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Adrafinil - Really the same effect as Modafinil?

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#1 Rhcan09

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Posted 12 March 2010 - 05:56 AM

I've never used Modafinil, and I don't want to seek a prescription, nor is it legal to import here without one.

So I ordered some Adrafinil (Olmifon) - as a next best option. My understanding is that Adrafinil is the pro-drug version of Modafinil. This (as I understand it) means that the Adrafinil metabolizes into the same components in your body, and then takes the same action as Modafinil, simply delayed by about 45 minutes.

Having never taken Modafinil, I have no point of reference. With that said, the Adrafinil doesn't really seem terribly powerful. I took 300mg the first time I used it - with no noticeable effects. I took 600mg the next time, and even increased to three tablets (900mg) on a third attempt. I'm not sure what I expected - I suppose I expected a generally more alert mind.

What I definitely DIDN'T expect, was to fall asleep!

I fell asleep studying, having taken 900mg of Adrafinil two hours prior, on a night that I wasn't particularly exhausted to begin with.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that the Adrafinil put me to sleep :|o I often fall asleep when studying on a comfy sofa or bed. However - I'm pretty shocked that three tablets of Adrafinil hadn't worked any magic to keep me awake two hours later. I mean Provigil (Modafinil) is the stuff they give fighter pilots in Iraq, no?

What's going on here? Are the effects simply really really subtle?
Is there more to Adrafinil than simply waiting an extra 45 minutes? Are there other dosage considerations, or food combinations neccesary to cause it to mimic the effects of Modafinil?

#2 Animal

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Posted 12 March 2010 - 01:56 PM

Did you have an empty stomach when taking the Adrafinil?

#3 Rhcan09

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Posted 12 March 2010 - 04:35 PM

No - and that has since occurred to me.

Is the impact of taking Adrafinil with food the complete nullification of it's effects? Or would it simply be slower acting?

I'll try it on an empty stomach.

#4 Animal

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Posted 12 March 2010 - 05:57 PM

I have found when taking it with food I essentially get no effects at all. I would expect this is because the adrafinil requires not only absorption but subsequent metabolising, and a reduction in the rate of either of these steps will drastically reduce the plasma peak of modafinil.

#5 nito

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Posted 13 March 2010 - 07:26 AM

I feel like trying this out. It seems it does what modafinil does and it's not illegal either. Well i live in the UK i think it's safe to order it here too.

#6 Rhcan09

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 01:16 AM

Hey Nito,

I've taken the advice, and have used the Adrafinil on an empty stomach. I'm VERY impressed.

My general thoughts (this is very precursory, based on only 4 or 5 days of usage)

1) Adrafinil needs to be taken on an empty stomach, and don't eat for about 45 minutes after
2) There's no apparent benefit to taking this early in the day, when you're already awake/alert. It doesn't seem to make you any "more alert" than you already are (and should be early in the day)
3) As a result of #2, I don't think this is really a "nootropic" that you'd add to a regular routine.

Now the good stuff:

4) It seems to essentially maintain you at a high level of "daytime alertness", regardless of the level of sleep you've had, and regardless of how late in the day/night it actually is.
5) There were absolutely none of the side effects of caffeine or other stimulants. No jitters, no crash, no fogginess.

Some notes:

- The effects are very obvious, but also subtle. Sound odd? Here's what I mean. You're probably used to judging the efficacy of a stimulant (even just caffeine) based on the type of effect you usually get from, say a glass of coffee. The racing heart, the adrenaline, the impulsive jitteriness, etc. As a result, you may not THINK the Adrafinil is working. In that sense, it's subtle. However, the effects are obvious when you stop to realize the fact that it's 5am, you've been working on a project for 10 hours, and you're 100% mentally alert, etc. So the intended effect (alertness) is actually exactly what it gives you. In other works, its very clear that the Adrafinil keeps you going, but the lack of side-effects normally associated with caffeine or other "stay awake" solutions is confusing at first.

- QHI is also in the UK, and they seem to have the lowest price. I'd try ordering from them.

#7 Algear Linebra

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 05:50 AM

Adrafinil is good enough, but modafinil is better and more controllable imo. Sometimes the effects are delayed with adra, prolly because of fatty foods / enzymatic work, and by so giving a longer duration than moda.

#8 nito

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 06:24 AM

Hey Nito,

I've taken the advice, and have used the Adrafinil on an empty stomach. I'm VERY impressed.

My general thoughts (this is very precursory, based on only 4 or 5 days of usage)

1) Adrafinil needs to be taken on an empty stomach, and don't eat for about 45 minutes after
2) There's no apparent benefit to taking this early in the day, when you're already awake/alert. It doesn't seem to make you any "more alert" than you already are (and should be early in the day)
3) As a result of #2, I don't think this is really a "nootropic" that you'd add to a regular routine.

Now the good stuff:

4) It seems to essentially maintain you at a high level of "daytime alertness", regardless of the level of sleep you've had, and regardless of how late in the day/night it actually is.
5) There were absolutely none of the side effects of caffeine or other stimulants. No jitters, no crash, no fogginess.

Some notes:

- The effects are very obvious, but also subtle. Sound odd? Here's what I mean. You're probably used to judging the efficacy of a stimulant (even just caffeine) based on the type of effect you usually get from, say a glass of coffee. The racing heart, the adrenaline, the impulsive jitteriness, etc. As a result, you may not THINK the Adrafinil is working. In that sense, it's subtle. However, the effects are obvious when you stop to realize the fact that it's 5am, you've been working on a project for 10 hours, and you're 100% mentally alert, etc. So the intended effect (alertness) is actually exactly what it gives you. In other works, its very clear that the Adrafinil keeps you going, but the lack of side-effects normally associated with caffeine or other "stay awake" solutions is confusing at first.

- QHI is also in the UK, and they seem to have the lowest price. I'd try ordering from them.

http://www.qhi.co.uk/ukcitz.asp seems nt

#9 Rhcan09

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 06:36 AM

nt ?

#10 nito

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 07:26 AM

So adrafinil is cheaper than modafinil and u can order it legally to the uk. But QHI need you to send them a letter by post, lol how timeconsuming, wouldn't an email work as well! Any other good sources to get these "wake me up" pills?

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