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Nootropics help!!

srs's Photo srs 01 May 2010


I am in dire need of some help in choosing in a nootropic/s to use.

I feel my memory and my ability to recall is declining.

Originally I thought it was perhaps my lowered testosterone levels that was casing it, and did a blood test and it came back normal. (I just assumed that was the cause because I never really suffered from memory/recall/cognitive problems)

I have gathered a listing of nootropics that I have considered using. Hopefully I am able to get some feedback on which one is better or which to use in conjunction to each other.

Prior use of what works for you and which does not is very welcome.

Thank you very much.





Alpha GPC

Huperzine A




haha's Photo haha 01 May 2010


I am in dire need of some help in choosing in a nootropic/s to use.

I feel my memory and my ability to recall is declining.

Originally I thought it was perhaps my lowered testosterone levels that was casing it, and did a blood test and it came back normal. (I just assumed that was the cause because I never really suffered from memory/recall/cognitive problems)

I have gathered a listing of nootropics that I have considered using. Hopefully I am able to get some feedback on which one is better or which to use in conjunction to each other.

Prior use of what works for you and which does not is very welcome.

Thank you very much.





Alpha GPC

Huperzine A




Always straight to the intervention....
Why dont you put up more information about your self eg. your age, occupation, health, even subunit scores IQ test, exercise levels, other supplements and medicines. Define the changes you have experienced resently? and what you want to achieve.

Otherwise Individuals can only give there subjective experiences, which is the incorrect place, as you could have just used the search function. I think people should start with really learning how to run an efficient antioxidant stack and metabolic support eg Bvit.
Remmeber everybody is different

srs's Photo srs 01 May 2010

Sorry about that, some information about me.

I am of 28 years old, part time construction, and full time college student (business field major).

Unable to provide IQ score, prior GPA was a 3.86.

Exercise 5 days a week, majority of the body parts except legs (a bit big already).

Other supplements are protein, occasional creatine, fish oil capsule daily (10 caps), and caffeine (avg. 400 mgs 5 days out of 7).

Notable changes in memory are of unable to comprehend new material, and recalling material is on a slow decline. Processing the information that is given is somewhat foggy as well. Generally I feel that there is a fogginess within my head, kind of a road block. Concentration is fine most of the times, not much to worry there.

Grades have dipped, especially within Japanese and Statistics. Never had a problem with a second language, however the math area is suspect.

What I want to achieve is of enhanced memory, something that is able to assist me to adopt to new learnings, and ability to recall information in better detail.

Always straight to the intervention....
Why dont you put up more information about your self eg. your age, occupation, health, even subunit scores IQ test, exercise levels, other supplements and medicines. Define the changes you have experienced resently? and what you want to achieve.

Otherwise Individuals can only give there subjective experiences, which is the incorrect place, as you could have just used the search function. I think people should start with really learning how to run an efficient antioxidant stack and metabolic support eg Bvit.
Remmeber everybody is different


chrono's Photo chrono 01 May 2010

I would start with piracetam and ALCAR. And some choline on hand, in case you need it. Good basics, and should increase your alertness and get rid of some of that brain fog. Reactions are individual, but this is a good place to start. You could add some aniracetam in if you have a little extra money. I wouldn't buy alpha GPC, it looks good on paper but is very expensive for not much noticeable effect.

Hup A and selegiline are a little more serious. I would wait and see if/how easier options affect you first.

Augmenting memory is difficult. Since you mention comprehension, it's possible that your difficulty is with paying attention adequately. If you're not alert and engaged in the learning, you're not going to remember it later. Remember to work on your study skills; nootropics are just a band-aid if these are not optimal.

I'd do some reading through other "study stack" threads. This gets asked so often that you're probably not going to get a lot of replies. Good luck!
Edited by chrono, 01 May 2010 - 08:31 AM.

haha's Photo haha 01 May 2010

I would highly recommend cutting the caffeine, I felt like it was keeping me going during a period when I always felt tired, but the more caffeine I used the more tired I became, I was probally using +500mg every day, and was really losing mental performance similar to your description. I have heard similar stories from others. It takes about a month to get over the stuff, so if you decide to do it time it into your uni scedule. Dopaminagenics are proballly better than caffeine but require support.

I always felt i need to work my legs to get the hormone response? whether it be anareobic run or squats or long hills runs.

