancers can be prevented. Take the following steps to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

1. Be a non-smoker and avoid second-hand smoke.

Smoking causes about 30% of all cancer deaths in Canada. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for men and women in Canada. Smoking also increases your risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, cervix, pancreas, esophagus, colon, rectum, kidney and bladder.

Non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke are also at higher risk of getting cancer and other lung diseases. Health Canada estimates that more than 300 non-smokers die from lung cancer each year because of second-hand smoke.

If you are a smoker, quit. If you are a non-smoker, avoid second-hand smoke.

2. Eat 5–10 servings of vegetables and fruit a day. Choose high fibre, lower fat foods. If you drink alcohol, limit your intake to 1–2 drinks a day.

Research suggests as much as one third of all cancers may be related to what we eat and drink. Eat 5 to 10 servings of vegetables and fruit a day. Eat plenty of whole grain fibres. Keep your dietary fat intake low and if you drink, limit your alcohol consumption to 1 to 2 drinks per day. For a healthy diet, balance your daily meals with foods from the 4 food groups described in Canada's Guidelines for Healthy Eating.

3. Be physically active on a regular basis: this will also help you maintain a healthy body weight.

Most people know that regular exercise is necessary to remain healthy. Studies strongly suggest that exercise reduces your risk of colon cancer. Also, the evidence of a link between physical activity and breast cancer is convincing.

4. Protect yourself and your family from the sun.

Reduce sun exposure between 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Check your skin regularly and report any changes to your doctor.
This year tens of thousands of Canadians will develop skin cancer because of over exposure to UV (ultraviolet light). Skin cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in Canada.

Reduce sun exposure between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Seek shade or create your own. Keep babies under one year old out of direct sun. Tanning parlours and sunlamps are not safe.

When you are in the sun, always remember SLIP, SLAP, SLOP.

o SLIP on clothing to cover your arms and legs.
o SLAP on a wide-brimmed hat.
o SLOP on sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher).

5. Follow cancer screening guidelines.

For women, discuss mammography, Pap tests, and breast exams with a health professional.
For men, discuss testicular exams and prostate screening with a health professional.
Both men and women should also discuss screening for colon and rectal cancers.

Even people with healthy lifestyles can develop cancer. One way to detect cancer early is to have regular screening tests. These tests can often find cancer when it is still at an early stage. The earlier the cancer is found, the more successful the treatment is likely to be.

6. Visit your doctor or dentist if you notice any change in your normal state of health.

Know your body and report any changes to your doctor or dentist as soon as possible (for example, sores that do not heal, a cough which goes on for more than two weeks or a change in bowel habits). Health care professionals are trained to spot the early warning signs of cancer and other diseases.

7. Follow health and safety instructions at home and at work when using, storing and disposing of hazardous materials.

At home and at work, take care to follow safety instructions when using, storing and disposing of household pesticides or any other chemicals.

Health Canada and Environment Canada have guidelines for handling cancer-causing substances. By following these guidelines, you can protect yourself against the risk posed by these materials. These guidelines are printed on the packaging and posted in workplaces.

2002 Canadian Cancer Society.
All rights reserved

#8 fruitimmortal

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 01:00 AM

Happy Holidays I once read that Cancer cells can only grow in an oxygen poor enviroment. the only food that i know that contains oxygen is fresh fruits and veggies. .......

#9 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 02:24 AM

I once read that Cancer cells can only grow in an oxygen poor enviroment. the only food that i know that contains oxygen is fresh fruits and veggies. .......


Happy Holidays to you as well!

Thanks so much for your contribution especially since my cat, Malissa, has cancer.

Otto Warburg, who won 2 Nobel Prizes in cancer, made the connection between low oxygen levels and cancer.




Otto Warburg was born in 1883. His father was a doctor and he studied under a Nobel Prize Winner, who helped him advance in his understanding and knowledge in science. He won a Nobel Prize and was award a second. He was unable to except his second Nobel Prize because because he was a Jew during the Hitler regime. Basically Otto Warburg won 2 Nobel Prizes in cancer.

When your doctor gets nominate for a Nobel Prize or listens to the facts about cancer then he could say he knows what he is talking about. Until then his is just mixing poisons such as Hitler did. Mustard gas. Ask them to mix you enough mustard gas to make your time short.

Otto Warburg (biochemist) about 30 years after being awarded the first Nobel Prize, he begin working with Dr. Carl Reich on a part time bases. This was between of 1962 and until his death in 1970. They were doing the final experiments regarding cancer and we’re almost ready to produce the book that would have changed the treatment for cancer totally. Seems after his death Dr. Reich was not allowed to even pickup their privately owned equipment or the life saving research. Some 30 years later the privately owned research has not been released to the public.

But Dr. Carl Reich never gave up and some 20 years later he and Robert Barefoot (biochemist) produce “The Calcium Factor”. To simplify the research Robert Barefoot wrote “Death by Diet”. Robert Barefoot being a biochemist such as Otto Warburg has enough knowledge to put the remaining pieces together.

As you read this lecture I want you to realize that Otto Warburg is talking about an enzyme deficiency with cook foods. What basically happens when cooked foods which are enzyme destroyed are eaten, is that it causes the red blood cells to cluster together.

