Say, "I'm Never Going to Die!" But say it with all the conviction and authority you can muster. Don't say it like you mean it. Say it and Mean it. "I AM NEVER GOING TO DIE." This is the first step in becoming immortal. That is the beggining of immortality is creating it. Admitting it. The next step is backing it up. You have to stick to your word. Do everything you must to never die. Once you admit you will never die you have to follow through. Here is anothing good thing to say like you mean it. Trust me this one is so easy and so valuable it's scary. Say it like you mean it thought. Really mean it. "I am omniscient, I know everything" What'll it hurt to say it. You don't even have to do it out loud. You just have to think it really hard. "I know EVERYTHING THERE IS TO BE KNOWN." You'll be surprised how intelligent you become within a week of admitting that you like you mean it. SHOCKED YOU WILL BE, I promise. Anyways the secret to having what you want is in saying it like you mean it and it will come. Saying it with conviction and authority and asking for things nicely from others. Saying pleas thank you and yourwelcome. Until next time.