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Max safe dosage of huperazine-A

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#1 Lestat Rett

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Posted 31 March 2010 - 05:25 PM

The title says it all really, what is the maximum generally accepted safe dosage of huperzine-A?

Currently I have it at upto 600mcg/d, although more often 400, with really good results (no other noots at the moment but will be adding piracetam and sunifiram soon, thinking about mybe cerebrolysin also), and thus far I seem to respond very well to it, having a current memory/motivation/attention span problem in quite a big way, I've read about up to 600mcg/d ish or so being used in trials, and titrated up from 100mcg.

I think perhaps I could get more out of it with more, but I'm fairly new to its use, no nausea so far, just a slightly elevated heart rate briefly, for an hour or so after taking the 600mcg dose for the first day, no more so than a moderate strength MDMA tablet, or a 6-7mg dose of MDPV, etc, certainly no dangerous cardiovascular stress, and dilation of the pupils, which I found very strange, along with slight, isolated muscle fasiculation at first.


#2 Zoroaster

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 12:38 AM

Huperzine A in any amount, taken over the long term will downregulate your natural ACh production and leave you feeling stupid when you go off it. I wouldn't use it for more than a few months, and even then I'd cycle it. With that said, the safe dose is probably the dose at which you don't experience side effects. But the more you take, the more careful you're going to want to be about your dietary choline intake. Because obviously choline along with a huge Huperzine dose can give you problems pretty quick. 600 mcg seems like whole lot to me. But maybe I'm not the best one to ask since 200mcg makes me vomit uncontrollably.

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#3 Lestat Rett

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 06:54 AM

I figured that, although I do wonder, if its NMDA antagonism may help reduce development of tolerance, not sure if the downregulation involved includes upregulation of cholinesterases as well as the more obvious desensitisation of muscarinic and nicotinic AChRs.

No idea what effect NMDA antagonism has on enzyme expression, it is afterall, completely different kettle of fish from an ionotropic receptor or GCPR.

ATM I am cycling month on, week off, at least to start with, with the weekends off.
Although this month, being the one I started the cycle in, will be considered slightly longer, I don't plan to take the week off this first one, given that I have been finding it so difficult to find the motivation to even get it down.

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