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proposal: major book distribution project

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#1 The Immortalist

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 07:23 PM

What if we had a project where we systematically distribute books such as Ending aging, and the Scientific conquest of death to libraries and book stores around the world? We could pay a book distributor to distribute copies of scod to major book stores around the world. We could also get the publisher of ending aging to publish some more copies and then pay for them to be distributed as a re-release of Ending aging.

Here is a topic about how the local chapters project could handle the distribution of the books to local libraries (on post 4) http://www.imminst.o...das-t36584.html
For the chapters project we would get the leader of a local chapter to record how many books she/he has received then the local chapter leader records what libraries he/she has distributed to.

Here is the outline to this proposal:

Proposal: World wide book distribution project.
Team Leaders: Me possibly (I've worked in a library for about 2.5 years)
Leader workload: I don't know.
Team Members: as many who want to join.
Members workload: I don't know.
Members only? - No.
Legal/financial risk: No one reads/purchases the books we distribute to the different libraries/bookstores around the world and thus the money we spent was wasted.
Reputational risk: I don't know.
ED Oversight: What's ED?
Board Oversight: likely to be frequent.
Funding Required? - Yes.
Funding Level: I Don't know how much resources Imminst has but this would be an expensive project and we would have to exercise some caution by starting off slowly.

Edited by The Indefinite Lifespaner, 06 May 2010 - 07:42 PM.

#2 brokenportal

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 07:54 PM

This is from your response at another topic about this:

At most public libraries they have a system (free of charge) for customers to be able to request the library to add a book to their collection.

I had thought about that before, but I wasnt sure. Universities might do the same thing. Grade schools, I dont know, probably not. Can you check into those things?

Why dont we come up with a simple system for contacting libraries to get them ordered for free to propose? If a team leader takes this on, you maybe, we can grow or stay at that from there.

I guess one thing you might want to do first is try a few public libraries out. Can you call a few from across the world and ask them? You might consider a dialogue like this:

"I work with a growing health movement. Its been on a variety of shows like Barbara Walters Special, CNN, BBC, etc... We have two important books that we are looking to distribute. We will be running a variety of promotions with them like essay contests and what not. Can I convince you to order these two books for your library?"

If you do that we can move on to the next steps from there.

#3 caliban

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 07:29 PM

(I've worked in a library for about 2.5 years)

Lifespammer, I understand that many libraries are happy to accept books into their stock for free and that measuring the success of this project would depend on getting the library to provide us with borrowing figures. Would you agree?

#4 The Immortalist

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Posted 19 May 2010 - 03:15 PM

(I've worked in a library for about 2.5 years)

Measuring the success of this project would depend on getting the library to provide us with borrowing figures. Would you agree?

Yes it would, I don't think it would be too difficult to get those figures from libraries. I'm not too sure if it's against most libraries policies to share their borrowing figures. So I'm not actually very sure on this matter. I will find out.

#5 chrwe

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Posted 20 May 2010 - 11:40 AM

Tsk, tsk, just do it already ;). I already purchased a few "Ending Ageing" books and donated them to libraries. Simple as that.

In the future, when a leaflet of SENS finally comes out, i will smuggle a few of those into each book, lol.

#6 The Immortalist

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 07:19 AM

What if we had a project where we systematically distribute books such as Ending aging, and the Scientific conquest of death to libraries and book stores around the world? We could pay a book distributor to distribute copies of scod to major book stores around the world. We could also get the publisher of ending aging to publish some more copies and then pay for them to be distributed as a re-release of Ending aging.

Here is a topic about how the local chapters project could handle the distribution of the books to local libraries (on post 4) http://www.imminst.o...das-t36584.html
For the chapters project we would get the leader of a local chapter to record how many books she/he has received then the local chapter leader records what libraries he/she has distributed to.

Here is the outline to this proposal:

Proposal: World wide book distribution project.
Team Leaders: Me possibly (I've worked in a library for about 2.5 years)
Leader workload: I don't know.
Team Members: as many who want to join.
Members workload: I don't know.
Members only? - No.
Legal/financial risk: No one reads/purchases the books we distribute to the different libraries/bookstores around the world and thus the money we spent was wasted.
Reputational risk: I don't know.
ED Oversight: What's ED?
Board Oversight: likely to be frequent.
Funding Required? - Yes.
Funding Level: I Don't know how much resources Imminst has but this would be an expensive project and we would have to exercise some caution by starting off slowly.

I forgot that ED stands for executive director. Yes the ED would have to oversight this project.

#7 The Immortalist

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 07:23 AM

Tsk, tsk, just do it already :-D. I already purchased a few "Ending Ageing" books and donated them to libraries. Simple as that.

