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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Buddha has mentioned physical immortality is possible for him if he li

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#1 old_as_a_fossil

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Posted 07 April 2010 - 06:44 PM


"Soon after he had recovered from his illness, the Lord Buddha suggested he and Ananda spend the day at a shrine, called the Capala Shrine. As the two elderly men sat together, the Buddha remarked upon the beauty of the scenery all around. The Blessed One continued, Whosoever, Ananda, has prefected psychic power could, if he so desired, remain in this place throughout a world-period or until the end of it. The Tathagata, Ananda, has done so. Therefore the Tathagata could remain throughout a world-period or until the end of it.
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The Buddha told the shaken Ananda about his decision to make his final entry into Nirvana in three months. Ananda objected, and the Buddha replied that Ananda should have made his objections known earlier, and requested the Tathagata remain throughout a world-period or until the end of it."

But for the stupid mistake of Buddha's assistant Ananda, Buddha would have lived in his body even until now.

#2 chris w

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 03:31 PM

I guess it's a nice story. I actually find budhism the least poisonous of world religions, but still, let's better hope that we can remain in our bodies as long as possible, since there might be reincarnation, but probably isn't . cheers

Edited by chris w, 18 April 2010 - 03:31 PM.

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