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Study Aids

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#1 RollerBall

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 01:37 PM

I need to learn a years worth of material in two and a half months for an upcoming exam at the end of june, on top of my normal work.

This basically means memorising ~200 pages from a textbook, along with math+chemistry work.

Can anyone reccomend a list? I was originally planning on just taking Modafinil or Provigil but I'm having difficulty getting it here in the UK. It's also pretty expensive, I don't want to risk spending a load and then getting it pulled in customs. I'm not entirely sure on the legality of it without prescription in the UK either.

I'm fairly new to this stuff so I'm not sure what's available in my local herb store or what I need to order online. At the moment all I take are these crappy omega-3 things I've taken since I was a kid. I've tried looking for stickies/guides on here but I get lost in a sea of acronyms and shortenings I don't know the meanings of.

I don't have an endless budget either, so within reason. I'm not entirely sure what sort of price range this stuff is in, or what I should be prepared to pay. Are we talking hundreds or tens?

Thanks for any help/input.

#2 winston

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 04:41 PM

Adderall. I doubt you have time to go through a load of supplements finding out which ones will be effective.

That and allot of memory supps are probably your only chance.

Modafinil is expensive and won't do much besides keeping you awake most probably. I suppose it could help you need less sleep per night, but I'm not sure if you could keep that up over two months.

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#3 Jurence

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 04:47 PM

Specifically what kinds of math/chemistry? Is it strictly math/chemistry? The neurotransmitters involved with learning are only a part of the battle when it comes to storing and retrieving information. There are plenty of things you can do to help boost your learning ability. Adderall will help with motivation and staying on task all day and every day-- it is very unhealthy though, mind you, and you will need to take breaks during the weekend (from the adderall, at least) in order to maintain brain health O_O

#4 polybi

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 04:53 PM

a simple stack which im using for revision is

most days

2 gram of alcar(2 servings)
1 green tea extract(50mg of caffeine)
1 milk thistle extract
theanine (as needed)

then 3 days a week ill use stims either mdpv, dexdrine, modalert or caffiene + nicotine.

#5 winston

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 05:11 PM

Are MDPV and dexdrine legal? How's there safety compared to adderall? I'm not questioning your stack I'm tryin to see if they're worth me trying

#6 RollerBall

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 05:26 PM

Specifically what kinds of math/chemistry? Is it strictly math/chemistry? The neurotransmitters involved with learning are only a part of the battle when it comes to storing and retrieving information. There are plenty of things you can do to help boost your learning ability. Adderall will help with motivation and staying on task all day and every day-- it is very unhealthy though, mind you, and you will need to take breaks during the weekend (from the adderall, at least) in order to maintain brain health O_O

It's maths/chemistry/geography. Specifically geography I need to learn a lot of information quickly though. Maths and chemistry I've been learning in class etc, geography; not so much. How much/where can I get some adderal?

a simple stack which im using for revision is

most days

2 gram of alcar(2 servings)
1 green tea extract(50mg of caffeine)
1 milk thistle extract
theanine (as needed)

then 3 days a week ill use stims either mdpv, dexdrine, modalert or caffiene + nicotine.

I can't really gain anything from just a list. Decent information is scarse on google. My local herb store is ran by some old codger too, so she'd be no use to just go and ask for stuff with a list.

I recognise modalert though, doesn't that have Modafinil and Provigil in it? I've heard mixed reviews on it though.

#7 Jurence

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 05:41 PM

Provigil is modafinil. I wouldn't recommend extended use on it.
What country are you from? Adderall laws vary- but most likely you'll need a prescription from a doctor and it won't exactly be easy to get.

Alcar: Energy levels, antioxidant

Caffeine: Mood, motivation, energy

Nicotine: Mood, motivation, energy

Theanine: Relaxation

Adderall dosages vary- you'll want to start with 10mg/xr daily and work up to 40mg/xr daily (at most). Get highest prescriptiona vailable and weigh it out yourself. You want to be on the lowest dose available while still feeling the effects.

Piracetam, choline.