In the future, when a leaflet of SENS finally comes out, i will smuggle a few of those into each book, lol.

I want to create a collaborative project, there is only so much I can do alone. Would you like to help when this project gets going?

I recommend for libraries to purchase the book whenever I can. (Don't forget to put the recently released Methuselah foundation brochure in too.)

Edited by The Indefinite Lifespaner, 22 May 2010 - 07:33 AM.

#8 The Immortalist

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 07:31 AM

The Library part of the project could be a project for the Internetworking team. The projects objective would be to get every single library in the world to get a copy of ending aging in their collections by contacting them through phone or email.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear but another main part of this project I'm proposing is to distribute books that have to do with our mission to bookstores. Imminst could create a fund called the Book Distribution fund to pay for this.

#9 brokenportal

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 09:24 AM

I think that if you call book stores you may be able to get many of them to order books about the cause to put on their shelves. I asked a book store about this a couple weeks ago and they told me to talk to the owner of that store.

I would stick with Ending Aging. You want to assure them that its not a book that somebody, you, your aunt or somebody wrote for kicks. You would want to tell them things like that its for an important cause, that youll be advertising the book all over town so people might be wanting to buy it. Tell them the Author has been on tv talking about the book many times and things like that. Tell them to take a chance on that book, that its important.

Try these things and let us know how it goes.

#10 The Immortalist

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 12:36 AM

I think that if you call book stores you may be able to get many of them to order books about the cause to put on their shelves. I asked a book store about this a couple weeks ago and they told me to talk to the owner of that store.

I would stick with Ending Aging. You want to assure them that its not a book that somebody, you, your aunt or somebody wrote for kicks. You would want to tell them things like that its for an important cause, that youll be advertising the book all over town so people might be wanting to buy it. Tell them the Author has been on tv talking about the book many times and things like that. Tell them to take a chance on that book, that its important.

Try these things and let us know how it goes.

It's not guaranteed that a book store would order books if you just call the manager and ask. That's why I think Imminst should take an initiative to distribute them to books stores itself. I can't do anything right now because I'm in the midst of moving to another country. Would you like to try for me in the mean time BP?

#11 chrwe

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 04:16 AM

Indefinite, sure, I will help if I can. I`m living in Germany, tho, so there isn`t a brochure in German yet. I`m working with SENS atm to create a brochure for them and I will translate the imminst. org brochure as soon as I can, so I can leave it lying around across the country.

We need attention-snapping small bits for people who, alas, usually have very short attention-spans :-D.

Talk to book stores, hmm, now that`s really an idea. Hah, I just had an idea^^, I will order the book in book stores and then just not come collect it. They will put it on the shelf then. HA HA.

#12 caliban

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 11:28 PM

If I understood this proposal correctly it is about libraries, not about bookstores or brochures.

I think we will only contemplate donations to libraries if we get feedback about success in terms of borrowing figures.

Team Leaders: Me possibly (I've worked in a library for about 2.5 years)

that sounded promising

I can't do anything right now because I'm in the midst of moving to another country.

are you wasting our time again?

#13 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 06:53 AM

If I understood this proposal correctly it is about libraries, not about bookstores or brochures.

The Title of my thread says book distribution that is everything to do with distributing books in this case the book Ending Aging. Distributing books encompasses libraries, bookstores, and schools. I think we should start with libraries first and then move on to distributing to book stores later when we get a person experienced with book-distribution.

I think we will only contemplate donations to libraries if we get feedback about success in terms of borrowing figures.

sure we could do that but lets say we sample 10 or 100 libraries, how long do you think would be an appropriate time to wait before we check the libraries borrowing figures? Perhaps your idea is too conservative because we'll never know before we try?

I said- I can't do anything right now because I'm in the midst of moving to another country {caliban said- are you wasting our time again?}

No I'm not wasting anyone's time, I'm just brainstorming this idea with you guy's right now. I'll start when I get settled after I move (that will take about 1 month from now).

#14 Shepard

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 01:18 AM

Would you still like to spearhead this project?

Can we get a detailed price breakdown, along with plan of attack, and how success is to be measured? What do you think is an appropriate time frame to review the success of this project?

#15 The Immortalist

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 07:06 PM

I would still like to spearhead this project.

I'm going to make a detailed plan right now so I'll edit this post and write down the plan when I create it, which shouldn't be too long.

#16 kenny001

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Posted 23 October 2010 - 12:49 PM

your idea is totally good, and my more ideas that we can try it on some small places and then get the mass using.

#17 Shepard

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Posted 23 February 2011 - 03:56 AM

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