Agree with crono's comments, You sound like you sliding fast maybe mild excitoxicity also have magnesium 500mg+, proanthocyanidins(pine bark extract), curcumin, green tea polyphenols, GD multivitamin, alpha lopoic acid at night. Do all of these there cheap from Purebulk.
I know they sound abit Tree Hugger but they really allow your natural system to run harder, also you will need them before you add anything more interesting.

Once youve got the healthy bit down, no caffeine then maybe some of the harder stuff like hydergine, deprenyl,d-amphetamine,donepezil(low as dose),modafinil, all of these can be got from a doc if you know how to talk. Docs would prob give you adhd script if your doing well at uni but have alot more potential, make them like you. You could try oxiractam straightoff the bat, I would keep away from aniracetam

chrono's Photo chrono 01 May 2010

Yes, I also meant to ask about sleep. Are you getting enough? And that is quite a bit of caffeine. Maybe think about tapering down a little bit. It sounds like you have a lot of things going on which would compete for your time. Are you getting enough time to wind down? Are you stressed/burned out?

Not sure why you should "keep away" from aniracetam. You can find negative responders to any of the racetams here. I mentioned it because it's a confirmed ampakine, and as such might have more of an effect on memory than the others.

Agree with crono's comments, You sound like you sliding fast maybe mild excitoxicity

Just to be clear, I don't think I said you were sliding fast, or that there's much reason to suspect excitotoxicity here. And almost all of those "harder" nootropics have factors attached which make it desirable to seek other options first. Just my opinion, but new member threads asking for basic starting recommendations may not be the place to "think out loud" about all possibilities. :p
Edited by chrono, 01 May 2010 - 10:53 AM.

haha's Photo haha 01 May 2010

I just didnt like aniracetam, sorry should have been more specific

srs's Photo srs 01 May 2010

I would start with piracetam and ALCAR. And some choline on hand, in case you need it. Good basics, and should increase your alertness and get rid of some of that brain fog. Reactions are individual, but this is a good place to start. You could add some aniracetam in if you have a little extra money. I wouldn't buy alpha GPC, it looks good on paper but is very expensive for not much noticeable effect.

Hup A and selegiline are a little more serious. I would wait and see if/how easier options affect you first.

Augmenting memory is difficult. Since you mention comprehension, it's possible that your difficulty is with paying attention adequately. If you're not alert and engaged in the learning, you're not going to remember it later. Remember to work on your study skills; nootropics are just a band-aid if these are not optimal.

I'd do some reading through other "study stack" threads. This gets asked so often that you're probably not going to get a lot of replies. Good luck!

Thank you for your suggestion, never thought about using ALCAR.

I know what you mean on the Hup A and the Selegiline. I just felt like it was worth mentioning and worth consideration.

I would highly recommend cutting the caffeine, I felt like it was keeping me going during a period when I always felt tired, but the more caffeine I used the more tired I became, I was probally using +500mg every day, and was really losing mental performance similar to your description. I have heard similar stories from others. It takes about a month to get over the stuff, so if you decide to do it time it into your uni scedule. Dopaminagenics are proballly better than caffeine but require support.

I always felt i need to work my legs to get the hormone response? whether it be anareobic run or squats or long hills runs.

Agree with crono's comments, You sound like you sliding fast maybe mild excitoxicity also have magnesium 500mg+, proanthocyanidins(pine bark extract), curcumin, green tea polyphenols, GD multivitamin, alpha lopoic acid at night. Do all of these there cheap from Purebulk.
I know they sound abit Tree Hugger but they really allow your natural system to run harder, also you will need them before you add anything more interesting.

Once youve got the healthy bit down, no caffeine then maybe some of the harder stuff like hydergine, deprenyl,d-amphetamine,donepezil(low as dose),modafinil, all of these can be got from a doc if you know how to talk. Docs would prob give you adhd script if your doing well at uni but have alot more potential, make them like you. You could try oxiractam straightoff the bat, I would keep away from aniracetam

At first I was thinking about cutting the caffeine intake, but at times I feel like I can not operate without it, especially during uni (night courses).
I may have to try to stop it during the summer time, since if I cut it out now it may cause problems?

You are correct partially on the legs part, where it releases the most testosterone. But bench presses and pull ups (big muscle groups), offers a testosterone release as well.