#8 ajnast4r

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 05:41 PM

how old are you? in brief... what are you exercise, dietary & sleep habbits like?

are you habituated to caffeine? if not caffeine will be the most effective study aid, start with 50mg doses but never less than 6 hours from the time you plan in going to sleep. if you are habituated start only using caffeine while studying.

if youre of normal capacity, your brain is more than capable of learning more than you can reasonably throw at it as long as your stress levels are low and your sleeping patterns are good. that being said, other than caffeine i wouldnt focus on using stimulants/memory aids... the key to being able to learn large amounts of info effectively is not being able to stimulate yourself into a constant state of hyperawareness but being able to control stress levels & sleeping well. all the alcar, racetams & provigil in the world arent gonna mean squat if youre stressing hard and not sleeping well.

whats helped me the most for controlling stress and sleeping well is during intense semesters is: very low dose lithium orotate <5mg/day, omega3, vitamin D & kava for sleep. i would not bombard your body with huge amounts of new supplements.. start slow, maybe 1-2 per week.

#9 RollerBall

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 05:58 PM

how old are you? in brief... what are you exercise, dietary & sleep habbits like?

are you habituated to caffeine? if not caffeine will be the most effective study aid, start with 50mg doses but never less than 6 hours from the time you plan in going to sleep. if you are habituated start only using caffeine while studying.

if youre of normal capacity, your brain is more than capable of learning more than you can reasonably throw at it as long as your stress levels are low and your sleeping patterns are good. that being said, other than caffeine i wouldnt focus on using stimulants/memory aids... the key to being able to learn large amounts of info effectively is not being able to stimulate yourself into a constant state of hyperawareness but being able to control stress levels & sleeping well. all the alcar, racetams & provigil in the world arent gonna mean squat if youre stressing hard and not sleeping well.

whats helped me the most for controlling stress and sleeping well is during intense semesters is: very low dose lithium orotate <5mg/day, omega3, vitamin D & kava for sleep. i would not bombard your body with huge amounts of new supplements.. start slow, maybe 1-2 per week.

I'm 17, I do very little with regards to doing exercise. My diet is average I'd say. I'm of a very skinny build, although I do little exercise, I'm not unfit per say. I have 1-2 sunday lunchs a week, possibly pasta and pizza another two, maybe a take out once a week. Lunch can vary, although it's usualy ready meals/subway/mcdonalds depending on where I am.

I sleep ~6 hours a night on weekdays. Unless I'm very tired and then I'll crash at midnight and get 8 hours. Weekends I'll get 10 hours or so depending on if I have work and weather I can get a lie in or not.

With regards to caffiene, I never drink coffee, but I have been using pro+ once or twice a week to stop me from falling asleep in class/on the bus. So I'd say I'd have a very low, if any tolerance to it.

Provigil is modafinil. I wouldn't recommend extended use on it.
What country are you from? Adderall laws vary- but most likely you'll need a prescription from a doctor and it won't exactly be easy to get.

Alcar: Energy levels, antioxidant

Caffeine: Mood, motivation, energy

Nicotine: Mood, motivation, energy

Theanine: Relaxation

Adderall dosages vary- you'll want to start with 10mg/xr daily and work up to 40mg/xr daily (at most). Get highest prescriptiona vailable and weigh it out yourself. You want to be on the lowest dose available while still feeling the effects.

Piracetam, choline.

I'm a Brit, I wouldn't be able to get a 'script. I've done work experience with all the local surgeries as I'm applying for medicine, they all know me and know I'd be using it for alternative reasoning.

Edited by RollerBall, 30 March 2010 - 06:12 PM.

#10 ajnast4r

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 06:04 PM

I'm 17, I do very little with regards to doing exercise. My diet is average I'd say. I'm of a very skinny build, although I do little exercise, I'm not unfit per say. I have 1-2 sunday lunchs a week, possibly pasta and pizza another two, maybe a take out once a week. Lunch can vary, although it's usualy ready meals/subway/mcdonalds depending on where I am.

if your 17 dont mess with any supplements. a good multivitamin & some fish oil will be fine. your diet definitely has room for improvement so do what you can.

I sleep ~6 hours a night on weekdays. Unless I'm very tired and then I'll crash at midnight and get 8 hours. Weekends I'll get 10 hours or so depending on if I have work and weather I can get a lie in or not.

if you can go to bed an hour or two earlier it will probably make a big difference

#11 Jurence

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 06:04 PM

-Whether or not you are physically fit is out of the question. You still need some moderate/intense exercise daily. There are tons of studies to show that exercise helps with relaxation, concentration, motivation levels etc. All it takes is 15 minutes
-8 hours a night during the week
-Then apply for it with a different doctor?
-What is an "average" diet for you? 50% processed foods? Cut it down to 20% processed foods and you'll see a massive enhancement :)

#12 polybi

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 06:12 PM

thanks Jurence

mdpv is legal. http://en.wikipedia....oxypyrovalerone

modalert you would have to buy from an online pharmacy as its prescription only medicine. however it is legal to buy pom illegal to sell in this country though.

theres no chance your going to get adderal in britian with no connections

Edited by polybi, 30 March 2010 - 06:12 PM.