A smaller view is 4 microns in diameter. A red blood cell is 7 microns in diameter. When you feed your family enzyme deficient foods the red blood cells are weaken and stick together in a groups and cannot travel through the smaller veins. This causes the body to have many anaerobic (low or no oxygen areas within the body) that allows cancer to develop. But than, if the your body is towards an alkaline state then the cancer cannot continue to survive because your body is basically more oxygenated.

Cancer basically needs and low oxygen environment to survive. Over the years I have heard about a lot of vegetarians getting cancer. And I'm guessing here, but if the saliva pH test is done I'm sure they will be extremely alkaline. Meaning that acidic or alkaline extremes unnatural to the body are causing a steady low oxygen environment which cancer needs to survive. It can get started and has the environment it needs to continue. Basically 99% of the time a terminal cancer victim body is a thousand time more acidic, then normal. But both these environments are causing a low or no oxygen environment which cancer loves you for. This is causing a low oxygen environment. Which means you are normally calcium deficient. And your cells are oxygen starved.

#10 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 02:35 AM


The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer
with two prefaces on prevention

Revised lecture at the meeting of the Nobel-Laureates on June 30, 1966
at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany

by Otto Warburg

Director, Max Planck-Institute for Cell Physiology, Berlin-Dahlem

English Edition by Dean Burk
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

The Second Revised Edition
Published by Konrad Triltsch, Würzburg, Germany

Preface to the Second Revised German Edition of the Lindau Lecture

(The way to prevention of cancer)

Since the Lindau lecture of June 1966 many physicians have examined - not unsuccessfully - the practical consequences of the anaerobiosis of cancer cells. The more who participate in these examinations, the sooner will we know what can be achieved. It is a unique aspect of these examinations that they can be carried out on human patients, on the largest scale, without risk; whereas experiments on animals have been misleading many times. The cure of human cancer will be the resultant of biochemistry of cancer and of biochemistry of man.

A list of selected active groups of respiratory enzymes will soon be published, to which we recently added cytohemin and d-amino-Levulinic acid, the precursor of oxygen-transferring hemins. In the meantime commercial vitamin preparations may be used that contain, besides other substances, many active groups of the respiratory enzymes. Most of these may be added to the food. Cytohemin and vitamin B 12 may be given subcutaneously. (A synonym of "active group" is prosthetic" group of an enzyme.)

There exists no alternative today to the prevention of cancer as proposed at Lindau. It is the way that attacks the prime cause of cancer most directly and that is experimentally most developed. Indeed millions of experiments in man, through the effectiveness of some vitamins, have shown, that cell respiration is impaired if the active groups of the respiratory enzymes are removed from the food; and that cell respiration is repaired at once, if these groups are added again to the food. No way can be imagined that is scientifically better founded to prevent and cure a disease, the prime cause of which is an impaired respiration. Neither genetic codes of anaerobiosis nor cancer viruses are alternatives today, because no such codes and no such viruses in man have been discovered so far; but anaerobiosis has been discovered8.)
What can be achieved by the active groups, when tumors have already developed? The answer is doubtful, because tumors live in the body almost anaerobically, that is under conditions that the active groups cannot act.

On the other hand, because young metastases live in the body almost aerobically, inhibition by the active groups should be possible. Therefore we propose first to remove all compact tumors, which are the anaerobic foci of the metastasis. Then the active group should be added to the food, in the greatest possible amount, for many years, even forever. This is a promising task. If it succeeds, then cancer will be a harmless disease.

Moreover, we discovered recently a) in experiments with growing cancer cells in vitro that very low concentrations of some selected active groups inhibit fermentation and the growth of cancer cells completely, in the course of a few days. From these experiments it may be concluded that de-differentiated cells die if one tries to normalize their metabolism. It is a result that is unexpected and that encourages the task of inhibiting the growth of metastases with active enzyme groups.

a) In press in Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie 1967. 10 g riboflavin per ccm or 10 g d-Aminolevulinic acid inhibit in vitro growth and fermentation completely but inhibit respiration less. As expected, ascites cancer in vivo is not cured.

#11 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 03:08 AM


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Oxygen-shy bacteria deliver treatment to tumors


Cancerous tissue is typically oxygen-starved, a feature that has presented hurdles to effective anticancer treatment. But Stanford researchers are examining this anomaly in a new light and turning a problem into a solution for cancer treatment.

Researchers in the laboratories of J. Martin Brown, PhD, professor of radiation oncology, and Amato Giaccia, PhD, associate professor of radiation oncology, are soliciting the help of oxygen-shy bacteria to transport an anticancer gene therapy product deep into the heart of the tumorous mass. They believe that the microbes will provide a means to deliver the gene therapy medicine exactly where it is needed without having to inject it directly into the tumor. "We're giving the anti-cancer drug essentially only to the tumor," said Brown.

The key to their new technique is a species of bacteria that detests the oxygen that is life-sustaining for humans and many other plant, animal and microbial species. These bacteria are members of the class of anaerobic bacteria, which thrive in the absence of oxygen. They have been used experimentally by anticancer researchers because they can be injected intravenously into humans but they will grow only in the low-oxygen environment deep within a tumor; they are harmless to the rest of the body.