I think I should start taking a multi vitamin, curcumin, and start drinking some green tea asap.

I did try the doctor thing but perhaps I am not as convincing. Would try a bit more within the future if I feel like I am degrading mentally. To confirm on the ADHD medication, it is in reference to Adderall correct?

Yes, I also meant to ask about sleep. Are you getting enough? And that is quite a bit of caffeine. Maybe think about tapering down a little bit. It sounds like you have a lot of things going on which would compete for your time. Are you getting enough time to wind down? Are you stressed/burned out?

Not sure why you should "keep away" from aniracetam. You can find negative responders to any of the racetams here. I mentioned it because it's a confirmed ampakine, and as such might have more of an effect on memory than the others.

Agree with crono's comments, You sound like you sliding fast maybe mild excitoxicity

Just to be clear, I don't think I said you were sliding fast, or that there's much reason to suspect excitotoxicity here. And almost all of those "harder" nootropics have factors attached which make it desirable to seek other options first. Just my opinion, but new member threads asking for basic starting recommendations may not be the place to "think out loud" about all possibilities. ;o)

Sleep is not a huge problem, I do try to get a minimum of 7 hours.

I do feel a bit of stress at times, but nothing major or of big complaints.

Seems like to fully understand which racetams would work for me, however, it does seem piraracetam is generally working for others. So If I were to use a nootropic stack, I would use it as my base.

I really want to thank you guys for your help, suggestiong, and time in reading and replying to me.

chrono's Photo chrono 01 May 2010

Nootropics can really help you with your dependence on caffeine. There are about a half a dozen good threads here on caffeine dependence/withdrawal/replacement. ALCAR is usually mentioned; it's great for mental focus, but won't really make you feel physically stimulated.

Let us know how things work out!

haha's Photo haha 02 May 2010

yeah cutting caffeine is pretty important as and when you can. Cutting down and tapering off can start now and other drugscan be used instead and to help, even like Rolipram(european drug). I would avoid addreal go for D-amph if you go down that route and lower is often better than more, this applies to most 'Nootropics'. Piracetam does work well but makes you abit more intellectual all the time(good and Bad) i dont think you need more than 800mgX3ed, i do have more energy on the stuff which is plus. Thats a good start on the antioxidants but i would take them all, this is were i got my best benefit, 100% Cocoa forms a regular part of my diet now and is the only caffeine i intake. Cocoa is the most effective antioxidant in food, it also inhibits MOA-b and has lots of fun amines.
By the way sciencedirect has some good info cognitive enhancers which you will be able to access through uni. Modafinil is nice

srs's Photo srs 02 May 2010

I think I am pretty close on my to buy list.

Consisting of: Pira, ALCAR, choline, curcumin, and some multi-vits. (maybe some PLCAR as well)

Question on the 100% Cocoa, is that the same as Chocamine?

Also, as I may have difficulties sourcing Rolipram, I may go to my doctor in the incoming week to see if she is willing to prescribe me.

Since D-amp > Adderall, how do you feel about Vyvanse?
I came to a conclusion of either the three listed above as my choice to ask the doctor.

haha's Photo haha 02 May 2010

I think I am pretty close on my to buy list.

Consisting of: Pira, ALCAR, choline, curcumin, and some multi-vits. (maybe some PLCAR as well)

Question on the 100% Cocoa, is that the same as Chocamine?

Also, as I may have difficulties sourcing Rolipram, I may go to my doctor in the incoming week to see if she is willing to prescribe me.

Since D-amp > Adderall, how do you feel about Vyvanse?
I came to a conclusion of either the three listed above as my choice to ask the doctor.

You wont get Rolipram from your doc, its not a mainstream med, You should be able to get Hydergine which has phosphitidlyesterase activity and has other nice effects. I did quite a bit of work to get my adhd script which i dont use now anyway, it involved reading a university level book on the condition and thinking about examples of similar behavoural patterns I had displayed, describing these symtoms to a psychologist, with some support material from childhood, When she saw an IQ report with a Verbal IQ of 190 and a Performance IQ of 95 from when I was five, things became very easy.She wrote up a report which I took to a shrink. There are disadvantages with having a diagonises, like insurance etc. But well used usuage can increase performace very significantly and lead to a permanent increase in working memory and assosiated intelligence.
I recommend d-amph over l-amph.