#13 Jurence

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 06:13 PM

I would recommend MDPV - don't know why I forgot about it. Definitely use that over adderall and see if it suits your needs. Its always best to try legal alternatives before risking illegal purchases.

#14 LIB

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 06:25 PM

http://urantiapharma.com/ has been a good source of modafinil for me. Not sure if they ship to UK, I have no issues with USA.

Modalert/modafinil is nice, helps keep you up and moving. Not a miracle or adderall or anything, but certinaly helpful.

Piracetam is quite useful when it works for you. Helps me think quicker.

#15 RollerBall

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 07:07 PM

I would recommend MDPV - don't know why I forgot about it. Definitely use that over adderall and see if it suits your needs. Its always best to try legal alternatives before risking illegal purchases.

Is MDPV a lower strength version of adderal? Would it work similar to Provigil?

Edited by RollerBall, 30 March 2010 - 07:19 PM.

#16 meursault

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 07:25 PM

I need to learn a years worth of material in two and a half months for an upcoming exam at the end of june, on top of my normal work.

No nootropic is going to help you overcome inadequate prioritizing or overwhelming academic/pressure situations. I don't intend to be harsh, but you need to change your behavior if you want to deal with this situation. This might mean making significant sacrifices to social outings and non-academic actions like watching television, playing video games, or pleasure reading. Buckle down and study several hours a day. What you need is not a drug but the time to evaluate all this information. It's only two and half months. Use the time wisely.

#17 RollerBall

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 07:42 PM

I need to learn a years worth of material in two and a half months for an upcoming exam at the end of june, on top of my normal work.

No nootropic is going to help you overcome inadequate prioritizing or overwhelming academic/pressure situations. I don't intend to be harsh, but you need to change your behavior if you want to deal with this situation. This might mean making significant sacrifices to social outings and non-academic actions like watching television, playing video games, or pleasure reading. Buckle down and study several hours a day. What you need is not a drug but the time to evaluate all this information. It's only two and half months. Use the time wisely.

You've misunderstood me. I'm not looking for a one trick fix and I'm planning on spending the next couple of weeks either in school, work or at home revising/learning. However, I see no harm in looking for any noots that might improve my alertness, concentration, memory or my ability to learn information.

I'm only planning on using them once/twice a week for when I have a sunday I can focus completely on work. Most other days I'll have something else on(school/work) so I wouldn't bother.

I've read a lot about provigil/modafinil doing basically the above. The only risks and side effects I've come across so far is when taking it for pro-longed periods. I'd literally be using it for 100mg in the AM then 100mg in the afternoon. Once, possibly twice a week.

Edited by RollerBall, 30 March 2010 - 07:43 PM.

#18 madanthony

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 08:43 PM

I need to learn a years worth of material in two and a half months for an upcoming exam at the end of june, on top of my normal work.

No nootropic is going to help you overcome inadequate prioritizing or overwhelming academic/pressure situations. I don't intend to be harsh, but you need to change your behavior if you want to deal with this situation. This might mean making significant sacrifices to social outings and non-academic actions like watching television, playing video games, or pleasure reading. Buckle down and study several hours a day. What you need is not a drug but the time to evaluate all this information. It's only two and half months. Use the time wisely.

You've misunderstood me. I'm not looking for a one trick fix and I'm planning on spending the next couple of weeks either in school, work or at home revising/learning. However, I see no harm in looking for any noots that might improve my alertness, concentration, memory or my ability to learn information.

I'm only planning on using them once/twice a week for when I have a sunday I can focus completely on work. Most other days I'll have something else on(school/work) so I wouldn't bother.

I've read a lot about provigil/modafinil doing basically the above. The only risks and side effects I've come across so far is when taking it for pro-longed periods. I'd literally be using it for 100mg in the AM then 100mg in the afternoon. Once, possibly twice a week.