Brown and Giaccia are using Clostridium sporogenes as their vehicle to transport a gene therapy product into a solid tumor. The researchers added an extra gene to the bacteria, forcing them to manufacture an enzyme called cytosine deaminase. The enzyme, in turn, activates a nontoxic pro-drug, converting it into a potent anticancer drug. The nontoxic pro-drug is 5-fluorocytosine and the active anticancer drug is the common chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil, or 5FU.

"At the moment there's no systemic way of delivering gene therapy - everyone's just sticking needles into the tumor." He believes that injecting substances directly into the tumor is problematic because some tumors are not easily accessible; and, more importantly, the treatment only will be effective at a single site and will not reach tumors that have spread to other parts of the body. The bacteria, on the other hand, will seek out the cancer cells wherever they take up residence and deliver their gene therapy product.

Rather than injecting the bacteria themselves, the researchers infuse hibernating bacterial spores. When the spores reach the tumor they "hatch" into bacteria that begin growing. "We inject the bacteria as spores. They don't do anything unless they meet a tumor and the anaerobic conditions in the tumor, then they start to grow as regular bacteria and make the proteins they're genetically primed to make -- the enzyme we've stuck into them," Brown said.

The research conducted to date has been carried out in mice, but the researchers believe that the bacteria are highly specific gene delivery vehicles that eventually can be used for human cancer therapy. "It looks very promising," said Giaccia.

Within one day of injecting the clostridial spores the enzyme that activates the anticancer drug can be detected in the tumor, according to Brown. Evidence of the enzyme was not found in a large survey of normal mouse tissues, confirming that the bacteria were growing exclusively in the cancerous tissue. More importantly, the researchers found that the mouse tumors began to shrink soon after delivery of the bacteria/pro-drug combination.

Solid tumors are characterized by a decreased amount of oxygen because the blood vessels that supply them typically have abnormal architecture. Compared with the regular, ordered network of arteries and veins in normal tissues, blood vessels in tumors are often highly abnormal. Their walls have no muscle tone and the blood moves sluggishly through the vessels. The cancer cells use oxygen faster than it can be supplied by the defective vessels, leading to areas of dead and dying, oxygen-depleted tissue. And this is just the type of environment that C. sporogenes prefers.

Brown and Giaccia presented their findings at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting in San Francisco, which ran April 1 through 5. Shie-Chau Liu, PhD, and Toru Shibata in Brown's lab are co-authors of the study. SR

#12 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 03:27 AM


April 01, 2002

St John's Wort extract fights cancer

Researchers from the University of Freiburg, in Freiburg, Germany have discovered that hyperforin, a natural antibiotic found in the herb St John's Wort, inhibits tumor cell growth. The research was published in the February 14 2 02 issue of the journal Oncogene http://www.naturesj.com/onc/index.html, one of the top five cancer research journals in the world. The scientists found that the compound induced apoptosis, or programmed cell death in sixteen human and rat tumor cell lines. Although many of the cell lines were resistant to such common chemotherapeutic drugs as camptothecin, paclitaxel and vincristine, hyperforin arrested tumor growth in all but one line. In vivo, hyperforin was able to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells injected into rats as well as paclitaxel, however, hyperforin did not produce any signs of toxicity, as is commonly elicited by chemotherapeutic drugs.

The researchers, led by C M Schempp of the University of Freiburg's Department of Dematology, believe that their investigations demonstrate that hyperforin's mechanism of action is that of activating a mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis pathway. Mitochondria are the cell's energy-producing organelles. Mitochondria of cells treated with hyperforin were observed to rapidly lose membrane potential as well as release cytochrome c, which is necessary for apoptosis. The authors conclude, "Owing to the combination of significant antitumour activity, low toxicity in vivo and natural abundance of the compound, hyperforin holds the promise of being an interesting novel antineoplastic agent that deserves further laboratory and in vivo exploration."

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#13 fruitimmortal

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 03:28 AM

bobdrake12, thank you for the great info.I'm so sorry to read about you beloved kitty. I had many animals that needed to be put to sleep because of cancer. they where all senior animals and my vet told me that old pets usually develop cancer. I think cancer has many causes or a combination of causes. everything is so polluted and we live against many natural laws. I believe many vegetarians eat too much soy,grains,designer fats etc. and therefor develop Cancer. I've been a vegan for about 7 yrs. now and my Health is much better, but i do suffer discomforts when eating soy or to many grains, nuts.......I have tried raw vegan food on dogs and cats and myself sick and seen much improvment in overcomming a Disease. it alls depends on their age and how far the destructive process has taking over. how old is the kitty?

#14 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 03:29 AM


June 21, 2002

Vitamin E boosts immune function in colon cancer patients

A study published in the June 2002 issue of Clinical Cancer Research (http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/) found an increase in T helper 1 cytokine production in patients with advanced colorectal cancer who were given vitamin E. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden hypothesized that supplementation with the vitamin could boost immune function in patients with advanced cancer by diminishing the oxidative stress arising from the chronic inflammation seen in this population. Humans and animals with advanced cancer show signs of immune dysfunction including decreased T-cell proliferation, reduced CD4:CD8 ratios, and decreased production of T helper 1 cytokines, which have been correlated with lower survival.

