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Immortality TED talk

M4Y0U's Photo M4Y0U 04 Mar 2010

Longevity escapes velocity.

Edited by M4Y0U, 04 March 2010 - 06:15 AM.

M4Y0U's Photo M4Y0U 06 Mar 2010

Just updating so it's in the active topic again because it's an interesting talk.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 14 Jul 2010

I went looking for a good definition of Longevity Escape Velocity to bump this topic but I didnt see one. That makes me realize maybe there isnt one. Somebody should look about getting a better one into wikipedia for one. Right now it just has a vague description with in "indefinite lifspan" under its other less common name "Actuarial Escape Velocity".

Heres something on it:

"The escape velocity cusp is closer than you might guess. Since we are already so long lived, even a 30% increase in healthy life span will give the first beneficiaries of rejuvenation therapies another 20 years—an eternity in science—to benefit from second-generation therapies that would give another 30%, and so on ad infinitum."


e Volution's Photo e Volution 14 Jul 2010

Aubrey de Grey says we can avoid aging
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Luna's Photo Luna 14 Jul 2010

I went looking for a good definition of Longevity Escape Velocity to bump this topic but I didnt see one. That makes me realize maybe there isnt one. Somebody should look about getting a better one into wikipedia for one. Right now it just has a vague description with in "indefinite lifspan" under its other less common name "Actuarial Escape Velocity".

Heres something on it:

"The escape velocity cusp is closer than you might guess. Since we are already so long lived, even a 30% increase in healthy life span will give the first beneficiaries of rejuvenation therapies another 20 years—an eternity in science—to benefit from second-generation therapies that would give another 30%, and so on ad infinitum."


I think Aubrey coined that term, but I am not sure.

Tron's Photo Tron 31 Jul 2010

I have to say, seeing this video from TED so long ago is what revealed for me that something could be done about living forever, and tuned me into having very passionate thoughts on this subject. Before that the immortality movement was invisible to me... This is definitely a good watch!!!

Benedictus's Photo Benedictus 02 Sep 2010

This one is good too, he does mention the L.E.V.:
Edited by Benedictus, 02 September 2010 - 11:47 AM.