Chocamine is different and in my opinion far inferior, im just talking about baking Cocoa or pure darkest chocolate.
Not a bad start, hope things go well, take magnesium with Piracetam or any stimulant

chrono's Photo chrono 02 May 2010

You should be able to get Hydergine which has phosphitidlyesterase activity and has other nice effects.

Hydergine is an ergot derivative with some putative risk of things like heart valve fibrosis. It's been mentioned on the board several times.

haha's Photo haha 03 May 2010

You should be able to get Hydergine which has phosphitidlyesterase activity and has other nice effects.

Hydergine is an ergot derivative with some putative risk of things like heart valve fibrosis. It's been mentioned on the board several times.

Im pretty sure it doesnt cause lung fibrosis atleast anyways because its dehydrogenated, i thought serotonin 1 or 2 B caused heart valve enlargement at high doses but not fibrosis

Not worth messing with anyway

srs's Photo srs 05 May 2010


Went to the doctors and requested for D-Amp, almost got Ritalin instead.

The kicker is that I end up getting Xanax, huh?!

She said it will help you concentrate by cooling you down. Still huh?!

chrono's Photo chrono 05 May 2010

She said it will help you concentrate by cooling you down. Still huh?!

ha! That's a pretty creative prescription! I suppose if you have a lot of anxiety, it may make the crucial difference. And benzos probably do help you concentrate on just one thing (or less), technically speaking.

Will be curious to hear how this turns out.

srs's Photo srs 05 May 2010

She said it will help you concentrate by cooling you down. Still huh?!

ha! That's a pretty creative prescription! I suppose if you have a lot of anxiety, it may make the crucial difference. And benzos probably do help you concentrate on just one thing (or less), technically speaking.

Will be curious to hear how this turns out.

With finals coming up, I will be worried to give this a test try and end up back firing. I read one of the side effect being as, "short-term memory loss and impairment of memory functions."

I should quickly order my bulk nootropics and caps them for use asap.

chrono's Photo chrono 05 May 2010

With finals coming up, I will be worried to give this a test try and end up back firing. I read one of the side effect being as, "short-term memory loss and impairment of memory functions."

Honestly, I would be as well. Benzos are not a cognitive enhancer by any stretch of the imagination, unless you have severe anxiety which makes it difficult to think. And alprazolam is one of the most sedative and relaxing. What dosage are you on? Thankfully xanax has immediate action, and doesn't need to be taken constantly to be effective. Use it when you need it...for anxiety? Sorry, I'm still really confused. Do you have severe anxiety problems, or does your doctor have some reason to suspect that you do?

Guacamolium's Photo Guacamolium 05 May 2010

Benzos are only cognitive enchanters in examples like test anxiety - which actually beta blockers would usually out-perform depending on what kind of brain issue we're talking about here.

srs's Photo srs 05 May 2010

With finals coming up, I will be worried to give this a test try and end up back firing. I read one of the side effect being as, "short-term memory loss and impairment of memory functions."

Honestly, I would be as well. Benzos are not a cognitive enhancer by any stretch of the imagination, unless you have severe anxiety which makes it difficult to think. And alprazolam is one of the most sedative and relaxing. What dosage are you on? Thankfully xanax has immediate action, and doesn't need to be taken constantly to be effective. Use it when you need it...for anxiety? Sorry, I'm still really confused. Do you have severe anxiety problems, or does your doctor have some reason to suspect that you do?

Severe anxiety, no. Slight anxiety yes, but due to my struggle of my declining abilities from school.

I am guessing that she thinks that the anxiety from uni is causing the decline. She did write the script for Ritalin, but kept on file in case of the Xanax not working. May have to go for a visit, and try to speak to the nurse to just give it to me.

alper's Photo alper 06 May 2010


i have some problem about my recitation abilty. so i want to use some pills. for my problem, what is your suggestions.

i am 31 years old. and i do exercises in gym center 5 days in per week. i use protein , glutamin, amino acids supplements.

i am looking forward to get ur advices .

chrono's Photo chrono 06 May 2010

i have some problem about my recitation abilty. so i want to use some pills. for my problem, what is your suggestions.

Could you be a little more clear about what problems you're hoping to solve/what you're hoping to gain? By "recitation," do you mean public speaking, or social conversation?