Twelve patients with colorectal cancer were given supplements containing 750 milligrams vitamin E, 60 micrograms selenium and 90 milligrams vitamin C, which was consumed in divided doses for fifteen days. Patients were given physical examinations at the beginning and conclusion of the study, and blood samples were collected. No side effects from the supplements were reported.

Plasma levels of vitamin E more than doubled as a result of the treatment, and the ratio of CD4 to CD8 ratios increased as well. Diminished CD4 counts have been correlated with late-stage colorectal cancer and may be indicative of immunosuppression. Treatment with vitamin E enabled T cells to more readily produce the T helper 1 cytokines interferon-gamma and interleukin 2. In ten of the twelve patients an average increase of 22% in the amount of T-cells that produced interleukin 2 was observed following vitamin treatment compared to pretreatment levels. Naive T helper cells exhibited a greater response than memory T cells. Because of the lack of an increase in interleukin-10 production observed, the authors speculate that the mechanism of action of vitamin E may be other than that of scavenging free radicals.

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#15 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 03:56 AM


Thanks for the feedback.

Malissa is now 14 and has been very healthy except symptoms of distemper (caused by a distemper vaccination) when she was younger. The distemper has been controlled or cured through herbs.

She had a very fast growing tumor that we just had removed about a week ago. The tests came back that it was vaccine induced fibrosarcoma. I put on some more information on Malissa in the Refined Foods May Be Cause Of Pimples And Acne topic.

We just had our other cat, Mike age 15, just recently pull through what I belive was a bout of distemper (this one appears to be vaccine induced about 8 years ago). About 5 times we took Mike home from the vet with the prognosis he would not make it through the night. Mike made it and is back to normal. This was accomplished mainly through increase water consumption, including injected water, and herbs for his stomach and liver. Mike is also suffering from liver disease but now I believe that is under control. Mike is now very normal and we have cut back his treatments to a maintenance level.

Malissa has been very spoiled and used to being on a dry food diet (recommended by an earlier vet). Switching her diet is going to be very difficult because she refuses to eat except what she wants.

We currently have Malissa on vitamins, herbs (red clover, astragulus, dandelion lroot, yellowdock and burdock), cholrophyll, Udo's oil (Omega-3, -6, -9 fatty acids), IP6 and beta glucan. I am using two primary vets. I have found that administering the herbs when she is sleepy seems to work the best otherwise it is a very unpleasant experience for her (even though the herbs are diluted in water).

I suspect Malissa's PH is very acidic. I will find that out when I get a sample.

The challenge is that there is only so much I can give the cat without overload.

I believe the reason why Mike made it was because he knew how sick he was and was aware that we were trying to help out. Even though he went through absolute Hell, he hung in there with the herbs sometimes being administered hourly.

Please feel free to provide any information that might help.



#16 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 04:04 AM


October 16, 2002

Fish oil causes cancer cell suicide

Research conducted at the Institute for Nutrition Research at the University of Oslo, in Norway, presented this month by Hilde Heimli, shows that the fatty acids from fish oil and fatty fish is capable of destroying the mitochondria of certain cancer cells, leading to cell suicide. Mitochondria are the power plants of cells, located outside of the cell nucleus. These are the conclusions in a new thesis that Hilde Heimli at the presented in October 2002. The research was supported by the Norwegian Cancer Society.

Heimli showed that polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are ingested by various leukemia and lymphoma cells in vitro, leading to apoptosis, or programmed cell death. For this to be accomplished, the cancer cells must contain an enzyme that activates the fatty acids. Cancer cells lacking adequate amounts of the enzyme do not react to the omega-3's.

Heimli believes there is no reason the process would not occur in vivo as well. She stated, "The experiments have been done in dishes in a laboratory setting. The polyunsaturated fatty acids that are used are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),which are the same type as found in fatty fish or regular fish oil capsules. The fatty acids are added to the the food given to the cancer cells in a way that is most like the body's own process."

She added, "Polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish also can initiate a less regulated cell death called necrosis. The reason for the necrotic cell death is an increased production of reactive oxygen species in the cells. It is possible to appose this necrosis by the presence of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E."

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#17 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 04:09 AM


November 15, 2002

Total antioxidant potential lowers stomach cancer risk

An article that appeared in the October 2002 issue of the journal Gastroenterology, showed that the total antioxidant potential from fruits and vegetables in the diet is inversely related to the risk of gastric cancer. The study is the first to examine the total antioxidant potential of the diet rather than the effects of single dietary antioxidants.

European researchers interviewed 505 Swedish patients with newly diagnosed gastric adenocarcinoma and 1116 individuals without the disease in regard to the consumption of 45 different food and beverage items for the past twenty years. The researchers also collected blood samples from 298 of the gastric cancer patients and 244 controls to determine the presence of antibodies to the bacteria H pylori, which greatly increases the risk gastric cancer.

