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Heaven and Hell

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#1 shifter

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 02:12 AM

As the saying goes, 'one mans hero is another mans villian'. Could the same be true for Heaven and Hell?

Is Hell really a place of eternal torture and despair?

Why would a satanist want eternal suffering after life?

What if, Hell is nothing more than a life mirroring sex, drugs and rock&roll, but forever! Sex, when you want and who you want it with, drugs that cant kill you (your already dead remember ;)) and lots of loud and suggestive music.

And Heaven resembles, a monestary. Everyone is either a priest or a nun. Celebasy is forever. Nobody gets angry or overjoyed as emotions are muted to keep everyone the same - (and lead us not into temptation!!)

Just throwing an idea around. I know most people here think death is oblivion and there is nothing beyond it, but what do you think of the idea of 'Heaven and Hell' anyway. I know it could be nothing more than trying to teach us morality and on the straight and narrow but when you look deep into what they are really telling us, you just think 'it makes no sense that way!!'

Or is the devil within all of us from the moment we are born The temptation to do the 'wrong' things. And its God who ultimately the commander of Hell, and God who throws us into the pits of fire to punish us for eternity for giving in to the temptation. (talk about holding a grudge!!!)

Oh, and I would consider myself to be Agnostic (weak and a bit theism) according to wiki definitions). I dont know, but given the infinite wonder of the universe am open to any possibility about anything whether my mind can comprehend it or not.

#2 shifter

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 03:28 AM

oops, put in wrong forum. Can a mod please move to the proper religion forum? Thanks ;)

#3 advancedatheist

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 05:08 AM

I don't know why christians fear going to hell so much. Wouldn't eternal punishment show that your earthly life had meaning after all?

#4 Luna

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 07:37 AM

I don't know why christians fear going to hell so much. Wouldn't eternal punishment show that your earthly life had meaning after all?

Well, trying to get the logic:

* It hurts.
* You've been a bad person.
* You are, theoretically (I mean, they might be there too, but even if they are who said you can be with them anyways?) separated from your friends, family and loved ones.
* It really hurts and for a long time, that's why it's called eternal suffering!

#5 Vgamer1

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 06:26 PM

I wouldn't try to derive any truth from the Christian concepts of afterlife. It is futile

#6 valkyrie_ice

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 01:45 AM

"If Heaven is a piano bar, Hell is an S&M Goth bar." - Lucifer

#7 chris w

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 10:33 PM

I think it would be cool, if Heaven was the actual ultimate pleasure dome, where you could do all sorts of even sick and weird stuff, including blasphemies like sex with four handed hermaphrodite angels, on DMT, wearing ancient Aztec outfits, because think of it - when you're in Heaven, how can anything be "sinful"? There also should be a possibility to reincarnate once again, forgetting it, so that you could just go on a vacation and after that it all would feel new again.

As for Hell, I sometimes think, that the worst would be not the ussuall fire and tar torments that you are learned to believe, but if it turned out that your particular solipsism happens to be true, and you discover that in reality, you are the only egsisting being in the Universe, and you have to spend the eternity just thinking about things. Damn, it makes me shiver.

Edited by chris w, 18 April 2010 - 11:23 PM.

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