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"You" What is it....And how relible is it?

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#1 tous

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 07:31 AM

Welcome, Resently I began questioning in my mind about what "You" is to me...by that I mean what part of a person is them and what can you leave behind and still have that same person. Or at wich point does a person become a seperate concious with the same memories and thus same personality. First Id like to quote myself, rahein and 7000 in a resent disscusion in the "What type of Immortality for you?" thread.

My first quote

TouS: Im only in support for biological immortallity......maby with some technological hancements of the body...but never the mind. In my opinion you cant replace the mind without killing the person who was...If your concious were copied to a computer would it really be you or a copy of you?

rahein: I would do what ever I could to become immortal. I have no objections to uploading, or the like, so long as I keep my emotions and what makes me "me". If uploading could do that I think it would be an amazing experience, think of all of the minds interacting instantly in a vast network.
I think uploading is too far off to be considered a viable options in my "normal" lifespan, so I must achieve physical immortality first.
Cryo would be my last option before death.

7000: Tous, the biological and the uploading is still thesame.1 will definately lead to another if you wish.7000

My resonse: 7000... How can you say that biological and uploading are the same....there very nature is totally condradictory of each other..... Stopping "You" .....my "You" that is..... from dieing... And making a "Copy of You" on a hardrive are completely different.... Atleast thats how I feel. I guess it depends on your definition of what "you" is... Is "you" simply an electrical wave on a biological contruct? Is "you" the brain and everything else between your ears? Or is "you" everything between from the tips of your toes to the ends of each strand of hair.
Now obviouslly I know your not talking about storeing someone on a hardrive...In that Im exagerating....But...

So the question I'm asking is what is "You"....apart from a bad peice of grammer [huh] . But really... for me this is a very concerning question.... the worst case thing in my mind is this..... say "You" is just like I said...simply an electrical wave on a biological contruct. Then certainly this would verify that uploading would be phisably possible without the person in question being destroyed and a simple replica being formed but what would it mean for people in brain traumas were eletrical activaty stopped for even a breef period of time. Is that concious dead? Only to have a new one form upon the electrical activity in the brain resumeing?

Or the opposite..... what if indeed the brain does make the man.....And uploading become possible. People start "downloading and uploading" there concious to and from computer systems. Each time destroying them selfs with the copy never knowing this. To the copy everything would seem normal because he would have the former consiouses memories...but the consious that was would be dead so he couldnt tell you it failed. What if you fell for this? Killed yourself inedvertedly? be a horrible way to die? "You" dies but knowone would miss you because your copy lives on.....

Im not sure if this belongs in immortalism or not....I fact im not sure were it belongs at all....

rahein and 7000 I hope you are not scourned or anything that I quoted you...please remeber that I do it with the upmost respect.


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 11:40 AM

Uploading is a complicated subject for me. To keep my post relatively short I would support progressive replacement of the brain with some sort of artificial neuron. Something that will keep the continuity of consciousness throughout the process. This may take some time, but at least in the intermediary period where there is a mix of neurons and artificial neurons connected to each other the consciousness and physical brain can adapt to this change without a period of no consciousness or cessation of total brain activity.

There has been alot of discussion on this site about uploading, most of it I haven't read yet. However I'm unsure if "conventional" uploading and physical immortality are compatible. I think the essence of the argument boils down to "local space time continuity" if I've quote that right from memory. Where one can undertake progressive changes of the brain as I described earlier, but never create a remote copy of that brain that we assume as "you", while purging the original.

This argument will evolve and probably become less mysterious as we understand the nature of consciousness as it relates to the physical structure (the brain in this case). This is assuming the understanding of consciousness is possible, I'm reluctant to fall back on such an assumption that it is impossible or improbable, at least as of yet.

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