The total radical-trapping antioxidant potential for the plant foods consumed by the participants was calculated by the researchers. Of foods included in the study, garlic, kale and spinach had the highest antioxidant potential values. It was found that the total antioxidant potential for the group without cancer was higher than that of the cancer patients, owing to a higher intake of plant foods. Participants who had never smoked and who had the greatest intake of antioxidants experienced the lowest risk of gastric cancer, which was 45% lower than that of long-term smokers with the lowest antioxidant intake. When the subgroup who were infected with H pylori were examined separately, it was found that subjects who tested positive in the top half of antioxidant consumption lowered their relative risk of gastric cancer by 40% compared to those whose consumption of antioxidants was in the lower half.

The study demonstrated that eating even low levels of fruits and vegetables may lower gastric cancer risk by at least 30%, through the plant foods' antioxidant action.

#18 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 05:51 AM


June 11, 2001

Yet another fruit with cancer-fighting properties

Almost every week, the discovery of disease fighting properties of a new fruit or vegetable is revealed. Diets high in fruits and vegetables have been shown to play a role in the prevention of heart disease, cancer and other conditions. An abstract presented at the 2000 annual Food Technology meeting revealed that mangoes have anticancer properties beyond those conferred by their natural carotenoid content. Researchers at the University of Florida in Gainesville tested several dilutions of an organic extract of mangoes and an aqueous extract in which the carotenoids were removed on an in vitro model of cancer consisting of 3T3 mouse cells treated with a carcinogen. The cells were incubated with the mango extracts for a period of three to six weeks before being examined for transformation into cancer cells. Although both extracts inhibited cancer cell formation, the water-soluble compound was found to be ten times as potent in inhibiting the formation of cancer cells than the carotenoid-containing extract, demonstrating the presence of an as yet unknown compound in mangoes responsible for this benefit. The researchers believe that the known anticancer properties of carotenoids were responsible for the cancer-inhibiting effects of the organic extract.

Study coauthor Sue Percival PhD, of the department of Food science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida, summarized, "We did a study with cells in culture and found that mangoes were able to inhibit the formation of cancerous-type cells. The water soluble portion was about 10 times more effective." The researchers conclude that mango consumption may be beneficial in reducing the risk of some cancers.

#19 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 05:52 AM


Vitamin C and lipoic acid toxic to cancer cells

A study published in the British Journal of Cancer showed that vitamin C administered in an in vitro model of cancer caused the death of cancer cells. The addition of lipoic acid provided a synergistic effect.

Researchers acting on experimental and clinical evidence that vitamin C increases survival in cancer patients and inhibits tumor growth utilized a tumor model to test the anticancer effects of varying concentrations of vitamin C as well as combinations of vitamin C with phenyl ascorbate, (a lipophilic vitamin C analog), vitamin K3, two forms of lipoic acid and doxorubicin, a chemotherapy drug. To discover whether the effective concentrations were achievable in humans, the researchers experimentally infused a cancer patient volunteer with varying amounts of vitamin C to determine peak plasma concentrations.

Ascorbic acid alone was found to increase the percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cells in the cancer model, but the high concentration necessary may not always be attainable by intravenous vitamin C infusion. However, the addition of lipoic acid synergized with vitamin C to a point at which significant death of tumor cells could occur at concentrations readily achievable by IV (30 to 60 grams). The tumor cell-killing effect of vitamin C was additively enhanced by phenyl ascorbate and vitamin K3.

One of the concerns in regard to antioxidant consumption concomitant with chemotherapy is that antioxidant nutrients will protect the tumor cells from the drug's tumoricidal effects. With doxorubicin, low doses of vitamin C appeared to protect cells from the effect of the drug, while high doses increased its tumoricidal efficacy.

One of vitamin C's mechanisms of action in combating cancer is that of a pro-oxidant, with high concentrations of vitamin C producing hydrogen peroxide at a level that kills tumor cells. Other mechanisms include enhanced immune response, strengthening of the extracellular matrix against tumor cell invasion and a reduction in the severity of cachexia.

#20 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 05:57 AM


August 17, 2001

Fish oil, not corn oil prevents colon cancer

Researchers at Texas A&M University have found that fish oil, a popular supplement used in the prevention of heart disease and arthritis, has a protective effect against cancer of the colon, while corn oil acts as a promoter. The research, ongoing for the past four years, discovered that the oils effect the fatty acid composition of the cell membrane, which affects whether or not a cell will become cancerous. Lead researcher Professor Joanne R Lupton, explained, "Once the fatty acid composition of the membranes of colon cells is changed that sets up a different fate for the cell. A signal can go from the cellular membrane to the nucleus of the cell and tell it either to divide and become a tumor or give up the ghost and undergo programmed cell death."

The researchers have also investigated how cancer spreads among the colon's cells. Rats were fed either corn oil or fish oil and were injected with azoxymethane, a substance that induces colon cancer. The cells in the indentations in the walls of the colon called crypts in which colon cells grow and replicate were subsequently examined. Cells at the bottom of the crypts are the youngest, while the oldest are on the surface. Rats fed a fish oil diet were found to have cells equally damaged at the bottom of the crypts at both ends of their colons, while the corn oil fed rats experienced more damage to one side of the colon and little to the other. Lupton noted, " Within the colon, there are different degrees of cancer at different sites. Indeed, most humans have left-sided tumors rather than right-sided tumors."