You people seem to know a lot about pharmaceuticals of which I know nothing (and would not take), but how about taking a good B complex vitamin and extra choline to make acetylcholine which is involved in memory? Choline is also involved in the methyl cycle so perhaps to help you make seratonin (ok, that becomes melatonin which makes you sleepy, but it also helps you be peaceful so maybe to learn). I tried taking high dose choline (I don't remember the dose but probably not really very high, just compared to a multivitamin, maybe 250-500mg??) in college once and it made my brain feel like I had Vick's Vaporub on it. Since I already had photgraphic memory I could not tell if it had any other effect. I am interested in this topic if anyone has any nonpharmaceutical suggestions. When I had to pull all nighters in college I drank apple cider vinegar in water (maybe 1-2 tablespoons, to taste) all night. The next day my mind would be clear as a bell and I would feel great. I had no memory problems but a terrible problem with being figety and it would help me calm down to study and stay clear headed all night and all the next day. If I stayed up all night with coffee I felt like crap the next day which did not help me take tests. I would like to go back to get a more interesting degree, like maybe biochemistry or something, so anything that can help irritable old farts buckle down and learn is of great interest. But my main problem continues to be irritability and drinking cider vinegar all day is not an every day thing I could manage...maybe just for special occasions.

#19 Rain

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 11:41 PM


Reading this thread is funny because i'm in the same boat as you - except i'm looking for a 9month long use to study more consistently with some weeks and days doing full study days, we are even the same age, career want, build and have same sleep patterns.

I've been doing a lot of research and i am still learning but at the moment this is what i am to do, you can choose to take some of it if you will. I am looking for mental stamina and concentration improved and also memory/learning in the long run:
- Piracetam, taking everyday at 1.6g possibly up to 2.4g some days
- Choline bitartrate (for piracetam) at around 500-1000mg per day
(these two are very good to have on top of anything as they aren't bad for you!)
- Some days having modafinil or ritalin (not at the same time, but once a week or every two weeks), very good for concentration (haven't tried modafinil but ritalin is fantastic, and it's the only way i can work for 6+hrs straight, with 8mg i can do 8hr study no break)

I also take fish oil tablets, vitamin C and B, and will be using a good multivitamin soon.

I think that is all you really need, so i reckon do that...

I'm also having some days (probably twice a week) galantamine+choline for additional enhancement, and maybe even the added effects of deprenyl twice a week for mood/motivaiton enhancement too. (these aren't as necessary as above, but you can always try them)

Any drug is really possible over the internet so you'll find them, i'm sure you can get these.

Goodluck with study!

Edited by Rain, 30 March 2010 - 11:43 PM.

#20 RollerBall

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Posted 31 March 2010 - 05:50 PM


Reading this thread is funny because i'm in the same boat as you - except i'm looking for a 9month long use to study more consistently with some weeks and days doing full study days, we are even the same age, career want, build and have same sleep patterns.

I've been doing a lot of research and i am still learning but at the moment this is what i am to do, you can choose to take some of it if you will. I am looking for mental stamina and concentration improved and also memory/learning in the long run:
- Piracetam, taking everyday at 1.6g possibly up to 2.4g some days
- Choline bitartrate (for piracetam) at around 500-1000mg per day
(these two are very good to have on top of anything as they aren't bad for you!)
- Some days having modafinil or ritalin (not at the same time, but once a week or every two weeks), very good for concentration (haven't tried modafinil but ritalin is fantastic, and it's the only way i can work for 6+hrs straight, with 8mg i can do 8hr study no break)

I also take fish oil tablets, vitamin C and B, and will be using a good multivitamin soon.

I think that is all you really need, so i reckon do that...

I'm also having some days (probably twice a week) galantamine+choline for additional enhancement, and maybe even the added effects of deprenyl twice a week for mood/motivaiton enhancement too. (these aren't as necessary as above, but you can always try them)

Any drug is really possible over the internet so you'll find them, i'm sure you can get these.

Goodluck with study!

That's really helpful, thank you.

I can get Fish oil tablets, vit C&B as well as a multivitamin from Asda/holland&barrets/beanfreaks in my local town centre.

I'm planning on ordering 120 piracetam 800mg tabs and 500g of Choline Bitartrate from smartpowders.com. I've heard 4-5 day shipping which isn't too bad. Would I be set to go on 1.6g of Piracetam with 1g of Choline Bitartrate each day? This would last be 60 days before I need to order more Piracetam.

I've never heard of galantamine or deprenyl.

Where are you getting your modafinil/ritalin from? I literally cannot find anywhere reputable that will send it without a 'script. If you don't feel like mentioning it on the forum, pm me it.

Thanks for the list and I'd be very greatful if you can answer any of the questions above.


