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Dreaded Baldness

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#1 SoulTech

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 07:04 AM

A few weeks ago I started to notice that I am developing bald spots in the corners of my forehead -- my hairline is selectively receding. It isn't noticeable, except for when I part my hair to the side. I have never known how attached I am to my hair. I shaved my head once in college, just to see how it looks, and I look really, really bad. I will not look good if I go bald even a little. And with things not going so well romantically for me, I would really, really like to keep my hair (at 26).

I read a big thread on baldness a while ago. Propecia and rogaine: somewhat effective but not worth possible side effects. So I may start using vitamin E and a laser comb. I read that a certain type of vitamin E was found to increase hair thickness by 41%. http://www.nutraingr...-baldness-Study

And some people say the laser comb is effective. I don't think a hairset will work for me because my hair is unusually straight and thin, and I don't think that it would blend in very well. Well, its probably too early in the process for a hairset anyway. I need to prevent and reverse this process to the fullest extent possible. Anything else I should do, besides reducing stress as much as possible?


#2 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 10:00 AM

It seems to me that if you're unwilling to use minoxidil because of the side effects, there aren't many drugs you would be willing to use.

#3 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 11:23 AM

A few weeks ago I started to notice that I am developing bald spots in the corners of my forehead -- my hairline is selectively receding. It isn't noticeable, except for when I part my hair to the side. I have never known how attached I am to my hair. I shaved my head once in college, just to see how it looks, and I look really, really bad. I will not look good if I go bald even a little. And with things not going so well romantically for me, I would really, really like to keep my hair (at 26).

I read a big thread on baldness a while ago. Propecia and rogaine: somewhat effective but not worth possible side effects. So I may start using vitamin E and a laser comb. I read that a certain type of vitamin E was found to increase hair thickness by 41%. http://www.nutraingr...-baldness-Study

And some people say the laser comb is effective. I don't think a hairset will work for me because my hair is unusually straight and thin, and I don't think that it would blend in very well. Well, its probably too early in the process for a hairset anyway. I need to prevent and reverse this process to the fullest extent possible. Anything else I should do, besides reducing stress as much as possible?


Is there male pattern baldness in your family? If not, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. I thought I was losing my hair when I was in my mid-20's, but I still have most of it today.

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#4 JLL

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 11:47 AM

I've posted a lot about hair growth on my blog; exotic treatments and traditional remedies.

#5 Ghostrider

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Posted 19 February 2010 - 04:55 AM

It seems to me that if you're unwilling to use minoxidil because of the side effects, there aren't many drugs you would be willing to use.

I have been using Minox (15% minox + DHT inhibitor) for over a year now and besides more hair on my head, I have not noticed any bad side effects. I got my 18-year old hairline back although I am not sure if I ever had hairloss due to MPB. It might have been more due to stress. I am also on Propecia. I am happy with the results now, but I still see some more hair coming in. After I use up my current bottle of minox, I will be stepping down to 5% and then eventually reducing my dosage of propecia. I figure I have about 5 more years before it's safe to do hair cloning...can't wait to get my 10-year old hairline back!

#6 JLL

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Posted 19 February 2010 - 09:07 AM

Any sides from propecia?

#7 SoulTech

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 06:09 AM

I realize that most people do not have negative effects from rogaine, but 1-2% is still significant in my opinion.

@JLL, I will keep your blog in mind as a reference. Looks pretty thorough.

I am not really sure if I have MPB, I should ask my mom.

#8 niner

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 07:34 AM

I realize that most people do not have negative effects from rogaine, but 1-2% is still significant in my opinion.

In the unlikely event that you are one of the unlucky one or two out of a hundred, you can just stop using it. I didn't see any side effects of the type that would harm you permanently. It's topical, after all. I would be a lot more concerned over an oral compound like propecia.

#9 SoulTech

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 07:32 AM

I realize that most people do not have negative effects from rogaine, but 1-2% is still significant in my opinion.

In the unlikely event that you are one of the unlucky one or two out of a hundred, you can just stop using it. I didn't see any side effects of the type that would harm you permanently. It's topical, after all. I would be a lot more concerned over an oral compound like propecia.

Hm, I haven't read too much into them but it does sound logical that they would cease with discontinued use. Except I thought topical was usually a more dangerous method of ingestion because your digestive tract has more mechanisms for dealing with toxins.

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