Research collaborator Jeffrey Morris, assistant professor of biostatistics at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center noted that greater damage to the crypts one side of the colon signifies greater localization and concentration which could worsen the effects, as compared to the diffuse damage observed when both sides of the colon are equally damaged. He suggested that fish oil and corn oil may create different environments in the colon. The researchers are planning studies utilizing more rats.

#21 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 05:59 AM


November 30, 2001

Mechanism found for green tea in cancer fight

In research conducted at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute in Tampa Florida, a mechanism of green tea polyphenols' ability to cause the death of cancer cells was elucidated. By testing green tea polyphenols effect on prostate cancer cell lines, varying concentrations of the polyphenols were found to diminish a protein called Bcl-XL which protects cancer cells from apoptosis, which is programmed cell death.

Green tea has been shown to prevent several types of cancer in animal models. Human populations who consume green tea have lower rates of stomach, liver, pancreatic, breast, lung, esophageal and skin cancers.

Aslamuzzaman Kazi, PhD, research fellow in the Drug Discovery Program at Moffitt Cancer Center, described the finding: "The higher the concentration, the better the response - meaning more apoptosis, or programming that tells cells to die -- apparently occurring as a result of a greater decrease in Bcl-XL, a protein that protects cancer cells from apoptosis. At all concentrations, response was apparent within three hours."

Pin Dou, PhD, associate professor of oncology, biochemistry, and molecular biology at Moffitt further explained, "Because Bcl-XL is overexpressed in many cancers, it could be a key target in all these cancers and explain why green tea polyphenols (are) able to prevent human cancers in mouse models . . . Data from our laboratory suggests that at least one enzyme may modify Bcl-XL and that it is the actual target of tea. We also want to see if that target is present in all human cancers or just some of them."

#22 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 06:02 AM


December 19, 2001

CLA helps prevent cancer through apoptosis

A study published in the November 2001 issue of British Journal of Nutrition revealed that conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, induced programmed cell death, known as apoptosis, in the colon walls of rats who were fed carcinogens. The researchers, from Seoul and Chinju, Korea, state that this may be why CLA has demonstrated anticancer properties in several studies.

In one experiement, colon cancer was induced in six week old rats by injecting them with the carcinogen DMH. The rats were fed a diet containing 1% CLA, or a control ad libitum diet for thirty weeks. The group receiving CLA experienced a significantly decreased incidence of colon tumors. In order to determine whether apoptosis in the colon mucosa of the carcinogen treated rats was affected by the amount CLA consumed, the researchers conducted another experiment in which rats injected with DMH received a diet containing 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% or no CLA. No differences in food intake or growth characteristics between the animals were observed. The colon mucosa of the rats was examined after fourteen weeks. While animals who did not receive CLA had none of the substance detected in the colon mucosa, in the animals fed the 0.5% CLA diet, CLA detection in the mucosa corresponded with a rise in the apoptotic index and a decline in 1,2-diacylglycerol. The rats receiving 1.0% and 1.5% CLA experienced an increase in apoptotic index equal to the 0.5% CLA group, while mucosal levels of prostaglandin E2, thormboxane B2 and arachidonic acid, which are involved in the development of colon cancer, all decreased dose-dependently. The authors conclude that the increased apoptosis induced by CLA may be attributable to changes in arachidonic acid metabolism.

#23 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 06:06 AM


February 27, 2002

Can chemotherapy cause cancer?

In a study reported in the premier issue of the journal, Cancer Cell, published February 26 2002, research at Hebrew University in Jerusalem showed that some chemotherapy drugs damage the chromosomes of healthy cells which could lead to new tumor growth. Previous research conducted by two of the authors showed that the drugs may cause normal cells to develop what are called fragile sites, on which the mechanism for DNA replication is disturbed, leading to breakage and rearrangement of the chromosomes which is found typically in cancer cells. This can amplify the action of genes known as oncogenes which promote tumor formation. Five of approximately one hundred fragile sites on the human genome are currently being studied.

In this study, the researchers found that recurrent breaks within fragile sites of chromosomes amplified the MET oncogene in human stomach cancer.

Study coauthor and Hebrew University Associate Professor of Genetics Batsheva Karem hopes that the research will lead to the development of less damaging chemotherapy drugs. She commented, "Our work creates a better understanding of how drugs used against cancer work, which will lead to the creation of the next generation of drugs, which can halt the growth of cancerous cells without inducing fragile sites."

#24 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 06:15 AM


February 1, 2000

Greens and fruit reduce risk of colon cancer

Incorporating fruits and vegetables with lutein and zeaxanthin into the diet may help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, according to researchers at the University of Utah Medical School.

The scientists evaluated the association between dietary carotenoids and different types and states of colon cancer. They collected detailed diet histories from 1,993 patients, ages 30 to 79 years with an initial bout of colon cancer and 2,410 people from the general population who did not have cancer. They found those whose diets contained lutein and zeaxanthin had a lower incidence of the disease. The findings were reported in the February 2000 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

"[These carotenoids] may be involved in regulating cell growth and proliferation, or by preventing damage from free radicals by helping to maintain the integrity of cell membranes," said lead researcher Dr. Martha Slattery. Other dietary carotenoids evaluated did not offer the same cancer protection, because, "Lutein appears to work at a different part of the membrane structure."