So far I've come up with this:

1.6g of Piracetam
1g of Choline Bitartrate
Fish oil + Omega 3
Vitamin C
Vitamin B
A decent multivitamin
Lions mane

I'll be using all of these when I wake up at around 8-9am and then using lion's mane twice, once before bed and once when I wake up. I'm also going to hopefully aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night from now on. At the moment, untill I order this stuff early next week probably I just take pro+ when I'm tired to revise with. Would it be worth using the odd pro+ when I'm tired or for a boost in substitute of say ritalin? I'm yet to find any information on MDPV or where to find it in the UK.

I've heard some good things about lion's mane and bacopa which I can get easily here, assuming the Swanson brand is okay. If it is worth it, how much do I take, just whatever it says on the bottle? I've also heard some good things about sulbutiamine and pyritinol but I can't find a decent source of either of these in the UK.

Edited by RollerBall, 31 March 2010 - 06:42 PM.

#21 Rain

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Posted 31 March 2010 - 11:46 PM

That's really helpful, thank you.

I can get Fish oil tablets, vit C&B as well as a multivitamin from Asda/holland&barrets/beanfreaks in my local town centre.

I'm planning on ordering 120 piracetam 800mg tabs and 500g of Choline Bitartrate from smartpowders.com. I've heard 4-5 day shipping which isn't too bad. Would I be set to go on 1.6g of Piracetam with 1g of Choline Bitartrate each day? This would last be 60 days before I need to order more Piracetam.

Yeah that sounds good, perhaps even get 240 piracetam tabs just in case you need an attack dose for a week if you don't feel anything (mine was 3.2g for the day) or even want to take a high dose like 2.4~3.2g per day to actually feel the effects. So go with smartpowders if it's cheap for you, i used http://www.advantagesupplements.com/ as it's quite cheap for 240 there.

I've never heard of galantamine or deprenyl.

Where are you getting your modafinil/ritalin from? I literally cannot find anywhere reputable that will send it without a 'script. If you don't feel like mentioning it on the forum, pm me it.

Don't worry to much about those two (galantamine or deprenyl) they aren't exactly neccesary, look them up and see if they appeal to you anyway. But yeah ritalin and modafinil is good to use a few times a week for short-term, ritalin is more for intense concentration (like i get) and modafinil i've heard just erases tiredness and also enhances concetration (depending on dose i have yet to try, i will be doing 100mg each time hopefully wont need to go up to 200mg). well i actually bought the "modalert" from http://www.medstore.biz since i couldn't find anywhere else that would ship to my country and be cheap! i chose the trackable option so i can see they are almost here, i'll let you know if they are good or not. the only source i've read about them had only positive things (but there was only 2 people that said anything on the whole internet i could find...)

Thanks for the list and I'd be very greatful if you can answer any of the questions above.


So far I've come up with this:

1.6g of Piracetam
1g of Choline Bitartrate
Fish oil + Omega 3
Vitamin C
Vitamin B
A decent multivitamin
Lions mane

I'll be using all of these when I wake up at around 8-9am and then using lion's mane twice, once before bed and once when I wake up. I'm also going to hopefully aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night from now on. At the moment, untill I order this stuff early next week probably I just take pro+ when I'm tired to revise with. Would it be worth using the odd pro+ when I'm tired or for a boost in substitute of say ritalin? I'm yet to find any information on MDPV or where to find it in the UK.

I've heard some good things about lion's mane and bacopa which I can get easily here, assuming the Swanson brand is okay. If it is worth it, how much do I take, just whatever it says on the bottle? I've also heard some good things about sulbutiamine and pyritinol but I can't find a decent source of either of these in the UK.

Maybe even just use 500mg of choline for starters with the 1.6 and use 1g if you decide to go up to 3.2g of piracetam or higher.

I don't know for Lion's Mane but i'm considering on getting it, yeah 500mg twice daily sounds like what everyone is taking on average.
Don't worry about sulbutiamine it tends to give people a boost of energy good for exericising and can cause them to lose concentration due to an intense euphoria. There are limited sources yeah as not much is really known.

Stick with piracetam+choline+modafinil/ritalin+multivitamins+lions mane+bacopa for now.

Oh and also, your in the UK right? I think i came across quite a few sources of ritalin that only shipped to the UK (and possibly USA), so i think that's definitely obtainable.. But modafinil could be better if you need to study for longer periods as it doesn't have the crash that ritalin does and last for longer (even with ritalin's extended release 20mg modafinil still lasts longer 12+)

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#22 RollerBall

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Posted 31 March 2010 - 11:52 PM

That's really helpful, thank you.

I can get Fish oil tablets, vit C&B as well as a multivitamin from Asda/holland&barrets/beanfreaks in my local town centre.

I'm planning on ordering 120 piracetam 800mg tabs and 500g of Choline Bitartrate from smartpowders.com. I've heard 4-5 day shipping which isn't too bad. Would I be set to go on 1.6g of Piracetam with 1g of Choline Bitartrate each day? This would last be 60 days before I need to order more Piracetam.

Yeah that sounds good, perhaps even get 240 piracetam tabs just in case you need an attack dose for a week if you don't feel anything (mine was 3.2g for the day) or even want to take a high dose like 2.4~3.2g per day to actually feel the effects. So go with smartpowders if it's cheap for you, i used http://www.advantagesupplements.com/ as it's quite cheap for 240 there.

I've never heard of galantamine or deprenyl.

Where are you getting your modafinil/ritalin from? I literally cannot find anywhere reputable that will send it without a 'script. If you don't feel like mentioning it on the forum, pm me it.

Don't worry to much about those two (galantamine or deprenyl) they aren't exactly neccesary, look them up and see if they appeal to you anyway. But yeah ritalin and modafinil is good to use a few times a week for short-term, ritalin is more for intense concentration (like i get) and modafinil i've heard just erases tiredness and also enhances concetration (depending on dose i have yet to try, i will be doing 100mg each time hopefully wont need to go up to 200mg). well i actually bought the "modalert" from http://www.medstore.biz since i couldn't find anywhere else that would ship to my country and be cheap! i chose the trackable option so i can see they are almost here, i'll let you know if they are good or not. the only source i've read about them had only positive things (but there was only 2 people that said anything on the whole internet i could find...)

Thanks for the list and I'd be very greatful if you can answer any of the questions above.


So far I've come up with this:

1.6g of Piracetam
1g of Choline Bitartrate
Fish oil + Omega 3
Vitamin C
Vitamin B
A decent multivitamin
Lions mane

I'll be using all of these when I wake up at around 8-9am and then using lion's mane twice, once before bed and once when I wake up. I'm also going to hopefully aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night from now on. At the moment, untill I order this stuff early next week probably I just take pro+ when I'm tired to revise with. Would it be worth using the odd pro+ when I'm tired or for a boost in substitute of say ritalin? I'm yet to find any information on MDPV or where to find it in the UK.

I've heard some good things about lion's mane and bacopa which I can get easily here, assuming the Swanson brand is okay. If it is worth it, how much do I take, just whatever it says on the bottle? I've also heard some good things about sulbutiamine and pyritinol but I can't find a decent source of either of these in the UK.

Maybe even just use 500mg of choline for starters with the 1.6 and use 1g if you decide to go up to 3.2g of piracetam or higher.

I don't know for Lion's Mane but i'm considering on getting it, yeah 500mg twice daily sounds like what everyone is taking on average.
Don't worry about sulbutiamine it tends to give people a boost of energy good for exericising and can cause them to lose concentration due to an intense euphoria. There are limited sources yeah as not much is really known.

Stick with piracetam+choline+modafinil/ritalin+multivitamins+lions mane+bacopa for now.

Oh and also, your in the UK right? I think i came across quite a few sources of ritalin that only shipped to the UK (and possibly USA), so i think that's definitely obtainable.. But modafinil could be better if you need to study for longer periods as it doesn't have the crash that ritalin does and last for longer (even with ritalin's extended release 20mg modafinil still lasts longer 12+)

Yeah, I'm in the UK, you? I'm going to order stuff on the weekend, poss Saterday night. What are shipping times like at advantagesuppliments? I've heard 3-4 days to be the norm for smartpowders.

The only sources I've found for modafinil are obscenely expensive. I'm looking into adrafinil instead since it's 1/10th of the price but I'm not sure if I'd be safe using it twice weekly with the whole liver stuff.


Right now I've got this as my shopping list:

- Lion's mane + Bacopa = £15.51
- Piracetam 800mg(100tabs) x 2 + Choline Bitartrate 250g =£49.99

I'll pick up some generic multivitamins from ASDA for ~£3 as well as fish oil for the same. On top of this daily I'm thinking of ordering some. I would like to use some modafinil but I can't find it without spending ~£80 on 30 pills. This seems too expensive for me. I saw an article where a news reporter spend £30 on a months supply. I'd love to find where he ordered from!

Untill this arrives I'll just be using pro+ every other day or so.

Edited by RollerBall, 01 April 2010 - 12:22 AM.

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