Subjects' dietary sources of lutein were spinach, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, oranges and orange juice, carrots, celery, greens and eggs. The protective effect was enhanced in younger people. To lower the risk of colon cancer, Slattery suggests people eat more vegetables.

"They are rich sources of lutein as well as folate, another nutrient observed in some studies to reduce risk of colon cancer. Vegetables may also have other unmeasured properties that protect against colon cancer," Slattery continued. "This is only one study; results should be repeated in other studies. Since it is an epidemiologic study, we can only guess how it is actually working. However, inclusion of vegetables in the diet to reduce risk of colon cancer, probably other types of cancer, and other diseases is beneficial."

#25 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 06:22 AM


September 20, 2000

Cruciferous vegetables prevent lung cancer better in some than others

The August 26 2000 issue of The Lancet published the results of study of 942 men who were part of a larger group of Chinese males followed from 1986 to1997, which revealed that cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, watercress, broccoli and cauliflower helped prevent lung cancer. This class of vegetables contains precursors to anticancer compounds known as isothiocyanates (ITCs), which are formed in the body when these precursors are released from the vegetables. Study participants who were deficient in the enzyme GSTM1, which rapidly eliminates these compounds, received the greatest amount of cancer protection. Subjects who had measurable isothiocyanates in their urine experienced a 40% less risk of lung cancer, while those lacking GSTM1 had a 64% decrease in risk.

"We are aware of no prior data linking a biologic marker of ITC intake to the risk of any cancer," commented co-lead author Stephanie London, of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. "The beneficial effect of ITCs was predominantly seen among subjects who are predicted to metabolize it more slowly based on their having deletion of a gene (GSTM1) that rapidly eliminates these compounds from the body. The implication for intervention studies is important. There is a lot of animal work on ITCs which includes work to figure out which of them you would want to use in an intervention and in what form. Our study adds significant human data to this effort."

Also collaborating on the study were scientists from University of South California, Los Angeles; Shanghai Cancer Institute, China and American Health Foundation, Valhalla, New York.

#26 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 06:24 AM


October 13, 2000

Carotenoids lower lung cancer risk

Lung cancer is responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other cancer in this country. The consumption of fruits and vegetables has been correlated with a lower incidence of lung cancer, which was believed to be due to their beta-carotene content, however some studies using beta-carotene supplements have not confirmed this. In a study published in the October 2000 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers utilized newly available data on the carotenoid breakdown of foods to determine which specific carotenoids had the greatest association with lowered lung cancer risk. Carotenoids are a family of nutritional compounds including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and beta-cryptoxanthin.

The researchers examined food frequency questionnaires completed by 77,283 women during the twelve year follow-up of the Nurses Health Study, and by 46,924 men from the Health Professionals Follow Up Study, which followed participants for ten years. Consumption of alpha-carotene and lycopene were found to be strongly associated with a lower lung cancer risk. Nonsmokers in the top group of alpha-carotene consumption experienced a 63% reduction in lung cancer incidence compared to the group with the lowest alpha-carotene intake. Beta-carotene, lutein and cryptoxanthin consumption were also mildly associated with lowered lung cancer risk, but were not determined significant. The researchers speculated that a four to eight year time period before the onset of lung cancer may be the crucial time for carotenoids ability to prevent cancer from developing, as this was where the strongest associations were observed.

The study's authors concluded that "overall intake of a diversity of carotenoid-rich foods is inversely related to lung cancer risk." (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol 72, no 4)

#27 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 04:18 PM

I'm a big long time fan of the Life Extension Foundation. I can remember when the magazine was a monthly 10-14 page newsletter, and the only graphic excitment was the 4 different colors they switched to for their headers each month. Is it going to be green or red ink this month??? Now look at em'.

#28 fruitimmortal

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 06:22 PM


Thanks for the feedback.

Malissa is now 14 and has been very healthy except symptoms of distemper (caused by a distemper vaccination) when she was younger. The distemper has been controlled or cured through herbs.

She had a very fast growing tumor that we just had removed about a week ago. The tests came back that it was vaccine induced fibrosarcoma. I put on some more information on Malissa in the Refined Foods May Be Cause Of Pimples And Acne topic.

We just had our other cat, Mike age 15, just recently pull through what I belive was a bout of distemper (this one appears to be vaccine induced about 8 years ago). About 5 times we took Mike home from the vet with the prognosis he would not make it through the night. Mike made it and is back to normal. This was accomplished mainly through increase water consumption, including injected water, and herbs for his stomach and liver. Mike is also suffering from liver disease but now I believe that is under control. Mike is now very normal and we have cut back his treatments to a maintenance level.

Malissa has been very spoiled and used to being on a dry food diet (recommended by an earlier vet). Switching her diet is going to be very difficult because she refuses to eat except what she wants.

We currently have Malissa on vitamins, herbs (red clover, astragulus, dandelion lroot, yellowdock and burdock), cholrophyll, Udo's oil (Omega-3, -6, -9 fatty acids), IP6 and beta glucan. I am using two primary vets. I have found that administering the herbs when she is sleepy seems to work the best otherwise it is a very unpleasant experience for her (even though the herbs are diluted in water).

I suspect Malissa's PH is very acidic. I will find that out when I get a sample.

The challenge is that there is only so much I can give the cat without overload.

I believe the reason why Mike made it was because he knew how sick he was and was aware that we were trying to help out. Even though he went through absolute Hell, he hung in there with the herbs sometimes being administered hourly.

Please feel free to provide any information that might help.



re: CANCER/pets dear bobdrake12, here is some info. how i treat my sick pets. discontinue all petfood for several days. fill up a small syringe with fresh watermelon juice and squirt this lifegiving exilir into Malissa's mouth. just pick up the lip on one side and slowly push the syringe. since fruits and veggie juices taste nice most pets will not struggle during feeding. also feed these healthpromoting fruits : in an electric blender mix each fruit seperatly!!cantelope, avacado, papaja, cucumbers and tomatoes. you need to use some water to get the blending started, also make sure the fruit is blended well enough to be sucked up by the syringe. you can feed about 1 or 2 teaspoons per feeding for Cats and 2 cup of juice for dogs. you can feed at least every 1 or 2 hours throughout the day. it is important to feed the blended fruits, since they provide fiber and help the digestive tract to clean. Cholorophyl is very good and i would continue giving this daily. I'm not too sure about herbs since long term use can be unfavorable. you can offer the cats some of these fruits smashed up. my cats love avacados and cantelope. do you know of oxygenated water?I wonder if that would be good for all of us. i've been rescueing homeless pets for 22 years(I care for 20 cats, 54 dogs, i potbellied pig) and had many good results treating them Natures way. i dont like vaccinations for any living being and i dont know if the damages can be reversed . thank you for caring so much about you cats**

#29 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 07:12 PM


Thanks for the feedback. I tried a teaspoon of uncooked (raw) pineapple juice and Malissa took it fairly well. Both pineapple and papaya are loaded with enzymes.

Juice works much better if it is freshly blended.

I will try for a couple of days during the Holiday vacation and see how it works out.

The beneficial impact of herbs wears off in about three months; thus, it is very worthwhile to provide a substitue that accomplishes the same thing. With Mike, I am providing two herbs every day but am rotating. He does not foam like Malissa.

The cholrophyll would not need to be rotated.

We also make available wheat grass, but only Mike eats the wheat grass.

I imagine that carrot juice would also work.

We have ordered a machine that provides oxygenated water.

The reason why "nature's way" works is that these animals evolved/created using natural foods. When I had cats in the wild, they did not have any cancer problems. They would catch a lot of their own food and did eat some of the wild plants.

One other thing that I do is to comb the cats alot when they are sick. The combing seems to give them energy (and increases their appetite if they are not eating well). I also use a combination of appying water on a cloth and then wiping the cat with it before combing out the water until the fur seems like it is dry. Why this works, I do not know; but I do know it works.

I personally have not liked vaccinations and have not had one in over 20 years. It took Snowball's death to finally cease the vaccinations on our pets.

My brother died from brain cancer about 20 years ago. He took care of his health but unfortunately had the oral polio vaccine. There is now significant evidence that the oral polio vaccine can cause cancer.

Thanks again for your help!


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#30 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 08:30 PM


LE Magazine October 2002

Vitamin intake may be answer to esophageal cancers

A recent string of epidemiological studies has shown that certain vitamins and minerals can reduce the risk of developing stomach and esophageal cancers.

Researchers at Yale University found that people who consumed nutrients such as beta-carotene, folate, vitamins C and B6, and fiber had a lower risk of cancers of the esophagus and stomach [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2001 Oct;10(10):1055-62]. They based their findings on nutrient intake among cancer patients in three states.

The scientists also pointed to the familiar benefits of plant-derived nutrients. “Higher intake of nutrients found primarily in plant-based foods was associated with a reduced risk of [esophageal cancers], whereas higher intake of nutrients found primarily in foods of animal origin was associated with an increased risk.”

In a similar case-control study, Swedish scientists analyzed the effects of various antioxidants on patients with cancers of the esophagus and stomach, and compared the results with those of a control group [Int J Cancer 2000 Sep1;87(5):750-4].

The researchers found that levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E cut the risk of developing two forms of esophageal cancer nearly in half, with vitamin C and beta-carotene providing the most dramatic effect.

The conclusions of other studies have been similar. Scientists with the National Cancer Institute analyzed cancer death rates over a five-year period in a region of China known for epidemic rates of certain esophageal and stomach cancers [J Natl Cancer Inst 2000 Nov 1;92(21):1753-63]. They found that higher intakes of the nutrient selenium resulted in a lower cancer incidence.

Likewise, researchers examining esophageal cancer rates in a region of Iran discovered that consumption of specific nutrients had an effect on the risk of esophageal cancer development [Cancer Detect Prev 2000;24(3):295-303]. In fact, the scientists wrote that those with niacin and phosphorus deficiencies faced more than twice the risk. The researchers concluded: “... the status of these nutrients may be used eventually as an epidemiologic predictive marker” in determining whether a patient may or may not be at risk.

In yet another related study, Italian scientists found that a diet containing a specific set of vitamins and minerals resulted in a reduced risk of developing esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma [Int J Cancer 2000 Jun 1;86(5):626-31]. The effect was the same, the researchers noted, even for those who smoked or consumed heavy amounts of alcohol.

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